Auz keeps some of his favorite motorcycles (otherwise stored in his Cylinder Garage) in one of these.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Number & Locations
  3. Dimensions
  4. Personnel
  5. Contents
  6. Access
  7. Firing Ranges
  8. Himmler’s Caché
  9. Conceptual Images
  10. 2022 Update:  Minecraft Scale-model



The New Horizon primarily utilizes its small hangars for personal crafts (POVs; Privately-Owned Vehicles), such as air-cars, motorcycles, and jet-skis, as well as for Central Issuing Facility (CIF) overflow stowage, casualty collection points (CCPs), and refugee holding and processing.  Small hangars can fit most fighter-jets in emergency situations, too. 


Number & Locations:

TNH has 7 of these small hangars on each of its sides; 14 total.  Each side of the ship has a cluster of 6 of them that is 2 small-hangars tall by 3 small-hangars “long”.  The 7th small-hangar on either side of TNH is located near the rear (near the main engines/thrusters).  Their bay doors open out to the left or right side of TNH.



Each small hangar of TNH is 9 stories tall; >90′.

They are ~100′ wide, and ~400′ deep (into the sides of TNH).

This gives each of TNH’s small hangars are floorspace of 40,000 square-feet, and a volume of 3,600,000 cubic-feet.

2x1x1blocks in the model x3scale = 18’Dx9’Wx9’H (maneuvering/entry/exit/taxiing room between the landing pads and balconies)



There are usually ~10 crew members working in each of these small hangars at any time.  Most are on/in the Spacecraft docked and anchored/tethered in here.

  • ~10 total: ~6 as drivers/movers of craft
  • ~1 (not including 1 ICV) in the ATC “tower” (room centered as a bulge out from the back/inner wall, facing the outer hatch)
  • Red uniforms (ordnance loaders, EOD): usually N/A; even fighter-jets are rarely docked in these smallest of the carrier’s hangars
  • Orange: usually N/A
  • Yellow: ~1
  • Green: ~1
  • Blue: ~1
  • Purple: usually N/A
  • Brown: usually N/A
  • White: usually N/A
  • White-and-red-plus-sign: usually N/A
  • Silver: only if called

See the TNH directory (main webpage for the carrier) for more details about these color-coded uniforms; which color is for which tasking.



A variety of small vehicles and cargo are kept in these hangars.  You’ll find many POVs, a few of TNH’s fighter-jets, similarly-sized Spacecraft (such as those of contractors, rogue pilots, federal agents, etc.), and all of the containers of their spare parts, cargo, and more.  Hundreds can be anchored, stocked, and tethered in these long, (relatively) low-ceilinged rooms.



Only TNH personnel (active-duty military, Inisfreeans, and contractors stationed aboard this ship) can enter these hangars, and only when they are assigned to work a shift in any of them.  This includes when they are tasked with deploying from one of these hangars, such as via piloting one of the dropships out of them.  All others require one of those approved personnel as their escort.


Firing Ranges:

Once each season (and more often for special-operations teams) at least one of the small hangars is used as a makeshift firing range for BZO-ing (Battle-sight(s) Zero-ing; aligning your scope crosshairs to where your shot-groups are going) and marksmanship practice.

Rifle Ranges Rules:

  1. All shooters must wear protective suits and MMU’s, and be anchored in to the “non-skid” deck in case of shield failure.
  2. “Flagging” is a range safety violation, and violators will be suspended from the range for the rest of the standard-ETW-day, pending a formal investigation.
  3. When a range is live/hot/active, the Range Safety Officer (RSO) has the final say in all range-related matters.

Rifle Range Types:

  1. Indoor (sealed rooms away from airlocks
  2. By-door (away from and through the out-only small hangar shields)


  1. The hangar shield lets the round/beam go out,
  2. the outer/main TNH shield recycles the round/beam so it doesn’t dart out and drop into orbit,
  3. the Cannons Department confirms the shot grouping, along with each sailor or Marine’s helmet-HUD, and
  4. the RSO issues the certified marksmanship scores and uniform badges.

All positions are required for Qualification:

  • prone
  • kneeling
  • standing
  • buddy and solo, etc..

Required Target Engagements:

  1. Targets moving and stationary, combined with shooters: moving, stationary, and crossing  your field of fire.
  2. During normal, low, high, (rapidly) alternating (such as strobes and flares), and zero lighting (when optics such as multi/full-spectrum HUDs are used).
  3. Paper targets on pop-up/impact-down “metal Ivans”, holo-targets from the hangar’s guidance projector.   * Hangar guidance projectors are otherwise used by the Aerospace Traffic Control (ATC) Department to guide in piloted vessels.


Himmler’s Caché:

When not operating solely from Persephone (the name of his Firefly-class transport ship) Auzdein von Himmler stows a few of his favorite leisure vehicles in one of TNH’s small hangars.  At present, this inventory features his two Ferrari ‘crotch-rockets’ (high-performance street-bikes), as well as his maroon Lamborghini ‘chopper’ (another street-bike).  Vehicles he “acquires” during missions planet-side may also end up here.

Conceptual Images:

2022 Update:  Minecraft Scale-model

Video Player
[Warframe] Relay Hangar + Ambient Sounds
Audio Player