Most of my expeditions so far have been across the outer-surface of the Earth, so it will eventually be time I explored much more within.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Phases
  3. Their Effect
  4. Additional Notes
  5. Belize
  6. California
  7. India
  8. Italy
  9. Malta
  10. Mexico
  11. Turkey
  12. Miscellaneous & Concepts
  13. Using the Ancient Tunnels to Start a Modern Global Subway



It is possible that all caves are ruins; they are just so ancient and weathered that they seem unrecognizable and (an artificial origin) improbable to us.  I’ve already been down in many caves, some known, others not so much.  It is time I go to the sites where caves were fashioned into what are now ruins, and where ruins deteriorated into normal caves.

I’m starting with an orientation to the surface of Turkey, as well as to many of the megalithic sites across the rest of Europe.  Once I’m familiar with that layer of those realms, I’ll start making return visits to link back up with the new friends I’m about to meet, and maybe some of them will join me as I go down into these below-surface ruins to explore, study, reverse engineer, and even reactivate some of them.  Just think; this is only the Phase 2 work!



In Phase 1 of this life, I knew nothing of the global array of subterranean ruins, though I did get to walk down one or two concrete staircases into touristy caves.  In Phase 2, I was shown images and notes about thousands of subterranean ruins around the world, as well as reports and rumors that there were plenty more, such as those built by the survivors/migrants of/from Atlantis, such as underneath much of Brazil and the whole of the Amazon, and I even got (myself and a fellow-explorer friend) down into one that hadn’t been identified or studied at all.  Imagine the wonders of these ruins I’ll uncover and benefit from during Phase 3…


Their Effect:

Underground ruins have a special way of focusing and healing people.  They resonate certain notes, often by design.  It has been considered by many experts that most, if not all, such sites were once linked –and many (all across Europe and down into the Middle East) still are.  Perhaps there is a way to see their global collective as a song; mark each one with the note its main chamber holds the best, then see what music they all play when read in sequence… based on how they all connect.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the ancients even thought of and perfected that; writing sheet-music in the Earth itself.


Additional Notes:

Another thing worth considering is that the ancients didn’t carve out the underground spaces we see today as caves and ruins; they may have merely sensed where they were… and occupied them, making only the slightest of alterations, as needed.  What caused these cavities in the earth, though?  Was it really mere tectonic shifting, as our schools assumed and wanted us to believe?  Could all the underground ruins really be built within the once-living organs and arteries of giants now known in myths as Titans?



Many more TBA…


More than 9,000 “mine shafts” pepper the surface of Mt. Shasta near the border of Oregon.  Were all of those made by humans?  Were they attempts to find the way into the legendary city in the core of that dormant (tapped?) volcano?  Do the people still living down in there guard not only the secret entrances to that place of refuge… but also a secret about it also being the petrified trunk of a felled World Tree?

In addition to those thousands of shafts, there are said to be secret entrances carefully designed to scare uninvited guests (i.e. humans from the surface) back out.  It is believed by some locals that one such secret entrance was intentionally collapsed in a controlled demolition at some point in the recent or distant past; that entrance, if it was an entrance to the secret volcano-core city in question, is now known as Pluto’s Cave.  More accurately, part of this (now called) “lava tube” collapsed, its ceiling caving in, opening it up to easy on-foot access from the desert-terrain surface.  The photo album following these paragraphs shows you what we saw when we went in (for the second time).

This is clearly part of a larger network of tunnels likely fanning out from Mt. Shasta.  They may be petrified World Tree roots, once carrying highly-energetic water, later only carrying the molten petrified remains in the aftermath of the felling of that miles-tall tree.  What else might they connect, though?  Root-systems in all forests of the world intersect, overlap, and share nutrients, as well as information; they touch, help, and communicate with each other, forming a mesh of little fibers between plants and fungi, just about everywhere.  Looking at the Pluto’s Cave “lava tubes” system with that in mind… may help us begin to picture how the giant ancient plants of the previous era/’world’ were positioned on the surface… and how much they chose (or needed) to interact –and even how they may have been ended.  (One type of sealed-off “lava tube”, for example, might indicate a natural disconnection, while another may show clear signs of interference in the form of penetration for mining, or explosive damage from a nearby (nuclear?) war.)

Videos on my YouTube channel about this subterranean ruin site:

Many more TBA…


Many more TBA…


Many more TBA…


Many more TBA…


Many more TBA…


Many more TBA…

Miscellaneous & Concepts:

Many more TBA…

Using the Ancient Tunnels to Start a Modern Global Subway: