We’ve all been great at some games, and not so great at others.  We’ve all encountered players that seem to have it all figured out, and those that don’t seem to even be capable.  The following will give you great pointers to acing the Inisfree MMORPG called SexCraft.




Here are some of the best ways to play this game without any ‘hitches’:

  1. Play on a computer that exceeds the requirements of this game:  save yourself the heartache and frustration by proactively preventing lag; find out what the system requirements of the Inisfree MMORPG “SexCraft” are BEFORE getting it, then build a custom computer that can handle SexCraft gameplay on the highest graphics settings, because this game is meant to introduce you to the wonders of Inisfree, and most of those wonders are about how the girls and buildings and landscaping there LOOK, so you will want to see them in their SHARPEST detail. The gameplay by itself is still very fun and worth it, but do yourself a favor; get a kick-ass computer so you can enjoy the full effect/value of this immersive game.
  2. Use your characters based on their natural gifts:  understand what the life-paths, races, and classes mean in terms of gameplay and maximizing different abilities; free-women are naturally better at leveling-up their magics/spells, for example (so even if you pick the Mage class for your MALE character, it will take you LONGER as a male to master and utilize the same spells that the FREE-WOMEN Mages are using), males will always have an easier/faster time doing the military training and defeating Outlanders (knocking-out or killing hostiles, subduing and carrying off kajirae candidates, carrying more ammo and explosives, wielding bigger rare-drop weapons, etc.), and players of kajirae will always find it much easier than anyone else to flirt, seduce, arouse, satisfy, etc. (sometimes even when compared to free-women using seduction spells and aphrodisiacs!)
  3. Tech/Talent Trees will help you enjoy easier gameplay:  learn how the tech-trees work –especially the one for the Vampires race (human subset / humanoid offshoot); the Vampire tech-tree is based on the triple-combos of abilities that clans in VtM have, NOT the “pick anything you like in any order you like” tech-trees of WoW (which the REST of the tech-trees in this Inisfree MMORPG are based on)
  4. Read & converse to be granted access every time:  save yourself time by doing a little Wiki HW and/or using the forum/chatbox to talk with other players, thereby finding out which nightclubs in Inisfree have which dress-codes, thus you can go to the Mall (if a free-women) to GET those things, MAKE those things (if a kajira; for your Master), or SEND someone (a female) to the Mall FOR you (if a male); you can amass the necessary attire PRIOR to going out to the nightclubs, so you won’t be turned away by the ICV bouncers/hostesses at the door, which would then mean you’d have to figure out how to get/make/trade-for the clothing items you need to go BACK to the club to THEN start the quests and leveling there.
  5. Know which bosses provide what your character plays best with:  make a list of the bosses that drop ‘itemized gear’ for your spec; your class, and how you are further-specializing/mastering that class via your tech-tree; when you get the appropriate gear to level-up sooner, and wield your weapons/spells/wiles better every time, you’ll have much more fun in this game, (ex.:  don’t go on a raid if you don’t need more kajira or the other things the raid areas are known for dropping)
  6. Read how to defeat bosses before trying:  use Wikis, YouTube walk-throughs, etc., to learn about how level-bosses in Inisfree work, and how badguys and badguy-bosses in raids in the Outlands work; when you know which things must happen in which ways and in which order on these more time-consuming parts of the game, you are much less likely to have to repeat them, and much more likely to build up rapport (i.e. Status Bar points) with NPCs, as well as with other players
  7. Interface the way your body is designed to:  get a more ergonomic keyboard, and a mouse with more buttons on it; this means less movement required per keystroke/interface-command, so better reaction times for YOU, thus better reaction times for your character/s
  8. Pick a gender/race/class based on whether it moves the way you like to move/play:  if you prefer to fly around in games, make sure you pick a combo of lifepath+race+class which will make this possible for you early on, and easier for you throughout the game than had you picked some other type of character. Kajira CAN’T fly OR have flying mounts, so they’ll ALWAYS need both help AND permission to do something like temporary flight, so that would be a HORRIBLE choice for players who LIKE heights AND flying around.
  9. Assign character actions to easy-to-reach keys:  use more keystrokes (and key-bindings) than mouse-clicking; this is ANOTHER way to improve your reaction time, movements in general, etc., and be consistent about this since consistency results in muscle-memory –*and BASE your key-bindings off of your dominant hand; left-handed vs right-handed, so that your most powerful attacks/spells/dances, etc., are all ALSO the EASIEST for you to access, tweak, and implement in orgies/combat
  10. Speak to free up your hands:  use a microphone/headset to communicate with players; your voice will sound through their speakers (if they enable that sort of thing while playing), and this will keep your hands free to control your character (anything less is only safe when in safe parts of the game, such as the wide-open topside of Inisfree, NOT in its ‘dungeons’, and CERTAINLY not while in the middle of dynamic training (such as at the Training Tower and Halo maps) and/or raids)
  11. Apps can essentially give your character/s ESP:  when facing opponents using mind-tricks and/or magic, usually players have to INFER/DEDUCE what was used on/against them, such as by how it affects their movements, or how it might temporarily limit some of their abilities/spells. To cut down on the time it takes to figure this out, you can use a feature/app to show you when the opponent is about to cast, when they are charging back up BETWEEN casting things, and what exactly it is they are about to cast; that way you can interrupt them with effective counters, instead of just trying to pull yourself and/or team back together AFTER they cast something which both slows AND confuses you/all.  Interrupting BADguys earns you more Status Bar points, and being the first to notice what GOODguys want you to do in order to SATISFY them has the same positive effect.
  12. Familiarize with our ‘alphabet soup’:  know abbreviations/acronyms for this game, so when other players say/type them (via chat-box, etc.), you will IMMEDIATELY know what they mean. ex:  ‘CC’ = Crowd Control; drawing the attention of crowds/mobs of minions used by bosses.  In Inisfree, this means pleasing the most of the subordinate VIPs of a nightclub event or gala.  In the Outlands, this means distracting potential hostiles away from places where they might notice girls being kidnapped, and keeping actualized hostiles’ firepower directed at YOU instead of those focused on rounding up those girls, etc.
  13. Memorize the effects and cancellations of various abilities/spells: know which buffs cancel out de-buffs, and how many of each you will need to span the length of time those de-buffs last. ex:  what can speed you back up after something slows you down, and what can detox you after a poison strike, etc.
  14. Study and rehearse how best to prepare your character at each area’s obstacle:  learn the mechanics of each dungeon and raid; when you know the general order of events in the sequence, you can charge up and position yourself in ambush for them, knock them out more quickly, and focus a little more on looking for hidden things and additional kajirae candidates, etc. If you DON’T know the mechanics, you could end up spending HOURS on a single area/boss that takes everyone else the normal amount of time to beat (which is always between 1 and 7.5 minutes, not counting time to navigate through the dungeon to GET to those bosses, of course).  Exs:  some mechanics will favor an AoE (Area-of-Effect), or an AoE at certain times, or a certain type of weapon, or a certain type of magic/spell (such as fire vs ice or arcane or shadow, etc.).
  15. Remain a steady professional during encounters with novices:  Accept the reality BEFORE the quests/fights/orgies that there are almost ALWAYS at least SOME players present who will either NOT have done the HW or make MISTAKES; “life is what happens when you make plans”, “no plan survives first contact”, and some people get surprised or scared or lose power or have to go Away From Keyboard (AFK) to take a call, etc etc; PLAN in ADVANCE for a PERCENTAGE of your engagements (and characters’ lives/points/whatever) to be lost/spent at times, here and there, as that is just normal/logical; you almost always lose a portion of your funds in investing, or some of your guys in warfare.
  16. Guild/group etiquette:  Be considerate to other players in your guild/team(s) by playing the role your current/active character is best at; males should be tanks, free-women should be magic users (ranged or otherwise), a free-woman of the Vampire race of the Mage cast (especially if that character is set via their tech-tree to have the VtM clan which is natural at Thaumaturgy; all magics grouped into one, or, perhaps more accurately, the greatest VARIETY of magics) should obviously be the main magic user during any dungeon/raid, ICVs and Rogues are the best at sneaking around and staying hidden, Werewolves are the best at sniffing things out, Asari are the best diplomats (universal, excepting against the Reapers), ICVs don’t use ANY stamina/strength points even when holding back Titans or tidal-waves, males of the Monk class are the best at martial arts; melee; up close and personal (especially useful if other players don’t want to risk breaking their weapons/armor after lengthy fights on raids), and kajirae save everyone time by both 1) doing the MOST support work (mending things, tidying homes, etc.) and 2) being the fastest and BEST at those support things (ICVs COULD make things even more rapidly and perfectly, but ICVs role is to manage and guard, NOT mend the clothes and armor of guests) etc.
  17. Different gyms cater to different people & skills-boosting:  understand that the Gym4 buildings located in a few areas across Inisfree are for graduates of Inisfree’s educational system, the gym/s inside LHS are for students, and the ICGM dojo is for highest-level players and NPC royalty; these are the places where you can practice and commit to muscle-memory your key-bindings and ability-combos without having to worry about taking damage to your clothing/armor/weapons/gadgets, so go here and practice your moves BEFORE tackling dungeons, bosses, etc. (and, of course, as this game IS based on SEX/LOVE, NOT hurting people in every encounter, free-women and kajira CAN use the Sybians (and other toys) in the Inisfreean facilities to practice their sex-moves combos/strategies, etc. so DO! pun! –and have fun!)
  18. Befriend monk characters or become one if you want to focus on acquiring kajirae candidates:  Male monks are the best at subduing kajirae candidates on raids; they have the greatest understanding of how to use the least moves and least force to render unconscious these girls without poison or doing even minor damage to them in any other way. ICVs must stay on the ships most of the time during raids, so have players using male monk characters handle the subduing of kajirae candidates, while males of OTHER classes handle the firefighting (if any erupts), etc.  *Sure, magic could be used to knock these girls out, or make them obey you, but even THAT leaves an energy signature, and the SOPs of Inisfreean raids to the Outlands are using the least amount of tech/power possible, thus enemies have no idea the full extent of what you can do, thus they can never be ready for you at future encounters if you DO end up using more of your abilities.
  19. The best app can simply be turned on here:  utilize Quest Helper; it was an unofficial app/add-on for WoW, but in THIS MMORPG it is standard; it is a feature you can turn on and off in the Settings menu. you DON’T need to go download and install things from across the Internet –some of which might mess with the game, causing glitches that other players wouldn’t ever encounter
  20. Focus on you, not them:  if you encounter worse or just bad players, focus on getting better instead of policing/blaming/chastising others; they’ll get better on their own –especially after most others start ignoring them, realizing they are missing some of the points/purpose of this game

More tips will be posted here as we observe their effectiveness from gameplay.


* A FEW of the level-bosses (perhaps 1%) have mechanics designed to be RANDOM, so you CAN’T plan for them; you must STAY on your toes, improvising the entire time, paying attention the entire time.  This is generally just for the higher-level players to have fun with now that they have mastered/memorized everything else in the game.

Note to self, as I type this file:  PICK WHICH DUNGEONS/BOSSES these are; random tactics of badguys in the Outlands’ toughest raid sites, and random desires of GOODguys in Inisfree during orgies at nightclubs or residences, etc.

