These are the most-frequently used short- and long-range “guns” of this vessel.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Locations & Numbers
  4. Surgical
  5. 2023 August Update:  Limitations
  6. Concepts (Images Begin)
  7. Firing
  8. Results



TNH’s cannons and main guns can fire both a variety of beams and projectiles.  Whether lasers, masers, X-rays, or PPC effects are required, they have the capability.

Though not as advanced, rapid, or able to utilize the entire energy spectrum like Inisfree’s cannons do, they are still powerful, precise, and quick enough to take down enemy fleets and barrages, and can even cancel out incoming energy beams in many cases, which relieves the energy shields (forcefields/deflectors) to a high degree.

Remember, they are called spectrum cannons (weapons that can fire a variety of types of energy in beam form; not just one type of laser per cannon), not full-spectrum cannons (weapons that can basically fire any type of energy out of them).



nounspectrumplural nounspectraplural nounspectrums
  1. a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength.
    • the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
      nounthe spectrum
    • an image or distribution of components of any electromagnetic radiation arranged in a progressive series according to wavelength.
    • an image or distribution of components of sound, particles, etc., arranged according to such characteristics as frequency, charge, and energy.
  2. used to classify something, or suggest that it can be classified, in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme or opposite points.
    “the left or the right of the political spectrum”
    • a wide range.

      “self-help books are covering a broader and broader spectrum”

nouncannonplural nouncannonsnouncannon bitplural nouncannon bits
  1. a large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.

    “they would cross at the Town ford, under cover of the defending cannon”

    –an automatic heavy gun that fires shells from an aircraft or tank.
    “the gunships blasted arms depots with 105 mm cannon fire and rockets”

nounbatteryplural nounbatteriesnounthe battery
  1. fortified emplacement for heavy guns.
    “anti-aircraft missile batteries”
    • an artillery subunit of guns, men, and vehicles


Locations & Numbers:

The laser weapons of this ship are part of heavily-armored turrets strategically placed all over the exterior/hull, providing overlapping fields of fire which ensure there are no coverage blind-spots.

In total, there are hundreds of those turrets, their specific locations and total… classified.  Together, they have a rate-of-fire sufficient to take on entire fleets (a group of civilian ships) / armadas (a group of military ships, or even a fleet of smaller fleets), including unrelenting barrages of missiles (or photon torpedoes) and drones (USVs; Unmanned Space Vehicles).



More than anything, as TNH is built and overseen/supervised by the peace-preferring Inisfreeans, these lasers are used to pinpoint specific parts of hostile Spacecraft, disabling them without causing much/any collateral damage.  They are also used for precise long-distance cutting (such as through debris fields, and into the hulls of derelict Spacecraft).  When used very carefully (lowest-power), together or solo, they technically also have the ability to gradually push objects (such as Spacecraft or asteroids) away from them.


2024 August 27 Tuesday notes:

  • Through atmosphere, from orbit, they have an accurate and lethal range of dozens of miles; plenty to cut down through the stratosphere and other air layers/levels all the way to the ground.
  • Through Outer Space, obviously their beams remain tight and powerful out much farther, able to travel hundreds of miles, and still being a concern thousands of miles out where they are dissipating/weak.
  • They can be kept moving along with targets performing fighter-jet and even hypersonic-missile maneuvers; they are quite precise in that way.


2023 August Update:  Limitations

In case you haven’t already heard, the Inisfreeans and everything that is part of their realm are/is invincible; even all of the weapons of this carrier firing at any one of them at once would still do nothing and probably just be ignored, if not portal-ed out of the way of, if not allowed to be effortlessly absorbed by their shields, then automatically distributed as free/extra energy/power to the rest of their kind/empire.
In other words, TNH lacks any ability to harm any of the ICVs, or their maker (Auz), or his personal ship out here (Persephone).

The weapons of this carrier are only devastating to human-made things, such as the other ships/craft and people of the UAP / 34 Tauri.


2024 August 27 Tuesday note:  Even though these devices are powerful and precise, they are of a scale best used against incoming missiles, fighter-jets, and other ships; they are not considered precise/safe/low-power enough to use against small drones or individuals in spacesuits/pods; the beams from these cannons would instantly annihilate such tiny targets, much of the beams’ energy continuing for many miles beyond it, potentially putting at risk assets/innocents.
Projectiles fired from these cannons are also intended for large targets; ships and vehicles, such as other carriers or entire formations of battle-tanks, and for bunker-busting.
For engaging targets smaller than what these cannons are meant for, TNH might deploy one or more of its fighter-jets.





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Also see:

Star Trek - Sound Effects - laser for TNH
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