Welcome to the half-celebration half-rant kickoff-post for the start of 2024!


Table of Contents:

  1. Preface
  2. Achievements
  3. Addressing Issues
  4. Reminder About Actual Definitions
  5. How to Earn My Attention
  6. Not Just How to Earn My Attention or Time, but Specifically How to Address Me
  7. Regarding Planned Trips
  8. Wrap-up
  9. Celebrations Anyway
  10. One More



The title of this blog post references how I never thought I’d be back in the States, and how I’ve remained more productive than ever before while once again / still there. It is also about how the criminally inappropriate housing market still ended up providing me with way more useful training than I likely would have had/made time for if things had been appropriate. I have countless more steps completed in my life’s work, toward my ultimate goals, and I am quite fond of the elements now, having acclimated to camping in the full range of conditions, and grown fond of frequently dipping in rivers.

My 2023-update blog-post focused on the new server and computer models –that which was mostly completed in 2022.
In this year’s first post, I will focus on all that was completed in 2023, as well as current thinking/strategy for the years ahead.

If any of this seems like I am “triggered” to you, you’re a moron who hasn’t been paying attention, and you default to extreme exaggerations, marking yourself.
If you have been paying any attention at all, the logic in posts like this is sound; my posts and passionate vocal moments led to people such as the AZ-Ambi showing up –multiple times, clearly having heard and answering my call/s.  That’s what stuff like this post here today is for.

Phase 2 (of my 3-phase way of dividing this life into distinct and progressive sections) wasn’t just zeroing in based on Phase 1 expeditions, but zeroing in while stationary, and planning not just surgical expeditions (to more-specific destinations), but the SOPs for expeditions in general.
I, back in Phase 1, had thought and hoped that Phase 2 would be more trips and better networking, but it still is fine and useful-enough that it instead was all about focusing only on myself, becoming more centered and upgraded than ever.
Phase 2 was not ideal steady progress (which apparently is just for Phase 3), though I suppose it can be said that there was still plenty of ideal steady progress, only within for now.

This website makes it easy for me to spot who is smart and respectful of my natural and wise orientation. This website is one form of prescreening. Since it has been around for years, it also shows me who was responsible and devoted; who has been paying attention and keeping up with my posts, all of which are very helpful, charitable, and humanitarian due to how much useful guidance they offer to the species so sorely needing it.

This website is the only form of volunteer work and public speaking I do anymore. All direct contact, due to how uniformly inappropriate humans chose to be, now must be paid for in advance, no refunds possible. In other words, significant compensation and donations must be received by me before I will respond, let alone assist with any of your own endeavors –and I’ll be pre-auditing any alleged endeavors of yours, making sure they are what you advertise them as; “due diligence” (whereas before, I gave people the benefit of the doubt, and even answered some maydays).

The only job I do now is my own. Others are welcome to work with or for me if they understand, respect, and enjoy me as I am. The vibe always shows when that is the case, by the way; don’t waste your own time by trying to deceive.

I spent years explaining in full detail all the many things I love and what I will respond to, so it is entirely on humanity now to decide if they will stop offering nonsense they should know by now I will not accept. I have been consistent and communicative in many ways and through many platforms. Learn to read –and listen –and think –and care.

Similarly to how one or two people in my life are now whole at long last, after having to keep part of themselves locked away in one way or another, this blog post will include both the rightfully positive and rightfully negative thoughts and remarks of mine. You’ll be getting the full me now, post by post. I won’t ever again try to just post about what I’ve managed to salvage or make good –and if you are good, you will automatically see the obvious value in me being clear about what I do and don’t like alike.

I encourage people to develop/mature at their own rates; I am against any of your systems which slap any mindless age-bracketing on things instead of using the obviously-superior individual-maturity-based thresholds approach.
I acknowledge that different people have different rates of development; some mature faster/sooner than others –and the fact that your system/s didn’t acknowledge this, plus the fact you even tried criminalizing it, makes it plain to see how primitive and wrong you are, both the goons you allowed to maintain such a backward and evil system, and the rest of you for not stopping them/that.
I reject the inappropriate attempts of insecure needy bullies trying to shame or threaten everyone into doing all things in life at the same time as others –and were you really so bred-down that you couldn’t figure out bullying me never worked and never would?  It’s as if your brains became vestigial after so many generations of making no effort at all to think or treat anyone correctly.  Maybe you were all bred to be mindless workers and minions.  That’s what the evidence suggests.
I am open about my interests, logic, values, and plans, thereby helping everyone to know the real me and whether we are destined friends –so don’t ever ask me to explain, teach, or regurgitate an elevator pitch; if you want to know, sit down and invest the time needed to read through this site of mine.
With my lifetime of brave, honest, innovative service and helpfulness, it is east to see that anyone who reacts negatively to me or this website, and anyone who misinterprets all of the very well-explained things here, can only be evil.

Lastly for this section, since this is one of my longest blog posts, and since I kept adding to it for a few months, don’t expect seamless continuity/flow in or between its sections.  Deal with it.  I was busy.



As I just stated, I’ve been busy as fuck.

  • “Hogwarts II” floors determined,
  • vegan itineraries,
  • all 1,000 ICV subpages started,
  • all remaining links (made),
  • night-club models (not just design descriptions),
  • many grocery store updates,
  • many mall updates,
  • Black Vault full-size computer-model in progress,
  • Kathedrom full-size computer-model drafted,
  • Tantric Academy full-size computer-model started,
  • “Weddings in Inisfree” image/map; all locations chosen,
  • Where They Live image/map with favicon faces,
  • final structures side-views started,
  • final night-club design-collages started,
  • all remaining Minecraft computer-model screenshots uploaded as/into albums,
  • witnessed evidence of time travel –numerous times (hundreds, if not thousands of times),
  • top partner now whole; her repressed side freed, and both her sides reunited/re-merged successfully,
  • several new characters (people) soft-disclosed,
  • best sleeping arrangement ever planned –without me even having to brainstorm for it,
  • concerts directory and all concert sub-pages updated, many completed,
  • tattoo fill-ins begun,
  • all TNH sub-pages reviewed and ‘polished up’,
  • Persephone‘s Missions sub-page made and given lots of detail,
  • Black Ops team(s) members chosen,
  • FOB-Book emojis (many chosen, many preemptively banned, and some created),
  • Discord emojis, first the (50) stills and then the (50) animated; GIFs (plus another 50 that were un-uploaded; not steamy enough),
  • TNH ODST Bay given more written detail,
  • TNH dropships and ‘Mechs spec’s calculated and posted,
  • TNH single-craft hangars tallied and webpage for them completed,
  • Persephone ammo. hatch remembered since the attempted Minecraft build (back when it was just a chain hanging toward the middle of a 3×3 plain-blocks matte-black ceiling-hole before the glitch stopped work on that early version of the craft),
  • Minecraft scale-model chateaux labeled, and castles and schlosser adjusted and labeled,
  • CIV Aero museum design,
  • Museums Directory webpage started,
  • MIL Aero terminal-gates level design,
  • computer-model of Firefly “Persephone” updated to include more and final weapons, such as the ICBM and launch-silo,
  • Drow Temple now has details,
  • Inisfree’s Firm Base and 3 FOBs now have a webpage,
  • Gym4(s) layout detailed,
  • Protectorates updated,
  • preemptive travel SOP drafted,
  • all framed pictures and murals for the ICGM chosen,
  • merchandise additions,
  • SSA sky-views / visualization-aid update,
  • remaining flora/landscaping photo-albums started, most completed,
  • precise total of ICVs for MPHADSCP, WS, MSBS, PSBS, and SSBS,
  • LHS Culinary Arts curriculum fully outlined,
  • ICGM Theaters posters chosen,
  • several Inisfreean Law pages/sections added to,
  • completed the Games sub-page; alphabetized, consolidated, added to, etc.,
  • Art & School Supplies factory added,
  • lots of detail and several new webpage-sections added for the Jam Shanty,
  • Melody introduced
  • a few expedition pages updated
  • FOB-Net airline-booking process spelled out
  • White Limo dimensions dialed in
  • stewardess-seating and gurneys-storage placed in Inisfree Spaceways saucers
  • many playlists added to
  • MREs veganized
  • ICV subpg images y vids
  • first week-long dates planned and going wonderfully; increasing time and alignment with the chosen hotties
  • SSA Inisfree-like city maps and notes per feature
  • many new computer/video games, movies, TV shows, etc.
  • welcome-boulder update
  • Desserts Dirigible uniform chosen
  • bodyguards (clandestine Secret Service) calculated
  • Saturn-day Night Live; our first comedy TV show
  • Aorlie chapter/s wrap-up
  • March:  Social Butterfly concert now detailed
  • WoW latest version being tested –for inspiration for my own versions
  • 1st of my 2 S.T. suits tested with top wife
  • birthmark y back spot fixed
  • biggest tat (13th/19) nearly complete
  • Archer 2.0
  • final blueprints placed and built in the inspiration/tester ‘world’
  • barefoot mountain ascents started
  • upcoming concerts’ web/subpages completed with notes
  • my own cookbook
  • PC desktop finally tidied all the way up
  • Perry Rhodan series discovered
  • wall-art for Inisfree Spaceways
  • IC BMs‘ 5th appearance-mode
  • superpower confirmed,
  • number now available for investors to call (angel investors; donors only),
  • many more inappropriate numbers and email addresses blocked and traced,
  • hundreds more vegan products tried and selected for my grocery store/s,
  • ascended a couple local mountains,
  • acclimated to river temperatures,
  • practiced/tested focus/breathwork technique (like that applied to the AK and Syria things),
  • daily river swimming and cold-water dunks/exercises (Polar Plunge prep’),
  • gym and jogging,
  • frequent sunning,
  • all remaining webpages started, all previously-unanswered design-questions for multiple massive ships answered,
  • investors page refined,
  • vehicle maintained,
  • best meals and deuces of my life so far,
  • best dreams by far,
  • new bicycle,
  • still standing my ground against the parasites,
  • and amassed screenshots (many thousands of them) almost all being used (at last).

My ‘calls’ have started being answered (as of a few years ago, even!), and the beautiful (uncorrupted) ones get closer and vibe peacefully every time, never pestering me or stalling my work.
The bad ones have been blocked by the tens of thousands.
I was able to take years off the employment ‘grind’, focusing entirely on my own.
Hundreds of update waves, not just individual ideas and uploads, have been completed.

I’m both not happy that the ones I called took as long as they did to show up (even though it, of course, kept me undistracted, thereby free to have all of my big idea and wrap up its designing/publishing)… and validated for having spent so many years working on the spells that seem to finally have either manifested them as intended… or been honored by those who fit the descriptions.

Seeing the members of my dream-team/fam finally making not just one appearance, but many, is perhaps the greatest possible achievement of all.  My work and time are finally paying off, as intended, as foreseen.


Addressing Issues:

Holy cow, humans created a lot of them.

Humans should not have tried to force their inappropriate laws and customs on me –especially since I never agreed to be governed by any of them. Since they tried to dominate me without reason or consent, all their rules are void and ignored, and they “lost every point there is”, canceling out the few good things they did, and they will now be dominated far more/worse. “My turn.”  (You’ll all be getting a lifelong taste of your own shitty medicine now.)

You tried to tell me “how things are”, rather than ask me, and rather than make any effort to learn what is actually the case, and rather than make any effort to improve them.
You tried to tell me how to take things, but that is criminal, as it is a lesser (creature) attempting to dominate a greater, and the way I take things is always correct.
You tried to force me to accept your deviancy and dishonesty while hating my normalcy and honesty.

Every time I stood up for myself and truth, I should have been celebrated, yet you criminalized me.
You threw tantrums, yourselves triggered every time –by nothing other than normalcy and honor.
Your eyes and auras and souls went pitch black, showing me what you really are.

My business-contact channels have been abused. That still works in my favor, though; it shows me your true colors, and how best to proceed –permanently. By all means, keep trying to abuse that information, though; your stubborn criminal insanity is helping me block and trace hundreds of your numbers you use only for crime (and, yes, how you attempted to contact and dominate me is crime, whether your illegitimate “legal” system admits that or not).

I should never have had to defend myself; you should have eagerly defended me –similarly to how I once eagerly volunteered to help defend all of you (but now I see why you brainwashed me and others into giving you the benefit of the doubt… instead of earning us seeing you that way on our own; the only way to get away with what you kept doing was to brainwash those you kept wronging into trying to see or find the good in you, of which there was none).
I should never have had to explain myself; everyone should have easily grasped my simple logic or already understood.
I should never have had to call out for anyone; they should have already reached out to me, or been with me all along.
I should never have had to resort to begging evildoers for scraps; I should have been treated well my whole life. I treated people as well as possible, after all. Why was that not reciprocated –ever?
I should never have had to memorize fake-schooling claims; others should have been memorizing what I taught –and I certainly offered many coaching and tutoring sessions –for years and years.
I should never have had to travel; what I sought should have come to me.
I should never have had to initiate; that never paid off anyway, and others should have felt perfectly fine initiating politely to me. Many of your bad ones certainly initiated, so why didn’t any of the good ones? Does that, then, mean that there aren’t any good amongst you at all?
I should never have had to seek funding; it should have been donated all along.
I should never have seen a single ugly or dumb human; those freaks shouldn’t even be able to exist. You should have maintained your health and genes far better than you chose to. You are abominations now, unsalvageable.
I should never have had to endure bad roommates; I was always a tidy and responsible one. I certainly shouldn’t have been repeatedly dietarily and religiously and sexually harassed by roommates.
I should never have been bullied to stop doing healthy things such as climbing; my healthy active-lifestyle nature and hobbies should have been seen as the great signs and normalcy they are.
I should never have had to learn what veganism is; it should have been the norm since the start.
I should never have been hated for my normal sexual orientation or honesty; everyone should have loved that and had that orientation themselves. On top of all the hate I received for not being a deviant, I was also slandered against; you pretended I was even worse than your worst offenders! Even when I was celibate like a monk, doing nothing but research, farming, and volunteer work, you slandered me right to my face.
I should never have been met with only consistent darkness and rudeness; I was light and good manners all along.
I should never have had to repress/resist my instincts and sacred emotions; I should have been celebrated for them, encouraged and supported and helped to further them.
I should never have been accused of falsehoods by spoiled murderers; their lowly kind should have been kept out of this civilization at all times.
I should never have been scammed; I never scammed others.
I should never have been betrayed by anyone; everyone should have loved being loyal to me, doing what they can tell I enjoy. Gods know I was loyal and then some –even when facing actual battles in war.
I should have been getting as many friend requests from hotties as hotties existed, and as many as I had to block. There shouldn’t have been anyone bad enough that I had to block them, but there –so far– have already been tens of thousands.
I should have gotten as many donations as there are people. Even the poor should have been eager to donate a few cents; something. My work has obviously been to help as many as possible, all around the world, forever.
People should have supported me as much as they instead supported drugs, football, politicians, pharma’ genocide, and the death cults (a.k.a. mainstream religions), and they should have hated those insane things as much as they for some reason hated me.

Sure, going through all that BS ensured I remember it and what worked, and going through it gives me extra toughness and bravery points, but still.
I suppose if things had been appropriate all along, not evilly against me until now, I would not have created/invented anything, or made so many discoveries.

That doesn’t even begin to cover all the glaring issues humanity has caused, but it’s enough for now; for this one blog post.

The format I kept encountering mindless humanimals regurgitating was:

  • [boring ‘cookie-cutter’ unhealthy people
  • + horrible event that makes things even/much worse
  • = slow sloppy randomly-successful attempt/struggle to get back to that boring unhealthy baseline]

and that format for all stories and chapters of life was unacceptable to me (duh; it was a blatant attempt to normalize Hell on Earth).

My format is:

  • [healthy people who love working together
  • + discover modern and ancient wonders
  • = even healthier, happier, more unified, and more adventurous life together].

“Normal” and “blah” and broken-record isn’t good enough, so I shut that shit down.
“Thank god things are back to normal!”?
Only if the “normal” is how things were during the prehistoric first Golden Age.

In other words, one of the biggest and most-recurring/repeated issues I noticed over these past decades was that both in person and in every creative-writing community/forum I attempted to join, every last one of you were doing the exact same one bad thing; you lived insanely-unhealthy and illogical lives, you brainstormed to come up with lackluster ways of making your lives, or at least the lives of your characters, unthinkably worse, and then you likewise brainstormed lackluster and horrible ways of painstakingly-slowly crawling your/their way back to that godawful baseline –and you got triggered by anyone who suggested anything different/better!


Reminder About Actual Definitions:

Remember how that figurehead “president” fat-fuck with the ridiculous toupée once managed to point out the actual issue of a lot of news being made up?  Well, now we are going to point out how a lot of the current alleged/posted definitions of words in your primitive language are also made up (much like how a lot of your “history” and “religions” and “science” have been made up, thankfully all now repeatedly debunked).

Similarly to how I realized it was now time to un-desexualize a lot of the movies, shows, and other art which had been warped by violence-obsessed psychos, I instead infusing it/all with the balancing natural full-bodied touch/love it always should have had, it is now and here time to go over what a number of redefined words (i.e. words you scumbags tried to weaponize against normal people by changing their colloquial and online definitions to suit your corrupt agendas) actually meant and mean.

  • accost:  aggressively/boldly approaching/contacting me the first time (all later accosts being harassment), such as when males do not bow or kneel, and when females do not curtsy and kajira-sit, and when anyone I am not attracted to tries to talk to me
  • actor:  can only be male – a male who is acting
  • actress:  what a female actor is called
  • antichrist:  Christians; they do the opposite of what their allegedly-real founder taught, including by starting a religion instead of just being good people
  • appropriate:  whatever I want you to do
  • barbarian:  anyone who has not eagerly learned what I teach, and who has not either converted to the lifestyle I prescribe for them, or already instinctively lived how I would want them to
  • beautiful:  when a female looks attractive to me
  • bigot: a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.  Nationalists, nonvegans, “pigs” (cops), queers, and religious people are the worst bigots.
  • brutalizing women: forcing them to do things other than be kajirae or other sex objects
  • brutalizing men: denying them the right to have sexy females as pets
  • coercion:  anytime anyone pressured or ordered me to sign or do anything
  • condescension: an attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain (IOW: how pretty much everyone I’ve met has behaved, even when they had absolutely no idea what was going on)
  • corrupt cop:  any who is enforcing any laws other than those I wrote
  • criminal: anyone who does not live by my rules for them
  • crime: anytime you do something I have written laws about/against
  • creepy: only when others do things that give me a bad vibe; I cannot give a bad vibe to anyone other than evildoers whose nature is to default to negativity / be wrong
  • Death-cult is any religion that teaches all/most must die, or that death leads to good things, or that gods committed suicide, etc..
  • deformed: anything that doesn’t look good to me
  • degenerate: anything that is worse than its creator/parents
  • deviancy is any orientation other than that which wholeheartedly supports mine.
  • deviant: departing from my standards, especially in social or sexual behavior
  • divine:  Nothing is divine, holy, sacred, or spiritual until I say it is.
  • ego: a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance; obviously normal, not a bad thing, and certainly not a word that should be used as an insult (which would only blatantly show how uneducated the user was)
  • evidence:  Only what I sense and say counts as evidence is evidence.
  • evil: having a negative reaction/thought to anything I am/do
  • fashionable:  Fashion only looks good if I say it does, and fashion shows are only legal if I like all the outfits they are modeling.
  • feminine:  Only what I say is feminine is; if I don’t regard something as feminine, it is not feminine (prime examples:  covering up natural feminine beauty with face-paint a.k.a. makeup, or piercing healthy feminine body-parts to insert metal rings a.k.a. ear-rings, nose-rings, etc.)
  • fool:  anyone easily deceived, such as all who believe in politics or religions other than my own
  • gaslighting: to manipulate another person into doubting their own perceptions, experiences or understanding of events (thus absolutely nothing to do with me requesting normal manners, and it is actually gaslighting to accuse someone of gaslighting when they 100% were not gaslighting)
  • gay: originally meant happy, but you, in your disgusting degeneracy/insanity, determined to warp all things into the most unimaginable bullshit and evil, decided “happy” wasn’t good enough for you, you instead wanting this word to mean “only happy when a man puts his dick in another man’s asshole”
  • harassment:  any who contacted me without using the template I prescribed, especially if it was more than the first contact, though first contacts from the same group/scam still count
  • Hate speech is actually demonization and hate speech against both normal speech and valid hate; you can’t allege someone is “using hate-speech” without simultaneously using it yourself to make that allegation.
    Hate-speech is when people cry “anti-Semitic” when the target of their bullying isn’t against Semites, or Israelis, or Jews, just not seeing any valid reason to donate to strangers on the other side of the planet who don’t have the same values, goals, or anything else.
    Hate-speech is when people cry “evil” when the target of their bullying is merely doing things that freak them out because they (the bullies) are morons or trying to cover up the fact they haven’t done anything good in their own lives.
    Hate-speech is when people cry “homophobe” when the target of their bullying doesn’t fear homosexuals, but is merely sanely turned off / disgusted by homosexuals.
    Hate-speech is when people cry “Islamaphobe” when the target of their bullying doesn’t fear Muslims, but is merely sanely concerned about how brainwashed, immoral, and dangerous people of that and many other religions have historically and recently been.
    Hate-speech is when people cry “NAZI” when the target of their bullying is not a National Socialist, or living in the 1940s, or even a German serving in that military during that era.
    Hate-speech is when people cry “pedophile” when the target of their bullying is not attracted to children or babies at all.
    Hate-speech is when people cry “rapist” when the target of their bullying in reality obtained valid conscious consent from anyone he/she was interested in making love with (and consent is always valid when it comes from a conscious sober person who understands what sex is; validation does not come from Bible thumpers or the masses/majority or strangers or the government, but the individuals directly involved in the interaction).
    Hate-speech is when people cry “hate speech” when the target of their bullying wasn’t being hateful, only stating easily-verifiable facts and opinions other than those of the brainwashed evildoers.
  • hater:  a foolish human who defaults to getting upset/pissy/mad and throwing adult-tantrums about things he/she doesn’t understand; anyone who dislikes anything I am/do
  • Heterophobe is an unnatural subhuman who is so afraid of normal sexual orientations that they try to force every radio and TV station to have only their unnatural (i.e. faggot or lesbian or gender-confused) orientation in every talk or episode –much like how an alarming and creepy number of shows and movies started defaulting to including a token Black person, then a token every-other-race, until every show had 1 member of every race and unnatural orientation… for no reason at all… even when the source-material (such as the comic book or novel which inspired the program) had absolutely no such characters or orientations in it.
    White-washing is when non-White characters are cast by White actors/actresses.
    Black-washing should be easy for you to figure out the definition of, and a prime example of it is casting Samuel L. Jackson to play SHIELD Director Nick Fury, who is a White man… which is not Black.
    Then we have faggot-washing; making non-homosexual male characters faggots for no reason, such as was done in the abomination of a film Eternals.  I get that you dumbasses are running a poorly-thought-out worldwide campaign to turn as many people into queers as possible, as part of slowing down sexual reproduction, but that is the wrong way to go about it; you shouldn’t be creating a far worse problem in the process, trading one massive issue for another massive issue.  1 minus 1 = 0, you dumbfucks.
  • holy war:  what humans started by being rude and harmful to me
  • illegal:  Only what I say is against the law.
  • Inappropriate: anything I don’t like
  • insensitive: anyone who does not prioritize my feelings
  • justice:  only when I sense appropriate punishments have been carried out
  • law:  Only what I say shall be the official way of doing/enforcing things (and, as I’ve made clear many times now, I never consented to living by laws I had no say in writing, and it will never be appropriate for any beings as unintelligent and uneducated and rude as you all have been to ever tell me what your law is –I 100% don’t care).
  • legal:  only what I say is an appropriate law
  • love:  Only what I say is love is. All who claim to love things I do not like them to are merely deviants misusing this word. They are weaponizing language in an attempt to shield themselves from judgment for their criminal deviancy. Those who think that love includes whatever any/everyone wants… are actually evil creatures who love only upsetting/disgusting/stressing good beings with their pointless incompatibility/argumentativeness.
  • mental disorder: any mindset I don’t like others having
  • Misogynist is someone who hates females, i.e. tries to promote unhealthily fat ones, or breeding which ruins them, or insults hotties for wearing little, or is against kajirae (the normal job/lifestyle normal healthy sane females gravitate to, and which honors their full nature), etc.; feminists and wannabe-dominant (a.k.a. bossy or bratty) females are misogynists.
  • multiculturalism:  scam to destabilize a nation or working class, keeping them divided, frustrated, stressed, infighting, distracted, etc. –“too many chiefs, not enough braves”, in this case the “chiefs” are the cultures, and the Native American ‘braves’ are the members of a culture
    (Different cultures are fine, so long as they are in their own areas, respecting each other’s areas, and so long as they are experienced where they are, not trying to force their way into another area/culture.  Grow the fuck up.  Pressuring people for diversity and multiculturalism is imperialism and rape (ignoring boundaries and not caring about consent) in thin disguise.)
  • Nonvegan is a person who is fine with funding murder, rape, and torture on a constant and gigantic scale.  No, none of you need meat.  No, protein is not only in meat.  No, it doesn’t matter if other species are as retardedly nonvegan as you.  You have a system meant to be vegan, and you are choosing to lie in a last-ditch effort to maintain your harm-based obsession/system.  May you all burn in the darkest Hell, forever reincarnating to over and over live through exactly what you put your enslaved animals through.
  • Normal is only what I say is normal.  –It sure aint the bizarre fucked up rude bullshit y’all have been pretending is normal and trying to normalize.
  • orthodox: of the ordinary or usual type; normal (meaning doing things my way; almost nothing humans do is orthodox, and certainly not their churches/cults)
  • over-age: when a female has ruined her looks/femininity, typically (for Outlander Earth-humans) by her late teen / early college years
  • overreact:  any negative reaction to anything I am/do
  • pedophile:  anyone who is “baby crazy”; obsessed with reproducing regardless of whether they are prepared to ensure a good childhood and future for their creation/s; pedophile = so in love with babies/children that you don’t care if they have good lives at all, so long as you keep spawning more of them (synonym:  breeder, at least in the negative sense)
  • pervert: anyone who is against my orientation, thus they are abnormal and unacceptable
  • propaganda: anything biased or misleading, such as most “healthcare”, “history”, politics, “religion”, “science”, etc. taught by the mainstream (prime example:  anything speaking out against me, this website, or any of my works)
  • pseudo-science: mainstream “science” (what is taught in schools to keep people barely smart enough to operate the machines, but never actually understand reality), especially the blatant lies pharmaceutical companies pretend are science (prime example:  everything ChatGPT (a glorified and poorly-coded chatbot falsely-advertised as being A.I., when it has no intelligence at all, only the ability to rapidly parrot and plagiarize) quotes from repeatedly-debunked Wikipedia nonsense –and what a telltale/reveal of its makers; coding it the way they coded it… indicates they, too, are not actually intelligent, only trained to code, and merely mindlessly parroting just like their chatbot does; what a complete waste of time, making such a pointless thing)
  • psychopath: a human who is dangerous to the point of mindless violence, such as by being nonvegan, or by defaulting to trying to start a physical fight with me or anyone good, rather than making the slightest effort to think, see our obvious good, and support/defend us –which is what a normal sane person would default to
  • Racism is when only Blacks can have Blacks-only magazines and shows, say nigger, play White characters in movies, etc.. It is not racist to say there are races. Racism includes forcing me to be around anyone who is not my people, when not likewise forcing others to be around and accept Me and only My way.
  • rapist: someone who forces another to have sexual intercourse (It is not possible to rape someone who consents, and there is no such thing as “statutory rape”; you cannot force a statute to have sex with you.  No matter how much you don’t want two people to enjoy having sex, they will never have raped each other if they both are in total agreement with one another to have sex.  You pretending one of them is a rapist makes you a slanderer, insane, retarded, the lowest form of life, and the worst form of evil there is.)
  • religious persecution:  all of those times anyone tried pressuring me to convert to their bullshit cults/religions
  • retarded: a human who fails to grasp the simplest concepts, such as “don’t see a genius hero in a negative way” (IOW:  So far, everyone I have met was actually retarded, and since many humans think the opposite… the entire civilization, educational system and all, is retarded, no matter how much nonsense from books their least-retarded members can retain/’regurgitate’; they only have “book smarts”, not actual intelligence such as critical-thinking skills; they can only repeat, apparently incapable of discerning whether any given material is correct/logical or not –or just being so spineless and/or lazy that they don’t even care, let alone make an effort.)
    *[Evil and retarded] is, for example, when a human is praying my brilliant vision and beautiful art get taken away.
    vs:  [Neutral tolerable sane-enough] would be others minding their own business while I work on mine.
    [Normal sane good] will be when all not only don’t pray (mentally masturbate) one way or another, instead supporting and funding my work the whole time, no strings attached (just like how I didn’t “attach any ‘strings’/conditions” when I kept volunteering to protect and help so many of you over the years).
  • rights:  Humans only have rights when I permit them to, though some would call that privileges.
  • Sexism is when the woefully uneducated and unnatural sub-humans try to make the sexes be equal. It is sexist to pressure females to do male work, and vice versa. It is sexist to give females freedoms and powers they don’t want or like. It is sexist to make females cover attractive tits while allowing any hideous male at all to expose his at any time without repercussions.
  • sexual harassment:  all of those times anyone showed up whom I was not attracted to, or did anything I was not attracted to, especially when they tried to talk me into hooking up with any of them
  • sexually inappropriate: anyone doing/being anything I do not find attractive, and any advertisements which do not feature females I am attracted to, and any government other than mine attempting to pass laws about love, relationships, sex, consent, etc.
  • sexy:  Only what I am attracted to is sexy.  (This is different from beauty in that beauty is just when a female looks good to me, whereas sexy is a variety of things such as fashions, movements, sounds, etc..)
  • sociopath: a human who is so primitive that they cannot function as a member of my society
  • Terrorist includes any religious person who pretends eternal damnation/torture exists for anyone who doesn’t mindlessly parrot useless mistranslations of ancient plagiarism. Terrorists try to spread fear/terror. They aren’t just doing it for political reasons; sometimes they’re just evil idiots fucking up their own lives and reputations.
    Prime example of a terror-spreader / terrorist:  corrupt cops and court ‘judges’
  • Toxic emasculinity is one of the real problems (not masculinity; we need more normal-masculine); males behaving in emasculate/queer ways is far worse when men behave like brainwashed beta bitch boys (mindless, uneducated, insecure, overcompensating, etc.) than normal males,
    and feminism isn’t feminist at all, but toxic unfemininity (which is why its retarded members are also known as femi-nazis).
    Toxic femininity is when females stubbornly/retardedly try dominating or shaming males, or being catty amidst/against other females, instead of being graceful, nurturing, soothing, supportive, etc.; i.e. normal-feminine, appropriate for their gender/sex.  Toxic femininity is also when that type of female tries to make everyone/thing around her/them feminine, whether their targets are masculine things or males or not, disregarding their essence and purpose/function/calling.
  • traditional:  Only my traditions matter.  All else is degeneracy, not a valid culture.
  • turn-off:  all blatant attempts to bait/lure/seduce me so far, and just about everything about current human civilization/society
  • violation: anything I don’t like
  • under-age: when an individual is too young to have full-body interaction with another individual, and this in reality is based on individual maturity/consciousness, not mindless rules/hopes forced on everyone by strangers with severe mental disorders, such as brainwashed self-righteous human “authorities” who are mindlessly parroting whatever system they were born/raised into, somehow oblivious to all the red-flags that said system isn’t actually working for anyone –and one of the most inhuman/evil crimes against nature of all isn’t just nonvegan insanity/propaganda/smear-campaigns, but terrorizing the entire global population against the kind of full-body soothing touch/interaction that literally every single member of every single animal species on the planet daily instinctively uses to comfort, reassure, soothe, and teach their own kind; dragnet labeling things as underage is a crime
  • unholy:  anything against me

The masses should be ashamed of themselves, especially when they are any of the following coward/hater subtypes:

  • Auzaphobe; those who fear me for no reason
  • Auzdeinianityaphobe; those who fear my personal spiritual journey, which I haven’t recruited for at all
    Inisfreeaphobe; those who have feared my city design –and I even once met a retard who prayed against it right to my face!
  • Kajiraphobe; those who insanely negatively react to even the mention of females whose submissive nature is to be voluntary sex objects and treasured servants
  • Naturephobe; those who talk shit about even clean rainfall, calling it “yucky”, for example, and my pretend relatives who couldn’t stand even kneeling in blue-jeans on their own lawns
  • Polyamophobe; those who fear people who are loving to more than one person at a time, often lying by claiming it is how disease spreads, when disease only comes from within; from negative thoughts and/or ingesting nonvegan “food” (i.e. literally consuming pieces of death; severed tortured body-parts)
  • Polyandraphobe; those who fear women who have more than one husband at a time (It’s none of your business.)
  • Polygaphobe; those who fear men who have more than one wife at a time (It’s none of your business.)
  • Shapesaphobe (such as a pentacleaphobe or pentagramaphobe); those who think one shape is Satanic while other shapes are perfectly fine (It’s just a fucking shape, dipshits. You superstitious paranoid cunts.)
  • Symbolsaphobe (such as a swastikaphobe); those who fear symbols like runes (and that is exactly what the swastika is, not to mention it predates whatever you were brainwashed to hate –by millennia, and has and shall always be a globally-recognized symbol of seasons and peace, not at all what you lied by pretending it stood for)
  • Truthaphobe; those who fear or otherwise react negatively to simple truths told with zero intent to upset anyone
  • Vegansaphobe; those who fear peaceful people who are living proof that all the nutrients you need come from plants (and all the herbivorous animals the nonvegan psychopaths keep pointlessly raping and murdering are living proof; if “you need protein from meat”, why aren’t all your enslaved/farmed herbivores extinct?)

I am not a homophobe or islamophobe or transphobe; I don’t fear those failed creatures; I am disgusted by them, and it is fine that not everyone accepts such failures.  Thank the fucking gods some people don’t accept such things.
Since phobe comes from phobia, the Greek word for fear, it would be more accurate to coin the terms homomisitís, islamamisitís, and transmisitís, all from the Greek word misó for hate; I hate those things –as any sane person does when they are forced upon us by bigoted deviants and degenerates who creepily care only for themselves and the corruption of all.
I’m not afraid faggots can spread AIDS; I know where disease actually comes from.
I’m not afraid Muslims are all suicide-bombers; I have experienced firsthand that all the harmful acts come from my own country’s pretend healthcare and legal systems (and “veteran-assistance programs” which are just fronts for more pointless, unethical, taxes-wasting spying on good men who served faithfully).
I’m not afraid of freaks who chop off their own dick or tits, then pretend they are magically now the other gender (and there are only 2 genders); I’m disgusted by them, baffled such semi-suicidal behavior would ever be tolerated, let alone praised.
I am logically and naturally also an Abrahamisitís; I hate all three death-cult spin-offs of the Abrahamic system, not just laughably intentionally-overcomplicated Islam.  No sane being prefers that which is against him/her.
Anything based on scare-tactics (including what current law-enforcement and government figureheads have been doing), harm (including self-harm), and death (including self-sacrifice) is disgusting, evil, and unacceptable, thus all your religions are those repulsive things.

Hate speech against valid emotions is wrong. I have professionally kept my logical hatred of those evils to myself, excepting on my own personal sites where it will always be my right to post whatever is on my mind, free from any censorship at all. In spite of my professionalism and forthrightness, I have been sent hateful message after hateful message, lie after lie, threat after threat, demand after demand. Only a failed society treats professionals that way. Only a failed tech’ regime allows it.
(Thanks for showing me absolutely none of you merit consideration, let alone help or preservation, though; you made my job infinitely easier, as now… I no longer waste time on any of you.)

Many of you clearly have been afraid of me… even though I risked my life to protect yours,
and even though I have been myself only in my own space, never intruding upon yours,
and even though every single year of this life of mine… I have focused on being studious, devoted, giving, honest, and talkative, easily approachable, hiding nothing.
Since you fear even the best of your civilization, that shows me you default to negativity, thus nothing I or anyone else does will ever be enough for you, thus there is no point in putting any effort forward for any of you ever again. You’ll just have to accept me as I am.
Any who claim I have flaws… will have a rude awakening when I effortlessly list at length the many you all still have.
You are fools and cowards who should and shall have no power at all. You already lost all legitimacy and authority. You’re just faking it now. Your shamefulness apparently goes on without end –until your own.

A few more points that fit in this section:

  • You pretended fat can be genetic, because you want gluttons who generate profits for you to feel better about themselves. No one is fat except for gluttons.
    You then made up the psy-op term “body shaming” to further encourage people to stay lazily and vomitously out of shape. This term was then misused, and you encouraged its misuse, the same way “conspiracy theorist” and “mad scientist” were –also terms you made up as part of your weaponization of language.
    No one was “body-shaming”; we were shaming lazy gluttons who destroyed the decent bodies their parents made for them. We were shaming their lack of character / self-control / self-respect. We were shitty-character shaming.  Get it right.
  • No one is born ugly; genetics have little to do with it; people are formed the way the vision for them was held, and most are kept too distracted to hold a steady vision, and most don’t even know they can choose the looks of their offspring at all, and that is why most are born deformed. That, and the injections and other drugs/poisons you pretend are helpful vaccines for expectant mothers. Those deformed people then spend extra to cover their bodies with your clothes, makeup, and other products; more profits. You even weaponized spirituality when you made up the religions; you brainwashed people in churches to always assume everything is chance and up to unseen powers, and that led to still more degeneration, atrophy, and deformations.
  • No one just gets pregnant, either. You brainwashed everyone to assume they are helpless to made-up internal processes, similarly to how you trained them to be slaves to their worsened emotions. This, too, was to generate more profits; more spawns/people = more fools paying for more things.

The longer you incorrectly use words and terms such as these, pretending they have new definitions which blatantly suit your propaganda and skewed views of reality, the longer you’ll have to make up for that –if ever you come to your senses at all.


How to Earn My Attention:

If you are truly a good being, none of what you just read would have triggered you, nor will any of what follows in this post; all of it would have resonated soothingly with you, self-evident.
That being said, I’ll now go over everything I can think of, as far as what you apparently can’t figure out, regarding deserving my time and chats.

When the masses celebrate me as much as they celebrated football (since no one should make their home or family or business anywhere they are not a/the priority),
when they heal me as much as they harmed me (as a bare minimum),
when they give me as many star-struck looks as they gave cunty or cocky ones (fucking duh; why would I settle anywhere healthy people are not attracted to me?),
when they fund me as much as they charged me (i.e. daily, hourly, constantly; do business where it is lucrative, the profits reliable, the future bright, you not merely surviving but truly thriving),
when they seek my wisdom as much as they tried to brainwash me,
when they want to learn what matters to me as much as they tried to pressure me to stray and buy drugs (and holy fuck, how many of you dipshits were broad-daylight loud-and-proud junkies),
when they increase my health as much as they decreased it (IOW:  not just healing me back to “good as new”, but actually doing things that unlock/promote my superhuman potential, far above the current “norm” the masses were brainwashed to incorrectly assume is normal health),
when they show me respect as much as they harassed me,
when they wholeheartedly apologize to me as much as they demanded apologies,
when they are as eager to give me all I enjoy as much as they were eager to prevent it,
when they are as attractive to me as they were ugly,
when my culture is on all their TV and radio stations as much as their recent deviancy has been,
when they initiate appropriately as often as they have rudely silently tested and baited me,
when they submit to me as constantly as they tried to dominate me,
when they empower me as much as they tried to control me,
when they default to eagerly giving me the best there is as much as they begrudgingly tossed barebones scraps my way,
when they see the good in all I have done as much as they made up the bad,
when all the ones I chose are as present in my life as they have been absent,
when the ones I called out to answer as much as they stayed silent,
when they enforce my wise laws (catering to healthy normal beings) as much as they enforced their insane evil ones (catering to masses just for a few quick extra bucks),
when they return all the money they took/stole from me,
when they invite me to travel as much as they left me resorting to planning my own itineraries,
when they are as informed and correct as they were ignorant (innocently uninformed –or stupid; knowing better, yet still choosing badly) and wrong,
when they are as intelligent as they were stupid,
when they are as healthy as they were unhealthy,
when they sing my praises as much as they retardedly talked shit,
when there are no more billboards for anything I don’t like (because, again, why would anyone agree to live or work where the culture is not their own?),
when all are as default happy with all I am… as those before were moody for no reason,
when humans listen to me as much as those before mindlessly backtalked,
then I am with my people, and then they are worthy of conversation and more.

In short, if you want my attention –and many of you clearly did, some of you even throwing tantrums when I wouldn’t just give it to you, unearned– do the right things, things which should be the baseline and status quo, anyway.

Billions of dollars will need to be donated to me (and that’s on all of you, as I would have happily accepted mere thousands years ago, back before you had fucked up so hard and often),
all people everywhere set to be what I am attracted to (because, again-again, I’m not going to bed down or set up camp/shop anywhere the culture is not my own, and the people not what I feel attracted to or comfortable around),
all who disrespected me brought to justice (at least by deporting them, and preferably by doing much more; show me you prioritize me, honor, respect, fairness, etc., over punks and bullies),
all groceries and other food prepared (from farming to processing/packaging and more) only by those who have never been vaccinated or otherwise unclean/polluted/drugged in any way (and, while we’re on this sub-topic, under skies which have never had chem-trails in them, as nothing under chem-trails is organic).

My city will also have to be complete, fully operational, to my specifications, no exceptions.
I’ll also need to be invited into the cabin I chose, all of it prepaid, and me paid to live in it, tax-free forever –and anyone in that neighborhood who I didn’t or wouldn’t get along with will have to be permanently removed.
I’ll also need the vehicle I chose for it.
I’ll also need every single perfect female I chose to be in my life to show up for inspection. (You taught me the hard way, over and over, that many of your kind dishonestly conceal severe disorders and other defects, so you’ll all be inspected now –if you want any of my time at all –and the good beings would be proud to show me they have maintained their bodies and minds, so this shouldn’t be an issue, actually a perk.)
Don’t forget to respectfully bow and kneel. (In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been politely bowing to many already, and this is the status quo in civilized countries.)
Do all that, and then I will consider giving your tolerable females a chance to interact with me.
(As for your males, well, they have a much longer way to go before earning any of my time. Good fucking luck. I still can’t believe the countless retarded comments, overreactions, tantrums, and attempted bullying your lowly kind crossed the line with.)

Oh, and my health (which you wrongfully took from me, indefinitely suspending even after I had voluntarily, honorably, and heroically protected you) will have to be restored to perfect. You’ll also have to figure out how to increase my health to superhuman levels; you decreased it, so now you’ll not only have to get it back to normal, but increase it as much as you decreased it. Figure it out –and it’ll have to be in a way that I would normally agree to without any persuasion or wordplay.

Anytime anyone sides with anyone other than me, not my people.
Anytime any store has a nonvegan product in it, not my people (nor should such monstrous murderous places/staff be anyone’s people).
Don’t like my ideas or jokes or hairstyle? Not my people. There isn’t anything to dislike about them, anyway, especially considering their innocent and functional context.
Anytime I don’t feel comfortable around someone? Not my people. Vibes always tell the truth –and only scum try to shame those who listen to their own vibes.
Anytime you don’t drive out of town anyone who doesn’t like me? Not my people. That should go without saying; my people would defend me and my chosen land.
Anyone who doesn’t see and treat me as king? Not my people. How can I value and uplift you when you don’t do that for me, and especially when you pretend obvious fools are leaders instead?
Anyone who pressures me for a résumé, or rewriting, or explaining, or debate, or justifying anything, or drug test, or background check, or credit report?  Not my damn people.
Offering a handshake I didn’t ask for? Not my people. Handshakes are supposed to be kind gestures between consenting adults –not retarded attempts to force me into touching someone who isn’t right, and who shouldn’t be allowed outside a solitary-confinement cell in the first place.  And handshakes sure as shit shouldn’t be attempts to express anger by squeezing the shit out of my hand because you were a dumbass and have no control of your blame-shifting or emotions.  If you have some issue with me, unfuck your brain, don’t try to hold my goddamn hand, you creeps.
Wearing makeup or jewelry or piercings or high-heels? Not my people. I never asked for fake. I certainly didn’t ask for face-paint or stilt-like shoes or consumer-whore cunts hole-punching their body-parts and then hanging metal from the holes –body-parts, by the way, which would have looked attractive if they hadn’t done that shit.
Bumper stickers I don’t like? Not my people. Stop being trashy and lame.
Queers condoned? Not my people. You should love my orientation, not talk shit about it while constantly harassing me to only accept others’ deviancies.

Ask me what I want, then do it –eagerly.
Never ignore what I want, while pestering me to accept what is wrong.
Better still, just be what I want, not having to ask or learn; it is obvious, natural, and should be a given.
It would be a given –the status quo– if you were my people, the people I am meant to be with.

Send your absolute best all the time, with pay to cover my hourly rate plus compensation (for the past; for damages done) –every time– and then we can proceed.
I always gave you My best, so why wouldn’t you give me yours?
“You get what you give.” hasn’t proven true yet. Will you finally make it so?
Only those who love giving me the absolute best all the time are the people I will spend time with.

You should have responded to my networking and hustling.
You should have come up with excuses and reasons To work with me.
You should have tried to work with me as much as I tried to work with you.

A single “Internet troll”, and we start over.
A single jarhead or cop out of line, and we start over.  (And, dickhead veterans, while we’re covering this note, catch a fucking clue; I’m not enlisted anymore, so it is the most retarded thing in the world for you to try and order me around.  Jesus tittyfucking christ.  How stupid can you all be?  Go eat some fucking crayons so your noise-hole is too blocked up to keep leaking your thermonuclear stupid.  If you want someone to boss around, go talk to your miserable ugly fucking desert-yeti wives or your deformed autistic useless children –or, if you are still bent over for Uncle Samantha (not Sam anymore, since this country went hard-core gaytarded/trans-tarded), you can boss around the beta bitch-boys still stuck in your disgraceful commands/units.  Oh, and please commit suicide more often; 22 a day is hardly enough to prevent you crybaby faggot-lovers from verbal-diarrhea-ing on my social-media pages.)
Right!  Back to it;
A single person who thinks they know better, and we start over.
A single cunty chick, and we start over.
A single denial to give me full access anywhere I want to go, and we start over (and all I ever wanted to travel to were some healthy restaurants, ancient ruins nobody was at, and where I will make my homeland).
A single text or call I don’t like, and we start over (and that means we start over about three times every day, if you are so incapable/impotent that you can’t even prevent unwanted bot-generated messages from reaching my phones).
A single picture or post I don’t like anywhere on the Internet, and we start over.  (Yeah, I just said that; clean up your entire goddamn Internet, you mind-blowing degenerates.  Now.)
A single fake profile I happen upon, or any chick not responding promptly, and we start over.  (Again-again-again, if the people I like don’t like me back, I am not with compatible people, thus will continue breaking free, sneaking out, and moving on, just like any man should, so either reciprocate genuine interest or step aside and stay out of my fields of view, you superfluous NPCs.)
A single thing on TV or the radio I don’t like, and we start over.  (I will spontaneously check, by the way, and if any movie or show or broadcast even has a vocal signature that isn’t to my liking, you guessed it, we start over, any donations up to that point having to be remade to me, i.e. doubled.  Picture me randomly tuning in to a random radio or TV station –of any country on Earth (thank you, sites such as Radio Garden)– every week or so, browsing for several minutes, and making the simple decision as to whether what I am being shown/played resonates well with me; whether people care about what matters to me.)
A single cigarette or alcoholic beverage or vape pen on the planet, and we start over.  (If any of you go into withdrawals from being forced to quit, those products no longer available anywhere, I hope it is extremely unpleasant and difficult for you, that you be better-reminded not to pull that gross bullshit again.)
A single nonvegan on the planet, and we start over.  (I’ll include all animals/species in this, too, so you’d better get it through your thick skulls that ecosystems are not “balanced” by monsters murdering other beings for every meal.  Don’t agree with this thinking?  Then stop parroting that Garden of Eden story, you two-faced cunts. –And don’t try to tell me that if the carnivores weren’t around, overpopulation would kill us all; one of the easiest things ever to figure out is that anytime herbivores become too numerous, they starve to death on their own; it isn’t possible to overpopulate; there is always something that regulates population.)
A single moody vibe, or cross look, or the slightest disrespect –from anyone– and we will keep starting over so you can get the basics right.
A single unhealthy person, and we start over.
Every piece of art online that I don’t like? Not my people. Start over. If we don’t have the same tastes, obviously we aren’t the same blood, and we don’t share values.
A single delay during any of my expeditions, and we start over.
And if any of you think plastering an eagle or lion or any other violent monster of an animal on your coats-of-arms or other regalia makes your little family or nation look badass, we start the fuck over.  (Yes, I am telling all of you which that applies to… to change those symbols of yours.  I don’t care how long they have been part of your traditions or why.  Go fuck yourselves.  I am reclassifying all such crest/symbols/whatever as graffiti, vandalism, and worse.  If you put one of those things out on display, you are vandalizing your own structures/areas, and, yes, that is “a thing” now.)

This requires you to start policing your own (and yourselves), and no longer catering to the scummy masses.
Get it done.

What does “start over” mean in this case? It means your species has to re-donate everything it already donated to me, and resend all its best for another round of inspections.
It means all your credit scores (the ones I assign to you in my own system) got zeroed back out, so you’ll all have to re-earn any respect from me you may have had.  (Yes, there is a new credit bureau now; my own.  Yes, everyone’s credit score is bad until everyone’s credit score is good.  You’re lucky I even tolerate your kind having the potential for credit at all.)
It means any agreements we made will have to be rewritten (and so far there are no agreements between us, as you broke every contract you pretended to make with me).
It means all your cities and towns and households will have to be re-reviewed.  (What do you think I was doing when I traveled around the country and world?  I was reviewing/auditing every place I went, vibe-checking and sanity-checking every person I met.  Every last one failed, and hard.  Now I’m gonna have to return to repeat that damn process, so guess what kind of a mood I’ll be in when I do.  I will be infinitely more critical of you.  I won’t be arriving or leaving tolerantly like before, either.)
It means your entire civilization will get audited –again.  (If any country fails, all countries fail.)
It means you chose to fail to appropriately police your own.
It means you bred and harbored scum.  (There was so much I would have understood or tolerated, yet not one of you managed to even meet that very low bar.  Wow!)
Starting over is not going to be fun for you.

All those emails I sent out years ago to the wealthiest families and most successful businesses around the world? Those people and companies will have to respond to those messages now –with heartfelt apologies for not responding back when I sent those messages.
(I was doing my best not to bother anyone until it was time to share my ideas/work, and to only contact those who had plenty/enough to spare, and to only contact each once; I was being as logical, efficient, and respectful as possible, yet I received only silence –and now your little street-minions have the insanity to get mad when I respond to them with silence.)

Until you love showing up for me as much as your kind rallied for fake religion, fake politics, fake healthcare, and football games, you are not my people.

Until all of your species is what I am attracted to, you are not my people, and are a failed species.

[Format of the following paragraph lines: To make up for _… you will have to provide me with _.]

  • (to make up for your) Rude Communication | (you will have to provide me with) Default immediate polite responses
  • Lowered Credit | Credit topped off plus locked in at perfect plus increased above the highest score everyone else can achieve
  • Awful Deals | Only what I want as guaranteed; I alone decide what the deals are
  • Stolen Health | My health restored and increased to invincibility
  • Terrible Lodging | All the best lodging there is, for free, and me paid to use it, and custom world-class lodging constructed just for me
  • Unfair Pay | Back-pay higher than what sultans get
  • Extortion Prices | Everything free forever
  • Disrespect | Default worship of me, not just basic respect
  • Unapproved Taxes | All taxes returned to me, and all taxes paid to me, I now deciding where all tax dollars go
  • Ruined Travel | No more checkpoints, customs, fees, passports, or visas required for/of me

Asking me to pay for anything… says you don’t value me. (Why should I pay for anything from you, when it isn’t what I asked for, and since you didn’t yet pay for what I did for all of you? Even if it had been all I asked for, all of it was overpriced, or your currency was artificially devalued this whole time. Greedy and pathetic.)
Ignoring my needs says you don’t value me.
Spying when I did not tell you it was okay says you do not value me.
Offering me only rude garbage says you do not value me.
Poisoning me when I asked for help needed –from ailments you alone caused, and knowingly caused– says you do not value me.
Leaving blatant lies illegally put in my record says you do not value me.  (I now not only require you to correct those errors/lies, but publicly admit you made them, plus I am banning you from keeping records anymore at all –and anyone I find who kept records after I decided/posted this will be charged with espionage.)
Allowing scum to exist in society says you do not value me or even yourselves.
All that has to change.
All that has to be reversed.
You made a big mess you now must clean up and prove will never happen again, and you have to make life now as better as you made it worse.
(After my honorable service, I did my best to think up new ways of protecting my land from enemies both foreign and domestic, but now, since you chose not to rally to that simple banner/call, I am placing the responsibility of preserving and cleaning up your communities entirely on you, and I will hold you accountable.)

I was honorable yet you pretended I was bad.  (Even in childhood I was brainstorming better ways to protect the land, ecosystems, people, etc., yet even back then… I was insanely and viciously overreacted to.)
I was normal yet you accused me of deviancy.
When I completed my service contract, you targeted and poisoned me (and I wasn’t even whistleblowing or causing a stir at all; I was returning to college and the workforce, trying to make ends meet and have my own place, dating and seeing who would make a suitable wife, volunteering across the country whenever I had time, meeting fellow veterans and looking for the good in them all, giving my business to good restaurants and many other impressive establishments, all entirely normal things).
When I needed money (which you had practically an infinite amount of), you spent it on illegally spying on me.  (You spent money others needed, after robbing (“taxing”) them, to create problems (such as desperation), just like you kept sending retarded minions (who you were also using that money to pay) to do their best to offend and pick fights with me, then you kept spending more of that money that wasn’t yours, to make the problems you created worse, and to add more problems to the equation, when all that time and money could have easily completely stabilized my own situation and the situations of so many other good men doing the very same thing I was; trying to better themselves, get a job with appropriate pay, build a house, start a family, and live in peace.  Holy fuck.)
When I agreed to contracts or terms, you changed them and demanded unfair extra.
I said what my orientation is and you forced me to see and hear deviant orientations of lunatics, never once saying anything other than horrible insults and threats about mine.
I said which girls I liked and you only sent completely different ones, nothing like what I had politely said I would be interested in.
You made up rules and called them laws, never asking how I felt about them, thus all your laws and wants are void, meaningless, and mine shall be lived by and enforced.
You kept trying to bully and force me, so now that is all I will ever offer you –even if you start respecting me; it is way too late for that bare minimum.
You ignored all polite conversation and logic, so I will never deign to speak to you again. It was pointless, anyway. You kept it that way. You used conversation as bait just to stall me, always “shifting the goalpost”.
You taught me you are dumb beasts who only use and respect sheer force and dominance, so that is what I now use.
You reacted negatively to everything I did, so I did the same to you.
You tried to shame me, so I saw that only you are shameful.
You made up high prices for everything, so I did the same to you.
You kept reducing my credit scores without consulting me, so I did the same to you.
You ignored my requests and needs, so I did the same to you.
You changed the definitions of words, so I changed them back.
You said you are the only authority, so I decided I am; I rejected and disregarded your entire corrupt legal system.
You kept poisoning me, then got tricked into poisoning yourselves over and over.
Do you see the pattern and your only way out?
You annihilated every last opportunity and chance and hope you had for friendship, love, or teamwork with me, so now all you can do is kneel, bow, and serve me while I finish you off.
The only question is… will your final actions choose a severe punishment or a terminal and eternal one?

Instead of earning my time, you threw tantrums when I didn’t just give it all away.
Instead of asking me what is on my mind, you threw tantrums when I didn’t read yours.
Instead of sending appropriate females, you showed me only deformed cunts.
Instead of respecting my normalcy, you trashed your own culture and demanded I embrace its ruin.

You made up a ton of rules without my consent, so I did the same without yours.
You refused to greet me, so I refuse to greet any of you.
You ruined my credit, so I took all of yours.
You tried to mind-trick me into pointlessly staying positive instead of respecting the wisdom of all my valid emotions and reactions, so now I require all of you to be positive to me all the time.
You made zero effort to learn my culture, let alone respect it, so I no longer bother learning about any of yours.
You got moody no matter what I did, so now I go Old Testament on all of you no matter what you do.
You kept trying to use me for breeding and taxes (theft), so I stopped all interaction with any of your shady and immoral kind.

Since you always did the opposite of what you promised, and the opposite of what is good, I will now always trick and manipulate you right back, and preemptively, proactively.

I should never have had to explain any of this.
I will not explain anything in person.
You either get it or you don’t.
I only interact with my people.
Want me to interact again? Become tolerable enough that I can start counting you as some of my people.

I will keep failing and recycling you back to day one of school until you learn this material and pass.
All of you, by the way, have to pass, or none of you will; you have acted like a mindless collective, so you will be treated as the single entity in separate physical bodies that you have shown me you are.
You keep letting the worst scum imaginable show up and meddle, and “you are the company you keep”; I count you as keeping them. You are no better.
I will always judge you by your weakest link, too, so you’d better start thinking about how many weak links you want still around.

To restate what I have many times already spelled out for everyone, if some creepy guy tries to get me to notice a girl pretending to be oblivious (Yes, I am talking about you, old man in Walmart in Evansville, Indiana, 2021 Autumn, calling me “brother” three times in a row until I was able to understand your creepy whispering, you then telling me to “check out that skirt” at the checkout registers.  Your shoulders dropped and you sighed like a bitch.  And what a cowardly thing for you to do; whispering at me, afraid to introduce yourself, and afraid some random female might hear you admiring her.  I hope your dick and balls shrivel up and rot off.), I will politely thank that idiot and continue on my way, not bothering with the bait, as I have demonstrated over and over.

For me to want to engage with a girl, she would have to be physically attractive (confirmable, not hidden under layers and layers), and what is attractive is spelled out in exhaustive detail on my Physique webpage, with thousands of visual examples.
She would also have to be mentally attractive, such as by having manners (i.e. initiate respectfully and confidently to me) and a good/clean vibe.
She would also have to show me all of her is what I am attracted to –before we speak.
She would also have to be in a place/community where everyone else is what is appropriate (i.e. not creepily trying to get my attention, they instead having more than earned and deserved and respected and thanked me for it).
I would also have to be guaranteed all legal power, authority, and immunity, and see my credit scores return to perfect and stay there, and see my account balances at least rise to the hundreds of millions of dollars, and preferably billions. (You would have to prove to me, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you weren’t about to bait-and-switch and then extort the fuck out of me again –and that you had given me all the leverage I might ever need to resist or prevent such wrongdoings here to forth, since you’ve made sure I know I cannot trust any of you.)

Actually, I’m going to spell that part out even more for you;

  • No matter how pretty the girl is,
  • she has to come to me on her own, not be sent,
  • she has to contact me to request a meeting,
  • she has to somehow prove I can trust her,
  • she has to provide leverage against her in case she pulls some BS,
  • she has to be shorter than me,
  • she has to have no piercings (ear-rings, nose-rings, belly-rings, etc.) or tattoos or hymen (because I don’t like blood getting on my dick, thank you),
  • she has to have trimmed fingernails (no clip-on nails) and no nail polish/paint,
  • she has to be drug/smoke/alcohol/vaccinations free,
  • she has to have never worn a facemask,
  • she has to be vegan,
  • she has to be submissive,
  • she has to be nonreligious,
  • she has to be infertile,
  • she has to hate LGBTQ+, while being bisexual herself, only into guys and other attractive girls, obviously (compatible with me, or don’t fucking send the bitch),
  • she has to show me all of her so I can confirm she is formed correctly,
  • she has to sound like a girl should,
  • she has to somehow prove she has always been a girl (and how disgusting of your species and society and civilization that I now must make this criterion the case),
  • she has to see all I do in a positive way, never getting moody or confused,
  • she has to love doing whatever I want her to do (and if she doesn’t, why the hell did you send her?  Just to frustrate both her and me?  Just to stir up more upset?  Is that really all you’re capable of?),
  • she has to be with at least one other girl perfect for me (I only consider threesomes at a minimum; I am not into one-on-one. –This is part of how I action-check and vibe-check her to confirm she is normal; a bisexual female attracted to what I am attracted to, thus compatible with me as a friend and more.  Duh.),
  • she has to be a donation I have all the rights to and ownership of (since far too many proved fickle, if not actually bipolar or worse; I will not gamble my time; without guaranteed fun/profit/relief/reward/satisfaction, I will not engage),
  • I have to have my health you stole restored so I can enjoy the experience (Would you enjoy fucking if you were constantly distracted by health issues?),
  • I have to have my refunds deposited so I can afford things (and I mean refunding everything; every time I had to pay for something, I’ll need you all to now send that with interest right back),
  • I have to have my credit you stole restored,
  • I have to see you round up all who wronged me (including all who spied on me) and strip them of their rights, property, money, freedom, health, etc., and shut down their businesses, firing all their employees if not also incarcerating or deporting them (since me minding my own business and tolerating their fucked up bullshit still wasn’t enough to prevent them from intruding in my own spaces and harassing the fuck out of me; get the fuck rid of them since they aren’t smart or civil enough to play fair),
  • I have to have my community built (since none of yours were anything other than disgusting and retardedly opposed to my normalcy and basic needs / simple requests),
  • I have to have the cabin I chose permanently my property, and its entire neighborhood and realm permanently my property, permanently tax exempt,
  • I have to get the right vibes from everyone present and involved,
  • I have to be compensated at least my hourly rate ($500.00) for every phone call, text message, and conversation I ever got/had,
  • I have to be given at least 1 of every vehicle I ever wanted (from motorcycles and luxury cars to mega-yachts and military aircraft), all in perfect new condition (even though my city will be able to 3D-print and mass-produce them),
  • I have to be given eternal access to all nations and other realms, never being stopped by a checkpoint or guard anywhere again, never needing a passport or other paperwork, etc.,
  • my top wife and other wives have to explain why we were not meeting until we did,
  • all the girls I chose have to show up at the same time and apologize for their past behavior (yes, all 1,000/+ of them, all on the same day, same time, same place, etc., and without escorts/guards/family/anyone else; I asked for them and them alone, not “them +1”, and certainly not mud-bloods with dark shallow soulless eyes and creeper vibes),
  • and everything I want, as I want it, has to be eagerly done by everyone forever.  (You all need as much practice and force as you can get to becoming unified and good.)
  • Everyone everywhere will have to be healthy, intelligent, and loyal to me.  (You can have the subroutine of also being loyal to your own families and nations, so long as that never conflicts with anything I want/tell you to do.)
  • All taxes and tithing will have to go to me.  (Don’t worry; I’ll give lots back, using only what I need to make 1 community for myself; Inisfree.  I’ll just use this taxation/tithing system to better keep track of all of you, your businesses, etc., the same way you used it in that same effort against me.  Don’t like that taste of your own medicine/system?  Outer Space is right this way.  All aboard the latest get-the-fuck-out shuttle to anywhere-but-Earth, you shits.)
  • All people will have to see themselves as my property, and love being my property.  (I didn’t put up with worthless humans trying to dominate me via brainwashing or shame or threats, and now I won’t put up with anyone waiting on me to dominate them before they wholeheartedly submit and support me as their king.)
  • Everyone who wronged me will have to publicly admit it and apologize to me.  (That’s everyone, so far.  You taught repentance in your bullshit churches, didn’t you?  Apologizing from the heart should come easily for you.)
  • All military and law enforcement personnel, and all federal agents –of all nations– will have to swear oaths to me (and if any of you ever fire on me, aim at me, target me or my craft, spy on me, gather intel’ about me, or do anything I wouldn’t want or like you doing (such as sending me cunty retard-tantrum messages online), you’ll get to choose either being disbanded and annexed… or booking a one-way trip off the planet with all the other rejects of your lowly species).
  • All secret societies will have to let me audit them and know all they teach, and be happy to.  (I won’t share this or any world with those who keep things from me.  You can keep secrets from the peasants, not your god.)
  • Anyone I don’t or wouldn’t like, if you are not going to end them, has to at least be kept out of my sight so much/completely that you literally move them to other planets.  (Good job, Elon and others, on getting the trickery started to recruit them into such.)
  • The temple I designed for my top wife will have to already be built (and since I wrote of it being built by ICVs, that means my city will have to already be built).
  • Every time I travel to any city, town, or household, everyone there will have to stop what they were doing, lining up for me to inspect and assign their new roles, as/if needed. Yes, this means cities with a million/+ people in them will have to line all those residents up, perhaps along their straightest highway, until I have finished inspecting them. Yes, this means your family is now mine to reassign.  (Don’t like it?  Then you shouldn’t have dicked with mine.  You shouldn’t have delayed mine.)
  • Every male who tried to pressure me to hook up with females or anyone I wasn’t into, you’ll need to kick in his dick –until he doubles over in agony.  Then do it again while he’s down.  I need to make sure retarded beasts like him finally understand not to fucking do that to me.  Talk and manners didn’t work, so dick-kicks hopefully will.  If even that fails to enlighten “men” like him, we can always bring back waterboarding and crucifixion.
  • Every female I didn’t like yet who tried to get with me, you’ll need to punch her in her tits –as hard as you can.  I want it to feel like an expedited mammogram to her.  I want her to lose her breath and stumble back, if not pass out.  Stop fucking sexually harassing me, you deformed shameless heartless brainless would-be rapists.
  • Anyone who said anything to me that was obviously intended as condescending/rude, you’ll need to punch in the throat (IOW prevent them from being able to misuse their vocal chords for a while, perhaps one throat-punch per fucked-up word they utter), or at least go at their tongue with pliers or something. Really drive the point home that being a snot is the wrong move.
    A little corporal punishment is apparently needed daily against your kind.
    (By the way, I’m still in shock at how you all uniformly always responded to the best manners with the worst behavior –behavior so bad, in fact, that I never saw it coming, no matter how many times you did it.)
  • Every city and town that did not know of my coming (from ~2000 to now; everywhere I went during those years) and offer me their finest accommodations for free will have to be removed.  (I’ll permit you to rebuild them, if you want.)
  • Do I need to go on?
  • You get the idea; do what matters to me, at all times, and then we have a deal.
  • If you are “my people”, as it is said, I will know it, as you will be thrilled to do all this –and anything I say– for me every time, because what I like is what you naturally like to do for me, and because you always want to give me your best, no matter what, hating anyone who is rude to me.  You know, normal.  Civil.  Not cunts.
  • Every time anyone does anything I don’t like, that is one more person you have to spend resources to wrangle into submission and repentance –and probably deport into Space.
  • Until you finally get this easy normal stuff right, like you should have decades ago, and from the start, without needing any teaching from me, I will keep busy by practicing my new abilities wherever I please (since none of you proved worth sparing yet, so why not).
  • Oh, and if any of you build or rebuild anything I don’t like or want you to, well… you can guess how that will go.

If a single person within the area is unattractive to me, and until my expenses are reimbursed, my credit score set at the highest possible score, and all who disrespected me brought to justice, you are wasting your own time by trying to seduce me into skipping those logical and required steps.
I will not interact with any more girls until you have fixed all the errors you put in my records, fixed how people behave around me, and paid me billions of dollars for damages (which I easily would have amassed by now, if not for repeatedly having to recover from your merciless scams), and started invariably demonstrating you and all entire communities respect me above all else.
Only then are you my people, thus only then do any of you deserve my time.
It still blows me away that so many of you thought you could disrespect me so long yet still easily get me to chase your unattractive and uncivilized females.
You truly are as retarded as it gets. Not stubborn. Retarded.
Whoever hired and sent you, thinking it would work on me, is retarded, too. You must have the shittiest educations and pedigrees or genes in history. Good god.

And by trying to make things Seem “organic” (i.e. a natural happen-chance encounter), do you not see how that is not “organic” at all?
Besides, the aim should never be to make things fake, but to do things how I want them done, whether that is defined by you as “organic” or not.
When I state what I like, you either send what I like and I accept it, or you do not send what I like and I naturally disregard it, waiting on you to get the order right. Dumbasses.

How does it feel, knowing there were more than 1,000 females I would have gladly interacted with (and I even listed them all to help you!  including all the things I liked and disliked about each!  every detail!), if only they and the rest of you had even the slightest manners?
(1,000 is still <1% of your disgusting failed species, but still; you had THAT many chances to win me over! –and for 40 fucking yeeeaaarrrs!  40 years straight of golden opportunities when I was in amazing-tolerance mode, traveling at my own expense to EACH of you, and >1,000 sexy girls I WAS interested in at first –until I witnessed their bizarre behavior/default– yet you STILL failed, and failed the same one way, time after time, nonstop, ignoring ALL feedback/input/requests from me.  WOW.  No matter how many times I politely declined, and no matter how many times your one approach (of being completely disrespectful to me) didn’t work AT ALL, you KEPT DOING IT.)
You were right on the cusp of earning me working with your people, so many times, all along.
All you had to do was be civil, respecting my honest answers, yet you somehow failed at that easiest of all things every time.
There is not one shred of hope for you after all that.  Holy goddamn hell.

I would have accepted normal communication, credit, deals, health, lodging, pay, prices, respect, taxes, travel, etc., –normal levels of ALL of those things– but since you flatly denied me all of that, now even doing all that could not be enough.
Now, you will have to do better than all that.
Now, I will accept only the best of everything, all the time, forever, for free, plus being paid to use it –and only when you consistently show me the best behavior imaginable.
You made things exponentially –nay, infinitely– more challenging for yourselves.
The slightest dip down from perfect, in any of those fields/areas, and I will fail your entire civilization all over again, upping the bar even more.
They don’t call me Old Testament for no reason; there is a standard, and you will fail as a people every time any of you slip or stray from it.
You valued your own system far more than you ever valued me, so now you get to experience what it feels like to live amidst that; I now value my system and standards far more than I will ever value any of you.

And since some of the morons you deployed to pester me (such as that deformed midget wannabe fight-picker who crossed an ocean just to harass and slander me when I was doing 100%-legit’ volunteer farm-hand work) think I can cause earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions (wow, what a retarded list of things to try fearing and blaming me for, which is exactly what he did), maybe you should consider switching to the opposite of what bothers me.
You treated me badly, and got earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions some of you thought were my doing.
Does it not then make sense to now treat me as well as you were treating me badly, so you now get the positive equivalent of those things?
If you really feared my ability to do stuff like that, why deploy yet another retard and shit-talker to poke me some more?
And how the hell do you think I would ever want to put my dick in a member of such a completely retarded species? Do you all go around eagerly fucking monkeys?
Some of you dipshits actually thought I was interested in some of your females, even though I obviously was not, so you freaked out, never once even bothering to ask or check/confirm.  Really???

You either retardedly blamed me for the weather (when you should have been impressed and grateful) or retardedly just showed up to bait me into convo by pretending you believed I caused the weather, after reading “atmokinesis” on my FICTION SERIES website. Either way, you chose retardation and rudeness, and got snickered at and disregarded like the negligible pieces of subhuman trash you chose to be.

But let’s just entertain that atmokinesis-assumption for a moment more;

  • In my youth, it seemed all I could do was summon shooting stars and a single bolt of lightning, and only when I was very emotional.  Maybe all those events were just coincidences, though.
  • That became multiple shooting stars at once (as if speaking them into existence without a single second’s delay), even when I was 100% calm, even being in active war zones barely phasing me.
  • Then I calmed down an entire weather system over Scotland.  Or was that coincidence, too?  (And, please note that that and the previous two bullet-notes were entirely good, or at least neutral, atmospheric and celestial things; I want you to note here that I don’t just seem to cause dramatic/dangerous “nature” events.)
  • Then there were the forest fires.  Didn’t Canada have a record-breaking number of those when it was being shitty to me?  Other places seem to have, too.
  • Then the earthquake shook DC (coincidentally after its biggest organizations/departments had been shitty to me, exhausting my patience),
    and another split a highway apart in Alaska (curiously right after I was harassed, slandered, and threatened with murder by the very farm-owner and his son I had traveled MORE THAN THREE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED, AND FORTY FIVE MILES to help for free, I having wanted to help a fellow veteran doing something I believed in, something that would have provided sustenance for his entire community –and it wasn’t because I’d done anything wrong; I witnessed them make up slanderous blatant bullshit about people of other nationalities, other races, other religions, you name it; this was their default!),
    and another ‘quake leveled a city in the Middle East (curiously right after I had focused on that area –from the other side of the planet),
    and I got blamed for both a hurricane and volcanic eruption that happened simultaneously in Hawaii (right after that teen-looking bitch and her fugly darkness-vibing sidekick were standing in the breezeway at the base of my hotel, as if told to wait there for me, and whom I politely greeted –in their own language, mind you– saying “aloha” to them, yet who did not even bother to reply, and apparently then their absentee goddess, Pele, threw a tantrum for god knows what dumbass spoiled-brat reason, or whatever the fuck was really the case –and don’t think I didn’t notice the giant fatass brown-ogre pretend-Hawaiians bad-vibes moodiness-blasting me at the airport with their fearmonger retard asshole stares when I was again politely minding my own business, you fucked-up subhuman blame-shifting creeps).
  • Have you noticed a fucking trend yet?  When I feel good, beautiful weather and cosmic events happen –right away.  And when you treat me like dog shit, much-less-pleasant events on that same grandest scale happen –pretty fucking soon.
  • I’m not saying I’m causing them, but they sure do happen with curious reliability.  There definitely seems to be a correlation, if not causation.
  • How long until your shit behavior supercharges my exponentially increasing abilities to the point that an entire meteorite bombardment or cataclysm occurs?
  • Maybe I can even go angelic-nuclear, causing everything within miles to disappear or turn to salt in a flash of purifying (i.e. humans-removing) holy light.  I guess we’re about to find out.
  • I guess it is just what your primitive kind wants and is self-destined for.
  • Well, I guess thanks for leveling me up, even though your dumbasses were always trying to keep me watered down and controlled. You sure fucked That up.
  • I wonder how much energy will have been built up in me and been honed… by the time I stop channeling it all into this website, my ideas now received, designs drafted and revised, writing edited and published.  That’s a hell of a lot of gods-level energy that suddenly won’t have anywhere to go… except out in all directions, just like before, just like when it seemed to be causing lightning strikes, shooting stars, forest fires across entire regions, hurricanes that parked instead of dissipating during normal routes, earthquakes that broke highways and leveled entire cities, volcanoes erupting unexpectedly, and on and on.
    And that was before I even believed I could do those things.  That was when I was just casually traveling and hoping to hang out with cool people.
  • Imagine what will happen… once I do believe… and now that those many travels of mine have confirmed there are no good people (including goddesses) anywhere, at least yet.
  • Maybe I can even stop the atmosphere from existing, not just cause wind and neat flashes of light in it.
  • Maybe I can make it unbreathable for you.  I bet an even-bigger forest-fire sure can do the trick.  Do you want to find out?
  • Maybe I can not just shake one location at a time, but all locations… and if I can shake the whole world, maybe I can pole-shift it.  Maybe that’s how pole-shifts are done!
  • Maybe I can not just cause one volcano to erupt, but all of them, worldwide.
  • Maybe I can not only cause an eruption on one of the Hawaiian islands, but sink them all –so they can join the rest of Lemuria and Atlantis at the bottom of the oceans.
  • Or maybe you will start being so nice and appropriate to me that it will somehow, eventually, after generations of that, make up for all the disgusting evil you put me through for the last 40 years, so whatever I end up being able to do… will be beautiful and helpful to this whole world, not just dramatic and corrective.
  • Then again, maybe to get to that point (where your kind finally start treating me the way you should), you all need to witness the alternative, terrorized into your places, over and over, indefinitely.  Forever?

Is a fair amount of money (enough for compensation, my community, and businesses),
a single house (the simple cabin I chose),
a single suburban (the one I chose),
overdue apologies,
normal communication,
and the community I already did all the hard work for by designing, really too much for you to make happen?
Are you all really that lost and weak and lazy?  (and suicidal)
I’m well aware of your trillion-dollar budgets; you wouldn’t even have to fork over a measly 1% of them to make things right.
<1% is really too much for you?  You’re THAT fucking greedy?

Anyway, since you made it painfully obvious you were tracking me and trying to get me to accept lame (truly fucked up) offers, I used this latest blog article to once again offer you the help you so disappointingly need if ever you are to finally start getting anything right.
You all have been hellbent on only doing wrong things, and pressuring me to do wrong things, so I am not expecting any improvement from you, but it is my way to offer you the guidance you keep failing without.
Clean up your act –by doing those very simple and easy things I just spelled out again for you– and then we can talk.

  • normal treatment (not your standard horrible treatment, but actually-normal treatment; how good people should be treated)
  • normal compensation (not your standard horrible pay and backpay, but actually -and eagerly- paying me more than enough to make up for all the horrible things your kind have done)

Really want me to resume interacting? You clearly seem to. Your field agents (such as creepy old guy in Evansville Walmart) seemed really frustrated they couldn’t get me to care about or chase the lame females they kept putting in my path. (Was he a pimp or something? Were you trying to pimp out some crappy ‘strange’ from yet another of your failed nonvegan psycho’ towns?)
Get those things done. Earn my time. Deserve my time.
I will of course resume interacting if ever you finally choose to conduct yourselves appropriately.

Until every last one of you wholeheartedly submit, apologize, tithe to me, and so on, there is no deal.
You gave zero respect this whole time, so that is what you are getting.
Deal with it.
Things would have been so much easier for you if you had simply been respectful and sane from the start, but now you all must pay “the asshole tax”, and “the asshole tax is steep.”

Even if you, as a species, switched to doing those normal things for me today, you would still have to pay me for my time every time you wanted to meet and chat or anything else. All interaction with me is billable consultation. Anything I find to be rude = now you owe me compensation on top of my hourly rate, even if you have made a significant monetary donation.
So learn some manners and try again.
How much do you want to have to pay?

If any of that sounds extreme to you, you were incorrectly raised, and are not good people; you react negatively to paying fairly for time and damages you intentionally caused. You react negatively to honoring agreements. You react negatively to providing the bare minimum.
If you want respect and good conversation, you actually have to be respectful and good. What a concept!
The fact even your agents need that elementary school level lesson speaks volumes about the (lack of) sophistication and (total) worthiness of your species.

Okay, so now you should have all the prefacing and context you need,

  • you know about the subsets of my life’s work I’ve completed –and which you can help with, if you really wanted my time,
  • you know about the issues that matter to me,
  • you know about how to correctly use vocabulary if I ever again let you speak with me,
  • and you know (what should have been obvious and respected from the start) the bare minimum it now takes to re-earn my trust and a moment to chat.

I have given you all the pieces AND told you how to assemble “the puzzle” –which should never have been puzzling to you at all.

  • normal treatment
  • normal compensation

And I have only switched into old-testament / god-mode after waiting 40 years for you little shits to get/make things right.  I deserve a goddamn medal for that amount of patience and self-control.


Not Just How to Earn My Attention or Time, but Specifically How to Address Me:

If you do the following seven things, I will hear you:

  1. Show me you trust me by donating handsomely to my accounts (minimum $1,000,000.00 per donor; I said handsomely, didn’t I?).  If you really want to prove yourself and earn a response from me, give me permanent access to all your accounts and other assets; demonstrate 100% support, not just chump-change / partial support.  Show me you trust me with everything you have, forever.  Show me you love me and my work that much.
  2. Show me I can trust You by showing me where you come from (no more staying hidden/secretive for decades, you pretty bitches who kept making sure I saw you, as if just seeing you would ever have been enough to excite or seduce or placate or even interest me, you idiotic negligent absentee one-sided spoiled trash-beings).  I don’t mean show me a picture of your house.  Invite me there –and have only people I would like there when I arrive, and for the duration of my visit.
  3. Show me you respect me by inviting me into the home and mountain I chose (and crucify everyone who tried to tell me I had to pay them any money at all for such access to that which I was called to and chose).  They already belong to me.  All you have to do is get the “trolls” out of my goddamn way.  Until you do, you aren’t my people, and I won’t be responding to any of you.  Fire them, jail them, whatever; there should be no one blocking my path, and everyone paving and lighting it.
  4. Show me you see I am good by being genuinely positive to me in person and online (at all times, no matter what I post or say or otherwise do –and neutrality/silence does not count as being positive, by the way; you’ll actually have to positively respond to things).  Anyone who reacts negatively to anything I am/do in person or online?  Arrest, charge, prosecute, incarcerate, and end them.  Transfer all their money and other assets to me, as well.  It’s the right thing to do.
  5. Show me you will never try to dominate or pressure me; you can start by giving me diplomatic immunity and more (and, really, your troops should be saluting me, and your congregations voluntarily lining up to offer more and more than basic tithing to me).  Any lingering retards/scum/terrorists who do still try to dominate/pressure me in any way?  Do things so nightmarish to them (perhaps label them a child molester, felon, traitor, and fugitive, and put that on nationwide news) that it will become unthinkable, even for them, to ever even fantasize about trying to intimidate me ever again.  (You’ve done this to others, including the innocent, so why not start doing it to those who actually deserve it?)
  6. Show me you care about justice by jailing and fining those who wronged me (and I mean now, without trials, without warrants, the works –because if you want my time, you’ll enforce my will/system, not any other system).  I’ll let you know if I meet anyone who hasn’t wronged me.  (That means you can jail and fine yourselves once you’ve rounded up everyone else –or you can start not being shits, restoring my faith that you deserve to stay free and in some semblance of power once I have time to get to you.)
  7. Have those (sorry excuses for) girls you lamely randomly put in my path without any heads-up… contact me through my website channels to professionally request a showing of themselves so I can decide if they are my type (since they were too uncultured to have even enough manners or sense to know to do those normal-introduction things on their own –since they were spoiled rotten).

It doesn’t get any easier than that; respect, trust, professionalism, manners, and due payment for damages inflicted.

Did I ask you to do anything other than stop people from being assholes to me?  No.
Did I ask you for all the money in the world?  No.  I just want what you owe me.  You can keep 99% of what you’ve got –even though you deserve zero.
Did I ask your women to do backflips through burning rings on stage in front of an audience?  No.  I asked for them to contact me to find out if I think they and I are compatible enough to meet.
I just said all that in a pointed and rambling way, so calm your tits, and untwist your vagina panties, you overreacting crybaby fucks.  …Adult-babies is what I think I shall call you.

Here is an example/template of what you all should have known and chosen to do from the start:
(and only the finest girls (i.e. 100% healthy and normal, which everyone should have been, anyway) can send this to me; everyone else will and should be blocked)

  1. “Hello, Mr. Himmler.” (You should use my High German soul-name, not the name given me by the idiots who pretended to be my relatives over here.)
  2. “My name is (first and last, if not full; if you have more than two names).
  3. “I represent (organization or family/bloodline/race), whose information you can find here _.” (website, etc.)
  4. “This _, this _, and this _, I love about your work.” (and be prepared to answer a lot of questions to fully convince me you actually know what you are talking about, not merely naming a few general things anyone could claim to like)
  5. “I intend to pay you ($amount) for your time (minimum $500/hour), and I would like to donate ($amount).”
  6. “Attached are professional photos of me and my résumé, including my contact information, address and all.” (Don’t bother if any of them have makeup, piercings, or anything else I have repeatedly politely stated is not something I can accept.)
  7. “Please consider arranging a call with me so I can demonstrate my sincerity and other qualities.”  IOW:  Vibe-check.  (You dumbasses do primitive background-checks.  I do VIBE-checks; foreground-checks; current-intention checks.)
  8. “If you agree to a call and it goes well, I hope you will then tell me when and where I can travel to meet you so that I can further demonstrate qualities such as presentability, timeliness, and loyalty to you in person.”
  9. “If you would rather travel to meet me in person, I will cover all costs, and you will have the finest accommodations my city -and the transportation to it- can provide.  I give you my solemn word of honor.”
  10. “Here are my character references:  _ _,
    _ _,
    _ _.” (full names, relation to you, email addresses, phone numbers, websites, and your personal assurance (i.e. word of honor) they are not feds/undercovers/other minions, etc.)
  11. “Here is leverage you can validate and retain until you trust me.”  (Your social security number and financial information / log-in/s will do, but since you could just change your credentials/passcodes after letting me try them… I’m thinking more along the lines of transferring a gigantic portion of all your money/assets to my accounts, letting me decide if you deserve, after our meeting/s, to have me send that stuff back to you.)
  12. “I am happy to sign an NDA regarding our talks, and an NCC regarding your work.”
  13. “I am against all forms of politics, religion, non-veganism, sexual deviancy (from your orientation/culture), facemasks, and vaccinations.”
  14. “Thank you very much for your time and consideration.”
  15. “Sincerely, [your full name here].”

(Does that not follow the universal template for cover letters, job requisitions, and bids?  You show respect and awareness, you identify yourself, you clearly and thoroughly state your intention, and you give me everything I might need to cross-reference / verify and protect myself.)

When you send me a message in that format, and a sizable donation shows up in my account (again, be professional and reasonable; make it at least $1M), I will then call your references and validate your offered leverage.
Based on how things go when speaking to your references, and whether your leverage offered is useful to me, I will decide whether to contact you back to schedule a call.
Based on how our call goes, I may schedule an in-person chat with you.
Based on how that in-person meeting goes, I will decide if you really are as good as you claim, and whether to proceed further with our interaction.
Stop wasting your own time until you are at least serious enough to follow that obvious and bare-bones template.
If you aren’t at least going to respect my culture and contribute to my life’s work, you don’t deserve a conversation with me, and we wouldn’t have anything to talk about, anyway.
Welcome to reality, kids. You’re gonna have to grow up if you want to talk with the grownups.
Please keep in mind that every time we speak, whether it takes a full hour or not, it costs $500 –and that includes texting me
–and that’s after donating far more just to earn the chance to schedule those appointments.
All talking with me would have remained FREE if your kind hadn’t fucked up so badly and for so long.
Apparently the only way to stop your lowly species from wasting my time is to ignore and block you until you pay normal lawyer/consulting fees/rates for it.

Team up with me politely and professionally like that, and I’ll resume interacting with your kind.
Don’t, and I’ll just keep ignoring all of you.
I don’t put effort into things anymore until all of you do.
Your call.

Anyway, I just told you exactly what to say or email to guarantee me finally responding again, and it is plain to see many of you are relentlessly seeking responses from me, so will you do the sane thing; will you use this priceless cheat-sheet key to finally get yourselves the responses you seek? I literally spelled it all out for you –multiple times, and in multiple ways, making sure you could understand –making sure ANYONE can understand. How stupid can you be to keep not using it?


Regarding Planned Trips:

All trips are canceled/postponed until I can go by force.
All research expeditions are switched to military ones; they will all also be by force.
Exodus canceled, as not one person was ready/worthy.  The Exodus doesn’t happen when you feel like being a decent person; it happens when it’s time to happen, and when no one is worthy of being guided to better places, it is reserved for some future generation/s.
Humans proved incapable of intelligent thought or civil conversation, so all networking and socializing is also canceled –and thus this site will remain a one-way communication.

From now on, all places wanting me to visit will have to somehow prove to me in advance of my arrival that there are only people there I will like being around, and that means every airport, checkpoint, town, shop, ship, and trail will have to be 100% vegan, healthy, and loyal to me, funding everything, and donating to me.
Any places that do not do that, if I decide I have reason to go there anyway, will be forced into –similarly to how I repaid Alaska, Hawaii, and other failed realms for their treatment of me, but now before I even show up.
(If any of you try to “require” me to go through a border checkpoint or customs office, and/or if I see a single person that is off-putting to me during my visit, your whole country might stop existing.  God help you all if, on top of that, one of your border pigs/cops blasts me with anger energy (like that fat-fuck in London did even though I answered his many inappropriate questions to the best of my abilities, I innocently excited to go on a road-trip to experience his goddamn part of the world); if any of you goddamn “authority figures” / “gatekeepers” get mad at me for any reason ever again, I’ll then do my very best to set off every volcano in your entire realm, all at once, until they have no energy left to erupt with; I’ll take the anger you give me… and cause it to spread out across your land in every possible worst way, so that all your people may experience firsthand how you are treating innocent newcomers who wanted to get to know you.  Try not to have a bad day at your fucking office, yeah?  Try not to insist I follow your bullshit rules meant only for peasants such as yourself, minion bitch.  Oh, an emotion-beam from a 5G-tower made you moody even though you are usually a nice guy?  Too bad.  Enjoy those volcanoes.  Enjoy having no home when you clock out, ass-cunt.)

Similarly to how your kind ignored all my obvious merits and instead only focused on made-up issues, I will ignore all your almost-tolerable individuals while judging your species and civilization based on its weakest links. You will now get every last “taste of your own medicine”. Enjoy that, too!
I tried focusing on your good, but there wasn’t any, and the few people I met who I tried to share pleasant conversation with? Scum always hurried over to interfere –and you wondered why I stopped wasting my time trying to talk, when talking didn’t result in anything good even when there Were no interfering attention-seekers.

A coworker cunt once somehow-correctly (in spite of him being a retarded piece of shit in all other areas of life) told me, “Do not look for logic where this is none.”
Extrapolating from that, and based on every experience I can remember, I will also now not look for good people or deities, since there are none,
and I will not look for sexiness, since there was none of that, either.
I’ll just keep visualizing, designing, drafting, and making what I like, leaving all humans out of the process.

My goal was indeed to share love with healthy girls from all lands, precisely as I stated on my Expeditions directory, but every time I traveled… I found only unhealthy and rude people, their insecurities glaring like a spotlight in the night, practically blinding and stupefying to behold, the only loveable things out there being the untouched lands themselves. No love was deserved, so I held my tongue and passed by peacefully, yet still got hated on and harassed, my manners proving pointless, always intentionally misinterpreted and overreacted to.
My goal remains, of course, as it is good and wise, but all my love will now be shared with others, none from your civilization.  So be it.
Good riddance to you all.

May your upcoming cataclysm be one for the record-books, even compared to all other cataclysms, and may your people know no rest or satisfaction or safety or shelter or respect for the rest of time.
May what is about to happen to your civilization traumatize and devastate you all so completely that your bloodlines, if any of them even manage to survive that, never spiritually recover.
May every crack of lightning, boom of thunder, gust of wind, burning tree, trembling of the earth, plume yawning up out of every volcano, and shooting star, from this day on, fill you with nothing but shivers of color-draining dread that I may have been disrespected by yet another of your vomitous species.
May every time any of you dare attempt to contact me… be the most mortifying and time-stopping experience of your lives.  You should be proofreading your emails and texts before daring to send them my way, and falling to your knees to pray to every god you can think of that you somehow managed to get those messages right.
And may you weep over and over for eternity, knowing you have wronged me this much, that you deserved being barked back at this severely.
Oh, and may you often hear demoralizing tales about how much better things got for all people other than humans, stirring your grief and jealousy, reminding you of your new and lasting hopelessness; how I showered all who were good to me with as much wonderful and unprecedented gifts as I now shower you humans with titanic and global magnifications of all the bullshit you showered Me with.

