* The “cartoon me” approach is featured in SexCraft; tech to use a selfie to make a life-like avatar if you want your character/s to look like you.

In pre-gameplay character-creation, you select these in the following order:

  1. life-path (which determines gender and filters races&classes to fewer options)
  2. race (which humanoid species your character looks like)
  3. physique & facial structure customization (or not necessary? graphics these days make it easy enough, though...)
  4. class (which abilities/spells your character will be able to learn/develop/use)



At pre-game, when players are picking how their character will initially look,

  1. ICVs cannot have clothes, and you can only pick from the 1,000 form-sakes (the same as honored by the statues in the Shrine-mansions), their hair is always long and thick (though you can pick its initial color), but you can pick their initial skin tan (though they can’t have freckles)
  2. kajirae cannot have clothes (only a Master can give them revealing slave silks later in the game), but you can fully customize their body-type (as long as it is fit and proportional) and face (as long as its ratios are attractive), and you can set their hair to be short initially (perhaps it was cut short when they were free in the Outlands) but it will always grow during gameplay to be proper kajira-hair length (as long and full as that of the ICVs)
  3. males can have clothes (and MUST have at least a loincloth) and are fully customizable (as long as they aren’t fat)
  4. free-women can have clothes (as long as they are feminine, couture, skimpy, and revealing), and you can customize their physique and face as much as the kajirae, and the way you customize their hair is the way it stays throughout the game (it doesn’t grow longer, but set it wisely, for if it is too short… they won’t ever be able to flirt, seduce, and satisfy very well in this city; only on some of the raids in the Outlands where outsiders have different tastes)



 If you set your character to be MALE at game-start, you won’t get to join the Congresses of Inisfree, but you WILL get to purchase kajirae at the Auction Houses, and help the ICVs of Inisfree’s Star Fleet hunt down, capture, and pre-screen (test-rape) potentials/prospects in the Outlands; kajirae candidates.

If you set your character to be FEmale at game-start, you can join the Congresses once you are high-level, but you will NOT get to purchase kajirae at the Auction Houses; that’s just how the Inisfreean culture and laws are.  In order to enjoy the benefits of kajirae, you will need to arrange at least two threesomes with a MALE character (whether that’s an NPC or an actual player), and do well enough that he is persuaded to ‘loan’ some of HIS kajirae TO you for a SHORT WHILE when you REQUEST them from him.  Otherwise, YOU are left to run errands, maintain your residence, and rely on NPCed ICVs to help with chores (which works well, but having kajirae on-call is very fun, too, since you can’t order ICVs around at all).

In this MMORPG, females use sex to improve relations with other people, groups, and empires, and can, through participating/volunteering with Inisfree’s Congresses, get rare-drop items which might never otherwise be found –even with lots of farming/grinding.

Males use dominance to keep kajirae well trained, in line, and taking care of the simpler tasks which would otherwise distract and bog down the Congresswomen, etc., thus freeing them up to participate in volunteer efforts and large coordinations which kajirae couldn’t understand, handle, or be trusted with, and which isn’t in the nature of kajirae, and which males wouldn’t find as much interest in as disciplining women, exploring, capturing, and conquering.

WOMEN are for maintaining PEACE.  (And in Inisfree they do not stir up drama just to test people like has remained the primitive case in the Outlands.)

MEN are for probing, taking, claiming new lands/worlds, inventing, advancing sciences, etc.  (Technically this is just one way of doing things, and does promote peace in its own way, so it can be said that everyone is working toward peace, not war, in and from Inisfree.)


Overall Character-creation Possibilities/Permutations:

So there are 4 life-paths, 23 races, 12 classes, and 3 roles.

  1. Kajirae are always the same class, but can pick from 4 races. 1x1x4 = 4
  2. Males cannot be (DKs, priests(esses), or RCs), and cannot be (Asari, Asparas, Inisfreeans, or Nymphs). 1x9x19 = 171
  3. Free-women can’t be DKs (ICVs), and cannot be the Inisfreean race. 1x11x22 = 242
  4. ICVs are always just the DK class, and always just the same race; their own. 1x1x1 = 1

Add those up, and you get:  4 + 171 + 242 + 1 = 418 possible combos from those above factors/options.

Then you can multiply those numbers by the professions allowed for each life-path; to get the total number of character aspect combinations.

and further multiply it by the way in which they level, which tech tree icons they apply their points to, what they attack style is, etc., and you get MANY more possible character sums/natures.

