Years Leading up to The Shift & The Rapture


  • TYA:  Trillion Years Ago
  • BYA:  Billion Years Ago
  • MYA:  Million Years Ago
  • AF:  Aeon Flux (cartoon and movie)
  • AL:  Alien (movie series, including Aliens, Alien 3, and Alien VS Predator)
  • AN:  Alien Nation (TV show)
  • AW: Airwolf (TV show)
  • BG:  The Books of Gor (the Gorean novel saga)
  • BL:  Blade (movie series)
  • BM:  BattleMech, BattleSpace, BattleTech, and MechWarrior (books and games)
  • BR:  Blade Runner (movie)
  • BS:  Battlestar Galactica
  • BT:  Batman (comics and movies)
  • CB:  Conan the Barbarian (movie series)
  • DA:  Dark Angel (TV show)
  • DE:  Descent (movie series)
  • DI:   Diablo (game series)
  • DU:  Dune (movie series)
  • E2:  Earth 2 (TV show)
  • ED:  Expedition to Darwin IV (book)
  • EG:  Ender’s Game (book series)
  • EO:  EVE Online (MMORPG)
  • FA:  Fast and the Furious (movie series, including Tokyo Drift)
  • FF:  Firefly (TV show and movie, including Serenity)
  • FS:  Farscape (TV show)
  • FN:  Fringe (TV show)
  • HA:  Halo (game series and books)
  • HP:  Harry Potter (books and movie series)
  • IJ:    Indiana Jones
  • JB:  James Bond (movie series)
  • JD:  Judge Dredd (movie and comics)
  • JP:  Jurassic Park (movie series)
  • LC:  H.P. Lovecraft (books)
  • LR:  Lord of the Rings (book and movie series)
  • LX:  Lexx (TV show)
  • MA: M.A.N.T.I.S. (TV show)
  • ME:  Mass Effect (game series, including Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3)
  • MI:   Mission Impossible (movie series)
  • MK:  Mortal Kombat (movies and comics)
  • MM:  Mad Max (movie series)
  • MW: Morrowind (game series)
  • OL:  The Outer Limits (TV show)
  • PB:  Pitch Black (movie series, including The Chronicles of Riddick)
  • PC:  Pirates of the Caribbean (movie series)
  • PD:  Predator (movie series and comics)
  • R6:  Rainbow 6 (game series)
  • RE:  Resident Evil (game and movie series)
  • RC:  RoboCop (movie series)
  • RF:  Rifts (game and book series)
  • RW: Road Warrior (movie series)
  • S7:  The Saga of Seven Suns (book series)
  • SB:  Space: Above and Beyond (TV show)
  • SC:  StarCraft (game series, including StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty)
  • SG:  Star Gate (TV show and movies, including Atlantis and Universe)
  • SP:  Splinter Cell (game series)
  • ST:  Star Trek (TV shows and movies, including Voyager and Deep Space Nine)
  • SQ:  SeaQuest (TV show)
  • SW: Star Wars (movie series and books)
  • TF:   Transformers (movie series)
  • TL:   Twilight (TV show and book series)
  • TR:   Tomb Raider (game and movie series)
  • TM:   Terminator (movie series)
  • UW:  Underworld (movie series)
  • VD:   The Vampire Diaries (TV show)
  • VP:   Viper (TV show)
  • WA:  Waterworld (movie)
  • WH:   Warhammer (game series, including Warhammer 40K)
  • WW:  World of Warcraft (MMORPG)
  • XF:    X-Files (TV show and movie)
  • XM:   X-Men (comics and movies)
  • XW:  Xena: Warrior Princess

Note:  ~2000-2013 is when three major timeline sections occurred, overlapping;

  1. the 2nd-final pre-Shift (~13 Earth-years; 13 360-day sections in sequence) timespan of the triple-calendar schedule/system the Mayans inherited from the Atlanteans
  2. the final pre-Shift (260 days) timespan of that system
  3. The Shift (which happened to be –no coincidences– when Auz instinctively knew it was time to let go of anymore tolerating the humans, committing for the rest of his life to seeing his consciousness-focus (Inisfree; the full extension/evolution of himself) through to completion/manifestation/stability)

The Mayan calendar (one of three in their triple-calendar system) dealing with this sequence has the end of those first two timespans lining up at their culmination/finale on 28 October 2011 A.D., and they did not specify (or even know about, perhaps) what exactly The Shift would be; if it was a split-second change to the whole schedule/sequence-format itself, or just the definite start-point of the breakaway civilization Auz was destined to really get going after that moment.



  1. DA: Max is born.
  2. LC: May Alun Caleb escapes to a stone circle outside the town of Barrowby, where he is found dead by authorities. Nick Brooker, a police officer who helped capture Caleb in 1982, investigates Barrowby and narrowly escapes with his life.
  3. Unbreakable (movie events).
  4. November 6: L. Sprague de Camp passes away.
  5. TR: Lara goes missing in Egypt, presumed dead.


  1. The events of 2001: A Space Odyssey (movie) occur.


  1. LC: The Book of Eibon is published by Chaosium Inc., which includes translated portions of the text from Clark Ashton Smith, Lin Carter, and Robert M. Price, among others, as well as some additional material such as Eibon’s letters.
  2. The events of Queen of the Damned (movie).
  3. Signs (movie events). * The human-harvesting is global, but far less impacting than in the movie, and never publicly known.
  4. November: TR: Lara Croft and her friend, Sara Pezzini, research the disappearance of an elderly couple in a New York cemetery.

2003: FS: Astronaut John Crichton returns to Earth.

  1. TR: Following a call of her former Mentor, Werner von Croy, Lara travels to Paris where she is framed for his murder. She then sets out to find the Obscura Paintings and stop Eckhardt from reviving the Nephilim.


  1. FS: The 1 wormhole Crichton knows about is destroyed.
  2. AL: A Predator shoulder cannon is delivered to Ms.Yutani.
  3. The Village (movie events).
  4. TM: Cyberdyne is founded.
  5. June: FF: Scaled Composites launches SpaceShipOne past the boundary of Space carrying commercial astronaut Mike Melvill, the first person to pilot a privately financed craft into Space.


  1. BR: Androids (robots appearing human, with flesh over them in this case) are produced.
  2. BT: The events of Batman Begins (movie) start the work of The Caped Crusader; The Dark Knight.


  1. Lady in the Water (movie events).
  2. TR: After being tipped off by a friend, Lara discovers a stone dais – something she has seen before, when her mother disappeared in Nepal – at a temple ruin in Bolivia. Following the trail of James Rutland and her former friend, Amanda, Lara sets out to find sword fragments that will form the legendary sword Excalibur.


  1. TF: Transformers (movie series) timeline. * Planet Cybertron never becomes visible to Earth.


  1. Tony Stark perfects the Iron Man suit with Stark Industries.
  2. Eagle Eye (movie events).
  3. The Happening (movie events). * The event is far more isolated than in the movie, and never publicly known.


  1. DA: Max and 11 other X5s escape Manticore’s Gillette, Wyoming, facility.
  2. TR: Lara goes beneath the Mediterranean Sea to find what her father believed to be Avalon. After finding ‘Niflheim’, Lara searches the interior of the tomb and finds one of Thor’s Gauntlets. After being attacked by one of Amanda’s mercenaries, Lara sees that the mercenary also stole the gauntlet. She managed to take it back though when she attacked Amanda’s ship, which imprisoned the still living Natla.
  3. TR: In Thailand, Lara discovers that her father already owning the second gauntlet which he kept under the manor.
  4. After collecting the second gauntlet, Lara’s doppelgänger destroyed the manor and killed Alister. Nevertheless, she continued to Mexico to collect Thor’s Belt. Afterwards, she continued to the Arctic and succeeded to collect Thor’s Hammer which she used later to forever eliminate Natla.


  1. SG: A Quantum-Mirror is discovered, made from Naquadah, allows inter-dimensional travel like a stargate allows inter-stellar (7 sigils) and inter-galactic (9 sigils).
  2. The events of 2010: The Year We Make Contact (movie) occur.
  3. District 9: The cloaked ship over Johannesburg leaves, the “Prawns” workers remain in the camp outside Johannesburg.
  4. Predators (movie events)​
  5. November:  Auz’s team arrives at Antarctica, setting up to head to Mt. Kirkpatrick to construct Inisfree


  1. SB: World Bank declares bankruptcy, global economy finishes collapsing, NATO disbanded.  (Didn’t hear about it IRL?  There’s a lot that gets covered up so you don’t hear about it.  Multi-billion-dollar corporations and trillionaires can do things like that.  A lot of bankruptcies are on purpose, too, not at all the disasters the masses often assume, ever defaulting to negativity –which is an intentional aspect of their brainwashing/programming.)
  2. BR: Flesh-and-blood androids introduced off-world (extra-earth).
  3. WGI is founded (officially).
  4. Inisfree’s construction starts in February (after staging around the base of Mt. Kirkpatrick in January) and takes the entirety of this year.
  5. At some point this or next year, Auz trusts that the construction will be completed the rest of the way, so he returns to North America to travel with part of the American Exodus convoy.

Post-Apocalyptic Earth-That-Was:
(after the latest (near-Shift) humans-purging cataclysm/reset)

2012 AD:

  1. January: The American Exodus convoy grows as it passes down through Mexico on its way to Cape Horn, Chile, where it will request permission with Base 211 to sail to Graham’s Land; the Antarctican Peninsula (edit:  It left for the China facility; to get those people to their Leviathan ships, while Auz returned to the Inisfree construction site).  Leaving during the coldest month of the war-ravaged northern hemisphere’s winter, the Biblically-sized convoy will reach its destination way-point after 1 year of combat-travel, arriving in Ushuaia the following January; the hottest month of the southern hemisphere’s summer.
  2. Auzdein von Schafer (not yet self-renamed Himmler) leaves for Antarctica.  Humans, who think death is normal, assume he dies there.
  3. Inisfree’s beta lifts off from the outskirts of DFW during the onset of The Apocalypse. (edit:  An illusion?  Real Inisfree stayed on Antarctica this year.)
  4. Spring: The American Civil War 2 erupts.  (Did you notice the movie trailer with that plot?  That’s more soft-disclosure.  And, of course, technically this failed nation has been at odds/war with itself for a much longer time.)
  5. SB: The U.N. Constitution is ratified, the first world government is initiated, and the Amero begins public circulation.
  6. The Monsanto Incident / War begins.
  7. December: The giant ships (of the movie “2012”) are built (completed; it took a few years to build them), and later sail (moments after the end of this month), converging on Africa and Greenland.
  8. Inisfree is now complete enough to be fully operational and start accepting tourism from those compatible with its designer and permanent ruler, Auz (still thinking of himself as just its mayor or governor at this time, not yet as the King of Antarctica, nor the High King of the many realms soon to become eagerly permanently allied with him/it).


  1. WWIII / The War for Antarctican Independence / The Apocalypse / Armageddon / The Rapture (called different things by different groups) begins and ends (within days).  All but 6,144,000 humans are deleted, souls and all –though many didn’t even have souls; they were fake people (sometimes referred to as NPCs).  All human civilization, excepting many buildings of Nuuk, was also deleted (not demolished; literally disintegrated, leaving no trace other than geometric building ‘footprints’ where once foundations had been).
  2. JD: many oceans become renamed based on their fallout / blood pollution; example: “the Black Atlantic”.  (This, however, doesn’t affect sacred/mermaid territories; their waters are magically protected, unable to be polluted.  The fallout only harms/kills the nonvegan monsters/bots in the corrupted parts of the oceans, and better-restricts the bad humans.)
  3. Sentience is slowly restored to all animals by the dawning of the next Silver Age.
  4. All Transformers on or within 1 AU of Earth are purged in the Rapture
  5. Surviving humans are relocated by the super-tankers (of the movie “2012”), and as ‘relocated wildlife’ by the Inisfreean ships.  (6,000,000 humans were allowed to live through The Rapture in The Outlands (outside Inisfree) via these 6 super-carriers, while 144,000 far-better (more compatible with High King Auz) humans were chosen to be extracted to paradisiacal Inisfree for that event.)
  6. Nuuk, Klaallit Nunaat (Greenland), becomes the most populated city in the world, at 5,000,000.
  7. Pyramid-centered town-forts include: DFW, Atlanta, Sao Paulo, Meroe, New Dubai, Birjand, Chita, Akola, Shensi, and Croydon.  (A modern pyramid was built at each by the portion of the 6M approved survivors who got relocated to those sites to rebuild them, they understanding that it was now a very good idea to build the type/form of buildings which had lasted through the Ages, including through global floods, such as those from pole-shifts.)
  8. Negligible human hold-outs include Akola, Atlanta, Birjand, Chita, Croydon, Meroe, New Dubai, New Vegas (not to be confused with off-world New Las Vegas), São Paulo, and Shensi.
  9. At the end of this year, the 39 black-ops leaders chosen to be the new human cities’ first kings were chosen.  (The old/obsolete webpage about that, for reference, is here.)

It will take many more years for those pyramid-forts and rebuilt cities to be completed, of course, and for Inisfree to get all its finishing touches, such as its latest/final factories and the decorations/furnishings of its guest-residences not yet reserved, but these were the years of the major and rapid events/changes which led to those new civilizations.


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Digital Daggers - Aquarius - for timeline subpg
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