Instead of a trial membership at a low level, or a mid-level starting bonus for newer players, we let you do a free trial at level-cap:

In other words, a free trial of SexCraft: “…let’s you take your class for a spin as a max-level ‘toon’ (short for ‘cartoon’, a.k.a. ‘character’ or ‘ char’ ‘), which is a great way to test out how they’ll fair once you get there yourself.”  You can start free trials of this game with a character of any race and character-class maxed out, as far as abilities/powers/spells go, seeing if that is an end-result you’d enjoy leveling-up such a character to if you decide to get the full game (the trial version being a very tiny sample).

*ALL level-cap test-run characters play on an isolated server so normal players don’t have the annoyance of noobs running around button-smashing for light-shows of superpowers in normal-level areas.

ALSO:  you canNOT get sneak-peeks into all the higher-level areas, thus spoiling the ZONE-PROGRESSION of the game; the only place you can test-run level-cap characters in is a series of THREE private small areas that are NOT in the actual MMORPG;

  1. AREA1: the non-VIP area of a generic nightclub like you would find in Inisfree; this lets you test out a level-cap character’s seduction and satisfying-others abilities/powers/techniques/etc.
  2. AREA2: a generic Outlands raid area around a single generic village (not a full-sized town); this lets you test out a level-cap character’s combat abilities/gear/weapons/etc.
  3. AREA3: airspace over a barren, frozen, empty Antarctic landscape in a nondescript location of that landmass; this lets you test out a level-cap character’s ease at flying just ONE type of aircraft (non-Repulsine), showing you how responsive the game-logic lets you be between your character and any vehicle (aircraft or otherwise) he/she may use in-game, such as during the street races, sub-glacial river-way flights, holiday aerobatics airshows, raids cloaked over-watch, etc.

*This feature is designed to:

  1. stay simple and boring, resulting in anyone who tries it wanting the content of the actual MMORPG; no one just does this free trial in these extra-tiny/brief areas with zero cinematics or progression of any kind (zones, levels, talent tree, clothing, armor, lore, etc.)
  2. hint at the vastness of the actual game, evidenced in how many bag slots and advanced powers/techniques one can eventually amass and understand in the game
  3. overwhelm players a little bit in that they realize how even at level-cap, all abilities maxed-out, they STILL aren’t that powerful in-game; this is because they haven’t had time to learn about each abilities and piece of gear and technique, one by one, thus committing them and their hotkeys to memory, so they can still get ‘killed’ (booted out of the city for not knowing its culture, etc.) IF they don’t take the time to actually play the game and level-up, NOT skipping ahead to level-caps (such as by buying account passwords for people who just level-up new characters every single day)

Want to give one of these free trials a spin?  Inquire within.  SexCraft is waiting for you.