These are the descendants of Maiar; Fairies are nature-loving people who started from the demi-deities who chose to stay on/in the Earth.


Table of Contents:

  1. Featured Members
  2. Organization
  3. Genders
  4. Abilities
  5. Races
  6. Attire/Fashion
  7. Tolerances/Element/Environment
  8. Vision
  9. Level
  10. Regarding Inisfreeans
  11. Population
  12. Bodies
  13. Interaction
  14. Dwellings
  15. Advisory
  16. Scent/s Emitted
  17. Voices
  18. Territory
  19. Rules/Law
  20. Language/s
  21. Diet
  22. Images


Featured Members:

That is not a complete list; those are the ones featured on this website / in this saga/spell.



They are ruled by their queen, their queen always one of their own kind, and the purest (most-devoted to them and their realm and purpose) of them all.



They are always distinctly male or female, and forever -and happily and wisely- remain what they started as.
The males are always heterosexual and preferring bisexual females (though they will briefly tolerate hetero’ females, and of course they will not tolerate closeness with anyone other than attractive females), and the females are always bisexual and only accepting heterosexual males and bisexual females (i.e. not tolerating any deviation from that).



They can shapeshift/camouflage themselves to look like birds, bugs, etc., though sometimes they choose to show their humanoid form (to those who are kind to them).

Fairies are usually immortal, damn-near invincible, and telepathic, but not telekinetic (other than with the help of their magical wings, which allow them to fly, hover, etc.), and always in multiple forms of mutually-agreeable contact with one another –though their Fairy-to-Fairy telepathic contact is usually only on-demand (not automatic or race-wide –excepting when from their current queen).
Fairies communicate telepathically with little plants (smaller than bushes), empathically always sensing how every one of those plants around them is doing.



There are numerous types/sub-races of Fairies, such as those focused on caring for flowers, vs. those focused on caring for mushrooms.  Each of their races naturally gravitates to the maintenance and cultivation of one type of micro-flora; the tiniest non-microscopic plants.



Their clothes are often made of moss or a single leaf, if they choose to wear anything at all.



Cold does not bother them one bit, though a barren scorching desert can annoy them, persuading them to find more-pleasant (green, etc.) residence/terrain nearby/elsewhere.



They perceive mostly in 3D, but some of their elders (such as their queen) are easily capable of using various techniques to peer into 4D; they can then see a lifespan (though not an entire world’s time-stream or alternate reality/universe) much like how a human can change whether he/she is focusing on an object up close or far away.



Only the most powerful magic can block Fairy’s vision/senses –and even then, only temporarily (as all Fairies will eventually sense / figure out what is going on, and get around it, often with the help/power of plants they have mastered the use/mixing/enchanting of/with); whatever he/she (the Fairy) chooses to think about and focus on… will become perfectly in focus and known to him/her.


Regarding Inisfreeans:

It is part of their nature to always understand, love, support, and protect me, High King Auzdein von Himmler.



The current number of Fairies is more than there originally were, as they were not all created at once (like how Angels and Demons were) by a single Ainur knowing exactly how many there should always be; Fairies were created in batches/colonies based on how many would be needed for each World Tree‘s surrounding/connected sub-flora at those little plants’ different stages/heights of growth.
They can multiply/reproduce, but rarely need or want to, as that is not their way/purpose/calling/destiny; Fairies’ nature is to focus on worshipping (thus maintaining/shielding) their respective micro-flora, and typically only feel an urge to create another Fairy during times when such a task would be better carried out by such an addition to their race.



Fairies are always mentally and physically exactly what Auz instinctively knew was the only correct way to look and be; their bodies are always perfect, the tits of their females never sagging, the clitoral hoods of their females’ pussies never apparent/stretched, their skin never sunburned or otherwise discolored, and so on.

Fairies are naturally bioluminescent, and their eyes (and the rest of them) can shine as brightly as nightlights, though they often conceal this when mingling with humans or other outsiders outside the Fairy territories / “fairy ring”-base villages.

