This is the world in the Sun solar-system where two distinct sexes and slavery are the status quo.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Introduction
  3. Etymology
  4. World Details (parent-category for some of the following)
  5. Location
  6. Path
  7. Rotation
  8. Time-keeping
  9. Satellites
  10. Size
  11. Gravity
  12. Atmosphere
  13. Weather
  14. Surface Arrangement
  15. Surface Composition
  16. Creatures Details (parent-category for some of the following)
  17. Species
  18. Population
  19. Communication/Language
  20. Culture
  21. Education
  22. Industry and Infrastructure
  23. Transportation
  24. History
  25. Additional Notes
  26. Maps (Images Begin)
  27. Cultural Images
  28. Novels
  29. Paintings
  30. The Brand for kajira



  • similar to Earth; in terms of dimensions, regions / climate zones, seasons, biodiversity, etc.
  • identical orbital distance and speed to Earth
  • always on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth; impossible for Earth to ever see/detect
  • possibly slightly-different day-lengths / day-night cycle
  • 3 moons, at least one colorful
  • 1 supercontinent, largely occupied/dominated by imported humans (from Earth and possibly other worlds)
  • population in the millions, if not billions (humans)
  • unknown populations/numbers of the non-human species
  • mobile; can be steered by a high-tech facility in the Sardar Mountains (i.e. the entire planet can be relocated, moved like a rogue-planet –and has been at least once before; to get it into the Sun solar-system)
  • cloak-able; can be kept invisible indefinitely (i.e. just like some spaceships and advanced suits can bend light, etc.)



Gor is the planet introduced by its namesake series of novels written by Dr. John Frederick Lange Jr., and it is a special planet because it was manually/artificially migrated into the Sun solar-system, plus because on it… slavery, and very distinct male and female sexes, are the cultural norm –as well as the law.

This is where the term “kajira” comes from; female slave, typically a pleasure-slave, preferably a wholehearted/natural and exquisitely-trained one.


World Details





Earth’s orbit



similar to Earth’s



ahn = hour



3 moons



slightly smaller than Earth



slightly less than Earth’s


pure clean; far cleaner than the Earth’s during Earth’s modern era



typical Earth’s range of weather patterns


Surface Arrangement:

one supercontinent dominating one hemisphere/side


Surface Composition:

similar to Earth’s


Creatures Details


biodiversity comparable to Earth’s, but each species slightly different than its Earth counterpart/s

a few alien species, such as a living yellowish liquid-based blob often mistaken for water in an indoor swimming-pool

lists here



not yet tallied via a census

descriptions here



various languages, dialects, and nonverbal forms; written, signed, etc.

at least one main/common verbal/written form has similarities to Latin and other Earth languages

Priest-kings predominantly communicate via pheromones/scents and tech’-signals



natural, no delusions/pretense; males are dominant masculine, and females are submissive feminine

slavery globally common and accepted as natural, but not based on race, only gender and circumstance

deep care for nature/environment and city (again, less based on race, and more on citizenship/residency)

considered barbaric by most Earth fools/pussies, but Goreans likewise would consider life on Earth in most places to be barbaric and even insane, wholly unnatural/unhealthy/illogical/toxic/suicidal



varies as widely as it does for people on Earth


Industry and Infrastructure:

limited to tech’ below the level of the Priest-kings; no firearms or spacecraft allowed, for example



spacecraft and anti-gravity platforms/slabs for Priest-kings, but only things such as drawn-carriages and saddled-animals (and, of course, wooden ships) for humans



Gor’s ancient/original/primordial past is yet to be revealed to us.  What is known so far is that it has existed for millions, if not billions of years, and that it was migrated into the Sun solar-system some million+ Earth-years ago.  Glimpses of its detailed history are mostly about the lives of the humans living in various cities and other areas on its supercontinent, with some other details being about the secret high-tech’ civil war between its Priest-Kings which nearly destroyed it in modern/recent times (~the 1970s, on Earth’s Gregorian calendar).

Further details about its history can be found here.


Additional Notes:

Inisfree, shortly after becoming operational, established communication with various leaders from Gor, followed soon thereafter by a formal peace, alliance, and trade agreement.  On a regular basis now, slaves are traded between them and Inisfree.  This is expected (in the good sense of that term) to continue indefinitely; forever.

Due to how compatible so many of the people of this world are, the Inisfreeans have also classified Gor as one of their protectorates.

The King of Inisfree, High King Auz, made at least one fairly-lengthy exploratory trip / expedition to this planet between 2030 and 2090 A.D., returning at least 1 Earth-decade before his Mapping Campaign began.

2024 May:  Diet

omnivores due to habit or necessity and ignorance –and because the stabilization serums meant that many of them never had to figure out the natural way (to stop atrophy/sickness during aging; veganism)



So far, no Outlander map of the other hemisphere of this planet is known to have been made.  Only the Priest-kings and Inisfreeans have such data/maps.

Cultural Images:


The cover-art is not always exactly what the author and his main assistants had in mind, but they are still good enough to give readers the general idea about what things look like on this planet.


The Brand for kajira:

This mark is made on the thigh of each girl who earns the privilege of being someone’s slave-girl, whether that is to be a pleasure-slave and/or more (such as also a chores-slave).


Hasret - Turkish instrumental Gorean from Eli in Dec 2020
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