These are when we meet in the desert with all of our Jeeps and other personal off-roading vehicles.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Frequency and Duration
  3. Caution and Options
  4. Ideal Vehicle
  5. Jeeps, Et Cetera



Jamborees are 2-day weekend off-roading adventure & instruction events where hundreds of vehicles and thousands of participants show up.  They are hosted around the world, often in fairly remote areas with varying types of terrain, providing easy courses for novice off-road drivers, as well as technical and challenging areas for the more experienced.  Here in Inisfree, we usually host our jamborees in the lower of our three deserts, right amidst the sand dunes (our beginners area), and at Uluru 2 up on the higher of our desert plateaus (for the experienced drivers).


Frequency and Duration:

Jamborees here are typically once a season; every three Outlander/human-months; four times a year.  A jamboree may last as few as several hours, or as long as a full weekend.  Obstacles within a jamboree are designed to take only a minute or  two to negotiate, though they are considered technical.


Caution and Options:

Vehicles not designed (or at least upgraded to be suitable) for off-road applications should not attempt to participate.  If you don’t have an off-road capable vehicle, one may be provided for you for the duration of the jamboree you attend.  You can also request that a Jeep or other off-roading vehicle be 3D-printed for you; we do this at no cost, producing the entire thing in our Personal Vehicles Factory, then have one of our Inisfreeans drive it right to your curb.


Ideal Vehicle:

The Russian off-road vehicle called the Sherp is one of the finest one can use at our jamborees.  A video about some of the Sherp models is included in the video playlist below.  The Governor of Inisfree has several of them, and enjoys taking them out to these events in the more-remote parts of his realm.


Jeeps, Et Cetera: