This is the only military tank the Inisfreeans use.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions
  3. Outlander Design Corrections
  4. Dismounts
  5. Special Munitions
  6. Appearance Modes
  7. Time to Construct
  8. Deployments and Combat-sex
  9. Merkava Inspiration (Images Begin)
  10. Terran Siege Tank Inspiration
  11. Desolator Concept Sketches
  12. Inside an MPHA
  13. Tank Girls
  14. 2024/+



The Inisfreean “Desolator” Main Battle Tank (MBT) (or just IC-TK (Inisfreean-Construct, Tank), TK, or DT (Desolator Tank) for short) is blend of the designs of the

  1. American “Sheridan”,
  2. Cyberdyne “Hunter-killer”,
  3. Israeli “Merkava”,
  4. and the Terran Siege Tank (from StarCraft).



  • 29′ “long” (deep)
  • ~12′ wide
  • ~10′ tall

For comparison:  M1 Abrams MBT dimensions

  • D/L:  32.04′
  • W:  12′
  • H:  8′


Outlander Design Corrections:

During deep-river fording, Soviet tanks would sometimes become stuck in the silt and muck at the river bottoms, trapping their crews inside and dooming them to a fate of either starvation, suffocation, or drowning.  Inisfreean tanks can be teleported, and their crewmembers can teleport in and out of them, thus negating this potential threat, as well as the potential threat of becoming trapped during roll-overs and fires.

Outlander tanks also suffered from top-down and turret-well attacks, such as from Javelin missiles, Laser-Guided Munitions airstrikes, and high-caliber sniper rounds such as those from the XM-109 25mm Barrett.  Inisfreean tanks will not suffer from ammunition cache detonations due to top-down or other weak-spot attacks, and tend to use the standard Inisfreean full-spectrum weapon systems commonly called ‘rainbow cannons’, while keeping old-fashioned tank-shell projectile weapons stored in flat-spaces (miniature dimensional pockets).  Thus, should any of their ammunition become struck and lose its structural integrity, the resulting detonations would occur in another dimension; zero harm would befall their vehicle.​​

As for the turret wells of these new tanks, they do not contain combustible oils or greases, and can, like most Inisfreean constructs, deflect, refract, absorb, and/or convert whatever strikes them –and that is assuming whatever strikes them somehow made it through their numerous forms of jamming, shielding, and other countermeasures.​​

Additionally, unlike Outlander tanks, mines cannot cause a mobility-kill by separating individual tank treads, and tanks can re-secure or regrow their own treads without need of being towed by M-88 ‘Hercules’ Recovery Vehicles to a nearby military base’s motor-pool.​​

Finally, Inisfreean tank drivers are not in a reclined position in the front quarter of these tanks, and cannot become trapped in such a position, as is the case with most Outlander tank models, if the main cannon is left directly over the driver’s compartment hatch.​​



Like the Merkava, Inisfreean tanks come complete with an Infantry troop compartment in the rear section of their main body.  Inisfreean troops can dismount through the tailgate ramp-hatch or teleport out and back in at will.


Special Munitions:

Inisfreean ‘Desolator’ Tanks carry heuristic ‘smart’-mines which can deploy, bury, and relocate themselves via tunneling.​​​  These tanks are also unique in that all of their projectiles can automatically return to their firing chambers if their targets are destroyed before their arrival, or if they are aborted for other reasons.  Upon returning, which can be expedited via Inisfreean portals technology (the ‘instant recall’ option –which can be technopathically willed as a command bypassing physical consoles), these Inisfreean projectiles refuel and prepare for another firing or firings.  Thus, when Inisfreean projectiles turn around and start racing back toward the friendly vehicles which launched them, this is no cause for alarm or evasive maneuvers.


Appearance Modes:

Like all ST and Assassin suits, Inisfreean tanks have the following appearance and cloaking options:

  • Basic / Nude (matte white)
  • Cloaked (transparent, showing Outer Space straight through it)
  • Masked (disguised as a boulder or debris)
  • Nova (flashing with the brightness of a star in order to surprise, disorient, or even blind nearby enemies, or remaining as bright as a normal star)​​​


Time to Construct:

It takes ~20 hours to 3D-print one of these vehicles.  That means that every hour… another ~5% of a TK gets completed.

  1. ~3.3 hours; hours 1 through 4:  “bones”; frame/skeleton
  2. ~3.3 hours; hours 4 through 7:  “tendons”; secondary conduits/pipes, etc. (as the frame/skeleton is based on the Grid Mind mesh/tentacles; the frame of every Inisfreean vessel/construct doubles as its plumbing and electrical wiring)
  3. ~3.3 hours; hours 7 through 10:  “muscles”; hatches, weapon ports, etc.
  4. ~3.3 hours; hours 10 through 14:  “organs”; repulsines, Vril reactor/batteries, etc.
  5. ~3.3 hours; hours 14 through 17:  ammunition
  6. ~3.3 hours; hours 17 through 20:  personnel; Inisfreeans (ICVs) stationed in its cab (yes, they are printed right inside where a human soldier would ride in or drive/operate a normal tank)


Deployments and Combat-sex:

Inisfreeans are neo-nymphs, and so it is common and almost certain for guests, reinforcements, allies, and attachés to find the Inisfreean Infantry girls (the Inisfreean military is all-female) having bisexual sex in this tank’s troop compartment to avoid the annoyance of incoming fire, and outside and on top of their Inisfreean tanks when situations on deployments and patrols are calmer.


Merkava Inspiration:

Terran Siege Tank Inspiration:

(the ability to engage targets beyond the range of the average MBT; out to artillery range)

Desolator Concept Sketches:

Inside an MPHA:

This shows how the TK, along with a couple other types of our craft/vehicles, fit in one of our standard airships.

Tank Girls:

The concept depicted here is that crews are always sexy humanoid females (ICVs) –which fit much better in tanks than adult human males.


  • special feature/tactic:  main-gun sucking in enemies instd of firing tank rds (since most of our weapons are based on the full-spectrum (all-colors) Rainbow Cannon laser tech’, plus a tractor beam, etc.)

June 16 Sunday:

  • The main-gun / turret can stay ‘locked’ on target during movement.
  • Hatches are wider; not like Outlander tanks which barely allow entry/exiting of humans in armor/gear, let alone wounded.
  • Turret secondary guns are aimed out in cardinal and intercardinal directions, reducing the degrees between, or time it takes to turn toward, targets.
  • Even if all treads were destroyed, the vehicle can drive on its wheels, hover, and more.
  • Repulsines allow it to control whether it floats or moves along riverbeds and lake bottoms.
  • Tank rounds are loaded from flat-space into the firing chamber, so no human loader is necessary; no crew member has to hold heavy tank rounds, and tank rounds don’t need to be out of the armored storage area before they are loaded.
  • MRAP undercarriage slope/s; angled/wedge
  • Secondary weapons do not need to be manned; no crew member needs to stand behind a machinegun to fire it.
  • Exit Velocity:
    Abrams main gun, AP round:  5,200 fps
    Navy rail gun:  8,200 fps
    this vehicle’s:  (classified, but faster than those, as needed; adjustable exit-velocity –due to the firing/launch mechanism being based on the energy in the barrel, not the gunpowder in any given shell)
  • Gunner does not need to have her eye socket near a hard optic end.
  • The tank focuses on operating itself (driving, systems checks/diagnostics, maintenance, repairs, etc.) efficiently.
    The commander focuses on gunning, assisted by the tank’s external sensors when the dismounts are aboard, and assisted by the dismounts’ sensors when they are deployed.
    The dismounts focus on external security and related tasks, such as scanning terrain for buried ruins or threats, and controlling local weather (such as for concealment via fog, or diversion via tornado), freeing up the processing power of the commander and vehicle to stay focused on likely-larger threats such as other armored vehicles.
  • can one-shot a bus, truck, van, or other tank, out to ~30 miles, but needs a few more seconds to completely delete a house
  • designed to patrol a county-sized area (~800 sq.miles; ~28×28)
  • Top Speeds:
    driving:  ~60mph since it can hover via repulsine-assist (IOW move like a hovercraft, not bumped up and down by rough roads/terrain)
    portal-ing:  ~1 mile per jump/second (3,600mph, just shy of Mach 4.7 –the top speed of the X-51A “Waverider” (named that because it was designed to ride its own shockwave))
    *Since the current moon of the Earth is an avg. of 238,855 miles from Earth, in the unlikely event such a movement was necessary/prescribed, one of these TKs could portal there in about as many seconds; ~3,981 minutes; ~66.4 hours; ~2.8 Earth-days (though, of course, that movement could be assisted by any of our larger craft, making it practically instantaneous).
  • Because it can portal in ammunition, and accelerate different caliber rounds, it can false-flag engage enemies, tricking analysts/experts into thinking they were attacked by whomever typically has/fires whichever projectiles it launched at them.
  • Crew members are naked inside, as they are invincible, just like these vehicles. They don’t need helmets with hearing protection, as their weapons fire almost silently. They only have helmets on when summoning their ST suits to deploy outside the tank.
  • This vehicle is typically deployed when we feel the need to show a force/presence greater than just one ICV or a fire-team of (3-5) ICVs, but not as much force/presence as an entire squad of (~26) ICVs or a vehicle capable of acquiring/detaining kajirae-candidates, and when that force/presence doesn’t need to move around as rapidly as an air/spacecraft, and when most actual/potential targets are expected to be larger than the size of humans and motorcycles but smaller than houses and other buildings.

Types of Ammunition:

Main Gun:

  • basic
  • canister/shotgun
  • incendiary
  • piercing


  • basic
  • flechette/shotgun
  • flares
  • incendiary
  • piercing
  • tracers


Video Player

Also see:

The Gears
Audio Player