Here are answers to common questions about the corporate ‘world’.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. The Evolution of Corporations
  4. Corporations in This Saga
  5. Corporations in Inisfree
  6. Corporate is a Branch of Government
  7. Why This is Important
  8. 2024 February/+



Most people are aware of the fact that big corporations exist, at least on the world they grew up on.  How much do you really know about the corporate ‘world’, though?  The following sections of this webpage will give you a more in-depth look at what it means to incorporate a business in our modern ‘day and age’.



The corporate sector has a vocabulary and jargon all its own.  Terms for the types of corporations, the nature of their work, and much more are usually esoteric.  Learning and understanding them can be a bit like attempting Greek or Latin.  We’ll get you started so the rest will come with greater ease.

  • A company is any entity that engages in business and can be a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.

A partnership involves two or more individuals, whereas a sole proprietor is a single person operating a business alone.

Unlike sole proprietorships and partnerships where owners are responsible for the company’s debts, corporations offer their owners full protection of their personal bank accounts and properties. Therefore, their personal assets are never used to compensate for the company’s funds.

noun: corporation; plural noun: corporations
  1. a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
    synonyms: companyfirmbusinessconcernoperationhouseorganizationagencytrustpartnership; 

    “the chairman of the corporation”
    • a group of people elected to govern a city, town, or borough.
      noun: municipal corporation; plural noun: municipal corporations
    • datedhumorous
      a paunch.
late Middle English: from late Latin corporatio(n-), from Latin corporare ‘combine in one body’ (see corporate).


verb: incorporate; 3rd person present: incorporates; past tense: incorporated; past participle: incorporated; gerund or present participle: incorporating
  1. take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include.
    “he has incorporated in his proposals a large number of measures”
    synonyms: absorbincludesubsumeassimilateintegratetake in, swallow up

    “Lorraine was incorporated into France”
    includecontaincompriseembodyembracebuild in, encompass
    “the model incorporates some advanced features”
    • combine (ingredients) into one substance.
      “add the cheeses and butter and process briefly to incorporate them”
      synonyms: blendmixminglemeld; 

      “literary references were incorporated with photographs”
  2. constitute (a company, city, or other organization) as a legal corporation.


adjective: incorporate
  1. another term for incorporated.
  2. literary
    having a bodily form; embodied.
late Middle English: from late Latin incorporat- ‘embodied,’ from the verb incorporare, from in- ‘into’ + Latin corporare ‘form into a body’ (from corpuscorpor- ‘body’).


  • s-corp:  A Subchapter S (S Corporation) is a form of corporation that meets specific Internal Revenue Code requirements. The requirements gives a corporation with 100 or fewer shareholders the benefit of incorporation while being taxed as a partnership. The corporation may pass income directly to shareholders and avoid double taxation. Requirements include being a domestic corporation, not having more than 100 shareholders which include only eligible shareholders, and having only one class of stock.  More details here.
  • c-corp:  A C corporation is a corporation in which the owners, or shareholders, are taxed separately from the entity. C corporations, the most prevalent of corporations, are also subject to corporate income taxation. The taxing of profits from the business is at both corporate and personal levels, creating a double taxation situation.  More details here.


noun: conglomerate; plural noun: conglomerates
  1. a number of different things or parts that are put or grouped together to form a whole but remain distinct entities.
    “the Earth is a specialized conglomerate of organisms”
    synonyms: mixturemixcombinationamalgamationunionmarriagefusioncompositesynthesis; 

    “a conglomerate of disparate peoples”
    • a large corporation formed by the merging of separate and diverse firms.
      “a media conglomerate”
      synonyms: corporationcompanybusinessmultinationalcombinegroupconsortiumpartnership; 

      “the conglomerate was broken up”
adjective: conglomerate
  1. relating to a conglomerate, especially a large corporation.
    “conglomerate businesses”
    synonyms: aggregateagglomerateamassed, combined

    “a conglomerate mass”
verb: conglomerate; 3rd person present: conglomerates; past tense: conglomerated; past participle: conglomerated; gerund or present participle: conglomerating
  1. gather together into a compact mass.
    “atoms that conglomerate at the center”
    synonyms: coalesceunitejoincombinemergefuseconsolidateamalgamateintegratemingleintermingle

    “the debris conglomerated into planets
    • form a conglomerate by merging diverse businesses.
late Middle English (as an adjective describing something gathered up into a rounded mass): from Latin conglomeratus, past participle of conglomerare, from con- ‘together’ + glomusglomer- ‘ball.’ The geological sense dates from the early 19th century; the other noun senses are later.

Public Limited Company (PLC)

A holding company is a legal entity that owns and manages other companies, known as subsidiaries, by controlling a majority of their stock. Holding companies are usually structured as corporations or limited liability companies (LLCs), and they can provide legal protections for businesses and their owners.

Berhad (BHD):  a suffix used in Malaysia to identify a public limited company.

Sendirian Berhad (SDN BHD):  identifies a private limited company. SDN BHD companies are typically small or midsized enterprises.

S.p.A.:  Italy abbreviation for “company with shares”


The Evolution of Corporations:

Corporate entities evolved from trade unions centuries ago.  Corporations are highly organized, highly productive, highly lucrative enterprises.  In some legal circles, they are regarded as ‘people’, and are provided with extreme levels of protection, keeping their productivity high regardless of issues such as scandal or sabotage.  What was once drafted to protect the workers, has since become a very clever and ruthless method for protecting only the work.

Earth has seen hundreds of corporations come and go.  The ones that last through the generations typically go through at least one or two mergers and name changes, and are frequently sold for various reasons, even (and sometimes especially) when they are wildly successful.  Some become ‘umbrella corporations’ managing dozens or even hundreds of smaller companies.  Sir Richard Branson’s ‘Virgin Group’ is one prime example of an umbrella corporation.

Corporations are generally what makes major construction projects and wars possible; without them, undertakings like those would simply be too complex, too costly, and doomed to tragic and catastrophic failure.  Imagine deploying thousands of troops without dedicated factories manufacturing buttons, doors, field rations, medical equipment, planes, radios, tires, wheels, etc.  Corporations made bigger, longer, and more complex wars possible, and that higher degree of warfare made bigger corporations both possible and highly profitable.  This cycle led to the increase in the military-industrial complex originally contributed to predominantly by the advent of the factory and mass-producible parts.

Although the vast majority of menial through executive labor today (and projected well into the 26th century) is performed autonomously or with the supervision of A.I. platforms, there are still billions of shifting job vacancies waiting for you and your polished résumé.  Automation has made wonders possible, but isn’t expected to take all jobs.  What’s more:  the jobs it has taken actually improved everyone’s quality of life, sparing them from the grueling and tedious tasks while freeing up much of their time, rather than leaving them unemployed and homeless as the misinformed once feared.

There will always be a need for human interaction, manual overrides, and the unique creativity of biological life as we know it. If you would like to become a member of any of the hundreds of conglomerates, millions of corporations, billions of companies, or even greater number of small businesses spreading their goods and services across the Verse, simply inquire within.  You’ll be on an ICC or SSP shuttle to one of their off-world offices in no time.

More information about the history of corporations is here.


Corporations in This Saga:

There are tens of thousands of publicly-known, listed, active companies in the stock exchanges around the world; nearly 50,000, to be precise.  Many of those are corporations.  Also counting all business ventures not listed in stock exchanges, and not well-known or publicly-known, there are tens of millions.

There are thousands of worlds humanity has spread to in the Milky Way galaxy alone, and many of those worlds have people doing business on and out between them.  Some even have stock exchanges of their own now.  All told, there are billions of companies and millions of corporations out there, many of which are interplanetary –or soon to become it.

The books of the Capital of Antarctica saga mention a dozen of the largest, most profitable, best-known of those interplanetary corporations.  Some of their leading representatives are even mentioned by name.  Virgin Galactic is one of them.

I.C.C. is the abbreviation for the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate.  The ICC was formed in the 1950s, and was a group not of three corporations, but three superpowers which were focusing the sum of their efforts into a more singular vision.  Thousands of corporations were involved through those three superpowers, and the ICC continues to regulate the majority of activity above and beyond the Earth to this very moment.  Further details here and here.

Of all the corporations mentioned in this saga, it is the ICC group of corporations which Inisfree has the most dealings with (as they are those who do the most work in Space / other realms with connections to Earth).  Some of the characters listed on the subpage of our Writing Universe webpage work for interplanetary corporations; that means they also are technically working as part of the ICC.  Having this context allows you to better understand why they do what they do, and what exactly it affects and influences.


Corporations in Inisfree:

Hundreds of successive corporations are represented in the city called Inisfree.  Their corporate offices are all located in the downtown area of Inisfree called Sotu.  Only the most beautiful women who work for those corporations are permitted to travel to Inisfree to represent those corporations there; Inisfree is a place of top-tier well-earned perfection, after all, never ‘cutting corners’ or making excuses.  You have to be in perfect health (which means/includes beauty for females, and handsomeness for males) in order to represent others/anyone (thus no ugly Outlander politicians are allowed, as they have failed to maintain their own health to the adequate/appropriate level).

Many dozens of those corporations are listed on the WGI HQ Tower webpage.  Not all of the employees of those listed corporations are compatible with the Inisfreean Way (in fact only about 1% ever are), and only those who are compatible will ever learn of Inisfree’s existence, let alone go there to represent their organizations and people.  The reason organizations with only ~1% of Inisfree-compatible employees are given a chance to work together via representatives in Inisfree is that often some of the products or services of those corporations are compatible with the Inisfreean Way.

The top corporation in all of Inisfree is the one that oversees all visiting corporate representatives, as well as all of the other corporations and companies started by the founder of Inisfree.  That umbrella corporation is abbreviated as W.G.I., short for War God Industries.  WGI’s corporate offices are in the top levels of the tallest skyscraper in Sotu.

WGI’s subsidiaries include a few dozen corporations.  Those few dozen corporations are the other business ventures envisioned by the founder of Inisfree during its design and pre-construction phases.  All of these founder-designed corporations are based out of Inisfree, and provide the goods and services needed by, and preferred in, the Inisfreean realm.  It is their products and personnel which reach the Inisfree-created worlds in their people’s private star system, while the products and employees of the corporations represented in Inisfree rarely ever make it deeper than Inisfree (just that one ‘gateway city’) into the Inisfreean realm.


Corporate is a Branch of Government:

Did you get taught in school that the Executive branch of the U.S. government was the highest authority?  It can pass and veto laws written by the Legislative branch, and install judges for decades or even life in the Judicial branch.  It can start secret wars without formal or public declarations.  It even has access to vast nuclear arsenals (allegedly) and other high-tech systems capable of crippling entire continents (civilizations/nations) and the whole world.  It seems logical for the Executive branch to be at the very top…

Well, the Executive branch is actually near the middle in terms of power, not the top.  It is also part of a much bigger group of ‘branches’ than just three.  It is the Corporate branch you weren’t taught about in school… which is actually more powerful than it, and here’s why:

It is said that there are not really three branches of government, but eight;

  1. Banking,
  2. Religion,
  3. Corporate,
  4. Executive,
  5. Legislative,
  6. Judicial,
  7. Military,
  8. and the Media
  9. (and even a 9th branch, if you count those off-world).

Their power is in that order, as well; those who control the banks control everything in a printed-currency / capitalism system of exchange,
and they invent religions that brainwash vast masses of populations to tithe (donate) on a weekly basis in exchange for absolutely nothing,
while the most devout of those donors are installed as the executives of the biggest corporations (which in turn only hire and cater to the rest of those religious masses, keeping all non-believers artificially poor, thus incapable of becoming competition or threats),
and those corporate executives sometimes get chosen to be the figureheads of nations (such as presidents),
with the legislatures they nominate and appoint (who, like presidents, aren’t really elected by popular votes at all –at least not the votes of the masses/workers) rewriting laws to overwhelm and intimidate everyone to do things the way they were brainwashed and required by their religious leaders to,
and finally the judges they (those executives now in the Executive branch) nominate and appoint fining and imprisoning everyone who disobeys –even if those disobedient people had no idea of the excessive, overly complex, superfluous, contradictory, obsolete, and sometimes-forgotten laws written over the course of generations who were all kept like cattle in this system.

(The military just further enforces those judgments and rulings on an international scale, though it is certainly more than massive enough to be categorized as a branch all by itself,
and the media is told by it and the other higher branches what to broadcast in order to gain the most support from the highest possible percentage of the masses, whether those masses are already brainwashed to mindlessly support this system through tithing in church and other means.)

The amount of influence these governing bodies (branches of government) have is god-like (at least to brainwashed fools; the gullible spineless tax-cattle), and the Corporate branch is above the Executive one because it is the corporations which have the most money to do the most lobbying and campaign financing, essentially determining exactly who gets elected, when, and on what ‘platform’ (campaign theme or promises).

Corporations not only govern their own personnel hierarchies, but also the governments of the nations in which they do business.  It isn’t just tax dollars that go toward legislatures drafting bills and signing them into laws; it is corporate revenues which are apportioned in part to teams of experienced lawyers and law-writers which put the real details and finishing touches into those bills and other documents used to govern all operations within their jurisdiction.  Corporations govern the world –and other worlds, as well as many territories of the Space between.


Why This is Important:

Technically, even religions and banks are corporate entities; they are well-organized, clearly-structured, legally-protected entities providing protection for the continuation of their works regardless of if or how severely they may be sued.  No outside parties, nor even their own members, can fully cripple them –if ever even phase them at all.  It is important to know what corporations are, how their different types work, and why they were allowed to evolve that way, in order to understand not only 1) some of the most powerful organizations in all of Space, but also 2) why it is folly to attempt to expose or bring down anything structured as a corporation, such as religious institutions or the banking system.

Corporations protect important industries and works.  (Whether or not your value system aligns with any given work or industry is a separate matter; the ones which are important to the continuation of ‘life as we know it’, such as any community’s high standard of living, are incorporated to protect them for ages to come.)  Now that you know all this, working for one or more of them might bring more peace of mind and fewer unpleasant surprises; you can pick the one whose work you would like to continue and advance, rather than the one you hope will focus on just protecting you.  Perhaps one of the corporations based or represented in Inisfree will be right for you.


2024 February/+:

Can a country become a corporation?
Is America more of a corporation than a country?
Decent Reddit answer:  “We are exactly a corporation. The lawful Federal Government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act of 1933. Under the Constitution, many of the bureaucracies and intelligence services would be and are illegal. Under the Federal Reserve Act and it’s support corporations, we have in fact been recolonized. “USA Inc.” is listed as a colonial property in the City of London financial district which is a separate entity from the city of London proper. The incorporation of Washington DC, the fraudulent creation of the Internal Revenue Service and the surreptitious passage of the Federal Reserve Act accomplished by stealth what the combined powers of the royals and the international bankers could not do by force. If you, like many people, especially Americans, have been wondering why each presidency, with a few exceptions, seems to be a continuation of the last, now you know. The muppets-in-chiefs have simply been following orders. The same goes for the congressional muppets and the senatorial muppets. And by the way, the American Bar Association is a corporation.”

True, but he (that Reddit poster) retardedly fails to note the fact that Americans (like most Outlander humans so far) are evildoers and need all the secret control others keep over them.
I (Auz) have yet to meet a single American –or any human, for that matter– who didn’t behave the same evil rude way, sorely needing to be totally controlled and probably hourly beaten to teach them manners.
If control of them wasn’t kept secret, they would attack it just because it is a sane system for maintaining order and preventing chaos. They hate all things good, and are as dangerous as can be. They are born evil/criminals, determined to cause drama/problems everywhere they can get away with it.
Regardless of whether that was bred and/or programmed (brainwashed) into them to keep them infighting, thus weak, thus easier to control and blame for things, it is still an evil, and it still requires being clandestinely controlled.
So, while the original draft/idea of the USA sounds nice enough on paper, it wouldn’t have been ethical or logical to give any freedom/power at all to such a wayward species/demographic.

2024 July 22 Monday:  Why not list other major corporations here?
Some are classified, some are off-world, some are of alien civilizations, and many on Earth do a lot of their off-world business through these mega-corporations already listed.  As was stated above, the most-prominent of our saga are featured here, not all general-major ones.

