This beauty inherited all of Iceland, including its areas occupied by elves and other humanoid people.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details
  3. 2021 Update
  4. 2022
  5. 2023
  6. Her (Images Begin)
  7. Her Realm
  8. Reference Map
  9. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  10. How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her
  11. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates
  12. 2024 June/+



  • 5’6″
  • 120 lbs.
  • platinum-blonde, hair naturally straight, kept tits-length
  • Caucasian skin, white with a slight tint of pink and tan/tone, featureless/perfect, smooth
  • dark eyebrows
  • blue eyes
  • perfect commanding-feminine shorty face
  • perky C-cups
  • perfect feminine figure; petite yet strong, no muscle-lines, etc.
  • attractive/alluring voice, almost like those of the Sirens (best-singing mermaids / ocean-nymphs)
  • like a shorty Angel without wings
  • often wears the colors of her nation’s latest flat, though also often wears ancient/pre-Russian red-on-white traditional dresses with a swastikas-embroidery belt/sash



Hekla is one of the greatest beauties in all of the Iceland bloodlines.  She speaks fluent Icelandic and other languages of the Norse, and is learning their ancestral Angelic script and tongue.  Her hair is naturally platinum-blonde, her eyebrows like black, and her skin flawless, as if on a statue or from a painting.

Standing 5’6″, she is short for a daughter of the Angelic peoples of the far and White North.  Her presence is mighty, though, almost towering.  She is a natural leader and born queen, through and through.

Since ‘The Shift’ (the end of 2011, through 2012, leading into the start of 2013), she has risen to her full power, and begun overseeing the restoration of the ancient Golden Age state of her pleasantly chilly island-nation.  This restoration includes the thawing of some of its regions, the re-exposure of once-ice-buried ruins (which she always alerts Auz and his team of researchers to), and the reactivation of the entire landmass as what it was so very long ago; Iceland is the ‘footprint’ of the base of the trunk of one of the bigger World Trees.  This means that, as Iceland Incarnate, Hekla’s will is the island’s nature, thus it will start to rise up into the form of a towering World Tree all over again, feeding the entire area for a hundred miles and more in every direction, its roots re-stabilizing the North Atlantic’s ocean floor, lowering its water level eventually, and, one day in the future, even helping to resurface some of the miles-wide Titan-made roads still lying distinctly upon its mile-deep floor.

When visiting Inisfree, Hekla enjoys a suite in the city’s Valhalla II ski resort, forever reserved just for her.  She cooks her country’s signature dishes for Auz there, dining with him whenever she isn’t helping him improve his skiing, snowboarding, and other skills.  The two are deeply in love, and she sees him as both Antarctica Incarnate and something more.

When Auz visits her in Iceland, the two share her estate’s bedroom (their lovemaking helping to manifest what they both want for themselves, each other, and Iceland), and go out hooky-bobbing, snowmobiling, and reindeer-pulled sled riding all across her realm.  They also love to do Iceland’s ‘food tours’ together.  She has even asked him if he wants to open up one of his signature restaurants in her capital.

She has introduced him to hundreds of her people.  All of them have expressed their gratitude for his Herculean efforts to clean up their planet, restore nobility to their nation, and keep them all safe and healthy during The Shift and its aftermath.  Some of them are already destined to get to experience Inisfree, and many more in the years and generations ahead will be.

No more human military is needed to protect Iceland, and no American or European presence is there.  Actual Angels and Sylphs patrol Iceland’s skies, Elves patrol its lands, and Mermaids and Atlanteans patrol its shores.  Even its caves are kept safe and clear by the cave-Elves called Drow, and Fairies have set to work re-blanketing those caves and Iceland’s surface with a beautiful array of fitting flowers and other plant-life.  Iceland is in good hands.

Beyond Iceland, Hekla works with those of the Nuuk city to map and understand the exposed elf-city ruins of Greenland.  Since Greenland is roughly one-third the size of “the lower 48” (the U.S.A., minus Hawaii and Alaska), and since it is covered in very many such ruins, this is a lifelong process.  Thousands have become interested and involved.


2021 Update:

Life really doesn’t have to be any more complicated than this:

Sun14nov2021:  Today, Hekla invited me to make love to her at Sigöldugljufur.  We spend a good hour there.  It was a wonderful time.

Wed24nov2021:  I MPHA-flew back to make love w/ her at a few other Iceland sites.  Our great realigning and beautifying of her island-nation begins.

Sat30Apr2022:  Hekla y Karoline wives w/ me today

Sun1May2022:  Hekla y Sarah Conrad w/ me

These are just some of the loving flings that she and Auz shared during their first year or two hooking up together.



Now beyond her third year as a guest of Inisfree and a beloved and happy wife of High King Auz, this queen of her own nation continues to hurry back into his arms like a little girl every time she sees waiting to greet and reunite with her at his city’s public airport.  They chatter away in a mix of English, Icelandic, and Inisfreean, arm around one another the entire time, never letting go.  Hekla rises up on her tiptoes to cutely bring her lips to meet his, and rides on his shoulders every time he wants to carry her.

They have a million ideas and projects left to discuss and enjoy, and will always be a team and lovers.  She can’t get enough of him, nor he of her.  They worship the ground the other walks on, their chests trembling with excitement and total focus any time the other speaks or is around, every dream and task a joy to be a part of with this energy naturally kept kindling and surging between them.

All of Iceland has felt this charm and relationship, too.  Every time she thinks of Auz, they have started to, always fondly, as if in a crush or daydream.  Every time any of them see her together with him, they can’t help but smile at how happy and childlike they always naturally behave, as if the whole world has calmed down or slipped away, leaving only their forever-growing love for one another, just the way all loves, friendships, and marriages should be.

Everyone has already foreseen that in the years ahead… Auz’s love with Hekla will unfreeze Iceland, thawing it out, entirely attributed to their warm and healing powers and synergy, nothing at all to do with what humans incorrectly assumed was pollution-dependent global-warming.  Meadows are spreading already across her land.  At this rate, they’ll one day have forests, too, their summers just as heavenly, and their winters now much more bearable.

Soon, Hekla will encounter and meet one of her husband’s guests from planet Gor; Jarl Ivar Forkbeard.  She and Ivar will hook up and start having lots of fun affairs together whenever they are in Inisfree at the same time.  Both great friends with High King Auz, they’ll always make sure he knows when they are sleeping together; in case he wants to watch –or help Ivar fuck her some more.  This will start in the suites of Valhalla II, then spill over into other Norse-themed places, such as the Ice Hotel and Igloos Village.



Dates:  She shows me (Auz) how to bake bread in a stainless steel pot buried in hot-springs black sand for 24 hours, and of course makes it and its toppings the next day vegan for me.  (This is a traditional/unique Icelandic way of baking bread, thus something she wanted to treat me to, as I’m all about experiencing the appropriate parts of other countries/cultures.)  Naturally, as we always do, we made love while handfeeding it to each other.  Amen.



Her Realm:

Reference Map:

How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

How She Prefers Cum be Poured into Her:

2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates:

2024 June/+:

We are now exploring the depths of her islands (Iceland and Greenland), finding its tunnel ruins and more, the volcanoes here being the malfunctioning remains of the tallest buildings of one of the 10 long-ago partially submerged kingdoms of Atlantis.


Also see: