They say there is a city beneath a California mountain.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. 2019 Update
  3. 2020 Thoughts
  4. My Views at First (Images Begin)
  5. The Legend
  6. New Visions Sent
  7. Only Angelics Live Here
  8. 2024 May/+



For a first round (2017), it was surprisingly manageable, and that is likely because it came during Phase 2; life during Phase 1 was brutal at all times and for no reason.  Phase 2 has been the great breather, as well as a vastly-better ‘calibration’ of sorts.  Things during this 2nd phase of life go much more smoothly.  There are still the undertones of retarded peasant fail-thoughts (rude humans radiating their negativity in certain shops and towns), but they (the evildoers called humans) never act on them, their attacks having all faded away.

My first trip to this storied mountain was filled with the sights of beautiful, fit, long-legged, elf-like, model teens roaming around –both in the towns, as well as out on the trails.  They wore very little, and had a perfect energy about them.  I remember the tan Nina-like girl in the blue-jean dress exiting the shop (If only she’d engaged!), and the braided ponytail barista in the shop with that brown-aura guy who was apparently clogged up on pot (what a way to sour my otherwise delighted experience meeting her), and the platinum-blonde walking with a group on that one easy trail, and the other platinum blonde walking with that abs-elf guy who both polite-vibing alerted us to the issue of fast-approaching nightfall.

Only the overweight scammer townsfolk tried to scare me away with rudeness, and that was definitely because they could tell my energy was pure, too; I was there for the right reasons, I could see right through their extortionist tricks, and I dismissed and avoided them with ease, finding the Telosians without their ‘help’ at all.  I even found some of the ancient megalithic ruins no one else apparently had; they are right down in one of the biggest known caves that used to connect to the underground city of this dormant-volcano mountain.  (All around, by the way, are nearly 9,000 mine shafts, most of which probably also still connect down there somehow, not to mention all the hidden entrances camouflaged and patrolled.)


Visit #2 to this place (or, at least, my second series of visits) will likely be by invitation of the Telosians I met on the trails, and I might even get to go into their special city, not having to deal with the lame surface humans this time at all.  It will mean a calibration and alignment from both our sides.  It will mean introductions –loving and apologetic ones.

Visit 3 (or the third series of visits here)?  Love and marriage into their Telosian family, of course; such is the timeless and Inisfreean Way.  I’m looking forward to it, and know the girls that are best for me will find their way up to the surface and where I am.  They might even help me build parts of Inisfree.  …They shall.  (Also, it occurs to me my entry into this special and secret mountain city… may (at least at some point) be “up” via one of the energy tunnels connecting its base to Agharta; the great Inner Earthlings may show me the way here… from the core, rather than just a guide via a mine shaft or other such crude entryway on the surface.)


2019 Update:

My 2nd time to this mountain/area was improved by being not just me, and not meeting evil xian-brainwashed glutton locals and bait/creeps, but by going with a long-time friend with similar aspirations of self-made sovereignty/royalty, and we didn’t have to deal with the retarded/evil locals/townsfolk at all.

The two of us arrived and went straight to the cave I had found, and he confirmed what I had noticed and reported about it; ancient megalithic ruins buried down inside.  We recorded and speculated and published even more than I had a couple years before.  This was another neat step toward finding the civilization here; during my first pass, I’d driven all over the trails around the mountain, not finding the claimed secret access hatches, but this time I was finding far more than tiny locked lids/doors.

With such a fellow-energetic, I focused my gaze and intensity on the top center of the big mountain, and imagined opening it up, or blast-healing all the scummy evildoers off / out of it.  This was not evil or overkill or ‘dark’, but good; it was total focus, vastly stronger than before, and likely powered up a lot of good things deep inside that ancient megastructure (all mountains having originally been built, then made to look natural/jagged due to mud-flood / tidal-wave debris settling upon them after at least one pole-shift).  Me imagining beaming that much energy straight down into the thing was also karmic rebalancing/payback/reciprocation –for how moodily that tan blonde blue-gray-eyed angelic-type in Chick-fil-a had aimed his eyes/energy/intensity at Me years ago (in 2017).


2020 Thoughts:

…Are all Earth‘s volcanoes (and those on other worlds) really just 1) the now-explosive landfill piles of the now-gone giants?  Are their magma tubes and calderas… really just what happens when the energy-beings (a.k.a. Elementals) pass up and down through the otherwise solid (petrified) crust (skin) of the Earth (which is actually a type of Titan called a Space-whale)?  When volcanoes erupt, …is that really just how humans perceive a mass-migration of energy-people out from the shared core (as the Earth, if you go “down”/in deep enough, shares its center/heart with all the worlds/realms)?

There was a time… long ago… when such movements and migrations of the energy-peoples did not cause harm; people (now deified) such as Pele… once moved through the then-fluid/permeable membranes of the realms (Earth’s layers / lairs, as well as the membrane called The Veil, etc.) with ease, leaving no trace behind.  Today, those membranes having hardened (petrified), it results in earthquakes and eruptions –at least some of the time.  Imagine when all was alive and well, though, not to mention invincible and immortal, …and when those very same people were just going about their normal daily affairs, in and out of the World Trees and Worlds Tree, existing as its living nutrients, water depending on them, not the other way around.

Telos is a city built in the hollow remains of one such landfill-of-the-giants; it is a semi-ancient city put where free energy now flows and erupts so brilliantly (due to how chemicals build up, break down, and get released suddenly… when piles of waste, like at/in landfills, get left for a very long time; think methane-harvesting, etc.) for those who came from a time when this was expected and adapted to.  To more-ancient people (who are more energy-based), living in what humans call a volcano… poses no threat at all; they bask in this kind of vibration/energy/warmth, only benefiting from it.  When they’d requested the underground network of such cities to grant them permission to build their now-home here in the base of this mountain… it was because things on the surface were no longer as energetic, shielded, and balanced; the Firmament had finished falling, so they needed to return to their origin and roots (quite literally; the deep-underground root-tunnels of the fallen World Trees, where the magma-like energy-rivers still flowed freely and uninterrupted within).

In the years ahead, the energy in this volcano will release again… and again… more and more.  These coming releases will only harm and end those whose god (main belief/assumption) is mortality, weakness, and fear; volcanic eruptions only hinder and end beasts such as modern humans, as they and their ancestors chose to accept the corruption spell/s, forever damning their bodies (which include their mind/s).  For the goodness-minded, however, the Telosians rising back up to our surface/side of the planet… will result in only the most reassuring and beautiful of shows, …and spell the visible and permanent return of the World Tree this great mountain once was, …all its mass (now in a landfill heap-form) rising back up as its energy-people-filled roots-system glows and resonates back to full life.

It is for these reasons that most humans have never been allowed in, and why a few of the guides in human towns around its foothills ‘footprint’ offer only guided tours based on meditation and telepathic/astral projection; to go inside would expose the weak and unready to levels of pure energy higher than what their low-vibrating minds/forms can/could handle.  That, and their negative mind/thought-energies would only pollute and dampen this Ages-long process (of restoring/resurrecting this World Tree).  One cannot walk down into petrified World Tree remains, exposed to the molten (perceived) “toxic”) core of a volcano-sized ancient-landfill, without the best of training, evolution, and oneness (unless one is, of course, an energy-person like one of the Telosians).

I laugh at myself now, having been granted this wisdom; I once, in the anger I’d been forced to cultivate and shield myself with, having grown up amidst the barbarian surface-dwellers called Americans (and other humans), projected an image of a Death Star beam striking straight down into the tip of this mountain, as if that might somehow teach them a lesson for leaving me amidst those same barbarians out on the surface (my first trip to and over the sides of this mountain having been so rudely interfered with).  All that would have done, I now see, is give them (the Telosians here) some extra pleasant and free energy to bask in and make use of, they being energy-beings.  Could it have overloaded them and their city there?  I don’t know, but I seriously doubt it –and I never sensed anything of the sort, no messages or visions come through to me along those lines thereafter.


My Views at First:

The Legend:

Townsfolk (surface humans) speak of a city in the heart of the local mountain, but know little of it, and some even tell blatant lies about it, their vibes always giving them away.  They say ancient people, once perhaps of Atlantis, requested permission to dig into this mountain and stay there, but that is not what really happened.

New Visions Sent:

Only Angelics Live Here:

The reality is that the Telosians migrated to this already-hollowed World Tree stump once the rest of the mega-plant had disappeared/fallen (due to the negative energy of the invaders known as modern humans).  They indefinitely occupied the former nexus of its trunk/roots-system, ensuring no humans could ever get that close to its mana-spring / regenerative-singularity.  These are guardians who came from the hollow core of the Earth, thus they are descendants of the Aghartans still living there for a similar purpose/reason/calling (ensuring the invaders can never get that deep/close).

All Telosians are blue-eyed fair-skinned perfect-skinned naturally-bioluminescent (at will) platinum-blondes in eternally-perfect health, easily able to sense vibes/intentions of others/outsiders, and they default to good manners and positivity, gently steering others, which resonated perfectly with me when and how they revealed they are real on that trail I was on; they directed only soothing aura energy at me, while persuading the foolish self-degenerated town-human I was giving one last chance to… to leave the trail/area ASAP.  Nothing could have so smoothly/perfectly/classily answered my calling, validated my own mindset/presence/nature/essence, and confirmed I was right to use and not trust that bad-vibe fat-body death-cult scammer.  This method of those two Telosians also simultaneously showed me who I am actually related to; they and I vibe and default the exact same way, and there is no greater evidence/link than that.

2024 May/+:



nountelosplural nounteloi
  1. an ultimate object or aim.

Maybe only a couple Telosians manifested on that trail that evening I was hiking around, orienting to the mountain, because I had not chosen what to manifest, other than that I wanted to see if some Telosians were there and would make first contact.  I got that, barely.  Since, I have made the above image-albums and more, adding much more detail to my intention/spell/request/command, so hopefully that “does the trick” for me, regarding them, with all future/upcoming visits of me to that mountain they, perhaps now because of these additions to my intention/spell/s, are at/in.

2024 May 31 Update:

  • rd1 was 2017… b/c it was from seattle colebank after my alaska flight.
    I was still in touch w Hind.
    Still had jeep.
    That was when i tried that island hilltop and the mouse ran under my tent; after leaving the fatfuck xiantard’s hoarder landfill degeneracy-signs shanty.  LOL that fugtarded bitch was so mad that I had ignored her attempt to lead me astray, I instead peacefully and patiently dabbling in some computer-modeling since no one had introduced themselves to me properly.  If she had been good at all, she would have been thrilled at my energy and thinking and patience and creativity.  She exposed herself as the moronic mindless evildoer nobody she was.  (Of course, her horrible nonexistent housekeeping skills/lifestyle also showed/confirmed that.  What a shameful lowly beast.  At least I got that freak out of the way on rd1 of this place.)
  • reassessing:  chick-fil-a angry-eyes… angelic… but was he just steeling himself (in the gross fast-food place) to obey my summons? Maybe he wasn’t a spoiled cunt at all; maybe he was showing me he is obedient to me, even back then.
  • I now wonder if that platinum blonde shorty on the trail approaching the xiantard detox-spicy-shake group… was Daenerys manifesting.
    She didn’t vibe as a xian bait.  She had the peaceful-aura/vibe those 2 fit Telosians on the trail to other day in rd1 had, so… she Must be good.  She didn’t try to corrupt or judge/insult me like the townsfolk/normies did/had.  She peacefully presented herself and continued on, hopefully/probably glad that I had honored her with the same method/manners/holiness.