More specifically, this webpage is for some of the patches you probably haven’t seen or heard of.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Examples
  3. Secret projects some of the above patches may correspond to
  4. Humorous Patches
  5. The one the pre- and proto-Inisfreeans used



You’re probably familiar with the unclassified patches of mainstream units which operate in the public eye as part of official military campaigns and Congress-approved research projects.  Every country in history has had secret organizations, teams, and ventures, though.  Here are some of the uniform accessories which symbolize their brave work.



Secret projects some of the above patches may correspond to:

  • Argus:  Argus is the name of a scientific research project, established in 1992, that investigates crop circles, more exactly the effect that the crop circle has on the vegetation in the circle. By using electron microscopes, the researchers discovered some kind of ‘bubbles’ in the plants in the circle, which they could not explain. Other researchers found that the genetic structure of the plants had changed.  * In Greek and Roman mythology, Argus was a giant with one hundred eyes that could see everything. Argus also was the name of the man that built the ship Argo for the Greek hero Jason.
  • Aries:  1) Aries, Latin for Ram, is the name of an astronomical constellation, and of one of the twelve astrology signs.  2) The Aries Project, a subproject of Pres. Reagan’s SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), is also known as the Star Wars Program. It consists of building an electro-magnetic pulse generator (or Van de Graaf generator) as a weapon. Officially the weapon is designed as a protection against incoming missiles. In reality, it is supposed to be a weapon against “IAV’s” (identified aerial vehicles),or “IAC’s” (identified alien craft).  M.W. Cooper mentions a similar project, but calls it the “Joshua project.”  Yet another source calls it the Zeus Project.
  • Artichoke:  Apart from being the name of a vegetable, Artichoke or the Artichoke Project also is the name of a former CIA Mind Control Program. The name was only used for two years. Until 1951, it was called Project Bluebird. In 1953 it was succeeded by Project MkUltra.  (Other interesting Mind Control Programs are MkDelta and Pandora).
  • Bando:  Project Bando was established in 1949, and has to do with studying the alien bodies and survivors that were found at sites where UFOs had crashed. More specifically, it dealt with collecting and evaluating the biological information obtained from alien beings; either survivors or the bodies. It was said that they were examined to determine evolutionary information for medical researchers.  Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 claims that a new such project exists and is called Project Nomad. See Project Nomad for more information.
  • Blue Beam:  The Blue Beam project is one of the more recent mind-control programs. It focuses on New Age and religious beliefs. Its purpose is to induce visions and to create apparitions and hallucinations by directing microwaves and subliminal sound waves at a person. It can give people experiences that are experienced as real, but that aren’t in actuality. It is virtual reality as a weapon, and as a means for mass control.  It should be pointed out that some scholars believe that the information about Blue Beam is a hoax, i.e. that it is deliberate disinformation released to discredit some people.  Even if the information about project Blue Beam itself is a hoax, there are consistent rumors and indications that such a project might nevertheless exist. (Just look at all the nonsense that is being ‘channeled’, and how bizarre and rude so many of the alleged ‘channelers’ always behave.)  See also the HAARP project; it also uses technology which would be able to induce Intercranial audio phenomena (hearing voices inside one’s head).
  • Blue Book:  Blue Book was the name of an official UFO research project, conducted by the U.S. Air Force, with the assistance of some independent experts, such as Prof. Dr. J. Allan Hynek (+ 1996). It ran from 1951 until 1969.  Blue Book was not the first such UFO research project; It was officially preceded by the Projects Sign and Grudge. (Some researchers claim that Gleem and Pounce were similar projects, but those would have been covert investigations).  The Blue Book Report became quite famous; terms such as ‘distant encounters, close encounters of the first, second and third kind,’ all come out of Blue Book.  Most cases in the book were given ‘explanations,’ though some remained truly ‘unidentified’.  Because of these few cases that could not be explained, Dr. Hynek himself, who started as a complete skeptic, later on got convinced of ‘another intelligence at work’. Today, most sources agree that Blue Book was more of PR effort than a serious investigation, in spite of the efforts of Capt. Ruppelt to conduct an in depth inquiry; Ruppelt himself identified several cases in which information had been manipulated, or where he was denied access to relevant information. After he was taken off Blue Book, Ruppelt speculated that he may well have been the front man for an elaborate cover up. The late Professor Hynek admitted later on in life that his assignment had been to specifically “debunk” as many cases as possible in Blue Book.  When Blue Book was presented to the Press, misinformation was given to those attending the Press Conference. The Press Release mentioned that only 3% of the sightings remained unexplained, and that the USAF was confident that an explanation for each of those could be found. There was only not enough information to choose the correct explanation.  This statement was directly refuted by Special Report 14 of Blue Book that contained the statistical data, and it explicitly mentions 21% were unexplained cases.  In the official version of Blue Book, chapter (or “special report”) 13 is missing. There has been a lot of speculation about what it contained. One source, who claims he has read it, says it dealt with close encounters with aliens, with abductions, with human remains found at UFO crash sites, and with mutilation cases.  Some sources say that Project Blue Book actually was a ‘decoy’ to draw people’s attention away from the real research projects that were being done by the military. W. M. Cooper claims that Blue Book was organized by Project Grudge (the ‘real’ investigation) only for these purposes.
  • Bluebird:  Bluebird is the name of a former CIA Mind control program. In 1951 it was renamed to Artichoke. In 1953 it was succeeded by MkUltra.
  • Bluefly:  Bluefly, also spelled Blue Fly, is the name of a subproject of the Moondust program (which is the name of a framework of programs that are UFO related). It is an action plan to immediately move newly found highly-technological materials (from UFO-crashes, etc.) that are important to the secret services, to the FTD (Foreign Technology Division).  M. W. Cooper describes a similar project, yet calls it the Pounce Project.
  • Chapter:  Chapter was the name of the first known post-war Mind Control program in the USA. It was started in 1947 by the DIA/Navy Intelligence.  Note that some sources refer to this project as the Chatter Project (as in ‘mind chatter.’)
  • Clementine:  The Clementine project is a subprogram of SDI. It deals with the analysis of secret bases on the moon. (Luna is one of those bases).  (Alternative 3 was the recommendation by the Jason Society to exploit alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the Earth and establish colonies on the Moon and Mars.)  As part of the Clementine Project and Alternative 3, equipment would have been sent to the moon to set up a mixed human – alien base, called Luna. Whiteout was the name used for this project to send equipment to the moon between 1959 and 1964.
  • Disclosure:  The Disclosure Project was a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems.  It was founded in 1993 by Steven Greer. It is a a nonprofit research project, whose goals are to disclose to the public the government’s alleged knowledge of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and advanced energy and propulsion systems. The Disclosure Project was founded in an effort to grant amnesty to government whistleblowers willing to violate their security oaths by sharing insider knowledge about UFOs.  It claims to have over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, firsthand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.  In May 2001, Greer held a press conference at the National Press Club in D.C. which featured “20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration and Intelligence officers”. According to a 2002 report in the Oregon Daily Emerald, Greer has gathered 120 hours of testimony from various government officials on the topic of UFOs, including astronaut Gordon Cooper and a Brigadier General.  In 2013, Greer co-produced Sirius, a documentary covering his work and theories over extraterrestrial life and government cover-ups. The film was directed by Amardeep Kaleka and narrated by Thomas Jane, and covers Greer’s 2006 book Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge. The movie premiered on April 22, 2013, in Los Angeles, California, and featured interviews from former officials from the government and military. Sirius also focused heavily on the six-inch human skeleton known as the Atacama skeleton, and featured images and a DNA analysis of the skeleton, which Greer believed was proof of alien life. Later genetic evidence of the Atacama skeleton indicated that it was a human child skeleton, with an estimated age of 8 years, and the mother was most probably “an indigenous woman from the Chilean region of South America”.  The Disclosure Project was subsequently integrated into the Sirius Disclosure Project and is no longer continued as a separate project.
  • Dreamscan:  Dreamscan was the name of another NSA mind-control program that was launched either at the end of 1977, or early 1978. The purpose was to influence an individual’s behavior by entering his or mind in a dream state.  (V. Valerian claims its real purpose, like in the movie Dreamscape, was to cause a person’s death in this way.)  The program was abandoned in 1979 when Pres. Carter found out about it.   Rumor has it that it would have been re-activated by the Bush Jr. administration.
  • Excalibur:  M. W. Cooper claimed that Excalibur is the name of a weapon that was designed specifically to destroy alien underground bases. It was to be a missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters of Tufa/hard-packed soil such as that found in New Mexico, with no operational damage. Missile apogee was not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL, and impact was not to deviate in excess of 50 meters from designated target. The device would carry a 1 megaton nuclear warhead.  * Excalibur was the mythological name of the “Sword in the Stone”, that became King Arthur’s magical sword.
  • Galileo:  1) Galileo allegedly is the name of a covert project that was formed to facilitate the recovery, security, and transportation of alien craft. Most sources refer to such project as project Blue Fly, while the late Bill Cooper said this was part of project Pounce.  2) Galileo also is the name of the European GPS system, and of the network of satellites that are used in it.  3) Last but not least, Galileo also was the name of a NASA probe that was sent to Jupiter.  4) All of them got their name from the Italian astronomer.
  • Garnet:  1) According to the late M. W. Cooper, Project Garnet is the project responsible for the control of all information and documents regarding UFOs and the presence of aliens on earth. It is also responsible for the accountability of the information and documents.  Other sources, too, refer to project Garnet as a project to collect all possible information with regard to UFOs and the presence of aliens on Earth. This includes the information gathered by UFO researchers, as well as by other organizations (in other countries).  2) Another source, however, claims that Project Garnet’s purpose was to investigate the influence of extraterrestrials on human affairs and evolution. It would have been closed down, supposedly, on completion of its studies.
  • Gleam:  Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a project GLEAM which would be to communicate with the alien “visitors” that the U.S. government interacts with.
    The communication system would consist of a complex, highly classified series of relay stations and satellites that are also used in Project Echelon. At least part of the technology would have been provided by the “visitors”.  It would first have been tested in 2002.
  • Gleem:  A number of sources mention Project Gleem, which supposedly was an earlier version of the Blue Book Project. (Other projects were: Grudge, Pounce and Sign.)  It should be noted, though, that only Sign and Grudge are mentioned in official documentation as predecessors of Blue Book, and this is what the majority of researchers accept.  One source, Capt. Robert Collins, in a message posted on the Internet, claims Project Gleem was the predecessor or the initial name of Project Aquarius.
  • Grudge:  Project Grudge was a predecessor of the Blue Book Project. It succeeded project Sign in 1948, and lasted until 1952 when it was succeeded by project Blue Book.  According to M. W. Cooper, it “contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). The project was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated) and money from the illicit drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society. The purpose of Project Grudge was to collect all scientific, technological, medical, and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien lifeforms. This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States Space Program.”  It should be noted that Project Grudge replaced Project Sign when the team of Sign had come to the conclusion that UFOs were extraterrestrial vehicles, and this conclusion was deemed unacceptable by the Pentagon. From the very beginning, therefore, Project Grudge had an agenda to debunk and exclude the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
  • HAARP:  HAARP is an acronym that stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Its official purpose is to study the ionosphere, and its main installations are in Alaska, though other facilities are involved, too.  Most researchers agree that the official program is just a cover for a wide range of other experiments. Experts point out that the technology that is being used in the HAARP project can also be used as a weather manipulation device, or as a ground-based “Star Wars” weapon (part of the SDI), based on Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray. The technology is also well-suited for mind-control experiments –more specifically, the production of intercranial audio phenomena (i.e. hearing voices inside one’s head), as well as for the manipulation of Space and time.  As outlandish as some of these claims may seem, there actually is a lot of material to corroborate them.
  • Joshua:  1) Aries, Latin for Ram, is the name of an astronomical constellation, and of one of the twelve astrology signs.  2) The Aries Project is a subproject of Pres. Reagan’s SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), also known as the Star Wars Program. It consists of building an electro-magnetic pulse generator (or Van de Graaf generator) as a weapon. Officially the weapon is designed as a protection against incoming missiles. In reality, it is supposed to be a weapon against “IAV’s” (identified aerial vehicles),or “IAC’s” (identified alien craft).  M. W. Cooper mentions a similar project, but calls it the “Joshua project”.  Yet another source calls it the Zeus Project.
  • Krispa:  Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a project KRISPA. It allegedly is a highly classified project that is taking alien technology and developing civilian applications. Not much else is known.
  • Lotus:  Mentioned by Dan Burisch, Project Lotus has to do with 2012 and with developing a model to utilize the miraculous Ganesh particle to help prevent, or at least soften, the effects of the cataclysm of 2012 (a pole-shift that was thought to have the potential to kill two-thirds of the population). The Ganesh particle was discovered by Burisch, and can allegedly be used to heal everything from earthly ecosystems to the human body, including cancer. A first test to use the Ganesh particle to heal the ecosystem in a lagoon proved disastrous. A second attempt, in the Preserve Mother Project, allegedly was successful.
  • Luna:  LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon. Some sources say it was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base; a mining operation using very large machines, and very large alien craft –described in sighting reports as ‘motherships’– exist there.  Supposedly, the secret government has used this base since at least the early ’60s, i.e. about 10 years before man officially first walked the moon.  (This is because the Germans got there at least as early as the ’30s.  Also, there are now said to be more than 250,000,000 people, humanoid or otherwise, living and working on the Moon, likely predominantly in Luna base.)  The Clementine project is a project that investigated the possibility of bases on the moon, as part of the so-called Alternative 3.  As part of the Clementine Project and Alternative 3, equipment would have been sent to the moon to set up a mixed (human and alien) base called Luna. Whiteout was the name used for the project to send equipment to the moon between 1959 and 1964.
  • Magnet:  Magnet was the name of a Canadian research project, government funded, from 1950-1969, to investigate the possible correlation between the Earth’s magnetic field and the propulsion mechanism used in UFO’s. It was started by Dr. Wilbert Smith. Results are still Top Secret.
  • Manhattan:  Manhattan was the codename for the developing of the first atomic bomb in WWII, funded with officially non-existing funds.
  • Mindwrecker:  Many abductees mention experiencing a (mentally induced) state of artificial paralysis during their abduction.  The Mindwrecker Project, started in 1987, tries to imitate this phenomenon; to use it as a weapon.  A lot of alien technology would be involved in this project. The ‘Kondrashkin’ would be one of the main suppliers.  Note: some sources refer to this project as the Mindwrecker project.  (Russia had an equivalent secret project, and a triangular area of that nation was set aside for field-testing of its inventions; ‘fear rays’.)
  • MkDelta:  MkDelta is a CIA Mind control program that was approved in 1953 by CIA Director Allen Dulles. The “Mk” in the name refers to Mind Kontrol. The “Delta” could be a reference to “Delta Force”.  MkDelta involved the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations, outside U.S. territory.  According to the Church Committee report (Book I, Chapter XVII):  “A special procedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA materials abroad. Such materials were used on a number of occasions. Because MKULTRA records were destroyed, it is impossible to reconstruct the operational use of MKULTRA materials by the CIA overseas; it has been determined that the use of these materials abroad began in 1953, and possibly as early as 1950.”  Drugs were used primarily as an aid to interrogations, but MKULTRA/MKDELTA materials were also used for harassment, discrediting, or disabling purposes.
  • MkUltra:  MkUltra is the name of one of the CIA’s mind-control programs.  It was started in April 1953 as a successor of the projects Artichoke and Bluebird. MkUltra is some kind of an umbrella; a framework project for approximately 150 other projects (most of which started with the initials MK) that, over the years, studied all conceivable ways to control and influence people’s perceptions, convictions, and, therefore, behavior. Some of the techniques researched were hypnosis, conditioning, sensory deprivation, drugs, religious cults, microwaves, psychosurgery, brain implants, and even ESP. (See also the Stargate Project and SRV.)  The program was officially ended in 1963, and succeeded by MkSearch, which –behind the scenes– continued a lot of the MkUltra research.  Most of the MkUltra records were deliberately destroyed by the CIA in 1972 to avoid exposure by a Congressional investigation.  Note that “Ultra” is the name of the department within the NSA that is in charge of the interaction with aliens, and that it’s also reportedly the name of the underground base under the Archuleta plateau and peak, northeast of Dulce, New Mexico.
  • Mogul:  Mogul was the name of a project with espionage balloons. In 1994 the U.S. government “revealed” that the object which crashed in Roswell in 1947 was a Mogul balloon. (The official records of the Mogul project, however, only mention a balloon crashing in Scandinavia.)
  • Monarch:  One of the most sinister and obscure secret programs, the Monarch project basically was a continuation of Dr. Mengele’s experiments, and studied the effects of abuse on the personality over several generations.  One author refers to Project Monarch as a form of psychological genetic engineering. Using knowledge acquired from various occult societies, the purpose of the project is to establish absolute mind-control over people by exposing them to constant severe abuse (psychological and physical, including sexual, torture) from birth onwards. To this end, Satanist sects and other occult societies are infiltrated and used.  The program would have lasted up until the late ’60s.
  • Moondust:  Moondust, also spelled Moon Dust, is the name of the framework program that includes all research projects and action plans with regard to foreign, including alien, space technology. The word “Moondust” had to be mentioned in each and every one of these projects.
    See also: Aquarius, Bluefly, Pounce, and Snowbird.
  • Nomad:  Material published on the Serpo website in August 2006 mentions project NOMAD. It allegedly is a highly classified project to study alien species. Not much else is known.  Note that other sources mention the existence of a similar project in the past, which was called the Bando Project.
  • Orion:  At least three projects with the name Orion are known; 1) a U.S. secret project that tests out recovered alien propulsion systems:  Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a Project ORION. It allegedly is a fairly recent project that since 2002 tests alien propulsion systems at the Nevada Test Site.  Other sources mention different names for such program. See Pluto, Redlight, and Snowbird.  It is possible however, that Orion would be the more recent name.  A similar program exists in Canada and is called Magnet.  2) a French project that monitors satellites passing over French territory:  Project Orion also is the name of a program in France, developed by the French Ministry of Defense, for the purpose of monitoring, identifying and predicting the passage of satellites over French territory.  3) Greer’s Project Orion that focused on ‘new energy’ research:  Steven Greer started a project that investigates ‘new energy’ sources. It started off with research into ZPE / Zero Point Energy, but later on also included research into Hydroxy Gas Energy Systems, Permanent Magnet or Pulsed Motor/Generators, and Electrogravitic/Magnetogravitic Propulsion and Energy Systems. (Source: )  Greer’s Orion Project is no longer continued as a separate project, and has been integrated in his Sirius Disclosure Project.
  • OZMA:  Ozma was the name the predecessor of SETI (Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) that in 1961 looked for intelligent extraterrestrial radio signals. When the first attempt, aimed at Tau Ceti, already showed signs of intelligent life, the project was instantly shut down.
  • Pandora:  The Pandora project is one of the CIA mind-control programs. In 1962, the CIA discovered that the U.S. embassy in Moscow was “bombarded” with EMR (electromagnetic radiation). The signal was composed of several frequencies (likely from ‘the Russian Woodpecker’ installations).  The Pandora Project was intended to investigate and gather data on this Russian experiment. The embassy personnel were not informed of the existence of the beam, or of the Pandora project.  According to later testimonies of Russian scientists, the signal was intended to produce blurred vision and loss of mental concentration. Investigation on the effects on the embassy personnel, however, showed that they developed blood composition anomalies and unusual chromosome counts. Some people even developed a leukemia-like blood disease.  * The name ‘Pandora’ comes from Greek mythology: Prometheus stole the fire from the Gods. As a revenge the Gods sent a beautiful woman with the name of Pandora (which means ‘All gifts’) to visit his brother. Pandora had a box with her, that, so she said, was filled with gifts for Prometheus. When the box was opened, it became clear that in reality, it contained diseases, that spread rapidly over the Earth.
  • Paperclip:  At the end of WWI, as well as after WWII, both the U.S. and the Soviet Union were keen to get their hands on German scientists, as in many fields the Germans had proven to have superior scientific knowledge. The Germans were the only ones to possess supersonic rockets, nerve gas, jet aircraft, guided missiles, stealth technology, and hardened armor.  In 1948, Project Paperclip came into existence. Its goal was to transfer German scientists to the States where they would be offered immunity from prosecution on the condition that they handed over the results of their research and agreed to continue their work, yet this time for the U.S. government. Werner Von Braun was one of those scientists.  Most of them ended up in Los Alamos and White Sands (New Mexico), and in San Antonio (Texas).  There are reliable indications that the Germans also possessed anti-gravity devices, and that that technology was transferred to White Sands. There also are persistent rumors that this technology was based upon extraterrestrial technology.
  • Philadelphia Experiment:  The “Philadelphia Experiment” is the popular (yet incorrect) name of the experiments that took place on the Montauk, Long Island Base, as part of the Phoenix Project. In this experiment, attempts were made to make a ship invisible by using extraterrestrial time-travel techniques. The first one of these experiments was in 1913. A second one was in 1943 under the name Rainbow (but often referred to as Philadelphia), while a third one, referred to as Montauk or Phoenix, took place in 1983. The fourth, and final one of these series, was in 2012/2013. Rumor has it that these experiments also involve traveling to Mars, Venus, and the Moon through time- and space-tunnels.  The ship the first experiment was done with was either the USS Eldridge or the USS Philadelphia. (Some sources mention the USS Eldridge, while others the USS Philadelphia.)  Al Bielek claims to have been part of the experiments. Morris K. Jessup was the person who revealed the existence of the Philadelphia Experiment, and was killed soon afterwards.  See Phoenix Project for more information.
  • Phoenix:  1) The phoenix is a mythological bird.  The bird dies by self-immolation and rises from its own ashes. It is the fire-bird.  It represents resurrection and immortality, death and rebirth by fire.  It is also a symbol of royalty, of uniqueness.  2) Phoenix also is the name of a CIA mind-control program.  The program, in the second half of the ’60s, was centered around behavior-modification experiments to learn how to extract information from prisoners-of-war in Vietnam (quoted by Harry V. Martin and David Caul, from Douglas Valentine’s “The Phoenix Program”).  Val Valerian conducted several interviews on the matter and came to the conclusion that there actually were THREE Phoenix projects.  ‘Phoenix I’ was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia / Rainbow project, and lasted from 1948 until 1968. (It only got the name Phoenix in 1953.)  Phoenix I was in fact a “double” project. Its purposes were 1) to create devices that could generate time/space tunnels in order to render objects and people invisible, and 2) to influence the weather. In the late ’60s, they discovered that the devices they used had an interesting side effect; they could be used for mind-control purposes.  Hence, Phoenix II came into existence. It was a “pure” mind-control program which started somewhere between 1969 and 1971. (This is the Phoenix mentioned above, by H.V. Martin, D. Caul & D. Valentine.)  It involved the use of pulse-modulated waves.  (Note that another source mentions Phoenix II started in 1969.)  Phoenix III was more in the line of Philadelphia & Montauk. It started somewhere in the ’70s and lasted until the end of the ’80s.  Around 1979-1980, the time-machine was ready.  In 1981 they were able to establish a vortex that connected 1947 and 1981.  (Al Bielek also talks about this Phoenix Project as a successor to the Philadelphia and Montauk projects.  Note that another source mentions Phoenix III started in 1971.)
  • Plato:  According to M. W. Cooper, PLATO is the name of the project responsible for diplomatic relations with the aliens.  It is related to project Sigma, which is the central project that is in charge of communications with the aliens.  Project Plato was created in 1953 when, through Sigma, contact was first made with alien spacecraft orbiting the planet.  On February 20, 1954, Project Plato secured a formal treaty (illegal under the U.S. Constitution) with the aliens. The terms were that the aliens would provide the U.S. government with technology. In return, the U.S. agreed to keep their presence on Earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and other animals. The aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis. (see:  Preserve Destiny Project)  According to Val Valerian, this treaty was renewed, again within the Plato framework, on April 25, 1964, at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. It is possible that this resulted in the exchange, from 1965 until 1978, of ambassadors, under the project Crystal Knight. (see also ‘Serpo’).  The name, of course, refers to the Greek philosopher.
  • Pounce:  Project Pounce is another UFO-related project. Some sources consider Project Pounce to be an earlier version of Project Blue Book, though most researchers believe that Blue Book was only preceded by Sign and Grudge. They are supported in this by the official documentation that is currently available (through FOIA etc.). Then again, as Blue Book was nothing more than an overt PR exercise, it is probable that a real, yet covert, project would also have existed to investigate the UFO phenomenon.  According to M. W. Cooper, Project Pounce was more than that; he claims it also is the project formed to recover all downed or crashed craft and aliens.(Other sources describe a similar project, yet call it project Bluefly.)  See also:  projects Gleem, Grudge, and Sign.
  • Preserve Destiny (engineer embryos to comm’ intuitively w/ aliens):  Dan Sherman, in his book “Above Black”, talks about his experiences while working for three years on Project Preserve Destiny.  From being a Sergeant in the USAF, he transitioned to work at the National Security Agency (NSA). Dan Sherman went into the United States Air Force like most other Americans, extremely proud to serve his country and be part of its well-trained military. During his 12 years in service, he was recognized for heroism, and has been decorated with the USAF Commendation Medal, as well as the USAF Achievement Medal with two oak-leaf clusters, and was honored for service in the Persian Gulf War. Everything appeared to be going well for Sergeant Sherman until he was recruited into a special program called ‘Project Preserve Destiny’ (PPD), an “ABOVE BLACK” project which would eventually change his life and result in him leaving the USAF.  Sergeant Sherman began his training for PPD at the NSA whilst at the same time training for a career in ELINT; a highly sensitive, mostly “Above Top Secret” project. The ELINT training , although a genuine program, was to act as a cover for his participation in PPD.  Arriving at the NSA, he was told the following startling news by an Air Force Captain: “To put it bluntly, Sergeant Sherman, in the summer of 1960 your mother was visited by what the world commonly refers to as aliens. Random tests were being conducted on the general populace at the time to determine compatibility.” The Captain explained that whilst he (Sherman) was still in his mother’s womb, he had been implanted (“genetically manipulated”) to enable him to make contact with aliens through “intuitive communications”. He was also told that the U.S. government had been in contact with aliens since 1947. Needless to say, Sherman was shocked, but relieved to hear that he was 100% human and not part alien. So began three years with the PPD, and his communication with an alien species.
  • Preserve Mother:  Dan Burisch mentions “Project Preserve Mother”, which involved the deployment of the Ganesh particles in the polluted waters of Cabrillo Bay outside Los Angeles, CA, in an effort to clean up the ecosystem there. See Lotus Project for more information.
  • Rainbow:  1) As a symbol, a rainbow can have several meanings; it represents transfiguration, different states of consciousness, the meeting/union of Heaven and Earth, the bridge between this world and paradise, access to the other worlds, and a promise that there would be no more global floods.  A rainbow also stands for completion.  Sometimes it is used as a symbol for restoration of order.  2) The Rainbow Project is the name of one of the Philadelphia / Phoenix time-travel projects. See ‘Phoenix Project I’ for more information.
  • Redlight:  REDLIGHT is the project to test-fly recovered alien craft. It is conducted at “Area 51” (“Dreamland”) in Groom Lake, Nevada. It was aided when the aliens gave them craft and helped them fly the crafts. The initial project was somewhat successful in that they flew a recovered craft, but it blew up in the air and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that time (1962) until the aliens agreed to help further.  Afterwards it was resumed with a different name, possibly Project Snowbird.
  • Secret Space Program Alliance:  Self-proclaimed whistle-blower Corey Goode often talks about a Secret Space Program (SSP) alliance. Goode claims there are at least 11 breakaway civilizations on Earth, 10 of which are subterranean. The other one consists of members of the elite, as well as members of the military-industrial complex. All of these breakaway civilizations would have their own secret Space fleet. Over time, members of these groups would have created different alliances among each other. Goode refers to the main such alliance as the Secret Space Program Alliance, which would have fallen apart in recent years.  Goode seems to contradict himself, though, when it comes to which groups are part of the SSP Alliance, or which were at different times. (Sometimes the MIEC is included, for example.) The fact that these memberships change over time adds to the confusion.
  • Serpo:  After a survivor was found at the site of a crashed UFO in New Mexico (called an E.B.E.; Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity, or, phonetically, an ‘Eben’, plural:  Ebens), the EBE was allowed to contact his species, and a program was launched for the exchange of ambassadors.  Eventually 12 people were sent for 13 years to Serpo (the EBE’s home planet), while three “Ebens” (some sources only mention one) stayed on Earth. The name of this exchange program allegedly was Project Crystal Knight. It ran from 1954 until 1978. A first attempt to exchange ambassadors failed in 1964. A second attempt in 1965 was successful, and lasted until 1978. See ‘Serpo‘ for more information.  Note that while most sources agree that such a program has indeed existed, it is only in the Serpo material that the name Crystal Knight has been mentioned for this program.  (This project was also immortalized in the 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.)  Serpo allegedly is the name of a planet that circles one of the two suns of the Zeta Reticulum Rhomboidalis constellation.  Between November 2005 and April 2011, information was leaked onto the Internet, claiming that the U.S. government made contact with its inhabitants after that crashed UFO with a surviving crew member was found.  Those who went stayed on Serpo for the following 13 years before eight of them returned to Earth. (Two died, and two preferred to remain).  The name Serpo is also –and probably erroneously– used for the covert project with regard to the exchange of these ambassadors. The real name of the project, again, was likely Crystal Knight. As such, it belongs to the Aquarius range of covert projects, and is related to the projects Plato and Sigma.  (One source claims that the name of the exchange project was changed to Serpo when the ‘ambassadors’ returned in 1978.)  Inconsistencies in the texts that are leaked on the Internet about Project Serpo create the impression that at least part of the information is actually dis-information, which is to be expected with these kinds of ‘leaks’. This is especially the case with the so-called diary of the commander, which is riddled with inconsistencies.  In April 2006 an anonymous source claiming to have been involved in the real project states that most of the information released on the site is dis-information. In May 2006 yet another anonymous source claimed that the Serpo project never took place, and that the information about it was compiled only to deceive the Soviets. Most researchers, however, tend to consider these claims themselves as disinformation or speculation.  The bottom line is that at present a lot of claims are being made, and no material whatsoever is being presented by any party to back them up. Yet at the same time, most sources who would know of a Serpo-like program do confirm that such a program did exist, and that the exchange of ambassadors did take place.
  • Sigma:  Project Sigma is the name of the project that deals with contact and communication with alien civilizations. It is believed that it started under Pres. Eisenhower.  Bill Cooper claimed SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the aliens and is still responsible for communications. This first official contact would have been made in 1953. Like in the movie Independence Day, huge ships were detected in orbit, and contact was made. This would lead to Project Plato and to Project Serpo (the exchange of ambassadors).  Information that allegedly was leaked from the Pentagon and published on the Serpo site ( in August 2006, however, claims project Sigma is an ongoing project that involves the studying of alien spacecraft.  Note: as all other sources refer to Sigma as the communications program, I have serious doubts that Sigma would be the name of the project that involves studying alien spacecraft. (See: Redlight, Snowbird, and Pluto, as well as Project Plato which is responsible for the diplomatic relations with the aliens, and, of course, Project Serpo.)
  • Sign:  Project Sign, just like project Grudge, is an earlier version of Project Blue Book.  Project Sign was the first project to officially investigate UFOs. It was short-lived; it started in 1948 and already by the end of 1948 it was succeeded by Project Grudge. The main reason for this is that by Autumn of 1948, the Project Sign team had come to the conclusion that UFOs were most likely extraterrestrial –or ‘interplanetary’ as they called them– ships. They had written this in the so-called “Estimate of the Situation”.  When this paper reached the Pentagon, the staff of Project Sign were told that their conclusions were unacceptable, and General Hoyt Vandenberg ordered that all copies of the Estimate be destroyed. The project was broken up and replaced by project Grudge.
  • Sirius Disclosure:  The Sirius Disclosure Project is a spin-off, and successor, of Greer’s original Disclosure project, and was launched more or less concurrently with the 2013 Sirius documentary.  On the project is described as follows:  “A call on the U.S. Congress for hearings & legislation:  1) to hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO/extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth, 2) to hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems that, when publicly released, will provide solutions to global environmental challenges, 3) to enact legislation which will ban all space-based weapons, and 4) to enact comprehensive legislation to research, develop, and explore Space peacefully and cooperatively with all cultures on Earth and in Space.  The recorded testimony of scores of military, government, and other witnesses to Unidentified Flying Objects and extraterrestrial events and projects from around the world establishes the existence of a UFO/extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth. This recorded testimony consists of dozens of first-hand, often Top Secret witnesses to UFO and extraterrestrial events, internal UFO-related government projects and covert activities, Space-based weapons programs, extraterrestrial Intelligence, and covert, reverse-engineered energy and propulsion system projects. The technologies that are of an extraterrestrial origin, when publicly released within a planned transition period, will provide solutions to global environmental and security challenges.  These numerous recorded witnesses constitute only a small portion of a vast pool of identified present or former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists and other witnesses, who will come forward when subpoenaed to testify at Congressional hearings. Without a grant of immunity releasing them from their security oaths, many such unimpeachable witnesses fear to speak out.  The legislation will ban Space-based weapons and will help to transform the terrestrial war industry into a world-cooperative military (without Space weapons), civil, and commercial Space industry.  This will provide unprecedented benefits and opportunities to all on Earth and in Space.”  The Sirius Disclosure Project now incorporates Greer’s previous projects like the Orion Project and the Disclosure Project, which no longer exist as separate projects.
  • Sleeping Beauty:  The Sleeping Beauty Project allegedly is a DIA project that aims to achieve battlefield superiority using mind-altering electromagnetic weaponry.  See also: HAARP and Project Blue Beam, of which similar claims are made.
  • Snowbird:  Snowbird is the project that has to do with test-flights with alien crafts (such as Stealth, and Aurora). As such, it is a subproject of Project Aquarius/Moondust.  According to M. W. Cooper, Snowbird is not the actual project to test-fly alien crafts, but was established, instead, as a cover for project REDLIGHT. Several flying-saucer type craft were built using conventional technology. They were unveiled to the Press and flown in front of the Press. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been the SNOWBIRD craft.
  • Solar Warden:  Solar Warden allegedly is the name of a secret “Space fleet” which would be capable of interstellar travel.  The name ‘Solar Warden’ was first mentioned on the now defunct Open Minds forum by an anonymous source. This source claimed to be speaking on behalf of a group of insiders, who referred to themselves as the TC Group.  Later on, Project Camelot’s whistleblower, ‘Henry Deacon’ (pseudonym for Arthur Nuemann), confirmed both the name and existence of Solar Warden. His claims are in line with Gary McKinnon’s finding of a document with a list of “non-terrestrial officers”.  The existence of Solar Warden was also seemingly confirmed by the late Ben Rich, former director of Lockheed Skunk Works, who said that the U.S. Military travel to stars and Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real. He is quoted as saying: “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”
  • STAAR:  The STAAR project was allegedly launched in 1958 as a response to the possible threat of an alien (as in extraterrestrial) invasion.  STAAR stands for Strategic Tactical Advanced Alien Response. An extremely secret and extremely advanced elite strike force was created to deal with the possible threat of an alien invasion. It consists of top experts (two per domain) in the fields of advanced computing, astrophysics, biology, cryptography, communications, diplomacy, explosives, hazardous materials, and intelligence. The team is also rigorously cross-trained in military combat skills (including hand-to-hand combat and small and heavy weapons usage) and survival.
  • Stargate:  STAR GATE was one of a number of “remote viewing programs” conducted under a variety of code names, including SUN STREAK, GRILL FRAME, and CENTER LANE by DIA and INSCOM, and SCANATE by CIA. These efforts were initiated to assess foreign programs in the field; contract for basic research into the the phenomenon; and to evaluate controlled remote viewing as an intelligence tool.  The program consisted of two separate activities. An operational unit employed remote viewers to train and perform remote viewing intelligence-gathering. The research program was maintained separately from the operational unit.  This effort was initiated in response to CIA concerns about reported Soviets investigations of psychic phenomena. Between 1969 and 1971, US intelligence sources concluded that the Soviet Union was engaged in “psychotronic” research. By 1970, it was suggested that the Soviets were spending approximately 60 million rubles per year on it, and over 300 million by 1975. The money and personnel devoted to Soviet psychotronics suggested that they had achieved breakthroughs, even though the matter was considered speculative, controversial and “fringy”.  The initial research program, called SCANATE [scan by coordinate] was funded by CIA beginning in 1970. Remote viewing research began in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, CA. This work was conducted by Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, once with the NSA and at the time a Scientologist. The effort initially focused on a few “gifted individuals” such as New York artist Ingo Swann, an OT Level VII Scientologist. Many of the SRI “empaths” were from the Church of Scientology. Individuals who appeared to showed potential were trained and taught to use talents for “psychic warfare.” The minimum accuracy needed by the clients was said to be 65%, and proponents claim that in the later stages of the training effort, this accuracy level was “often consistently exceeded.”  GONDOLA WISH was a 1977 Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) Systems Exploitation Detachment (SED) effort to evaluate potential adversary applications of remote viewing.  Building on GONDOLA WISH, an operational collection project was formalized under Army intelligence as GRILL FLAME in mid-1978. Located in buildings 2560 and 2561 at Fort Meade, MD, GRILL FLAME, (INSCOM “Detachment G”) consisted of soldiers and a few civilians who were believed to possess varying degrees of natural psychic ability. The SRI research program was integrated into GRILL FLAME in early 1979, and hundreds of remote viewing experiments were carried out at SRI through 1986.  In 1983 the program was re-designated the INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (ICLP). Ingo Swann and Harold Puthoff at SRI developed a set of instructions which theoretically allowed anyone to be trained to produce accurate, detailed target data. used this new collection methodology against a wide range of operational and training targets. The existence of this highly classified program was reported by columnist Jack Anderson in April 1984.  In 1984 the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council evaluated the remote viewing program for the Army Research Institute. The results were unfavorable.  When Army funding ended in late 1985, the unit was re-designated SUN STREAK and transferred to DIA’s Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate, with the office code DT-S.  Under the auspices of the DIA, the program transitioned to Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC] in 1991 and was renamed STAR GATE. The project, changed from a SAP (Special Access Program) to a LIMDIS (limited dissemination) program, continued with the participation of Edwin May, who presided over 70% of the total contractor budget and 85% of the program’s data collection.  Over a period of more than two decades some $20 million were spent on STAR GATE and related activities, with $11 million budgeted from the mid-1980’s to the early 1990s. Over forty personnel served in the program at various times, including about 23 remote viewers. At its peak during the mid-1980s the program included as many as seven full-time viewers and as many analytical and support personnel. Three psychics were reportedly worked at FT Meade for the CIA from 1990 through July 1995. The psychics were made available to other government agencies which requested their services.  Participants who apparently demonstrated psychic abilities used at least three different techniques various times:  1) Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV): the original SRI-developed technique in which viewers were asked what they “saw” at specified geographic coordinates.  2) Extended Remote Viewing (ERV): a hybrid relaxation/meditative-based method.  3) Written Remote Viewing (WRV): a hybrid of both channeling and automatic writing was introduced in 1988, though it proved controversial and was regarded by some as much less reliable.  By 1995 the program had conducted several hundred intelligence collection projects involving thousands of remote viewing sessions. Notable successes were said to be “eight martini” results, so-called because the remote viewing data were so mind-boggling that everyone has to go out and drink eight martinis to recover.  The US program was sustained through the support of Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., and Rep. Charles Rose, D-N.C., who were convinced of the program’s effectiveness. However, by the early 1990s the program was plagued by uneven management, poor unit morale, divisiveness within the organization, poor performance, and few accurate results. The FY 1995 Defense Appropriations bill directed that the program be transferred to CIA, with CIA instructed to conduct a retrospective review of the program. In 1995 the American Institutes for Research (AIR) was contracted by CIA to evaluate the program. Their 29 September 1995 final report was released to the public 28 November 1995. A positive assessment by statistician Jessica Utts, that a statistically significant effect had been demonstrated in the laboratory (the government psychics were said to be accurate about 15% of the time), was offset by a negative one by psychologist Ray Hyman (a prominent CSICOP psychic debunker). The final recommendation by AIR was to terminate the STAR GATE effort. CIA concluded that there was no case in which ESP had provided data used to guide intelligence operations.  (source: )  Addendum: some of the people involved with the project: Retired Major General Albert N. Stubblebine, John B. Alexander, Major Edward Dames, Major David Morehouse, Ron Blackburn.
  • Starlight:  Material published on the Serpo site in August 2006 mentions a project STARLIGHT. Little is known about it, but it allegedly involves the study of space using alien technology.
  • Whiteout:  As part of the Clementine Project and Alternative 3, equipment would have been sent to the moon to set up a mixed human – alien base, called Luna.  Whiteout was the name used for this project to send equipment to the moon between 1959 and 1964.
  • Zeus:  Most people are familiar with Pres. Reagan’s SDI (or Star Wars program). There are rumors that this is only a cover for an underlying project, allegedly called the Zeus Project, and that its real purpose is to build advanced weapons that can be used in case of an extraterrestrial attack. See also: Aries, Excalibur, Joshua, HAARP, and STAAR projects.

And who knows how many more…

Humorous Patches:

The one the pre- and proto-Inisfreeans used:

While we can’t show you the real patch, in this case, this one comes close.