In her homeland, the island nation of Themyscira, her official title is Princess Diana of Themyscira, Daughter of Hippolyta.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details: History
  3. Powers and Abilities
  4. Weaknesses
  5. Paraphernalia
  6. Transportation
  7. Weapons
  8. Notes
  9. Trivia
  10. Auz & Diana
  11. Diana & Themyscira (Images Begin)
  12. More from the Comics
  13. From the Cartoon
  14. In Motion
  15. Hawkgirl-style Armor
  16. Love
  17. Life
  18. Perfection
  19. How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree
  20. 2023/+



  • 5’9″
  • 145 lbs.
  • black hair, always long and flowing, naturally slightly curly
  • mildly-tanned skin, but mostly Caucasian-white
  • piercing blue eyes
  • perfect Amazonian body; tall-ish, leggy, toned, strong, yet feminine in every way (“Coke-bottle body”)
  • commanding-feminine facial-structure
  • perky C-cup breasts
  • wears her custom armor with its gold-red-and-blue color-scheme
  • carries the enchanted whip and a few other special items reserved for only demi-goddesses such as her


Details:  History

Diana is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, the first child born on Paradise Island in the three thousand year history that the immortal Amazons lived there. The Amazons had been created around 1200 B.C. when the Greek goddesses drew forth the souls of all women who had been murdered by men and placed them on the island. One soul was held back from creation, the one that would be born as Diana. That soul originally belonged to the unborn daughter of the first woman murdered by a man (whom Hippolyta was the reincarnation of). In the late 20th Century, Hippolyta was instructed to mold some clay from the shores of Paradise Island into the form of a baby girl. Six members of the Greek Pantheon then bonded the soul to the clay, giving it life. Each of the six also granted Diana a gift: Demeter, great strength; Athena, wisdom and courage; Artemis, a hunter’s heart and a communion with animals; Aphrodite, beauty and a loving heart; Hestia, sisterhood with fire; Hermes, speed and the power of flight. Diana grew up surrounded by a legion of sisters and mothers. When she was a young woman, the gods decreed that the Amazons must send an emissary into Man’s World. Queen Hippolyta ordered a contest to be held, but forbade Diana from participating. Diana disobeyed and did so anyway in disguise, easily winning the contest and being named the Amazons’ champion. She was given a uniform fashioned from the standard of someone who had visited the island a few decades earlier.

Diana did not keep her identity a secret, and she was not at first a “super-heroine”. Indeed, her character was in many ways that of a babe in the woods, innocent and without guile. Diana spoke only Themyscirian, a combination of classical Greek and Turkish. She had to learn English when she arrived in America, rather than knowing the language intuitively. Nonetheless, Diana was trained as a warrior and had no compunction against using deadly force when called for. She often dealt with war, injustice, inequality, death, and conflicts involving the Olympian Gods.

Before embarking on her mission, Diana was given the Lasso of Truth, forged by Hephaestus himself. She was also given the Sandals of Hermes, which allowed her to instantly traverse great distances in seconds. Diana’s mission was one of peace, but part of it initially involved defeating a mad plot by Ares to destroy the world. She ventured into the world by starting at Boston. There she met a Harvard professor, Dr. Julia Kapatelis, and her daughter, Vanessa Kapatelis, as well as the Air Force Officers Steve Trevor and Etta Candy. Diana stayed with Julia and Vanessa and over the course of a month or two, she learned to speak English. She was attacked at their home by Decay, one of Ares’ minions, and after a battle that spilled out into the streets of Boston she first came to the public’s eye and was given the name Wonder Woman. Upon discovering Ares’ plan (one that involved causing a nuclear holocaust), Diana managed to foil it, first battling his sons Phobos and Deimos before finally convincing him the error of his ways using her Lasso. After defeating the God of War, Diana returned home for healing at the hands of Poseidonh imself.

Joining the JLA

Wonder Woman became a popular heroine and joined the Justice League of America. Her apprentice and pupil Donna Troy, then Wonder Girl, was a founding member of the Teen Titans. Diana, together with Batman, Flash, and Aquaman, supported the teens and encouraged them to team up and work together with the Justice League.

Mortal and Immortal Challenges

Wonder Woman versus Ares
Wonder Woman versus Ares

After returning to Boston, Wonder Woman agreed to hire Myndi Mayer to be her publicist, with the aim of getting her image out to the world at large. She spent the next several months touring the world, conducting interviews and learning a lot about modern culture. She also initially met most of the Justice League around this time, and after meeting Superman, she was instantly enamored with him.

Wonder Woman gathered the attention of Barbara Mivera, the Cheetah, who secretly desired to steal the Lasso of Truth from Diana. She lied to Wonder Woman about having found the lost Girdle of Antiope to get close to her, but after touching the Lasso her truth was made clear. Diana was frustrated and enraged over her naive trust of Minerva. That same night, Barbara decided to take the Lasso by force and attacked Wonder Woman as the Cheetah. Diana managed to fight her off, and decided it was time to return home to Paradise Island again.

Challenge of the Gods
Challenge of the Gods

The gods were pleased with Diana’s work–one was a little too pleased, however. Zeus offered to make Wonder Woman a goddess if she agreed to sleep with him. Diana refused, and Zeus decreed she must be punished for refusing his advances. The other gods managed to deflect the full brunt of Zeus’s wrath. He decided that Wonder Woman must pass the Challenge of the Gods. He ordered her to go into the pits beneath Paradise Island and retrieve his fondest treasure, and Diana accepted the challenge. Hippolyta was not pleased, and though she could do nothing to stop Diana from descending into the depths, she did resolve to follow after her (fighting past Philippus first). Wonder Woman battled all number of evil monsters in the pits, from the Hydra to the Echidna, but got some help from the spirit of Diana Trevor. Diana Trevor, the mother of Steve Trevor, revealed that she had been an Air Force Pilot who crash landed on the island and then died helping the Amazons in battle. It was for her that Diana was named, and it was her standard that was used to fashion the Wonder Woman costume. Hippolyta caught up with her daughter, and together they fought even more mythological beasts until they discovered Zeus’s treasure: his imprisoned demigod son, Heracles. The demigod had been changed to stone and made to bear the weight of the island for thousands of years for his actions against the Amazons. Diana and Hippolyta freed him, and brought him back to the surface. Faced with his punishment of thousands of years, Heracles was repentant and begged forgiveness for what had happened between he and the Amazons. The Amazons forgave him at last, and after a celebration including a romantic reconciliation with Hippolyta, Heracles returned to Olympus. The gods were pleased with Diana. Hippolyta was pleased as well, and ordered her daughter to return to Man’s World and continue her mission.

Once Wonder Woman was back, Myndi Mayer arranged a publicity stunt, this time at a fair. However, things took a negative turn when the first Silver Swan, Valerie Beaudry, arrived on the scene. Wonder Woman battled the Swan along the coast, but failed to capture her. Returning to Boston, Diana stayed with Vanessa while her mother was in Greece. She found herself distracted more and more with thoughts of Superman, eventually asking Myer to arrange a meeting between the two. Diana and Superman had their “date,” which included a battle to free Olympus from the grip of Darkseid after he had laid waste to it. Superman and Wonder Woman decided it would be best if they just remained friends, but Superman trusted Diana enough with the secret of his dual identity. Wonder Woman became one of the few people who would come to affectionately refer to him as “Kal.”

The emergence of Circe
The emergence of Circe

The gods decided it was time to take a vacation (or “Cosmic Migration” as they called it) even as Diana decided to go with her friends to Greece, to see the ancient home of her people. She met Julia Kapetelis’s parents, but felt a strange sensation in regards to one of the smaller islands that was long said to have a bad history. As it turns out, Circe made that island her home, and she sent her minions to capture Diana and drag her back in chains. Circe revealed her whole history–including the fact that she murdered Antiope, Hippolyta’s sister. Circe also revealed the prophecy she learned from Hecate, who was responsible for her power, and her belief that if either Circe or Diana kills the other then the spirit of Hecate will consume them. Circe resolved to use a spell that would degenerate Diana back in the clay from which she was created. Even with the help of her friends, Wonder Woman only carried the day with the timely intervention of Hermes, who had not yet left Olympus.

When Diana returned to Boston, she learned of the death of Myndi Mayer–someone had apparently shot her in the face with a shotgun in her own home. A man named Steve London was framed for the death, but Diana learned that the man responsible for killing her was a man named Skeeter Boyd. Skeeter died trying to escape from Wonder Woman, grabbing hold of an electrified fence and frying himself. He had not, in fact, actually killed Myndi–an overdose of alcohol and cocaine had killed her before he delivered the blast. Diana was left to question how something like this could happen, ignorant of the effects of addiction and drug overdose.

Called back to Paradise Island, Diana was summoned by the gods to come to Olympus with Hippolyta and Menalippe, which was still in ruins from Darkseid’s rampage. The gods announced their decision to depart from the Earth, possibly forever, possibly not. They needed Diana’s help to shatter what was left of Olympus so they could move on and allow the healing to begin. Their destiny now in their own hands, Diana called for a vote among the people whether or not they should open the gates of the island and allow men to come there. The Amazons voted yes, and Wonder Woman returned to Boston to invite Julia and Vanessa to be the first guests.

Shadows of the Past

Wonder Woman and her extended family
Wonder Woman and her extended family

Diana was shocked when Hermes showed up in Boston. He explained that he believed the journey of the rest of the gods was folly and sought to assert himself, as a god, in Boston. He won a few converts through bribes and healing, despite Diana’s protests. Hermes was tricked, however, by Phobos and the immortal gorgon Euryale into unleashing Ixion the Assassin from his prison beneath the Earth. Ixion went on a rampage across Boston, killing hundreds and damaging the old U.S. Constitution. Hermes sent Diana a supernatural call for help and she arrived just in time to confront Phobos, whom she bound with her Lasso. After attacking Ixion and flying him out of the city to prevent further death and destruction, Hermes managed to free himself and regain the Caudecus, the source of most of his godly power, and decapitated Eurayle. Meanwhile Ixion continued his battle with Diana, but even he proved to be no match for her superior strength. He told Diana about his thousands of years of torture and pleaded with her to kill him in order to end his suffering. Hermes then arrived on the scene with Phobos in tow, using his Caudecus to bind the monster, intending to imprison him once again. Phobos gloated to Diana that the only place Ixion could be properly imprisoned was beneath Theymscira. Diana was horrified, but before the matter could be resolved further, a squadron of jet fighters appeared on the scene. Seeing a chance to finally be freed of his suffering, Ixion broke free and charged the approaching planes, who then opened fire and killed him in response. Diana blamed herself for what happened, as she had not taken a stronger position against Hermes when he first arrived.

Wonder Woman faces Cheetah
Wonder Woman faces Cheetah

Cheetah decided to resurface, once again with the intention of stealing the Lasso of Truth. She used a pair of Khunds, still on Earth after the invasion, to create a diversion so she could steal the Lasso. Suspecting that Dr. Barbara Minerva stole the lariat (but not knowing yet that she and Cheetah are one and the same) Wonder Woman traveled to Minerva’s home in England (this coincided with a trip to the first meeting of Justice League Europe, though Diana decided not to remain part of the team at this time). Minerva’s manservant, Chuma, poisoned Diana and proceeded to tell her the whole story of how Minerva became Cheetah. The poison had no effect on Diana, however, and she tracked Cheetah to Egypt where out in the hidden city of Bana-Mighdall she found the lost colony of Amazons. Their leader, Queen Anahid, incapacitated Diana with a poisonous dart and locked her away. The high priestess tried to kill Wonder Woman but died when Diana tossed her across the room and she ended up swallowing the same poison dart Queen Anahid used on Diana earlier. Diana broke free and realized that Cheetah would be on the prowl that very night–but she was still groggy from the poison. The mercenary Amazons had been hired to pacify a nearby village. Armed for war, Wonder Woman fought them back and was attacked by Cheetah. After a vicious battle, Wonder Woman defeated her adversary and locked her up (Chuma was slain by gunfire during the fight). Queen Anahid, mortally injured by Cheetah during the battle, died after commanding that Diana be spared. The Amazons called off the raid and told her their history. They were indeed the descendants of Antiope, Hippolyta’s sister, though they were not immortal. They had in their possession the other Golden Girdle of Gaea and were a nation of mercenaries and had been since Antiope’s death. Pythia, blaming Theseus and all men for her mother’s death, was their first leader. The city was then attacked by Hermes, who learned of and was enraged by the existence of the rogue Amazons and their possession of the Golden Girdle. Diana managed to convince him to cease his attack. One of the Amazons, Faruka, decided to use all the chaos to try and seize power, using an Amazon called Shim’tar. With Hermes weakened, Diana fought Shim’tar alone, battling to a standstill. The Egyptian government, outraged over the massacre at one of their villages, ordered an air strike on the hidden city. Not even Hermes was able to intervene and the entire city was destroyed, leaving Wonder Woman, Cheetah, and Hermes alone in the desert. Wonder Woman recovered both her Lasso and the Golden Girdle. After a brief stop back in Boston, Diana returned the Girdle to her mother on Themyscira.

Themyscira and its visitors are manipulated by Eris
Themyscira and its visitors are manipulated by Eris

The time had come for Themyscira to welcome the world more openly. Twelve delegates were chosen: Asmund Lindel, the Norway delegate to the U.N.; Maritza Nitumbe, a South African botanist; Phyllis Haller, an American bestselling feminist author and sociologist; Vladimir Morakov, a Russian neurosurgeon; Robert Cantwell, a Scottish history teacher and war veteran; Rabbi Benjamin Hecht and Unitarian minister Reverand Alan Witherspoon, the only two religious leaders to respond to Diana’s invitation (the Vatican was silent); Lin Koo Teng, a survivor of the Tiananmen Square massacre; Rovo Quashi, a blind man from Ethiopia; Henri Tibet, a paraplegic architect from Canada; Felix Zumac, a Haitian zoologist and anthropologist; and Lois Lane, everybody’s favorite reporter from the Daily Planet. Hermes, shedding his immortality, granted Diana the ability to use her winged sandals to take the delegates to Themyscira. The delegates all arrived to a magnificent greeting by the Amazons. No one suspected that Eris, daughter of Ares, was plotting discord. She nearly succeeded in turning everyone against one another, but her plans were discovered and thwarted. The delegates all delivered their favorable report to the U.N. while the Amazons commenced the cleanup. Julia was on a dig overseas and Vanessa was at summer camp. Hermes, shorn of some of his divinity, had been staying with Steve Trevor.

Wonder Woman had her second run in with the Silver Swan, now more powerful than ever, when Valerie was attempting to escape from her “benefactors.” Wonder Woman and Etta Candy were captured by Henry Cobb Armbruster‘s thugs, but working together they were able to break free. Using her Lasso on Armbruster, Diana was able to unveil the depth of his lies to Valerie. The Swan walked away, no longer the villain.

Wonder Woman battles Mercury
Wonder Woman battles Mercury

With Themyscira known to the world and the gods departed from Earth, Queen Hippolyta decided it was indeed time to take a more active role. The Amazons removed their bracelets and decided to come to Man’s World and see all that it had to offer. Hipployta, Menalippe, Philippus, and other Amazons came to stay at a hotel in Gotham City. Diana encountered Hermes again, who had rebuilt a temple unto himself and proceeded to flirt with Wonder Woman. This Hermes turned out to be Mercury, and Wonder Woman had to help the true Hermes battle his “evil twin” at their temple. Mercury was able to win the battle, taunting the humbled Hermes as he departed the field. Hippolyta and the others decided they needed to present themselves as more than just an extension of Wonder Woman, and Steve Trevor told her that he needed some space as well, as Etta was growing jealous of the two of them. When Vanessa also got angry at Diana for being late to her birthday party and even Julia wanted some space, Diana decided to return home to recharge. While at home, Diana was contacted in her sleep by Harmonia as well as Pariah, both of whom offered warnings about an impending crisis. After waking from this nightmare Diana seemed to drift into another one, involving a badly beaten and injured Hermes. Diana suspected that Circe was behind her ill fortune lately.

Back in Boston, Wonder Woman encountered Hermes–who announced his intention to destroy Boston. Diana told him she would never let it be so–but from Hermes’ point of view, it was the Amazon who was threatening the city. They began to battle one another, unaware that they were under the illusions of Dr. Psycho, who had been posing as a therapist for Vanessa. Diana and Hermes stopped short of killing one another when one of Vanessa’s teachers interrupted the insane villain. Diana and Hermes, relieved of their delusions, joined together to track down their tormentor. Realizing that Psycho had been twisting the mind of Vanessa as well, Diana was able to connect her thoughts with Vanessa and track him down in his lair. There she found Vanessa’s teacher, whose unborn baby had been tortured by Dr. Psycho as well. Meanwhile, the Amazons were attacked in their hotel by masked assassins, who also murdered the police officers at the building and framed it on the Amazons themselves. The word quickly spread, and by the time Wonder Woman had taken the injured teacher to the hospital, the police tried to arrest her for murder. Diana protested their innocence while alerting the police to the location of Dr. Psycho, whom she left tied up with her Lasso. However, when the police arrived, he was no where to be found; the Lasso was tied to a chair but no one was there. Before the Boston P.D. took her in, Diana convinced them to allow her to help deliver the child, which she successfully did. A news report indicated that armed Amazons broke into the hotel in Gotham and slaughtered police and civilians alike.

Wonder Woman allowed herself to be taken into custody where she learned the horrible tally: Hippolyta was missing, Philippus was gravely injured, Menalippe and Epione had been arrested (the former with injuries), Mnemosyne and Timandra had been arrested in other cities, Pythia and Euboea were unaccounted for, and Hellene had been killed. There was also an unidentified Amazon who was killed at the hotel, prompting a scare that there could be dozens of murderous Amazons on the loose. Vanessa came to the police station with news her mother was missing. Diana managed to convince the police to let her see the unidentified Amazon. The dead woman was unknown to her, but the tell-tale claw marks raking her body led her to believe she was killed by the Cheetah. Commissioner Gordon reluctantly ordered Diana arrested, but Diana, fearful for the safety of her friends, broke out of the jail. Recovering her Lasso, she freed Menalippe from her hospital before catching up with Pythia and Euboea and taking them all back to Paradise Island.

War of the Gods

The War of the Gods
The War of the Gods

At home, many of her Amazon sisters were crying out for vengeance, believing their queen to have been murdered. Diana asserted herself as the rightful leader of the Amazons, no matter what they decided to do. As they were debating, an oracle announced that the gods had returned. No sooner did she do so when Diana was summoned to Mount Olympus. The gods announced that something was terribly wrong with the order of things. They too had seen Pariah and did not understand his importance. Zeus had expended much of his power just summoning Hermes from the Earth, and it had taken the combined energy of the rest of the pantheon to summon Diana there. They told her that Donna Troy had also turned up. Just then, a new set of gods emerged–it was the Roman pantheon, led by Jupiter himself. The Roman gods announced that they had a human champion that would battle against the Greeks’ Wonder Woman–that champion was none other than Captain Marvel. Diana was forced to defend herself against a possessed Captain Marvel while Hermes and Mercury engaged in round two. Wonder Woman defeated Captain Marvel, while Circe began to unveil her master plan, unleashing chaos across the globe.

While Wonder Woman was on Olympus, Heracles traveled to Paradise Island. Once there, earthquakes began to rock the island. Traveling beneath it, Heracles found Atlas with the island on his shoulders. This was the Roman Atlas, and he mistook Heracles for Hercules. Back in the U.S., Mnemosyne, Timandra, and Epione were being transported by a military escort that was attacked by Amazons–but no Amazons the three prisoners recognized. These Amazons left a few survivors in the escort to tell the tale, then gassed the three prisoners and took them with them. Diana, after her victory over Captain Marvel, was transported back to Boston.

Diana ended up at the house of a police inspector, Edward Indelicato, whom she was friends with. She recounted her story and Edward agreed to help her. Diana, sensing that Circe truly was to blame for all the madness going on, decided that she had to track down Doctor Fate for assistance, who gave her a spell that made her invisible so she could return to Boston. The spell wore off when she (literally) ran into the Silver Swan, which was dumb luck as Valerie had been looking for Diana to give her some guidance. Diana had little to give, however, as distracted as she was by everything else going on.

A call to Black Canary put Diana in contact with Batman, whom she asked to retrieve the missing Themyscirian goblet that she believed would help exonerate her people for the massacre in Gotham. Diana then banded together with Zatanna, Phantom Stranger, Spectre, Doctor Fate, Flash (Wally West), Madame Xanadu, and Geo-Force to try and undo the spells Circe had woven. Circe had expected this, and planned on cultivating the energy from the spells the group was now casting–but her plan backfired and her spells were undone: yet the war continued.

Circe had been betrayed by her ally Kaslak. In addition to replacing the relics Circe needed for her spell, he also allowed Pythia into Circe’s lair. Pythia managed to free her captured sisters as well as Julia Kapatelis. Wonder Woman met back up with Batman, who had recovered the Goblet, but told her that it was, in fact, a forgery that had been coated with some unknown material. Diana followed the trail back to Egypt, were she discovered the temple of Bana-Mighdall that she thought had been destroyed. There she found Lobo battling Shim’tar. When some more Rogue Amazons arrived, Diana had Lobo fight them while she tackled Shim’tar, demanding to know what had become of her mother. After a tough battle, Diana managed to strike Shim’tar to the ground–only to unmask her and find that it was none other than Hippolyta.

Now the truth finally came together. Cheetah had a confrontation with Edward Indelicato and explained the whole truth to him. While she had been in prison, Circe’s minion Mikos came to her, transforming her permanently into the form of the Cheetah–although now, Minerva’s mind remained fully in control. Circe was hardly benevolent, however, and insisted that Cheetah join her beastiamorph army. Cheetah was to help Kaslak steal the proper artifacts for Circe to cast her spell. This included the Goblet, which Circle resolved to switch with a fake that would suit her own ends. She engaged the remnants of the Rogue Amazons, all part of a plot to discredit Diana and Themyscira. She also hired Doctor Psycho to keep Diana distracted. When Hippolyta touched the fake goblet in Gotham, it transformed her into the new Shim’tar. Mikos removed Shim’tar from the building but failed to get the real goblet after Maxie Zeus‘s assassins showed up, hired by Cheetah to try and double cross Circe. Philippus was attacked by one of the Rogue Amazons at the scene and witnessed Helene’s death at the hands of the Cheetah.

Time was running out for Wonder Woman. She tracked down Hermes, but he was unable (or unwilling) to heal Hippolyta, so Diana resolved to take her mother back to Paradise Island. She was attacked en route by fighters, but with the help of Starman she managed to evade them. On the shores of Paradise Island, she would face Circe at last. Circe had fought her way through Hermes to get to Diana, but she would not simply kill the Amazon and risk Hecate‘s curse. Cutting them off from other heroes gathered on the island (Starman, Hawkwoman, Aquaman, and Dolphin), Circe used her magic to revert Diana back into the very same clay from which she was born. Having destroyed Wonder Woman, Circe departed, ready to grasp final victory. As the Amazons mourned their fallen princess, Superman rallied Earth’s heroes for the final battle.

Diana was not dead–not completely. Her soul was collected by Phantom Stranger, Spectre, and Deadman. They told her that Klarion the Witch Boy had been responsible for disrupting Circe’s spells. Superman, meanwhile, led the charge against Olympus itself, where the confused Greek and Roman pantheons were still committed to destroying each other. When Circe’s deceptions were made clear, she was transported back to the limbo realm where she had slain Hermes. There she found Donna Troy and Wonder Woman–restored to life. Diana battled the evil witch, and this time her power was greater, for Hecate’s power had left Circe. The witch was seemingly killed, but Hecate was denied Diana’s soul. The gods decided to depart again, but the long war was finally over.

The war had been costly. Much of Paradise Island was in ruins and would need to be rebuilt, and Menalippe and other Amazons had lost their lives. The United Nations, thankfully, fully exonerated Themyscira from all charges, and Queen Hippolyta was alive and well. Diana returned to the U.S. just in time to attend Vanessa’s Junior High graduation.

Conflict at Home and Beyond the Stars

Wonder Woman is back
Wonder Woman is back

Wonder Woman was called to action by Superman when Brainiac seized control of Warworld and started to head for Earth. Superman decided that Earth could not wait for this invasion and had to launch a preemptive strike, so he recruited Diana and many of the world’s other heroes. While Batman gathered a team to defend Earth from any advanced warriors, Diana traveled with Superman and other heroes to Warworld to defeat Brainiac.

Diana spent some time with Vanessa and Julia, until she learned from Edward Indelicato that the Cheetah had been captured in the Balkans, in a country called Pan Balgravia, by their new president, Baron Von Nastraed. Diana contacted the god Proteus prior to leaving, enlisting his help to create a false identity, Diana Prince. Lacking knowledge of the region, she decided to enlist Deathstroke for help. Inspector Indelicato decided to come along as well. The first location that they were led to turned out to be a trap and they had to fight their way through some royal guards. Capturing one, Wonder Woman used her Lasso to learn that the Baron had secret and dummy prisons set up all over–and he also had mass graves. Diana and Slade went undercover to the finest restaurant in the country, where they managed to meet the Baron and get him to agree to another meeting. On the way to the meeting, Deathstroke announced that he was parting ways, prompting a fight between he and Wonder Woman that she won. After tossing Deathstroke in the trunk of the car and having Indelicato stand guard, she broke into the Baron’s castle. The Baron was not as naive as they hoped, however, and was waiting for her with several demonic thugs.

Deathstroke quickly recovered, however, and some of his “friends” showed up as backup. Wonder Woman was thrown in a magic cage but managed to force her way out. Barbara Minerva, reverted back to human form, was in the cell next to her, very weak from her long torment. She explained that the demon ruler needed a powerful female host for its mate. The Baron and his associate, Mr. Drax, began their demonic ritual as Deathstroke arrived on scene. As Wonder Woman fought the demon Drax, Deathstroke went after the Baron. Barbara, lapping up some spilled blood, reverted back into the Cheetah, and dove through the portal that Drax had opened, sealing it and destroying Drax in the process. The Baron vanished into thin air after Deathstroke plunged a dagger into him, and the nation was free again.

Wonder Woman was prepared to testify at Indelicato’s hearing, but no charges were filed against him. Outside the police station, Diana met a distraught woman who claimed her daughter had been kidnapped by her husband. The man in question got on the wrong side of some drug dealers who were shot and killed during a meeting he had with them, prompting him to grab a briefcase full of money (and his daughter) and run for it. The race was on to see if the police could catch up to him before mafiosi–but luckily, Diana made it there first, rescuing the little girl and preventing her from getting shot. Meanwhile, Doctor Psycho was still on the prowl, and he used his powers to continue to torment Vanessa in her dreams.

Wonder Woman in chains
Wonder Woman in chains

Wonder Woman was approached by a man named Asquith Randolph, the White Magician, for a mission that would take her into space, where she was needed to save the life of a female astronaut named Tasha on an experimental Russian spacecraft. When she was on board, Randolph detonated an explosive and the ship was catapulted through space. Diana managed to get it under control, but they were still rocketing into the unknown. After drifting for two weeks through space, their ship was salvaged–but their rescuers were only interested in making them slaves. The slavers stripped them of their clothing and equipment and dropped them on a prison world–a prison world populated entirely by females called Hope’s End. Tasha and Diana were bruised and battered–but not broken. They were prisoners on the planet for months, working in the quarries. A Khund prisoner frequently fought Diana. There was another prisoner, an unnamed Daxamite, who was kept in chains as a warning to the rest. After finally learning some of the other aliens’ language, Diana learned their tormentors were called the Sangtee and that they existed entirely as one gender for a century, then changed to the other. She finally managed to rally some of the other prisoners, destroying the Sangtee power station, capturing their starship, and freeing the imprisoned Daxamite. Taking up the role of a kind of space pirate, Diana worked hard, recruiting more ships and allies as she carved her way across the Sangtee Empire. One of her new friends created an artificial eye to replace one of the eyes the Daxamite lost. The new Daxamite was named Julia by Diana and she agreed to fight. Despite treachery from within, Diana was able to force a confrontation with the Sangtee emperor and get him (or her) to admit the folly of his people’s ways. With some help from Julia, Diana finally was able to make it back home. Randolph had weaseled his way into the position of “Hero of Boston” during her absence.

Wonder Woman after returning to Earth
Wonder Woman after returning to Earth

Diana did not return to Earth in time to prevent the Death of Superman or fight Doomsday. The monster tore through Justice League America before being put down by the Man of Steel–at the cost of Superman’s own life. Diana gathered with past and present JLA members to mourn the death of their friend. She held a place of honor during his funeral procession, and was one of the people who actually closed the lid on the sarcophagus. Diana gathered with the other heroes to pay a last respect–every year on Christmas Eve, Superman read some of the thousands of pieces of mail directed to him. Diana found one letter thanking Superman for help, even though her house was destroyed and her husband had left her. While the others rebuilt the woman’s house, Diana tracked down the husband, who was unaware of what had happened. The Justice League was in need of being rebuilt after Doomsday’s rampage, so Wonder Woman agreed to come aboard as the new field leader.

On her Own in the World

Diana was shocked when she returned to Paradise Island to find it missing–the entire island was simply gone. Diana did not know what to make of it, so she went back to Boston and decided to get a job. Despite the fact that she was now leading the Justice League, and that she had apparently made a lot of money via merchandising thanks to Myndi Mayer, Diana resolved to look for a job in the classified ads. No one seemed interested in hiring Wonder Woman. She eventually got a job at Taco Whiz, presumably so she could better understand the common man (and woman). She also got her own apartment.

Diana works at Taco Whiz
Diana works at Taco Whiz

Diana then met a man named Micah Rains who offered her a job (Rains was, according to Edward Indelicato, a total “wack-job”) as a kind of P.I. The White Magician was careful to always be close by, stealing the limelight. Diana continued her work at Taco Whiz while desperately trying to make a difference in some people’s lives. Inza Cramer, the new Doctor Fate, finally reached Wonder Woman and offered her help at discovering what had happened to Themyscira. The two went back to the location of the former island, where Fate was able to use a spell to let them see events of the last few moments of the island. It seemed that a golden statue in Diana’s likeness washed up on the shore. The Amazons brought it before Hippolyta, but then something happened–a bright flash of light and an explosion–and the island was no more. Convinced her mother was dead, Diana knew that Circe must be at fault. Doctor Fate was able to track her down, but when they arrived in Circe’s lair, all they found were her remains–she was apparently killed in the same deadly spell she used to obliterate Paradise Island.

Wonder Woman began to believe there was a connection between all the recent crimes that involved hi-tech gadgets. Diana began investigating. She also went out shopping with Etta Candy for a wedding dress and after Etta passed out she realized that her friend was starving herself to look thinner. While talking with Etta about it, the Flash showed up, warning Diana about a hit on her and that Mayfly was the hitwoman. No sooner did he get out his warning when Mayfly showed up, guns blazing. With Etta and Flash’s help, Diana managed to defeat Mayfly–but was shot in the process. While Diana recuperated in the hospital, Mayfly was murdered in her cell by an attorney named Donna Milton, who was working for Ares Buchanan, the supplier of the hi-tech arms and the one who hired Mayfly. Donna was carrying his child as well.

The return of Ares
The return of Ares

Donna Milton then introduced herself to Diana, feeding her a tragic story of her life that caused Diana to remark “nearly every terrible thing that can happen to a woman has happened to you.” Diana was quickly taken in by the charming Donna. Ares Buchanan was, naturally, an avatar for the god Ares, who was not so prepared to completely abandon the Earth. He had easily corrupted the White Magician, making him one of his lieutenants alongside Donna Milton. After weeks of friendship, Donna betrayed Wonder Woman to Ares. When Donna refused to let Ares torture her, however, he shot her and then prepared to shoot Diana. After a powerful spell from Ares, Diana was unable to break the chains that had bounded her. Donna, using one of Ares’ weapons, created an explosion that left her and Diana plunging down hundreds of feet into a watery chamber beneath Ares’ lair. The fall should have killed Donna but they survived and Donna went into labor. While Diana delivered the child, the White Magician contacted Ares’s mafia boss, Sazia, letting him know that Ares Buchanan had died in the explosion and they had to act quickly to hold his power together. Sazia was not interested, however, and attempted to shoot the Magician, so the Magician killed him instead.

The White Magician, whose powers were increasing because of his connection to a demonic realm, began to transform some of his lackeys into supervillains. One of them, Dreadnaught, attacked Diana at the hospital–another attacked the Kapatelis’ house, kidnapping Vanessa and seriously crippling Julia. Wonder Woman was able to save put a stop to the White Magician before more of his thugs could kill Etta Candy and Steve Trevor. Her patience having run out, Diana contacted some of the mafia men connected to the Magician and warned them they had one hour to return Vanessa unharmed. When they failed to comply, Diana began to tear apart the gang, tracking down all of their outfits and demolishing them, leaving the words “No quarter, no sanctuary” as she went. Mrs. Sazia, the new head of the Sazia crime family, decided to betray the Magician to get Diana off their back. Diana found the Magician’s lair and rescued Vanessa, but the Magician himself was not there.

Circe's manipulations are revealed
Circe’s manipulations are revealed

Diana, plagued by nightmares, began to have doubt about her instability. She sought out Superman and asked him to stop her if she ever got too out of control. Luckily, Doctor Fate returned and told Diana that she had been having the same nightmares–dreams about the end of Themyscira. Replaying the spell that showed the end of the island, Diana guessed that maybe it hadn’t really been destroyed–it was all a complex illusion created by Circe. Diana unveiled Doctor Fate, who was really Circe in disguise (or at least, an illusion of her). Circe revealed that she had not destroyed Paradise Island, but rather she had found a way to relocate it to a realm of fire where the Amazons had been fighting for their lives every day since their imprisonment. Circe offered to return the island–if Diana sacrificed an innocent life. She gave her until midnight. Battling through Circe’s illusions, Diana was unable to save the life of a young runaway named Cynthia who was struck and killed by a car. With her death, however, Paradise Island was restored.

A New Contest, A New Wonder Woman

A contest to find a new Wonder Woman is announced
A contest to find a new Wonder Woman is announced

Diana was elated–her home was back, her sisters were back, and her mother was back. Hippolyta told Diana the whole story of what had happened. Circe had led the renegade Amazons of Bana-Mighdall to Paradise Island, stirring them up with dreams of conquest. They caught Hippolyta’s Amazons completely off guard, and for two days there was nothing but bloody battle in the city. After it was too late, Circe’s schemes became apparent. She used her magic to transport the entire island to another dimension, where the Amazons were set upon by demons. Both tribes of Amazons had to band together or die, and for ten years (in that realm) they fought against the demons. As a reward, Hippolyta bequeathed a section of the undeveloped part of the island to her sister’s tribe. Now they were back, and the nightmare was over. Diana recounted everything she had done in the months since their absence–Hippolyta was not pleased. She felt Diana had wasted many opportunities to affect man’s world as a whole. Hippolyta announced that she was not sure if she could trust Diana to represent the island anymore. Upset, Diana wandered away from the city with some friends, where she met Artemis for the first time. Diana was intrigued, if not particularly impressed, with the brash, arrogant young Amazon from the tribe of Antiope. As they were talking, word came that Hippolyta had made a decision–there would be a new contest, and perhaps a new Wonder Woman.

Hippolyta meant to bar the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall from competing in the new contest, but she was overruled by a general vote among the Amazons. The Contest began, and Diana and Artemis quickly jumped out ahead. Artemis had to discipline one of her followers who tried to assassinate Diana during the middle of the Contest. Artemis did not think that anyone but Diana could truly win, and that the Contest was merely a means of Hippolyta getting at her daughter, but she was determined to keep her honor. Hippolyta disclosed to Philippus that she had activated ancient magics, bringing to life monsters to battle the champions. Diana and Artemis were neck and neck during the last sprint–but distracted by seeing her mother ahead, Diana stumbled and fell. Artemis won the Contest–and the role of Wonder Woman.

Artemis, the New Wonder Woman, and Diana
Artemis, the New Wonder Woman, and Diana

Artemis was given the Wonder Woman outfit to wear. She was also given the Sandals of Hermes, which let her fly, and the Gauntlet of Atlas, which increased the strength of the wearer by a factor of ten. She also had her bow. Diana created a new black suit and headed back to Boston, too angry with her mother to listen to anything she had to say. Diana helped Artemis battle some minions of the White Magician before visiting her friends in the hospital. Donna Milton was fully recovered, but Julia Kapatelis was paralyzed. Artemis went to New York City where a public relations firm picked her up, offering to make her a well known presence. Artemis promised to succeed where Diana had failed. Diana had to help her friend Micah, who was in trouble again, before going off to help HawkmanDiana’s teammates in the Justice League did not take kindly to the news that there was a new Wonder Woman. They refused to follow anyone other than Diana.

Poison Ivy and Cheshire attack Diana
Poison Ivy and Cheshire attack Diana

Boston was now caught in the middle of a gang war between the Sazia Family and the Paulie Longo family. Longo had the White Magician on his side, and all the beasts and creatures that came with him. Not to be outdone, Mrs. Sazia hired Cheshire, Poison Ivy, and Cheetah. Diana was captured by the three villains. Cheetah, however, helped Diana escape, figuring she owed her one from their last encounter. Poison Ivy took out some of Longo’s assassins that were coming for Sazia. The crime mistress was not safe, however, as the Joker himself decided to come to Boston. Longo was displeased with the Magician’s work, as it had failed to overwhelm Sazia. The Magician decided he needed to draw more power. Diana managed to track down Sazia and the Joker–who had a vest of dynamite strapped to him. The timer was a ruse, however, and it sprayed Diana with a paralyzing gel. Descending into the realm of the gods, Diana became one with the god Pan, allowing her to shake off the paralysis and become (temporarily) almost as mad as the Joker and beat him at his own game. Meanwhile, Cheetah attacked the White Magician as he was preparing a spell to eliminate Sazia and Diana, causing him to miscast it and teleport them both away. Sazia managed to murder Longo before he got to her.

Artemis, frustrated and angry that the world had seemed to reject her, believed Diana was purposefully trying to disrupt her efforts as Wonder Woman. She tried to bring in Sazia, but the mob mistress evaded her. Diana, meanwhile, tracked down the Chauvinist and other thugs that Artemis had battled in her time as Wonder Woman. She discovered that they had all been hired by Artemis’s agency, all for the sake of publicity, and managed to convince Artemis of this after a brief skirmish between the two. Diana decided she needed to go back home to get some answers from her mother.

Diana and Hippolyta have a falling out
Diana and Hippolyta have a falling out

Diana found her mother in the woods, disciplining herself for what had happened between her and Diana. She confessed that when they were in the other realm, she had visions of the future–a future where Wonder Woman would die. This was the real reason she called for a new contest–a contest that she rigged, so that Artemis would win, become Wonder Woman and die while Diana would live. When Hippolyta said she expected Diana to remain with her while Artemis faced certain death back in Boston, an angry Diana responded “then you lost me a long time ago.”

Artemis was in trouble–the White Magician was back, but coming back from whatever realm he had gone to had changed him, transforming him into a powerful demon. He transformed Sazia and Cheetah into his minions and prepared for battle. As Artemis began a desperate struggle against the demon, Diana went first to the hospital. Her friends told her they thought she must have some kind of healing power–not only should Donna Milton and her baby have died in the explosion that killed Ares Buchanan, but Julia was almost completely recovered from her paralysis. Diana, however, realized the truth: Circe had been showing up, randomly attacking her before disappearing, with no rhyme or reason. Diana realized Circe had faked her death very well when she had gotten rid of Paradise Island–she had assumed another identity, Donna Milton, and hid her own mind so well in that other mind that maybe she did not even remember doing it. Diana interrogated Donna Milton, who denied this truth, not willing to accept it. But when Diana pressed her, Donna got angry and a spell teleported Diana to Artemis’ side. The two Amazons fought together in a desperate, impossible fight against the White Magician, and his demonic pawns Cheetah and Sazia. When all seemed lost, Circe/Donna Milton appeared, and in a single burst of magic she disappeared, along with Cheetah and Sazia. Artemis, mortally wounded by the Magician, gave the Gauntlet of Atlas to Diana. With her strength thus amplified, Diana was able to put down the demon and then hold Artemis as she died. The two found peace in that last moment.

Back to Basics

Diana is Wonder Woman once more
Diana is Wonder Woman once more

Diana moved to Gateway City to get a new start and began investigating some otherworldly technology–which led right to Darkseid, who captured Diana and brings her and a policeman named Mike Schorr to Apokolips. With the help of Metron, Diana and Schorr escaped back to Earth. Diana learned that Darkseid was after Themyscira. They got back after Darkseid had already invaded the island. Wonder Woman rallied her sisters to make a stand against Darkseid. The dark god called the battle off after a long hard fight. His Parademons could be restored to life–the Amazons could not. Darkseid left the field, content with the damage done. Twelve hundred Amazons died, five hundred were injured. This meant that half the total population of Paradise Island had perished. Diana learned that her mother had left the island before the battle, stepping down as queen. Diana was offered the crown, but declined and returned with Mike to Gateway.

In Gateway, Diana got a job at a museum, working for the curator Helena Sandsmark. She also met Helena’s daughter Cassandra. Cassie proved her penchant for getting into trouble early on, when she accidentally reactivated a golem that had to be put down. Diana was then approached by the Phantom Stranger, who needed her help to stop a recent plot by Morgaine le Fay. Morgaine was working with Theophilus Warly and had captured the Demon (Jason Blood). She used her power to sick Etrigan on Diana, but Phantom Stranger managed to lift the spell and the three of them went after Morgaine in her lair. Next she used Arion, enthralled by her spell, to attack them as they approached. Morgaine managed to capture them, and she had Vandal Savage and General Immortus as well. Morgaine had planned on using their immortality to extend her own life and power, but Diana–having given up immortality upon leaving Themyscira–disrupted the spell. She battled Morgaine, who dissolved into dust.

A new hero calling himself Champion appeared in Gateway. Before Diana could meet him, she faced a new threat. When a scientist’s young son was fatally injured in his lab, the scientist transferred the boy’s mind into a computer system. Unfortunately, the boy thought he was actually playing a computer game, and used his father’s hard synthoid technology to create recreations of Barry Allen, Sinestro, and Doomsday who all ran amok in Gateway. Champion joined the fray to help Diana, and then Cassie–making quick disguise and grabbing the Sandals of Hermes and Gauntlet of Atlas–decided to assist, calling herself Wonder Girl, though here she just got in the way. The scientists managed to help Diana from the lab, even when Decay showed up and attacked them.

Cassie was eager to prove herself as Wonder Girl and Diana was eager to train her–but her mother Helena emphatically rejected the idea. Cassie snuck out of the house, getting into a battle with Decay which almost ended in a stalemate. Diana, of course, showed up and defeated Decay. Meanwhile, back in Boston, Vanessa Kapatelis was still being plagued by nightmares because of her torment at the hands of Doctor Pscyho–but at long last she was able to turn the tables on him in her dreams.

Soon afterwards, Diana helped out in the Final Night, although aside from crowd control, her part was minor. After that, she got involved with some of the Earth’s greatest heroes to stop Know Man. In the wake of that, a group of aliens called the Hyperclan arrived, promising to help turn Earth into paradise. Their cover was quickly broken, and they were discovered to be a group of renegade White Martians. After helping defeat the Martians, Diana joined with the others to become a charter member of the new Justice League.

A series of minor earthquakes began to be felt worldwide. Three animal-men broke into the Gateway museum, then escaped in a transparent aircraft. They later broke into a second museum, only to escape again. Diana and Champion, using a private plane of his, tracked them to Antarctica, where they discovered the ancient city of Lansinar far beneath the ice and were captured by its inhabitants. The Challengers of the Unknown were there as well. The people there, living in darkness for 40,000 years, had no eyes, but their rulers–all of whom resembled ancient Egyptian deities–did. The rulers explained that long ago, theirs was an advanced city-state on a continent further north–but 400 centuries ago, the continent shifted to where it was, burying them beneath the ice (this time-frame would seem to correspond with the fall of Atlantis as well). The four immortal rulers took the form of beast men, and they traveled to Ancient Egypt and helped them build their grand civilization–but they were no match for the coming of Alexander the Great and the Greek gods that came with him. Some of the rulers were then imprisoned for centuries. Now they desired to return their continent to its proper place. Diana pointed out to them that their loyal followers could not long survive away from the home they had always known. The leaders decided to stay where they were, and they gave Diana a Lansinarian Morphing Disk–a transparent object that could transform into anything she wished (like an invisible jet). After they got back to Gateway, Mike Schorr expressed his attraction to Diana, but she told him she was not interested in him that way–she was also being hit on by Champion.

The Amazons turned to stone
The Amazons turned to stone

In the many weeks or months since Diana came to Gateway, Hippolyta had been wandering the city streets under the name “Polly,” befriending a few people but refusing to explain her origins. She had to be hospitalized, however, when her body began to change into stone. One of her new friends, a psychic named Angelica, discovered who she really was. Diana, meanwhile, was searching for Mike Schorr, who had gone missing. She found him in the lair of a savage, feral Cheetah. Attempting to strike Cheetah, Diana missed and struck a wall–only to have her hand shatter as if made of clay. Cheetah had made a deal with Neron during Underworld Unleashed–she had sold her soul in exchange for her assistant Chuma being restored to life. Unfortunately, with no soul in place, the base, savage aspects of the Cheetah began to overwhelm Barbara Minerva. With Chuma’s help, Diana managed to revert Cheetah back to human form. Jason Blood returned to help Diana figure out what had happened to her hand. As Diana went over her whole history with Jason, she had a sudden feeling–a sense that something had happened to her mother. With Champion’s help, Diana was able to find her mother–who had now completely turned to stone. Diana was fast turning that way too. Champion and her friends decided to take her home. Arriving on Paradise Island, they found the entire population of the city had turned to stone–all save Eudia, the Oracle, who had not yet fully turned. She said that what had happened occurred because the gods had left the Earth–but she pointed to Champion, and revealed him to truly be Heracles in disguise. In anger, Diana lashed out at him–and crumbled into dust.

The Gods of Olympus restore Diana
The Gods of Olympus restore Diana

The Greek gods reentered the scene. They called Heracles to their location and after he explained himself–saying that originally he became Champion out of a desire for revenge but later fell in love with Diana–the gods realized that their departure from Earth is what triggered the Amazons reverting to the stone and clay from which they came. They restored Diana to life, and ordered a hearing: Julia and Vanessa Kapatelis, Steve Trevor and Etta Candy, and Helena and Cassie Sandsmark were all summoned to Olympus. After the hearing, the gods decided to return to Earth, and with their return, the Amazons were restored to flesh. Before being sent home, Cassie managed to grab an audience with Zeus, who decided to grant her wish of becoming a superhero.

Diana was gathered with Helena, Cassie and Jason Blood when a seemingly revived Artemis stormed in, trying to kill Blood. Diana was forced to battle Artemis. She was joined in battle when Jason transformed into Etrigan and Cassie exhibited the new powers given to her by Zeus. The fight spilled out on the streets of Gateway. Hippolyta, who had returned to visit the friends she made from her wandering days, saw the fight–and Artemis–on television. She suddenly became terrified at the prospect of Artemis being alive again, and feared for Diana’s life. She and her entourage raced to the scene. Neron then appeared on the battlefield, and took all the parties present to Hell. Neron split Jason from Etrigan, tormenting the former and Helena, whom he cared for, while forcing Diana to battle Etrigan. Artemis managed to free herself and Cassie and in the process they found another of Neron’s prisoners, Merlin. Artemis used the silver “ornaments” on her costume to injure Neron, but before withdrawing, the demon lord blasted Diana with a lethal bolt. Everyone was transported back to Gateway–with Diana lying an inch from death.

The world feared Diana's death at the hands of Neron
The world feared Diana’s death at the hands of Neron

Diana was taken to the hospital. Donna Troy came, herself having just lost her son and ex-husband in a car accident. One by one, the other members of the Justice League arrived. They tried to heal Diana, but they could not, and she was all but dead. As her friends both in and out of the League kept vigil, her recovery looked bleak. Being incapacitated, Diana was not able to participate in the Genesis conflict, which involved not only the machinations of Darkseid to control The Source, but also involved the evil of the war god Ares–evil that nearly destroyed the gods of Olympus themselves. Ares and Darkseid were both imprisoned on the Source Wall at the end of the conflict.

Hippolyta, Donna Troy, and Cassandra had to rescue Diana from a rogue doctor who had hoped to transfer her own consciousness into Diana’s body. It only confirmed what they had dreaded, Diana seemed truly dead. The gods intervened, however, answering everyone’s prayers–Diana was resurrected, not just as a mortal, but as the new Goddess of Truth. Hera told Diana her days as Wonder Woman were over. Diana was uneasy in her new role, being told by her fellow goddesses that she could only aid those who called on her help. Meanwhile, on Themyscira, the Amazons decided that Hippolyta, having betrayed the trust of the island with her actions regarding Diana and Artemis, must be forced to do a penance: she must become the new Wonder Woman. This was made all the more possible by Hippolyta’s augmentation thanks to her contact with the Source during the Genesis crisis.

It was during Hippolyta’s time as Wonder Woman that the “true” history of Donna Troy was at last revealed. When Diana was a child, the Amazon sorceress Magala used a spell to create a perfect duplicate of Diana to be her playmate. No one but the three of them knew. Six months later, Dark Angel, an enemy of Hippolyta’s from when she traveled back in time, came to the island and kidnapped the duplicate, thinking she was the original Diana, and forced her to live a thousand different lives that all ended in tragedy. Thanks to Diana’s intervention, Donna Troy was restored to life (with some help from the Flash), but Diana was “punished” for her interference by being made back into a mortal again. Her mother eagerly stepped aside to let her resume her role as Wonder Woman.

Devastation of the Gods

Circe reemerged, seeking revenge against Hippolyta and Diana. She used her magic to cause Hippolyta to forget who she was, resulting in Hippolyta thinking she was the wife of a man who had lost his. He thought she was his wife, and the same went for the man’s son. Diana eventually broke through Circe’s spell and reclaimed Hippolyta’s memory, who then went back to Themyscira.

The ancient titan Cronus emerged from the depths of time, desiring to be the new supreme god of all. He created a new pantheon for himself, and with his pantheon created a twisted doppelganger of Diana, the child villain known as Devastation.

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Down to Earth

Wonder Woman published a book, entitled Reflections
Wonder Woman published a book, entitled Reflections

Diana began working as the Themyscirian Ambassador to the United Nations, and moved into an embassy in New York. She fully embraced her status as a diplomat and a purveyor of peace, and published a book entitled Reflections: A Collection of Essays and Speeches. Reflections was highly successful but garnered controversy over its content, particularly its mentions of the Greek pantheon and its progressive ideas. Diana’s newfound position on the world stage earned her the envy of a wealthy woman named Doctor Veronica Cale, who hated Wonder Woman, believing her to be unworthy of the powers she possessed. Cale began a campaign to oppose Diana, putting her immense wealth and power behind groups that spoke against Wonder Woman, and acquiring the villains Doctor Psycho and Silver Swan in an attempt to use their powers to cause a riot among protestors at the embassy. Doctor Psycho used his mind-controlling powers to force a civilian to shoot the anti-Wonder Woman protestor, Darrel Keyes, while Silver Swan was set upon Diana to distract her. Wonder Woman was able to calm Silver Swan, and took Vanessa Kapatelis in to the embassy in an attempt to treat her for the damage that had been done to turn her into the Silver Swan. Psycho, however, was shot on the orders of Cale.

Meanwhile, Ares set into motion a plan to replace his father Zeus as ruler of Olympus. He succeeded in creating rifts between the gods, resulting in a fight between Zeus and Hera that saw Hera cause great damage to Themyscira in her anger. Diana’s attempts to restore Vanessa’s health led her to Leslie Anderson, the business partner of Veronica Cale and a highly experienced surgeon. Leslie had previously supported Veronica’s attacks against Wonder Woman, but she began to see Diana differently after meeting her and agreed to help treat Vanessa.

With the help of Batman, Wonder Woman discovered that Psycho was responsible for Keyes’ murder. Unbeknownst to Veronica Cale, Psycho had used his powers to impersonate a member of her security, and it was he who shot the security guard rather than the other way around. Psycho came back for revenge, and tied up Veronica in a closet at Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals. Wonder Woman happened to be visiting Leslie Anderson at the time, and managed to rescue Veronica Cale, though Psycho escaped.

Eyes of the Gorgon

Wonder Woman’s foe, the powerful witch Circe, was enlisted by the Gorgons to resurrect the legendary Gorgon Medusa, who had been beheaded by the Greek hero Perseus. Circe succeeded in restoring Medusa, who immediately sought revenge against Athena for cursing her in the first place. Circe encouraged her to kill Athena’s chosen champion, Wonder Woman, and informed her of another that hated Wonder Woman as much as she: Veronica Cale. Meanwhile, Doctor Psycho revealed to Diana that Cale was behind the resurgence of himself and the Silver Swan.

Wonder Woman battles Medusa
Wonder Woman battles Medusa

Medusa traveled to the Themyscirian embassy, but retreated due to her horror upon seeing modern life. Her gaze turned a bird to stone, however, leading Diana to become aware of her existence, and she realized she would be forced to kill her. Diana attended a dinner party at the White House, which Medusa ambushed, turning dozens of guards to stone in the process. Wonder Woman fought her, but Medusa managed to escape and instead attack the embassy. Diana followed her and escorted her staff to safety, but Medusa’s gaze turned Martin Garibaldi, the son of Diana’s employee Peter Garibaldi, to stone. Furious at Medusa’s murder of a child, Wonder Woman was prepared to kill her, but refrained after Medusa invoked Ares and challenged Diana to a battle to the death. The punishment for ignoring such a challenge was torture lasting 1000 years, so Diana was forced to accept.

Veronica Cale arranged for the battle to be televised, intending for the world to witness the death of Wonder Woman. Diana fought blindfolded in order to avoid Medusa’s gaze, but Medusa managed to remove the blindfold and was about to turn Diana to stone. Wonder Woman quickly blinded herself using the venom of one of Medusa’s snakes, and decapitated Medusa without the use of her sight.

The Gorgons Euryale and Stheno attempted to avenge their sister, but were defeated by the Pegasus, which sprang from Medusa’s severed head. Doctors from Man’s World and Themyscira were unable to restore Diana’s eyesight, and she was forced to continue her heroics blind. Despite her lack of sight, Diana’s skill in battle allowed her to hold her own in battle against the Justice League during an evaluation ordered by Batman.

The Gods of Olympus attempted to oust Zeus from the throne, causing him to unleash Briareos, the protector of his throne. Athena summoned her own champion, Diana, to fight him. Diana killed the beast by presenting the severed head of Medusa, turning him into stone. With Zeus’ champion defeated, Athena took the throne of Olympus. After Athena’s ascension to the throne, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades requested Ares’ help in overthrowing her and restoring the throne to Zeus.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and Ferdinand descend into the underworld
Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and Ferdinand descend into the underworld

Athena called upon Wonder Woman once more, requesting her aid in freeing Hermes from Tartarus. Together with Wonder Girl and Ferdinand, Diana descended into the underworld. The trio fought Empusai, monsters guarding the underworld, and ventured into Tartarus until they discovered Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Hades set the demon Eurynomos on Diana, Cassie and Ferdinand, though they overcame him and discovered Hermes. Hades attempted to kill Diana but was interrupted by Ares, who betrayed the three gods, having agreed with Athena to deceive them in exchange for dominion over the underworld himself. Hermes was rescued and Poseidon and Hades were defeated, while Zeus submitted and returned to Olympus with the heroes.

After their victory, Athena granted each of the heroes one gift. Wonder Woman wished for Martin Garibaldi to be restored to life, and Athena obliged. She also bound her own vision to Diana’s, restoring her sight and granting her further empathy and wisdom.

Infinite Crisis Era

Wonder Woman fights a mind-controlled Superman
Wonder Woman fights a mind-controlled Superman

While under the mind control of Maxwell Lord, Superman brutally beat Batman and engaged in an all out violent fight with Wonder Woman, thinking she was his enemy Doomsday. Lord tried to mind control Diana but failed as she is immune to this kind of power. Wonder Woman put up a valiant fight with the Man of Steel, using her Amazonian skill, powers and intelligence to fend off the raw power of Superman, who by now was completely insane with rage. When Superman was stunned, she realized that he wasn’t her real enemy and held back her attacks–sustaining more injuries as a result. She created a diversion after grounding Superman that lasted long enough for her to race back to Maxwell Lord and demand he tell her how to free Superman of his control. Bound in her Lasso of Truth, Lord replied, “You will have to kill me.” Wonder Woman snapped his neck after grounding Superman for a second time, releasing Superman from Maxwell Lord’s mind control.

This action resulted in significant ramifications for Diana; her relationships with both Superman and Batman were seriously strained as they objected to her use of lethal force, no matter the circumstance. The status of Wonder Woman amongst the other heroes and the public at large was uncertain as the Brother Eye satellite (the deranged Artificial Intelligence controlling the OMAC units) broadcasted the footage of Wonder Woman killing Maxwell Lord, preceded by the word MURDER, to media outlets all over the world.

Wonder Woman snaps Maxwell Lord's neck, an action that changed the world's perception of her
Wonder Woman snaps Maxwell Lord’s neck, an action that changed the world’s perception of her

Wonder Woman defended herself from several OMACs who attacked her in her own home. Having repelled the assailants, she was delivering an injured boy to the hospital when she saw a broadcast of the damaging video on the waiting room’s television. She witnessed first-hand how people viewing the footage reacted with fear and revulsion; Brother Eye had managed to kill the faith the world had in her. At the start of Infinite Crisis, Batman and Superman distrusted Diana: the latter could only see her as a coldblooded murderer, the former saw in her an expression of the mentality that led several members of the League to decide to mindwipe their villains. This hit close to home with Batman as his memory had been altered when he tried to stop the League from mind-wiping Doctor Light after the villain brutally raped Sue Dibny.

To make matters worse, Brother Eye, acting out of vengeance for the murder of Lord, initiated the final protocol, Truth and Justice, which aimed for the elimination of all Amazons. A full-scale invasion of Themyscira was set into motion, utilizing every remaining OMAC. Diana and her sisters, now isolated and alienated from the outside world, were forced to fight for their lives. The Amazons prepared to destroy the OMACs with a powerful new weapon, the Purple Ray of Death. However, Wonder Woman realized that Brother Eye was watching and transmitting, and that unleashing such destructive violence would only exacerbate the effects of her killing of Maxwell Lord. After the weapon was used once, Wonder Woman convinced the Amazons to shut it down. She then called upon Athena, who transported Paradise Island and the Amazons remaining on it to another dimension. However, Wonder Woman chose not to join them, and was left to face the OMACs alone.

One Year Later

Diana Prince, secret agent
Diana Prince, secret agent

One Year Later, Donna Troy had taken up the mantle of Wonder Woman, after a year in which Diana went missing. Diana re-appeared in the guise of Diana Prince, a secret agent. Batman had helped her create her new secret identity. Diana joined the Department of Metahuman Affairs, and was partnered with Nemesis. During her introduction to the team, she was brought up to speed on the surveillance information available on Wonder Woman. Prior to dropping out of sight, Wonder Woman was last observed in the company of an eastern mystic named I-Ching.

Wonder Woman asked lawyer Kate Spencer (whom she knew to be the vigilante Manhunter) to represent her before the federal grand jury that was to determine if she should be tried for the murder of Maxwell Lord (even though she had been exonerated by the World Court). With the help of Sasha Bordeaux of Checkmate, Kate Spencer obtained a video of Wonder Woman killing Maxwell Lord which proved that Max was in control of Superman when she killed him. However, Wonder Woman would not allow Kate to use the evidence, as it would lead people to distrust Superman. Upon concluding their deliberations, the grand jurors refused to indict Diana. The World Court then entirely dropped the charges against Diana for the killing of Lord.

On Diana’s first mission to save then Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, from a team of supervillains, she was joined by Wonder Girl, Robin, Nemesis and the gods’ new champion, Hercules. After revealing herself, Circe stole their powers and Diana was betrayed by Hercules, who revealed he and Circe were the only gods who defied Athena‘s edict to vacate the mortal plane. Circe then betrayed Hercules and de-powered him as well. Eventually, Diana’s powers were restored and she took the mantle of Wonder Woman again for the first time since handing over that title to Donna.

Diana, Superman, and Batman met to re-form the Justice League. After a battle against Solomon Grundy, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Black Canary offered membership to those involved in the last mission. The JLA and JSA joined forces when members of the Legion of Super-Heroes were discovered in the 21st Century.

Amazons Attack and Beyond

Diana was captured and imprisoned by the Department of Metahuman Affairs, which was led by Sarge Steel. She was tortured and interrogated to garner information that would allow the United States Government to build a Purple Death Ray like the one the Amazons revealed during the Infinite Crisis. Moments prior to the Amazon assault on Washington, D.C., Diana was freed by Nemesis.

Circe traveled to Themyscira and resurrected Queen Hipployta. Hippolyta’s first words were: “Where is my daughter?” Under Circe’s influence, the Queen of the Amazons led an assault on the United States. After the attack, all Amazons who participated had their memories erased by the gods save for Queen Hippolyta, who, freed from Circe’s spell, lamented the destruction caused. A ban was also put in place that prevented any of the Amazons who were away from Paradise Island from returning, again save for Hippolyta.

Around this time Wonder Woman was attacked by a combat unit of superpowered albino Gorilla Knights from Gorilla City. Gorilla Grodd played on the young gorillas’ feelings of rage after encounters with poachers and trained and equipped them to be the ultimate combat unit, fit to take on the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman, and sent them to attack Diana. Diana talked them down and convinced them of Grodd’s deceptive ways. Tolifhar, their leader, swore their service to her until tempers cooled enough for her to negotiate their return home to Gorilla City with King Solovar. They moved into her apartment as a temporary measure.

A group of Nazis who had been given abilities similar to those of Captain Nazi took advantage of Themyscira’s empty state. When Wonder Woman encountered Captain Nazi on a mission as Diana Prince, she learned of their plans after defeating him and set out to thwart them, knowing her mother stood alone in Themyscira’s defense. While Queen Hippolyta fought a one-person resistance campaign against the Nazis, Diana beseeched god after god from various pantheons for their aid in bypassing the ban and reaching Themyscira, but none were willing to face Athena‘s wrath except Kane Milohai. He agreed to adopt Diana as a champion and daughter, and gave her his standard, a cloth tied around her arm, as well as a sea shell that could float in air and water, grow in size to carry passengers, and could travel between dimensions.

Wonder Woman faces the Circle
Wonder Woman faces the Circle

With the arrival of the Gorilla Knights and Wonder Woman, the Nazis, though powerful, found themselves in a fight they weren’t ready for, and having already suffered in morale from the casualties inflicted by the Amazon Queen, they surrendered and withdrew from the island when faced with Wonder Woman’s skill. While they were there, however, they freed four Amazon criminals. Once Hippolyta’s personal guard, the Circle, led by Alkyone along with Myrto, Charis and Philomela, had been imprisoned ever since Diana’s birth. They believed her to be a curse who would destroy Themyscira and attempted to kill her as a baby.

The Circle attacked immediately, inflicting wounds with god-forged arrows. They challenged Wonder Woman to singlehandedly face all four of them to retrieve her mother, who had been injured in the previous battles and whom they had taken. Three of them ambushed Diana and inflicted further wounds, though Wonder Woman defeated them. Diana confronted Alkyone and called her bluff on her willingness to hurt her Queen. Refusing to surrender despite being outmatched, Alkyone made one last desperate attack, then leaped into the sea. The other three members of the Circle were returned to their cells and remained unrepentant. Diana left the island once more, though several of her gorilla friends decided to remain behind on Themyscira with Hippolyta.

The Amazons fought in atonement when Earth was attacked by the Citizenry, a civilization of ruthless and powerful warriors who had wiped clean countless worlds and slain many champions and armies, including members of the Green Lantern Corps. Diana found that their leader was once an Amazon claiming to be Hippolyta’s sister who had been taken from Earth millennia ago and reshaped in their ways. Wonder Woman fought her and her daughter in orbit aboard their ships while the Amazons, assisted by Achilles and Diana’s Gorilla Knights, defended Washington D.C., the center-point of the invasion. Hippolyta stayed in Washington D.C. to atone for the actions committed by her and the Amazons and helped to rebuild the damaged city alongside Achilles’ men.

A short time later, Darkseid attacked and gained control of Earth. Wonder Woman was attacked by Mary Marvel, who turned Wonder Woman into a “plague vector” for a new strain of the Morticoccus virus. After this, Wonder Woman was turned into an enforcer for Darkseid and defended her new master’s realm against the heroes of the Earth. After Superman’s return, Wonder Woman was attacked by Frankenstein and Darkseid’s hold over her was lost. Regaining control of her actions, Wonder Woman chained Darkseid’s body with her Lasso, allowing Superman to finally eliminate Darkseid’s control over the Earth.

Blackest Night

Main article: Blackest Night
Wonder Woman as a Star Sapphire during Blackest Night
Wonder Woman as a Star Sapphire during Blackest Night

Nekron, the Guardian of Death, resurrected Bruce Wayne and released a swarm of Black Lantern Rings which attached themselves to heroes who had died and been resurrected, making Wonder Woman a Black Lantern. When each of the Lantern Corps were recruiting a deputy member for 24 hours, a Star Sapphire Ring attached itself to Wonder Woman and expelled the Black Ring from her, not only resurrecting her, but turning her into a Star Sapphire Corps member.

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
DC Rebirth Logo

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Diana discovers Themyscira destroyed
Diana discovers Themyscira destroyed

Diana suddenly found herself in a new world with her memories mysteriously erased. In this altered world, Themyscira was destroyed and Hippolyta was killed, with the surviving Amazons relocating elsewhere and taking a young Diana with them. Diana grew up with no knowledge of what happened to her mother or her origin. Through meeting an oracle, Diana discovered Themyscira was attacked and the Amazons slaughtered. She asked the oracle to show her how her mother died, and it was seen that Hippolyta sacrificed herself and killed herself in the fire as to not reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.

Diana helped to relocate other surviving Amazons after another attack was plotted against them with the purpose of getting Diana out in the open. Diana’s odyssey brought her into conflict with The Morrigan, two of a trinity of war goddesses related to the destruction of Themyscira: Anann and Bellona. Diana was the target of a resurrected Maxwell Lord who discovered to his bewilderment that no one had ever heard of her. Superman had recently met this version of Diana, but felt as if he knew her already, or at least some version of her.

Wonder Woman fights the Centaur god
Wonder Woman fights the Centaur god

The Morrigan sent a series of warriors and monsters after Diana in order to try and shape her to become more like them so she could replace a fallen member of their trinity, Enyo, and make the Morrigan whole again. A conventional force led by the same immortal who killed Hippolyta and now held the golden Lasso of Truth attacked a hidden Amazon temple. Diana’s aid was enough to allow the Amazons to retreat and the attackers’ leader was slain by her, avenging Hippolyta and returning the Lasso to its rightful hands. With it, Diana’s own power increased and she gained the ability to fly. The Morrigan’s ruthless attacks did not end there, and even Diana’s mentor Philippus fell when the Morrigan sent the minor god Cernunnos, a Centaur huntsman, and a Minotaur after Diana with the intent of driving her further into anger and hatred.

The Morrigan then took three fallen Amazons and imbued them with the spirits of Artemis, Giganta, and Cheetah, and turned them against the enclave of Amazons that sheltered Diana. Against the might of the three warriors, the Amazons were defeated and all were slaughtered, while Diana herself was badly injured. She escaped death thanks to the unlikely aid of Doctor Psycho, whose powers allowed him to realize the timeline had been altered.

Using his psychic abilities, Psycho showed visions of alternate timelines of Diana’s life. He explained that she could become Wonder Woman, but it would have to be something she chose to be, and said he’d rather be part of her life, even as a villain, than part of the current state of the world. Diana was taken to a hospital where she quickly recovered. There she met an elderly patient at the hospital, one of the Fates, Clotho. Clotho explained that she had given Diana a ‘backup’ fate, so that if hers was severed she would survive and be able to fight back against the forces who had done so, and that was Diana now. The fate then gave Diana a cloth she had spun with a blue and white star-pattern similar to her pre-Odyssey outfit, which Diana donned as a cap as the Amazons with the spirits of Artemis, Giganta, and Cheetah returned.

Finding her strength had increased once more, Diana easily defeated the three empowered Amazons, and convinced them to surrender and join her to avenge all of their comrades rather than follow the Morrigan’s way and die. The three Amazons joined Diana in attacking the Morrigan, however things went badly as a mystical sword stabbed Diana, transfixing her in place. The other three died to the Morrigan, though in turn, Bellona died at the hands of their own warrior Ajax, who had been freed by Psycho. This left only the strongest, their leader Anann. Diana was shown a vision of what could happen if the Morrigan’s plan for her succeeds, and she saw herself clad in green, wielding the Flashing Blade and standing at the head of an army of the dead. In her vision, Diana was marching over the Earth with a cause of justice un-tempered by mercy, and slaying even her friends in the Justice League, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and finally dispatching Superman himself after he tries to stop her.

As the vision ended, Anann began torturing Diana with her powerful magic to force her to give in and join the Morrigan, but while doing so she overlooked that her powers had not quite killed Artemis. The badly burned Amazon regained her bow and shot the goddess in the neck, causing Anann to lose the ability to release her magic, which resulted in her exploding. In the rubble of their building, Diana grabbed her Lasso which led her back to the door where the vision had come from, but before she passed through she was met by the Gods of Olympus, who told her what happened; they were in exile out of fear of Nemesis, a goddess gone mad. Knowing that within her own realm, only the strongest heart could hope to stand against Nemesis, they tasked Diana to succeed where they could not.

A battle of two Wonder Women
A battle of two Wonder Women

Climbing through the doorway to Nemesis’ realm, Diana fought through constructs in the shape of the dead, only to meet something unexpected holding the other end of her Lasso; herself, wearing her traditional uniform but also holding the Flashing Blade, who attacked. As they fought, it became clear the other Wonder Woman was stronger, and she chided Diana for talking instead of acting. Diana attempted to break through to her with words, but the other Wonder Woman cut her with the Flashing Blade, giving Diana a vision once again.

Diana discovered through the vision that before the Odyssey began, the Morrigan were gathering an army to attack Themyscira, and Wonder Woman had confronted the three goddesses. However, this was a lure by the evil Nemesis, Goddess of Retribution. Wonder Woman fought the three Morrigan, causing the death of Enyo when she was thrown into the path of a blow from Bellona that was meant for Diana. As the other two pressed the attack out of anger, Nemesis herself came forth and attacked the already worn Wonder Woman, impaling her with her Flashing Blade–identical to the one the false Wonder Woman carried. The blade bestowed upon Diana not death, but instead allowed Nemesis to steal her life, her form, and her power and take them on herself. Only thanks to the meddling of Clotho did a sliver of Diana’s consciousness escape from this event, and the new timeline was forged.

Back in the present, Nemesis explained that while her power was sufficient to fend off foes in her realm, she needed to scour humanity of its valor and bring its greatest warrior to heel, so that she could bring vengeance upon all who deserved it and end humanity. With Wonder Woman defeated and her passion for justice bent to vengeance, nothing would be strong enough to stop the mad goddess’ retribution. Diana rebuked that living among mortals didn’t make her hate them, but Nemesis said it didn’t matter and Diana would become part of her now, impaling her with the sword once more. Using Clotho’s strand of fate, however, Diana freely merged with her old self and power, casting the spirit of Nemesis out and declaring herself Wonder Woman once more. Wonder Woman denounced Nemesis’ plan as a mad scheme, saying that the soul of an Amazon could never be bent to her merciless hate and she would never be her champion.

Declaring Diana’s death, Nemesis attacked once more in her own body, but this time Wonder Woman was strong enough to resist; she was not only unwounded, but with her new strength added to her old. Nemesis transformed by calling upon the strength of all murdered souls who cry out for vengeance, but Wonder Woman seized her own sword and slew her with it. As Nemesis died, she revealed that Diana had passed a final test and expressed joy that she would be freed in death; the cries of the murdered would no longer roar in her ears, while Diana would take her place to mete out punishment, and if Diana would not be her champion, she would take up her wrath and become the new Nemesis. As Nemesis died, armor reminiscent of the armor in her first vision covered Diana, and the truth of Nemesis’ words sank in, as Diana felt the pain of the unjustly killed that had driven Nemesis mad over thousands of years and it filled her with her terrible strength. However, also within Diana’s heart still resided the memories of those who loved her and turned to her for protection. Wonder Woman declared she would take Nemesis’ place and be the new wielder of the Flashing Blade, but would also be its last wielder, as she broke it over her knee.

Wonder Woman after the Odyssey
Wonder Woman after the Odyssey

With that, the spells and changes of fate on the rest of the world were broken, and Wonder Woman suddenly found herself on Themyscira, intact and whole, again, in the way of an archery contest between Artemis and Philippus. She rushed forward and hugged Philippus, then ran off to see her mother, leaving the two Amazon warriors confused. Diana met Hippolyta and the two talked, Diana discussing the Odyssey she had been through. She also commented that she could feel there was another change coming, but Hippolyta reassured her that whatever change was to come, Diana would remain her daughter, they would remain Amazons, and Diana would always be Wonder Woman. Holding the words with her, Diana, Wonder Woman, then flew off into the sky.


  • Divine Empowerment: Directly after being sculpted from clay, several Olympian gods granted attributes to Diana.
    • Superhuman Strength: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana is literally as strong as the Earth because of her link to the planet granted to her. She is even said to be “Stronger than Hercules”. Wonder Woman has shown she is strong enough to hold herself or even beat those like Superman and able to physically outmatch other beings such as Supergirl.
    • Superhuman Durability: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana possesses a high resistance to damage and magical attacks. Her resistance to injury is not quite as great as any of the above mentioned metahumans. However, due to her vast threshold for pain and her amazon ability to heal at a superhuman rate, this easily makes up for the difference. She has withstood considerable bludgeoning damage in the form of hand to hand combat with metahuman opponents such as Superman and Captain Marvel. She has considerable resistance to human weaponries, though this is not absolute; Bullets can cause minor to moderate injury, but never life threatening. Later on it was implied that only god made weapons could harm her.
    • Flight: Granted by Hermes (the Messenger God). Wonder Woman is capable of unassisted flight by gliding on air currents.
    • Superhuman Speed: Granted by Hermes (the Messenger God). She is able to think, react and move at superhuman speeds. According to Flash, she can easily keep up with him if he is at regular cruising speed (but not at top speed).
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Granted by Hermes (the Messenger God). Wonder Woman’s reflexes are far beyond the limitations of the finest human athletes. She has been able to react to a barrage of gunfire from multiple opponents at once unharmed. Batman noted that her reflexes are superior to that of Superman.
    • Superhuman Agility: Wonder Womans’ agility is far beyond that of even an Olympic level athlete, as is her balance and coordination.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Wonder Woman can last a great deal of time in any fight and with virtually anyone. She has held her own in combat with foes as powerful as a Doomsday clone. She doesn’t tire out, as her body produces no lactic acids in her muscles.
    • Enhanced Healing Factor: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of Earth). Like the Earth, Diana is constantly renewing herself, allowing her to quickly heal mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate. Her normal regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as disease.
    • Empathy: Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom). “The Sight of Athena” apparently grants her increased insight. For example, Diana can often detects others’ emotions, and is now so fully immune to Doctor Psycho’s illusions that she usually is not even aware of what illusions he is attempting to project.
    • Charisma
    • Animal Empathy: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Ability to communicate with all forms of animals (including dinosaurs) and her presence alone can bring a raging beast to a calm standstill. She is also able to directly command wild animals when needed. She used bald eagles to distract Superman after defeating him in battle once.
    • Enhanced Senses: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Eyesight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.
      • Enhanced Vision: She also possess the “Hunters Eye” which allows her to always hit her mark. She can see to far greater distances than any normal human. After a short period of blindness, Athena bound her own vision to her champion, not only restoring her sight, but granting her further insight as well.
      • Enhanced Sense of Smell
      • Enhanced Hearing
    • Dimensional Teleportation: On occasion, Wonder Woman can literally leave the planet through meditation. She did this to rescue Artemis when she was in hell, and has even conversed with the Greek Gods on occasion.


  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Diana is the finest warrior ever born among the Amazons of Themyscira. She is a master of armed and unarmed combat, proficient with nearly every weapon ever made (especially the bow and the javelin) and the exotic martial arts styles of the Amazons. Batman once remarked that Wonder Woman is the best melee fighter in the world.
  • Wisdom of Athena: Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom). Diana possesses great wisdom and intelligence, though the degree varies from author to author. She is among the smartest and wisest members of the Justice League of America, along with the Martian Manhunter and Batman.
    • Multilingualism: Diana has exhibited heightened proficiency with languages, being able to speak her native Themyscirian, Ancient and Modern Greek, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Mandarin Chinese (she expressed “difficulty” with the tones of Cantonese during an interview with Lois Lane), Russian and Hindi. Plus, through precise muscle control, she can mimic other people’s voices for short conversations (on the telephone). It is more difficult, for her to mimic a mans voice than another woman’s voice.
    • Master Tactician and Strategist: Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom). Diana is an accomplished strategist and tactician, trained in the arts of leadership, persuasion and diplomacy, and possesses a great deal of courage as well. She is a gifted leader.
    • Occultism: Diana possesses knowledge and understanding of magic. She has used her magical knowledge to use an alchemical spell to create a portal.
  • Indomitable Will
  • Aviation: Expert pilot. Can fly the Invisible Jet with ease.
  • Weaponry:


  • Blindness (formerly): During a fight with Medusa, Diana was forced to blind herself with a snake’s venom. Her eyesight was eventually restored by Athena after she usurped the power over Olympus.
  • Vulnerability to Piercing Weapons: Diana is extremely resistant to blunt force attacks and has a vast tolerance for pain. However, she is more vulnerable to piercing weapons, such as arrows and bullets.


  • Amulet of Harmonia: (formerly) A gift from the mad goddess Harmonia, a small red disc would aid her in her battle against Ares when she came to Man’s World.
  • Bracelets of Submission: Modeled after the shackles the Amazons were once enslaved with. The gauntlets were formed from the remains of Zeus’s legendary Aegis shield, and were re-forged for her use by Hephaestus. Diana’s superhuman reflexes enable her to use the gauntlets to easily deflect projectiles (such as bullets) and powerful energy blasts from beings such as Ares and Darkseid. She is even fast enough to protect herself from multi-vector attacks. At close-range the gauntlets block blades, weapons and punches. They are even able to deflect Darkseid’s energy attacks. When crossed, the gauntlets generate a remnant of the Aegis itself, forming an impenetrable barrier just in front of them which allows Diana to protect herself and those behind her from area attacks. They are also capable of channeling Zeus’ holy lightning when struck together.
  • Gold Armor: for use in large battles, Wonder Woman has a golden body armor with chest plate, pteruges, greaves, an open visor helmet, and large, non-functional wings on her back.
  • Lansinarian Morphing Disk: (formerly) Wonder Woman has at her disposal a small lightweight disc of Lansinarian technology that, when triggered by her thoughts, transforms into a transparent version of whatever object or vehicle is appropriate for her needs. The device has been used for several purposes, including a communication device, but is most frequently used by Wonder Woman in the form of an invisible jet plane.
  • Lasso of Truth: The Lasso of Truth is her signature weapon. Most who are captured in it are forced to answer any questions she asks and are unable to lie. It cannot be broken, snapped or cut. She can also control it to a certain degree using telepathy. It can also be used to erase memories, heal the mentally ill (in some cases), and implant commands that must then be obeyed.
  • Black Lantern Ring: (formerly) During her brief period as a Black Lantern, Diana was given a Black Lantern Ring by Nekron.
  • Star Sapphire Ring: (formerly): Diana temporarily held a copy of Carol Ferris’ Star Sapphire Ring, and was drafted in its corps as an emergency measure for the final part of the Blackest Night. Once the battle was over, Diana was officially discharged from the Star Sapphire Corps.


  • Kane Milohai’s sea shell: Granted as a boon to Diana when she pledged loyalty to Kane Milohai in order to save her mother Hippolyta, this sea shell floats in air and water, may grow in size to carry large numbers of passengers, and can travel between dimensions and even places that are otherwise mystically inaccessible.


  • Tiara: Diana’s golden tiara also doubles as a throwing weapon, as it is razor-edged and can cut through most substances.
  • Dinanna Truthqueen is the name given Wonder Woman when she acquired the powers of a god and oversaw Proto-Earth-1 with Batman and Superman.
  • Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) appears as Wonder Woman (Prime) a playable character in the Infinite Crisis video game.
  • Diana is a vegetarian.



Further details here.

Auz & Diana:

Auz has been one of the only men allowed on her island, and rightfully so; most outsiders are, in fact, monsters just as the Amazons of Themyscira had concluded about, at least, most men.  (And even if unfortunate events forced them to be that way, and even though any women throughout history who got –or had– to stay home would, of course, mis-interpret that conditioning as being overly harsh in their own and very different setting, the conclusion, with or without that context, holds true.)  Finding that she and he had this awareness in common, and learning about his own experiences which led him to the same conclusion (and which had turned into his own realm banning most human men), they became fast friends and confidants.

One thing led to another, and the two had thoroughly impressed and enamored each other.  Eventually, she invited him to her island, and he invited her to his.  Given his nature, powers, deeds, and way, it wasn’t long before many of the indigenous demi-goddesses of Themyscira had also fallen for him.

Over time and adventures, they all came to see that many modern women in the outside world were just as monstrous as most of their men, and this made them safeguard and maintain the perfection of their two hidden islands all the more, both pledging to come to the aid of the other, should it ever be requested.

When Diana earned the trust of the Inisfreeans, Auz having also earned enough of the trust of the Themyscirans to be told the story of her birth, he showed her where his children had life breathed into them in a very similar fashion.  Diana’s lips parted in awe, and she looked to him at her left side, and then back to the pedestals where 50 new ICVs had just appeared as if out of thin air.  Her right hand moved to place itself over her heart.  She has since marveled at Auz, regarding him as a being no less powerful than the very Zeus who made her, her island, and so much more.


Diana & Themyscira:

More from the Comics:

From the Cartoon:

In Motion:

Hawkgirl-style Armor:




How She Enjoys Massages in Inisfree:


2024 May:  She loves and marvels at how she never has to use her lasso on me (Auz); I always tell her the truth.