While the people/species in this game/realm may seem superpowered or even overpowered, each one is specialized/acclimated to specific environments/regions of the world/Universe.

  1. Angels aren’t great at being outside of their home-dimension very long, so if you set your character to be one of these people… you’ll need to make flights/trips/teleportations back to Heaven –or at least to “The Terrace” (a staging-area for Angels that is between the Earth and the Sun)
  2. Asari are best at diplomacy, but only decent at war, so when faced with creatures made specifically to have endless stamina and interest in hyper-efficient war and purges (such as The Reapers in Mass Effect), these blue-skinned people get emotionally, physically, and even spiritually worn out, having no way to “meld” or otherwise civilly interact with such things.  In other words, keep your Asari character/s out of battle as much as possible, even though their innate biotic abilities are very useful; use them more in diplomatic and peaceful puzzle-solving situations.
  3. Aspara are like the rivers incarnate; they need to move, and move gracefully, unhindered by anything.  Put one in a suit of armor, or otherwise cover her or reduce her range of motion, and she will not be happy –or able to stay fully healthy.
  4. Demi-deities need people to believe in them, such as through admiration or prayers/thanks, and have few, if any, god-level powers when visiting the realms/territories of another/opposing demi-deity.
  5. Demons need to explore and pioneer things, though surges of fear and other negative thoughts/emotions are certainly useful energies/nutrients for them; keep them stationary/sedentary, and not interacting with others much at all, and they’ll eventually lash out, desperate for any kind/trickle of bioelectric/aura-based sustenance.  (That is why demons limited to Earth civilization/s seem bad/merciless; they are trapped and desperate, and often influenced/steered by the assumptions others have/make/repeat about them, those humans not realizing that the way they think about previous-Age people… can actually cause them to move/behave that way, as they, like the Pleiadians, are much more telepathic and susceptible/submissive to energy/ies like that.)
  6. Draenei need to be around crystals –usually the kind of crystals that were common on their homeworld, thus used in their interdimensional ships.  Drain, encase, or break those crystals, and they’ll sense it –and not feel too great.
  7. Dragons were around longer than most Angels even were, so they crave the long-lost vibes/energies/sustenance of the Worlds Tree (Yggdrasil) and World Trees (such as Nordrassil).  Since those mega-flora are now fallen, their remains scattered and petrified, dragons tend to stay down in the cave tunnels that are all that is left of those ancient root systems; that is where what is left of their blood/essence is now crystalized in the form of gold and other precious metals/gems.  (If you can keep a dragon out of the caves, and away from anything precious/valuable/crystalized, you will eventually see it become upset, erratic, even crazed, going berserk until it can get back to such things, at least long enough to rest and recharge.)
  8. Drow need the darkness of the caves, and sometimes even total darkness, pitch black.  While they are skilled at wielding “Chaos Magic”/forces, they don’t require it.  Exposure to bright light –not even sunlight– is enough to burn and (temporarily) blind them.
  9. Eldar still travel through Deep Space because they originally were just following the curving mega-branches of Yggdrasil, and they will always miss those things, returning to the surfaces of ‘garden worlds’ only long enough to make sure they are still covered in the healthiest plant-life possible in these eras after the separation/removal of that greatest of all trees.  If an Eldar is ever marooned on a planet too long, especially a barren one, he/she will collapse, crying out telepathically with powerful psychic pulses like a living distress/locator beacon.
  10. Elementals/Djinn are little portions of the forces of nature themselves; they aren’t all water or all the winds, but they certainly can wield/stir them, understand them, communicate/speak directly to/with them, and so on.  They are even made of them, composed of complex types of water, if they are a Water Elemental, or complex types of fire, if they are a Fire Elemental.  As such, if you drop a ton of water on a Fire Elemental, it may incapacitate or even kill it (though killing is not possible after going to Inisfree, as it immortalizes you –though it doesn’t keep you invincible/tireless any time you leave on a mission/quest).
  11. Elves need the trees, and the bigger and more of those people (trees), the better.  If you harm a tree, an Elf will feel it.  If you cut down or burn an entire forest, the Elves may go into shock, even become borderline suicidal.
  12. Fairies need the flowers, birds, and bees, among other little things which are good/loveable.  Sometimes even the killing of a good bug (though there certainly are evil/unnecessary bugs) can upset a Fairy, as they are so little and sensitive to such things.  Spraying weed-killer all over a yard or meadow, for example, would stir up all the Fairies within range like a swarm of angry hornets, revealing their ‘dark side’ (which balances us all).
  13. Humans are so genetically obsessed with / hard-wired for submission/slavery that they end up turning on themselves and trying to scam each other back into total weakness and dependency anytime a demi-deity or other powerful being/force isn’t around to do that for/to them.  This is why humans rarely ever team up or do business well together (with their own kind) –and why they invented imaginary friends and called them gods, demanding people believe in them, even long after the real ones left, no longer seeing humans as useful/worthwhile anymore.
  14. Inisfreeans are completely repulsed by anything deformed/gross/rude/ugly.  They will summon their S.T. suit to shield them from such things, even to the point of digitally putting a black spot over them in their helmet’s/visor’s field of view.  If provoked by incessantly rude things/humans, they may even delete an entire city out of existence, sometimes feeling tempted to glass the whole world with orbital bombardment –or park their ships in a sunlight-blocking orbit that chills and starves or suffocates everything/everyone on the surface.
  15. Kryptonians, as you probably know, can’t stand Kryptonite; it makes them physically ill, weak to the point of being weaker than humans, even.
  16. Majesdanians do best when exposed to normal sunlight, though they will always be near a human-level of strength/weakness unless/until on a world that is much more energetic/radiated (like their homeworld, which was once thought to be just another lifeless star).
  17. Mer-people prefer salty/sea water, usually in the temperate and tropical bands, and can handle the dark and chilly depths, but usually never go near underwater volcanic vents… or into the polar bodies of water; the Arctic Ocean or the Southern Ocean.
  18. Mutants vary dramatically from one to the next; what weakens one might empower another.
  19. Naga are often loners like tigers, and prefer having dappled sunlight/shade, plus easy access to deep caves they can hide in indefinitely.  Even the relatively-bright / self-illuminating / bioluminescent Webway is considered by their Space-faring members to be a great cave full of places to hide and rest, feeling safe, and much like the jewel-walled cave-layers called Patalas they are said, in legends, to call home.
  20. Nymphs need sex like humans need air, food, and water, so if they are prevented from having it for any reason… eventually they will wither and pass out.
  21. Pleiadians get sick if they are too close to anyone who is having negative thoughts/emotions, especially if those are focused on the/that Pleiadian.
  22. Thanagarians don’t like being invaded or subjugated/enslaved.  While this might seem like a no-brainer, there are some people, and even entire races/species, that do like those things; there are natural-submissives out there.
  23. Vampires obviously (usually) need blood on a semi-regular (weekly/monthly) basis.  Garlic, they can usually handle.  (It’s food in general that they don’t like; they aren’t able to digest it like they could when they were human.)
  24. Vanir don’t do well when others try to control/imprison them; they prefer peace and freedom of movement.
  25. Werewolves hate silver.  They shouldn’t go into mines, either, even if the mine isn’t a silver mine; being that shielded underground from the Moon can make them feel weird, even disoriented, sometimes preventing them from changing –at least when a change would be based on normal lunar cycles.

While no one can get scarred or killed in Inisfree, and while characters in this MMORPG of ours don’t ever really die for any reason, they can still become fatigued to the point of being immobilized, if not incapacitated.  Sometimes “sleeping it off” will do the trick.  Other times… they’ll need the assistance of someone who can help them back to the safety, familiarity, comfort, and restorative properties of the element/s / realm/environment/s he/she is used to.

