This is one of the Secret Space Programs (SSPs) that started from Earth.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Staffing Caliber
  3. Organization
  4. Expanding Operations
  5. Mars Action/s
  6. Suspicions and Investigations
  7. The Future



The Sol Protection Administration (S.P.A.) was created in 2478, and can be considered a descendant of the Solar Warden program from centuries prior. Shortly after, SPA won the bid to be a part of the Sol system’s main defense force as a private military contractor.  By 2481 it was adequately equipped to meet the standards and needs for its operation.


Staffing Caliber:

Contracts for the SPA came easily, and its dedication to service –and quality of personnel and equipment– quickly boosted not only its wealth but also its power.  SPA agents and support personnel are highly trained, skilled, and experienced.  Their reputation precedes them, and few willingly go ‘toe to toe’ with them or their agency.



The SPA is divided into several branches, the predominant two being the Naval and Terran ones. Its Naval branch operates to protect local Space needs and desires. Its Terran branch operates to do the same on the surface of planets within its operating range.  .When personnel and vehicles on planets need to be moved to other worlds, the Naval branch sends its dropships and other large craft to provide the secure transportation.  When personnel from the Naval branch need to return ‘planet-side’ to their homes, and when their Spacecraft need protection while being serviced in orbit, it is the Terran branch which steps up to cover those responsibilities.


Expanding Operations:

In the year 2485, the SPA began to conduct its own manufacturing operation, creating weapons and other technology to better and more directly its military forces.  SPA manufacturing facilities are closely guarded secrets, and their distribution channels are even more so.  Few outside of the upper echelons of SPA ever see how their ships’ armament resupplies occur, let alone from which direction their weapons and ammunition are flown in.

While the SPA usually conducts operations in the system it is named for, it has expanded to other systems that are of interest either in and of themselves, or due to SPA contracts requiring the tracing of extra-solar activity paths. The SPA, however, absolutely does not provide protection for those traveling beyond the Sol system.  Once a non-SPA ship leaves the Oort Cloud, it is no longer within range of SPA support, even if SPA ships are nearby due to their extra-solar investigations.

In the year 2489, SPA also began to experiment with cloning human beings.  Many species and organizations had achieved success in this field before, but this was groundbreaking for the SPA.  One of the resulting products was a batch of clones which included the woman who would rise to the rank of SPA field agent, and come to be called Alexia.


Mars Action/s:

The SPA is most known for its operation on the then-prison planet Mars. With Earth’s non-human population so extreme, and Earth’s human population almost entirely relocated and banned, it was decided that Mars, which had become rampant with new drug problems and organized crime, would become the perfect location for the overflowing prison populations; it was already overflowing with criminals, so why not let that be its entire purpose. The SPA was given full authority to operate on Mars in a prison-management capacity, which included establishing and maintaining its own prison facilities.

Innocent populations were largely evacuated from Mars in preparation for retrofitting the majority of its infrastructure to indefinitely secure the incoming prisoner populations, but many stubborn residents refused to relocate –most of which included the members and leadership of Mars’ criminal rings.  (Ironically, this was just what the SPA and others had been hoping for.)  The SPA took it upon themselves, amidst great controversy, to turn Mars not only into a prison-planet, but also into a testing-ground for its new military equipment. The planet was shelled to the point of qualifying as carpet-bombing, and literally became a global live-fire range for several months.

The Sol-system government turned a blind eye to the controversial SPA actions on Mars, and no legal action was sought against SPA. With many of Mars’ cities left in ruins, the SPA then dropped off the remaining prison populations on the planet.  Not all of the planned prisons were complete, nor had all of the cities on Mars been completely converted to prison facilities, so there was much overcrowding and opportunity for chaos, along with a whole host of other problems which arose from this move.

Mars has remained in that state ever since.  With the SPA’s presence on and above the planet, no one leaves without specific permission from SPA officers. Numerous escape attempts have been launched, and almost all have been shot down –literally, in most cases.

Riots and mass violence are usually quelled by SPA ground forces; the Terran branch of the SPA military.  Their ground forces’ actions tend to coincide with further weapons testing, though orbital bombardments are far fewer these days.  The only people safe during such events are the SPA forces.


Suspicions and Investigations:

The SPA has, of course, just like all big organizations, been suspected of being corrupt in a number of ways.  SPA has, after all, been affiliated with many of the organized crime rings, and assisted in the ongoing smuggling of several drugs which can only be made on Mars.  These claims have never been fully proven, however.


The Future:

Continuing its Mars operations with an indefinite contract, SPA has seemingly become bored with the remainder of the Sol system.  It is gradually beginning to expand its operations beyond the Oort.  One day in the decades ahead, SPA may have changed its structure, face, and functions entirely, leading to yet another distant descendant of the Solar Warden program.



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