Their ears are pointy b/c it is like a thick blade of grass, their body being like a trunk, appendages like branches, fingers and toes like twigs; they came from the trees, thus they are skinnier, longer-lived, and tree-like like them (like the trees they came from).

All Fairies are White; Caucasian-looking, excepting when they use their camouflage –called glamor– which can make them look like just about any plant, bug, or bird.  Fairies started in the healthiest forests, thus rarely ever had more than dappled sunlight; komorebi, thus never needed to develop darker pigmentation.  Plus, of course, they are naturally highly magical/energetic, so sunlight and any radiation only further-empowers them, feeling like tingling to them, if noticed at all.

Their skin is always healthy, as Fairies (on their own) are incapable of the kind of aging/atrophy/withering humans can cause upon themselves (though, as mentioned above, they can be WILLED by BIGGER beings to temporarily succumb to things, appearing weak or dead).



Meeting actual Angels and Demons is normal everyday life for Fairies, as Fairies were never corrupted like many humans became –if humans weren’t bad from the start; not even needing to be corrupted.
Angels help keep bad beings -such as humans- away from sacred Fairy realms/territories (often by blasting away their settlements with unstoppable holy light/brilliance no ‘dark’ being –or any structure made fragile like the ‘dark’ beings– can withstand),
while Demons take captured intruders (some sometimes still find sneaky ways through the lands occasionally checked on by the very-aware Angels) off their hands, helping the Fairies stay focused on maintaining the healthy plant-people (such as most flowers and fungi) and starting/growing even more (healthy plant-people).
Angels, Demons, Elves, and Fairies see each other as good siblings of the same parent-beings/-race, thus they never argue or even feel frustrated/surprised by one another.  Angels, Demons, Elves, and Fairies automatically sense/recognize and love/welcome one another.



Fairy home-plants are never twisted/gnarled, nor lumpy; they are always a beautiful perfect flower, mushroom cluster, or ring of especially-distinct healthy grass (though such rings are sometimes where they meet/dance, not always where they reside).
Fairies are always healthily-skinny (supermodel-style, though never anorexic/bulimic-looking).

Fairies have always stayed in or very near forests, particularly where there are ancient/giant/magical/sacred trees providing shade and support/protection for all smaller plants at their bases/trunks.



When you see fireflies, there is a good chance at least some, if not all, of them are Fairies.  Don’t capture them; capturing one in a bottle is one of the cruelest things anyone can do.  As naturally very submissive/compliant fragile sweet beings/people, they won’t understand your thoughts if you are assuming them to be a bug that will glow/blink a few times and eventually die in the jar; they might think you want that, or automatically manifest it for you, not until it is too late realizing how weak or terminal they have then let themselves become –though anyone who loves and believes in them enough can resurrect them in perfect condition, good as new, albeit rattled by the unexpected experience in the possession of a foolish human (the one who bottle/killed them).


Scent/s Emitted:

They smell like various appealing forest things; evergreens, flowers, moss, etc..



Being so tiny compared to humans, their voices are proportionately quieter and in a higher bracket/range of notes.

All females sound feminine sexy, and all males sound masculine powerful, as only modern humans sound frail or nasal or anything else off-putting.



wherever forests are, typically congregating/living at the base of the biggest trees, as well as in otherworldly mini-treehouse villages (each home about the size of a birdhouse) down about their trunks, surface-roots, and nearby/connected smaller plants.

They also have a dimension only they can get to, and they keep practically everything about it private, unknown to non-Fairies.



They have a strict code that almost never allows non-Fairies anywhere in/near their realm/s.



Their language is predominantly visual-telepathic; they just remember and share memories, visions, fantasies, etc..

Like all communicating species, each subset/race/demographic can have its own dialect, some more distinct than others (e.g. different bird races’ unique chirping/songs, compared to the sounds different bugs make, etc.).

Fairies, better than anyone, understand and speak the languages of all birds and bugs, and of course of little plants such as flowers and mushrooms, plus of squirrels and other tiny animals (chipmunks, mice, moles, etc.).


2024 May:  Diet

vegan, of course; the diet of all good/civilized/sane beings


Also see: