For thirty-five years I traveled the globe, looking for those like me, and anything else wonderful I should learn from and adopt along the way.  I found many wonders, debunked many claims, proved many amazing theories, and found evidence of so much more.  I even amassed terabytes of truly perfect things in a thousand categories; I collected copies of all the finest from culinary works and music to fashion, literature, high-technology, and everything else in between.  I invented and drew up detailed plans for I don’t know how many innovations and sustainable, lasting solutions.  I faced monsters and traps, overcame much, recovered from the brink of death, and made my time count, exploring more than most will ever believe –including within myself, which is perhaps the most important set of trips of all.  Now I am here.


At long last, after making many passes through every single state, along with 56 other countries on all but one continent, I got another place of my own.  I had such a place once or twice before, but was almost always sharing ones with roommates, volunteers, warriors, or others, and I never had anything this remote, big, and ideal; this new home and outpost is everything I needed in order to finish editing and publishing my series of books –perhaps even ahead of schedule, after a couple years where I fell upsettingly behind.  This new place, all my own, has already allowed me to catch up like never before.  I shall focus on my writing here, as I’d wanted to and sensed was time for many months now, and catch up on my fitness, as well.


It is a very relieving time; all the incompatible people and other things that once distracted and sharpened me have been cast out.  I learned many effective techniques for this, having had all my powers taken away so many times.  Being stuck amidst all the bad things for long periods, sometimes years at a stretch, has shown and permanently instilled in me the absolute importance of developing and mastering these skills.  They are now put to full use in this waypoint office of mine.


I am filling my fridge here with only vegan things, I got my vehicle safe in its own garage and plugged in so it will need no more gas, and I have the temperature just right; barely different from the natural elements right outside.  Speaking of that cycle of nature, there is no artificial light in here; only natural light gets in, keeping me on the proper and timeless moon-and-sun schedule.  I may only see the tiniest of flames at night now; I will occasionally burn sage and incense for a hint of aromatic air.


On the edge of town, high on a ranch-like hill, I overlook the distant lights of a cityscape, airport, and snowy mountain horizon.  There is also a train track, all its and their sounds delightfully muffled by buildings and untouched terrain.  The sunsets are divine, no poles or wires between us, and I gaze upon them like humans stare at their TVs, sighing contentedly as they sky paint on.


On that note, there will never be a TV or radio blaring its nonsense and frantic gibberish during any mealtimes in here, or ever; I will never turn them on, nor even bring any in.  I will not buy them, nor allow anything but the sights, smells, and sounds of the fresh, healthy, homemade meals I slowly prepare here to occur when it comes time to eat.  All hours, and especially those reserved for sleep and dining, are here-to-forth sacred, quiet, and serene.


I eat and drink alone now, too; no more will any rude person ever be present to spew verbal refuse and pollute meals or conversations.  Nothing gross will ever be said, and there will be no risk of such words.  The only comments and thoughts will be sane, polite, appropriately positive ones.  Meals are sacred.


Walking around naked when I am here is another great therapy and medicine, as is sleeping on the clean, empty, expansive floor; it is so much better for my body, and almost as good as the ground in the forests.  I sleep when I sense it is time, not at set times.  I listen to and honor my body’s wisdom.  Sleep is sacred.  Nudity is sacred.  My body is sacred.


Since I no longer have to lock a door or avoid insane people where I stay and prepare food, I have started cooking all meals slowly, from scratch, out in the open, not worrying about healthy smells offending ape-pig-dogs.  I also no longer worry about their revolting corpse grease and coffee fumes offending me.  There are only good smells here, and good people.  Period.


I’m trying new recipes, and have learned how to make soups, rice dishes, pies, and more.  Soon, I’ll have practiced making everything else; everything I know and love.  Eventually, I’ll add my own culinary flare to each creation, mastering the application of herbs & spices for both flavor combinations and all-natural healing –even for health-supercharging and abilities-unlocking, which I’m sure you are aware of.


Every night I calmly daydream of wishing my future family goodnight.  Every morning, good morning.  Genuine remarks, such as “Happy breakfast!” and “Happy Thor’s-day.” are said.  No more thoughts of war and fatigue, avoiding beasts or having to deal with them, or seeing daily life as ‘the grind’; only the best of visions and hope now remain.  The way of myself and my people is always on my mind; the Inisfreean Way.


Where I lie down to stretch, rest, and sleep is quite wide open –and wonderful in that way; it is so much like the spacious area atop the big bed of the master suite in my dreamhouse design.  I can now better imagine and project myself there.  It is time.


Never again will the toxins of cigarettes, booze, or other drugs be present where I live.  I hated them before, I hated everyone who brought them near, and now both they and them are forever banned.  Good riddance.  No more.  You can have water, tea, and fresh air, or be gone, not within a thousand miles of me.  That is my law.


No more arguing, whining, peer pressure, or incompatible personalities in any way; only true friends with logical philosophies will ever know of me and this place, and only I will come here.  I am making this my zen garden, and I will defend it with wisdom, maintenance, filters, and more.  There is no authority here but my own –and that goes for any deities which may be allowed to show up, if ever.


This place will be kept tidy or empty, like a respectable cave or temple.  There will never be a mess, clutter on the walls, excessive furniture, or any crumbs.  What few possessions I allow in this special place will be arranged in Feng Shui –the real kind, not what is sold in the stores.  There will be peace, balance, and the correct flow of energies in here; nothing less, and nothing more.


There will never be a microwave, a clock on the wall, fake plants, or anything which is impure.  The best things take time, and I will take time for them, not allowing myself to be rushed, or to have the option of rushing.  That era of being hurried along has passed.  If anyone wants my time, they can appreciate it and wait.  Time flows differently now, just as it does between fun and other times.


Until my novels are complete, I will live here and in this way like the monk I was destined to be in this phase.  I had to be a literal warrior before, and now a monk; next, of course, will be what you find if you explore my website and books.  When those meant to build my community with me show up, I will greet them from this place of balance and oneness, and begin.  My city could never come about from any lesser plane, and I would not dishonor it by further attempting to do so.


The first phase of my life, as I call it, was the struggle to gain the strength, resilience, perception, and other qualities I’d need to see anything through.  This second phase, which is drawing to a close, was to shed that which no longer served me, revealing who I’d become under all that hellacious endless force from phase one; the shell I’d been forced to develop fell away, the pressures no longer holding it in place.  Now that so much has become like forecast life in Inisfree, I can see the third and final phase taking shape on the time horizon.  This, as phase two ends.

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