Since the only people who are allowed and able to enter Inisfree are pre-screened for full social compatibility with each other and all the Inisfreeans, how is there any fighting in SexCraft at all?  Fighting zones; SexCraft’s answer to those who love to compete, war, and even kill.  Inisfree is kept a peaceful paradise while the lands beyond it are not.



The ONLY fighting and/or killing in this MMORPG happens outSIDE Inisfree; on the raids into Outlands realms to get more kajirae.  All player classes are involved in these raids in THIS sequence:

  1. ICVs remote-view an area to get a general idea of its composition
  2. ICVs prep the WSs in the Uber Hangars
  3. higher-level free-persons board those WSs
  4. together those players deploy (the WSs are auto-piloted through loading screens, NOT manually flown by ICV players through the sub-glacial river-ways and out from up under the ocean surfaces)
  5. once near the site, MPHAs deploy from the WSs (NOT CPs or DSs, as this is NOT an alien world being occupied or Grid-ed)
  6. FROM those MPHAs, free-persons deploy to the ground at specific small-map sites/areas
  7. MALE free-persons do the chasing, tackling, rounding up of kajirae candidates
  8. FEmale free-persons canNOT make kajirae-candidate captures, but CAN use the techniques they learned in Inisfree FROM ICVs… to distract, seduce, and change the minds of the locals
  9. IF those FEmale free-persons FAIL to DO that to some of the non-kajirae-candidate locals, then the MALES must fight them, rarely having to kill any, but sometimes
  10. MALES must inspect the kajirae-candidates they were able to chase down and pin (and shackle/chain)
  11. then the MALES must test-fuck them IF their nude inspections reveal a 100% worthy physique
  12. if the MALES are satisfied, the MALES then MOVE those girl-chains (chain-gangs) onto the MPHAs
  13. ICV players on the MPHAs make sure the handed-over kajirae-candidates end up in stasis tubes
  14. the closer the captured girls get to the ICVs, the better able the ICVs are to mind-surf through all their thoughts, memories, etc., which helps them find hiding spots where other potentially worthy girls in this area might be (and sometimes reveals where their hot friends are in areas which then get slated for upcoming raids after the WSs unload their girl cargo back at Inisfree) –*and sometimes time-sensitive brain-scans reveal that you must teleport or cloak-fly back some or all of your cargo to make ready for an immediate/emergency/follow-on raid which won’t work well if you take the time to fly the whole WS back to Inisfree then back out HERE (OR, of course, the WS can teleport back into the Uber Hangar for unloading the girls, but use of those higher-level abilities is frowned upon by Grid Mind SOPs)
  15. FEmale free-persons AND ICVs then treat the MALES as males SHOULD be treated (on the flight back to the WSs, then on the flight on the WSs back to the sub-glacial river-ways), as NO trained kajirae from Inisfree may be present during these raids, captures, and test-rapes (because the raw (newly captured) girls would only annoy and offend them, and probably get well-deserved slaps and beatings, which might hurt them or decrease their value, etc.)
  16. offending capture kajirae-candidates can STILL be ejected by ICVs if they are rude enough to the males (at which point batches of them would be flash-cloned in Inisfree in their stead; since the form-sake was too unruly even to warrant re-education and corrections)

*ICVs are NEEDED as pilots and wardens in these raids, FEmale free-persons are needed to run defense and distraction/diversion, and MALE players are needed to do the Infantry work; on the ground, legging it, chasing down perps (any hot girl who doesn’t volunteer to be one of our kajirae is a perp; guilty of many crimes, and potentially actually insane, thus needing disintegration/ejection/brutal-training by us –for the betterment of Earth and all mankind)

*if FREE-women do NOT join these raids, they are still launched, but with no DEFENSE, there is less chance of seduction of the non-hot Outlanders at the raid sites, so the MALES end up having to fight and kill MUCH more, which means they have LESS time to chase down and capture their quota of kajirae candidates.  The ICVs can beam some up to help, but using Inisfree’s higher/est levels of tech’ is frowned upon by the Grid Mind’s SOPs –for the same reason the full measure of Inisfreean beauty, sexiness, strength, speed, and skillfulness is NOT to be shown/revealed to outsiders.  This means ICVs will portal-up into the MPHAs a TINY number of the kajirae candidates running away; only those who have NO chance of being caught before they reach the border of the raid map -AND- those amongst them who are NOT in visual range of one of the NON-kajirae-candidates trying to keep/protect/hide them from the raiding party.  So if you want the best stats from each raid, take FEmale free-persons WITH you on them.

ALSO:  a FEW items are found in the raid areas/maps, with a few rare-drop items coming from both/either kajirae-candidates AND the non-hotties you must seduce away or fight and kill; the distractions allow the FEmale players to pickpocket them if they have the lock-picking/stealth/pickpocket skill/s, and the beatings allow them to be pick-pocketed since they are knocked out and then can’t resist having their stuff taken (and, of course, killing them guarantees they drop EVERYTHING, hiding NOTHING; sometimes pick-pocketing them won’t find items that might be hidden IN them)

*In EXTREME/RARE raid situations, the FEmale free-persons CAN help the MALES fight and even kill the non-hotties.  So can the ICVs; the ICVs can always start speed-killing while cloaked, or portal-ing people into Space or the Sun, or de-atomizing them for reserve fuel, etc.  Hell, ICVs could turn them into pillars of salt or stone, as if a God-nuke or Medusa had shown up and gone nuts.  but again:  it is sexier for FEmales to SEDUCE, and more efficient and tactical for ICVs to keep the full extent of their powers HIDDEN; OPSEC, and the will of the King, etc.

YES, some FEmale characters have fighting abilities, and some are even allowed to complete the NWO MIL courses, but that still bends -if not breaks- the Inisfreean Way; the culture of the city which this game is meant to teach to people through cultural submersion, so don’t expect to level-up a FEmale character by fighting/killing in the Outlands –even if on the Perimeter Wall; it just won’t ever happen enough; the game-logic is made to prevent it.

*HOWEVER:  in the EXPANSIONS (and there are 22 of them) female free-persons WILL be able to fight and kill –a LOT; they will be in their home-realms, or visiting the realms that Inisfree is then anchored in/upon, and in THOSE places there ARE times when there will be NO ONE to raid/kidnap/rape, but LOTS of badguys who are too ugly or stupid or otherwise incompatible to try to seduce, and in THOSE times, when NOT on raids, you CAN take your female character out of the gates of Inisfree to roam around ON HER OWN if she pleases, which WILL result in challenging situations reQUIRING her to fight and sometimes kill to survive/escape/win.

To keep players on their toes, the highest-level ones will sometimes find out about the silos network tunnels route to the restricted-area called the Vatican Clone, and, if they go to it during one of its secret tournaments, they will see failed kajirae in gladiator combat to the death –with vampire NPCs drinking from them to finish them off in some cases.  This is the ONLY place in Inisfree where people can get hurt and die.  A few are pardoned, but the biggest secret of all is that this is ALL for NPCs; no matter HOW badly a player playing a kajira fucks up and pisses people off, the worst she will experience is ‘time out’ while chained to a fake volcano or something, perhaps left to go hungry and be disturbed during fatigue so she can’t sleep and stays weary for DAYS of gameplay until finally recovering.

That, and the Recycling Facility; NPC kajirae are once in a while tossed into the black hole at its center, de-atomized for more fuel/energy for Inisfree.  “Soilent Green is people!” lol

Only ICVs supervise, escort, and order these NPC kajirae around in/to those two places, and the tunnels they use are blocked off for all players –including those playing ICVs.