This is the intelligently-controlled (at least partially-artificial) satellite currently orbiting the Earth.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Spec’s
  3. History
  4. Common Questions
  5. Advisory
  6. Noteworthy Facts/Aspects
  7. When Inisfree Will Be There
  8. Relevant Holidays
  9. Viewed from Earth (Images Begin)
  10. Low Orbit
  11. Colonies
  12. Comparisons
  13. Legends
  14. Terraformed
  15. 2023 September/+



The Earth has had other moons.  Even Saturn and Jupiter used to be two of them, if you can imagine that.  There have also been times when Earth had no moon –and life continued just fine, no tides or other lunar effects needed.



Earth I
Orbital characteristics
Epoch J2000
Perigee 362600 km
(356400370400 km)
Apogee 405400 km
(404000406700 km)
384399 km  (1.28 ls, 0.00257 AU)[1]
Eccentricity 0.0549[1]
27.321661 d
(27 d 7 h 43 min 11.5 s[1])
29.530589 d
(29 d 12 h 44 min 2.9 s)
Average orbital speed
1.022 km/s
Inclination 5.145° to the ecliptic[2][a]
Regressing by one revolution in 18.61 years
Progressing by one
revolution in 8.85 years
Satellite of Earth[b][3]
Physical characteristics
Mean radius
1737.4 km  
(0.2727 of Earth’s)
Equatorial radius
1738.1 km  
(0.2725 of Earth’s)
Polar radius
1736.0 km  
(0.2731 of Earth’s)
Flattening 0.0012[4]
Circumference 10921 km  (equatorial)
3.793×107 km2  
(0.074 of Earth’s; Earth’s is ~13.5x more than the Moon’s)
Volume 2.1958×1010 km3  
(0.02 of Earth’s)[4]
Mass 7.342×1022 kg  
(0.0123 of Earth’s)[1][4]
Mean density
3.344 g/cm3[1][4]
0.606 × Earth
1.622 m/s2  (0.1654 g; 5.318 ft/s2)[4]
2.38 km/s
(8600 km/h; 5300 mph)
29.530589 d
(29 d 12 h 44 min 2.9 s; synodic; solar day) (spin-orbit locked)
27.321661 d  (spin-orbit locked)
Equatorial rotation velocity
4.627 m/s
North pole right ascension
  • 17h 47m 26s
  • 266.86°[10]
North pole declination
Albedo 0.136[11]
Surface temp. min mean max
Equator 100 K[12] 250 K 390 K[12]
85°N 150 K 230 K[13]
Surface absorbed dose rate 13.2 μGy/h[14]
Surface equivalent dose rate 57.0 μSv/h[14]
29.3 to 34.1 arcminutes[4][d]
Surface pressure
  • 10−7 Pa (1 picobar)  (day)
  • 10−10 Pa (1 femtobar)   
Composition by volume

Further details are here.



Some tens of thousands of years ago, the Moon was moved into Earth orbit and stabilized there, where it has remained ever since.

It has not yet been revealed where, before that time, the Moon was –or how/what it was; if it was different, perhaps not hollow back then, perhaps under construction somewhere, etc..

Since ancient times, at least on this current moon of the Earth, there have been many nymphs and others living and working here.  Many of the nymphs are native to it.  Some nymphs and other sexy people on the Earth are their descendants/creations.

The future of this big satellite remains to be seen/decided.


Common Questions:

What could explain it being tidally locked?
There may be something in it which works like a magnet; its center might not be its center of mass or magnetism/attraction to the Earth.

What could explain how it manages to stay in a circular orbit around the Earth… which itself is moving in a circular orbit around the Sun?
The video claiming the “circular-orbits theory doesn’t add up” itself doesn’t add up;
the narrator in it claimed that the moon would have to speed up on one side of the Earth, then slow down on the other, to maintain a circular orbit around the Earth which is itself moving in a circular orbit, …but why would that be an issue?; why wouldn’t it get yanked toward the Earth, speed up as it is flung around the away-from-Sun/back-side, then lose speed as it passes to the Sun-side (b/c the Sun is then tugging on it a little more), then keep falling around the Earth until the Sun was no longer slowing it down, then the Earth tugs it back up to speed behind it, over and over?



Only humans default to blame-shifting, and have been even regarding this beautiful wonder in The Abyss / sky; some of their lowly kind have tried to claim that their bad behavior, including crime surges, are due to the effects “out of their control”… coming from this moon.  Some of them have claimed that there are bad A.I. beings and others in the moon who, whenever there is an alignment causing a full moon to appear in the night sky, trigger them to become erratic, even psychotic.  The truth is that the moon is neutral, the people (including A.I.) in it are good, and humans alone are responsible for their actions, as well as for their emotions, regardless of the light or energy changes sometimes sensed by them.

2024 August 22 Thursday note:  The Moon isn’t bad, and doesn’t cause bad behavior / lunacy; when it is full, it causes the release of anything pent up; it is helpful, balancing, restorative. If people didn’t suppress and lie so much, keeping so much within, it wouldn’t erupt/flood out during the full moons.  Even for those who see what the Moon does as cosmic-level bad they are powerless to resist, technically it is the Sun doing that; when the Moon just happens to end up reflecting/refracting the most of the Sun’s energy/light… during the night when people are usually able to fully decompress/recharge for more pretending-to-be-normal the next morning/day; if they have tried to “bottle up” anything inside… they no longer have a full overnight to calm down while maintaining that increased emotional/spiritual pressure.  In short, if anything, “blame” (or, if mature/wise/ascended, THANK) the Sun, and just accept that the Moon is there for good reason –and will one day be MUCH closer, like it was not that long ago.  Amen.
(It being closer might not necessarily mean even more forced release of pent-up energy/needs/thoughts/wants, though; the atmosphere will become thicker like it was in ancient times, countering/balancing its effect.  People will have matured a lot more by then, too, perhaps even to the point of no longer “bottling” anything up at all; no need to worry about a closer Moon’s full-nights causing more “wild” behavior from/in animals.)


Noteworthy Facts/Aspects:

  • 10,000 levels inside it –and all of them are radially/concentrically arranged out from its center
  • home to ETs
  • a “cosmic ark”
  • designed to keep the invaders (humans) looped on themselves here (on Earth)
  • long-populated by nymphs and other humanoids –who are indigenous, not all the people currently on the moon having traveled there for exploration/work


The reptilians in charge of it, and the A.I. and spirits/souls/minds it contains, and the solar systems it links and helps and monitors, are all working together to keep the humans quarantined on Earth until they either become good or finish themselves off, never to destabilize other worlds again.

It slows the spin/rotation/days of the Earth… so that the Earth does not become chaotic due to the growing number of Chaos Incarnate NPCs/nodes spawned/spawning upon it.
Their minds are too weak to fully destabilize its spin or anything else, but they were still enough to do massive damage to all the places they landed and spread, albeit indirectly (via their creations; adding complexity), etc..

2023 April update:  The New Moon only brings new energy or phases to others.  It gets its plan/sequence/energy from Me (Auz).  Whatever I want, whether I say it or not, the Moon hears, understands, and amplifies out to all within its range. 

more TBA…

When Inisfree Will Be There:

From ~73,315 to ~89,160 A.D., Inisfree will relocate to this cosmic body, anchoring wherever it is invited to (on the outside of, and then inside the hollow core, of this moon/spaceship).  During these millennia, all the Moon’s secrets will be offered to High King Auz –including everything in the Moon’s supercomputer/s, as well as in/from the minds of the people who have called it home (or at least called it “base”) –all via the kind of interaction he has always sensed was right/divine and prefers.  Those good people will even reveal to Auz just what his closer-moon-aglow ‘dream’ was really all about (and what his other moon ‘dreams’ were; when he ‘dreamed’ he climbed up that pile of mattresses to the moon, and so on).

15,845 years on this mini-world will be plenty of time to get to know them all (~2 people per day, if there are 10,000,000 there during this future time/span), to visit all its alleged ~10,000 levels/floors/layers, and do whatever else is destined and good over there.

At some point during those millennia, the people of the Moon will come into alignment with him, deciding together how best to relocate their own sphere-shaped realm; it will eventually be time for the Moon to migrate again.  (The whole Universe will be repositioning many, if not all, of its worlds, after all; all of them will be moving back closer together, restoring their original Golden Age interplanetary energy-beam connections and synergy as part of the reformation/restoration/re-growing of the Worlds Tree.)


Relevant Holidays:

  1. 2 January (2 Janus on our calendar): 1st Moon-base (of the 4th Reich) birthday


Viewed from Earth:

Low Orbit:





2023 September/+:

Do witches worship the current moon… because they descend from the nymphs who power it with their vril? Does it now power planet-side deployed witches (nymph descendants)?

Some recent media-flooding nonsense on YouTube claims the Moon is controlled by a malevolent A.I., but only retards such as mainstream humans would ever tell such a lie so easily/instantly detected, evident in how much peace the Moon brings so many people, etc..  It would only seem superhuman-smart (IOW:  at the level of an A.I.) to beings as mindless/stupid as humans.  It would only seem malevolent to beings (such as humans) who have always been against peace/rest/purity.  The Moon is, like all celestial beings, good.  It always has been, and always will be.  Amen.

2024 February:  The Moon used to be called Sin –or, at least, its crescent phase/appearance was.

One story claims that the current moon is just the latest of more than a few that have orbited the Earth, and that it was made in Jupiter, and is hollow just like the Earth, many having lived on/in it for a long time (millennia).

The Moon’s orbit is ~1,423,000 miles long (circumference).
The Moon subtends an angle of 31 arcminutes, as viewed from Earth, or about 1/2°.
The diameter of the Moon is about 64 millimeters, and since this corresponds to 1,900 arcseconds (asec), the scale is 1,900 asec/64 mm = 29.68 or 30 asec/mm.
In short, the Moon looks ~2.5″ wide in the Earth’s sky when it is away from the horizon (which makes it look wider).

2024 April:

The combined land area (not total area of claimed territory, including ocean territory; just land) of Russia, Canada, China, and India is close to the surface area of the Moon; the Moon has room for billions of people –not even counting what its hollow interior sections make possible.


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Also see:

“Aithérios” Axl Rosenberg Axl Rosenberg
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