Just like terrestrial navies, the Space-based Navy of the UAP often must board hostile and abandoned space-faring vessels for disarming, inspection, cataloging, and recovery purposes.


Table of Contents:

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Types
  3. How to Identify and Catalog a Derelict
  4. Example of a Derelict Database Entry
  5. History
  6. Examples (Images Begin)



  1. in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.



Unidentified Space Facilities (USFs):
(unsure if a ship (mobile) or a station (immobile))

Exceptionally Large (star/+ sized):
  • e.g.:  Dyson Sphere
Extremely Large (world-to-star sized):
  •  – [virtually eradicated]
Very Large (continent-to-world sized):
  •  – [virtually eradicated]
Large (city-to-continent sized):
  •  – Whale Probe
  •  – [virtually eradicated]
Medium (factory-to-city sized):
  •  – [virtually countless]
Small (hangar-to-factory sized):
  •  – [Gorgon solar system’s 4th main orbiting object]
  •  – [virtually countless]
Very Small (shuttle-to-hangar sized):
  •  – [virtually eradicated]
Extremely Small (coffin-to-shuttle sized):
  •  – [virtually eradicated]


World Class:
  •  – Shield World (the Halo ring factory and worm-hole-based transporter)
  •  – Halo rings (dozens)
  •  – High Charity (jellyfish-formatted, Death Star variation appearance)
Diplomatic Supercity:
  •  – The Citadel (ancient Reaper mass-transport control station)
Space Dock:
  •  – Heretic Station (Borg / Terminator-like sentient robotic species (Geth) hive)
  •  – Pinnacle Station

Transportation Facility:

  •  – Mass Relays (hundreds)

Military Training:

  •  – The Battle School

Multi-purpose Space Vessel (MSVs):

  •  – Broken Arrow
  •  – Cornucopia
  •  – Fedele
  •  – Majesty
  •  – Ontario
  •  – Strontium Mule
  •  – Worthington


Fleets (3/+ vessels):
  •  – The Migrant Fleet
 * Advisory:  Fleets (even derelicts) often include (still-) cloaked escort ships, just as aquatic (terrestrial) naval fleets often include submarines hiding from sonar via positioning and routing beneath underwater thermal currents (some aquatic / terrestrial fleets also include cloaked ships).  Approach all derelict fleets (and most peculiar individual derelict vessels and constructs) with caution, keeping these facts in mind.

Large (city-to-continent sized):

  •  – Reaper

Medium (warship-to-city sized):

  • – Draenei dimension-ships
  • – Mala’kak (“Space Jockey”) Xenomorph Incubation and Dispersion Vessel

Small (house-to-warship sized):

  •  – [virtually countless]

Personal (pod-to-house sized):

  •  – [virtually countless]
 * If a major space-worthy construct you are aware of from one of the sci-fi sagas we have fused into this omni-verse is not present on this list, that is because it has been either destroyed, recycled, renamed (or recommissioned), or lost (gone missing).


How to Identify and Catalog a Derelict:

Report Format/Template:

Similarly to known vessels, derelicts are classified with 4 main features:
Type:  predominantly based on size, then upon apparent purpose.

  1. Class:  a subordinate category of Type, such as Nimitz or Tohoku.
  2. Make:   the manufacturing company which produces the final, fully assembled product.
  3. Model:  the (often) alphanumeric ID number, if any is located (and translated).
  4. Alias:   the marketing and advertising nickname, dubbing, or christening title.
A properly identified vessel listing is written in the following format:
[ [Type], [Class], [Make], [Model], [Alias] ]
and will appear in a listing as follows:
[Medium, Tohoku, Iskellian Technology Solutions, IAV, Dortmunder]


Example of a Derelict Database Entry:

—[Derelict Dossier]—

UAP Derelict Database ID:  (alphanumeric designator here)
Type:  USF
Class:  Tohoku
Make:  Iskellian Technology Solutions
Model:  IAV
Alias:  Dortmunder
Age:  35 Earth-years
Point of Origin:  Londinium
Apparent Intended Destination:  Miranda
Apparent Purpose:  Military Operations
Length:  1,200 ft
Width:   1,000 ft
Height:  2,500 ft
Radius:  N/A
Protrusions:  4 skyscraper-fashioned towers
Mass:  100,000 tons

Opacity:  100%
Luminosity:  Standard porthole and cautionary lighting.
Blueprint / Schematic:  [link]
Wings:  #, orientation, function.
Modules:  #, orientation, function.
Compartments:  #, orientation, function.
Augments:  #, orientation, function.
Temperature:  [Range in Fahrenheit]
Gravity:  [Range in Gs]
Atmosphere:  [density]
  Content:  % primary element, % secondary element, …
  Pressure:  # atm
Texture:  [description]
Traction:  [description]
Appearance:  [description]
Danger Areas:  [description]
Temperature:  [Range in Fahrenheit]
Gravity:  [Range in Gs]
Atmosphere:  [density]
  Content:  % primary element, % secondary element, …
  Pressure:  # atm
Texture:  [description]
Traction:  [description]
Appearance:  [description]
Danger Areas:  [description]
Trajectory Plotted:  Yes / No; if ‘Yes’, expected way-point coordinates.

Orbit:  Type, cosmic parent entity.
  Distance:  [Range in AU]
Period:  [Full-cycle time-period in Dewey Decimal]
Boarded:  Yes / No; if ‘Yes’, attach boarding process log and incident forms.
Power Supply:  [description], % remaining, on/off at arrival, on/off at exit.

# (quantity of the following): Form (shape), Dimensions, Mass, Weight, Color 
    Scheme, Texture, Function.
#: (characteristics aforementioned) 2nd discovered item (class).
#: (characteristics aforementioned) 3rd discovered item (class). (et cetera)

#: Form (shape), Dimensions, Mass, Weight, Color Scheme, Texture, Function.

#: Life, Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Race

—[Unidentified Contents]—
#: Form (shape), Dimensions, Mass, Weight, Color Scheme, Texture, Function.
*reference:  taxonomy; how to catalogue/describe/identify species

Life, Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Race
* Survivor Type SOPs:
1.  If fugitives, pirates, or terrorists are present:
     Immediately contact UAP Space Command to alert the nearest law 
     enforcement organization capable of dispatching personnel to collect them.
2.  If special, covert, or clandestine agents are present:
     Immediately classify this report section and contact UAP Space Command.
3.  If non-human sentient crew-members are present:
     Immediately classify this report section and contact UAP Space Command. 
—[Imagery & Scans]—
[Attach any photographic, video, and scan-based data here.]



Earth humans during the modern era tracked ~27,000 pieces of Space debris that could pose a significant risk to Space-farers such as the astronauts of NASA.  There are likely millions more, though, if you count the smaller and more difficult-to-track ones.  If you are counting all particles, there are arguably countless ones.

Space debris includes derelict spacecraft, such as the “Black Knight satellite” (though that example may be debris / Space junk).  It is thought that there are undetected and/or undetectable derelicts in Earth-orbit and many other orbits, as well as beyond; there are likely derelict Spacecraft floating between the worlds, in the vast expanses known as the interplanetary and interstellar medium/s.  Derelict spacecraft are sometimes the size of shuttles, other times as large as the worlds themselves.

Even ring-systems, such as that of Saturn, now that it has been more-closely studied, has been found to be a derelict craft or series/convoy of derelicts.

As of 2021, the Inisfreeans have begun to consider that all of Creation is a derelict Spacecraft, and that they have the right -and duty- to map, board, and right/repair/salvage all of it.  Anytime a planet has ugly people on it, or anyone/thing that is rude to any Inisfreean or anyone the Inisfreeans care about, that planet becomes classified as derelict/overrun, which, in Inisfreean Law, means it can be liberated/healed by any means necessary.  It is likely that this mindset/stance/SOP will never change.



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