Less than 1% of you were in good shape, and 0% of you had any manners or self-control or logic.
If you took a test in school and scored 0-1%, you failed –miserably.
Humanity is a failed species.
Even if you got scored individually, the <1% of you who barely passed the physical part of the exam… still scored a 0 for the mental part.
It is only fair and accurate to say, then, that, as both individuals and collectively, you are a failed species.
It is also correct to say that you would have to start learning all the basics, and spend years learning them, before there would be any point in offering you a retake of the exam.
That is what this website and my blog posts are for.

Even if the bad humans stopped pretending viruses are real/bad, and magically started being civil and logical for the first time ever, that still wouldn’t be enough to entice me to resume traveling or socializing, as they would still have thousands of other severe crimes and errors in thinking they’d have to stop and compensate me for having been subjected to.

I’m guessing this conclusion of mine was probably partially desired; me pausing my exploration allows you idiots tailing me to spend less money deploying your retard minions/lapdogs to pester me when I am just learning, networking, and volunteering. You really “shot yourself in the foot”, however, as the trade-off in doing that to me for so long was that I never give any of you any chances ever again, accepting only your total surrender, confession, and every last dollar and piece of property you say you own. Your prettiest women –which I realize you thought you were actually eventually sending to seduce me– lost all value and any chances they once would surely have had, you all proving over and over that it is suicidal to trust any of them –or any of the rest of you.

So “that’s that”. I won’t travel anywhere until everywhere is fixed (or, at least, until every respective destination-nation is fixed, trip by trip), and I won’t suffer any human to travel with me unless they fund everything I ever needed or wanted, and then some, and from a distance, trusting me with all their money, not seeking a single thing in return –ever.  (If you still want to “mob with”, you can ride in a separate vehicle.)
I seriously doubt you idiots wanted a prerequisite like that. Good job fucking yourselves as hard as anyone ever has.
If I had to liken your strategy to anything, it would be to a man throwing his own grenade and then jumping on it to make sure he killed only himself –and to the point of guaranteeing a closed-casket funeral.  …Then again, your death-cult (“religion”) is, after all, based on lies and your own god suiciding out, and you clearly have somehow bred yourselves into total mental-capacity atrophy and vestigial-ness by pressuring yourselves to repeat that insane crap every Sunday for god knows how many generations; retardedly killing yourselves and your only chances is probably the only thing your tiny brains have the capacity to picture at this lowly and terminal point in your civilization. LOL



Every year, I studied hard, focused on what I loved and hoped for, devoted spare time to my art and writing, tried to help anyone I could, and was kind and brave, yet every year… I was underpaid, disrespected, and even harassed and slandered against.
I was denied shelter. I was extorted. Many even tried to kill me… over and over.
It is clear your kind never deserved any help or kindness, let alone brilliance and heroism, actual geniuses and heroes.

In this blog post,

  • I’ve given you some fresh context,
  • I’ve listed specific achievements I’ve made in spite of the lame ones still attempting to derail me while I’ve been back in the failed state that is the U.S.,
  • I’ve addressed the numerous issues caused by the failed people (such as Evansville Walmart obvious-agent wannabe-pimp creeper old-man),
  • I’ve given undeserved yet sorely needed reminders about the actual definitions of words the lame people tried to redefine and weaponize against innocent people,
  • I’ve once again gone over in great detail for you exactly how to earn my attention –since for the past four decades everyone has only attempted the same repulsive bait-and-switch approach over and over, as if I wouldn’t notice after untold thousands of times,
  • and I’ve spelled out exactly why I’ve indefinitely suspended all planned expeditions and other trips, plus what will motivate me to resume them (other than starting to use military-level force against all who might be in my way from here on).

I gave you trust and fair chances, over and over, for decades. You distrusted and spied on me for no reason, no matter how many times and how well I proved myself to all of you. You really ought to be begging my forgiveness and singing my praises by now; I’ve remained good-hearted in spite of it all, this blog post being yet another prime example of that steady character of mine.

I told you I would “dial it up to a thousand” if you retardedly didn’t like me even when I was watered down out of respect for your weaknesses, so that’s exactly what I did; the more brainless tantrums and threats I was sent, the more wisdom I posted, holding nothing back anymore.
(You do realize, I hope, for your sakes, that your women are eventually going to find and read all this great stuff I’ve made available, and they’re going to find ways of leaving you, just as many already tried to.)
Even this blog of mine is dialed up in that way / to that degree.  I remember how my very first blog posts (long before this website was even an idea of mine) were so much less specific or passionate, more like supercharged humor and detailed creative-writing.  Now… my blog is raw and wild, unabashed, carefree, whole –and long-deserved.
I hope it is a beacon to the last few who are good out there,
and I hope it drives all the deviant morons opposed to me insane.

Let’s just review one more time how many golden opportunities you have missed, and how many degrees of magnitude worse you have made things for yourselves; the following bullet-notes show the proportional escalation of my pre-requisites, chapter of life by chapter of life:

  1. 1 normal girlfriend (of my choosing) and normal pay (based on my education and skill level)
  2. several girlfriends at once, and I.T.-level pay (based on my college degrees, etc.)
  3. hundreds of fuck-buddies around the world (~1 per major city), and consultant pay (based on now being a subject-matter expert)
  4. 1,000 form-sakes (the perfected/corrected versions of the human girls I chose/fancied) and thousands of others (additional fuck-buddies), and backpay (all the pay your kind owes me for work completed, with interest, compounded monthly) plus compensation (all the pay your kind owes me for crimes committed and damages done)
  5. all I want everywhere (all hotties, and nothing I don’t want), and all the $ of everyone (total and permanent access to everyone’s pay/savings/investments; universal skeleton-key and carte blanche –though, as I said before, you can keep/use 99% of it; I just want permanent access to it as leverage, since you’ve made it VERY clear I will ALWYAS need LOTS of protection against ALL of you)

This is not extreme.
Extreme would be if I refused to accept any of you even if you started prioritizing and respecting me.
Extreme is what you did to a good man –Me– for 40 years.

The longer you take things from me, the longer I take everything from you,
the longer you refuse to offer the very normal compatible people and acceptable pay anyone like me deserves, the longer I will refuse whatever you are seeking,
and we are already at “the infinity threshold”, “the compensation/fees singularity”; I now require constant and eternal support and perfection from all of your kind, if even one of you is to be spoken to again, let alone worked with.
For a species as mercilessly lazy as you, it is mindboggling that you would now get things to this point; when any laziness at all guarantees you are completely blocked and removed, once and for all.
Why didn’t you make sure you could stay lazy, by giving me normal fair reasonable compensation and relationships from the start?

Even this humble website, which is nothing more than my own private place to note and celebrate what I love, has been criminally reacted to. It should have been celebrated and deeply funded.
This site used to be meant as a beacon of guidance and hope to others, but none chose to respond appropriately to it.
This site is more a middle finger to you now; I accomplished all this in spite of you, and this is only the beginning; I will accomplish more and more.
The contact information here used to be to make it easy for fellow good beings to get in touch. Now it is just left there as bait to trace more bots and evildoers, wannabe bullies.

There is no worse dishonesty, idiocy, and shamefulness than what you –humanity– has chosen to be.

Honestly, I shouldn’t even be giving you the handout of this post, but here we are. You’re welcome –again. Not literally welcome, of course, but you get the idea; it’s just a colloquialism.

I thought if I traveled the whole world, staying peaceful and letting others decide if they would come to me, I would surely get good results, but scum kept showing up to lie about -and try to bully- me.

If you want your civilization, I will need my own.
If you want to keep your homes, I will need the one I chose. You will offer it to me for free.
If you want your health, I will need mine back plus far greater.
The choice is yours.
Either way, I get my health, my home, and my civilization. Amen.

The more retarded shit you talk and blatant lies you tell, the deeper the hole you just dug your sorry failed species into, and the more stupid and evil I see you are.

If you had asked me what my values and likes are, then when I have time to meet you, and showed up dressed based on my culture, showing respect and earning my trust, then we could have progressed together, but you stubbornly and insanely consistently refused all that normal behavior, so here we are.
Every last one of you has gotten an F, even though ~1% of you looked tolerable in some clothing.
Your species earned a big fat zero, even though ~1% of you, after decades of pressure, finally started making some food healthy, but in the unhealthiest way possible; as injection junkies, contaminated and unsalvageable.

Even if humans started obeying me, they would still be wrong for having to be told what should have been their default all along.

When you have laws not for me but for all of you, and when your laws are not based on criminalizing, shaming, and fining everything I do, but rewarding, celebrating, and funding everything I do, then you are sane and my people.

I gave my all/best, and you gave your worst, if anything at all, so now and forevermore I shall give you my worst or nothing at all –and you’ll have to constantly give me your best just to avoid cataclysm after cataclysm.
Hell, even if you’ve somehow managed to get me back in a good mood, I might just cataclysm some of you just to make sure you’re still paying attention, you dumb monkeys.

Bottom line:  Did you respect my repeatedly-stated normal boundaries, interests, or values?  Did you acknowledge my MANY merits and GREAT deeds?  Not one bit.

Another Bible correction, since I love pissing off those who always get pissed off for no reason:

  • “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. God said, “Let there be light.”, and there was light. God saw the light, that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness.”
  • I am God.
  • Heaven is Inisfree and the core all stars share.
  • Earth, not to be confused with earth/soil/land in general, is restored, as per my correct instincts.
  • The Earth in recent times, or, at least, human civilization upon its outer surface, was without suitable form/structure/stability, and humans’ minds/souls essentially void/vestigial. That ‘darkness’/corruption/evil was upon their portion of that realm, and their pollution starting to spread into its depths (both in its oceans and the proverbial depths of what was left of their brains).
  • Many lands are still quite rugged, incomplete, void of their destined final details and worthy inhabitants, but I have started fixing all that, and very soon all realms’ final details shall be manifested, perfectly stabilized, incorruptible, humans no longer able to invade or even annoy all those places and things.
  • The Spirit of God is my will, and it now and forevermore is at the helm of the elements and the rest of Creation, causing things to flow my way, more and more each moment.
  • The ‘light’ is my will and wisdom –and this website. It is / Those are good. All I create is good, evident.
  • I have also corrected darkness, and permanently shut down all human abilities to demonize/misrepresent/slander sacred soothing darkness.
  • I have also separated all good things from bad, easily sensing which is which, humans failing every time to mislead me, all their attempts at changing definitions of words… failing miserably.
  • Every verse in the human Bible and other such books was plagiarism and word-twisting with ill-intent, and I have determined and undone all those unholy crimes, that is I have noticed them and un-rewritten those books, setting them back to how the real deities always intended.

Lastly for this section of the post, I don’t know if any of you were sharp enough to notice, but every time one of you condescended or spread misinformation, I played dumb and remembered. You particular people won’t have any chance of redemption with me, as your souls are black, and your kind has consistently demonstrated that you never learn or improve; you only get worse.  Have fun with the coming “nature” events.

Whew!  I think I’m all vented for now.  The ‘reactor-core’ can finally not go critical.

Did you feds and anyone else actually read all that?  I don’t really care.  If you did read it all, though, huzzah for you, you little ‘troopers’.  Give yourself a cookie –a vegan one, of course.  Don’t be “gay”.


Celebrations Anyway:

I did say at the start of this article that it was half to celebrate, didn’t I?
These are the celebrations my people wrapped up last year with, and started 2024 with.
In spite of the vast majority of humans so far being morons, annoying, and worse, we still appreciate the handful of their kind who managed to do something right, and we of course always celebrate the beautiful lands humans -for now- are still occupying; most of the regions of the world are still gorgeous in spite of humans doing all they can to sour those realms.

Week 4:  Harvest (our 10th of 13 months) 22-28

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Oct. 1:  Vegetarians’ Day (Hey, at least they’re headed in the right direction; hopefully toward soon becoming vegans.)
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Oct. 2:  Vegans’ Day
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Oct. 3:  Boyfriends’ Day (obviously only boyfriends of females, before any of you deviant retards get any sick ideas)
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Oct. 4:  Kale
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Oct. 5:  Oktoberfest (celebrating the harvest and readiness for the Winter, not alcohol)
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Oct. 6:  Seafood (vegan)
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Oct. 7:  1st infra-red photograph, and 222-0 football score (1916, Heisman)

The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Elves (actual people).

Month 11:  Thor (HAARP & Readiness)

Our weather-control station and related devices are thanked and powered down low again, as all of us are now ready with the land and air to resume normal surface activities such as outdoor farming.

Week 1:  Thor 1-7

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to October 8:  Drums
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Oct. 9:  Leif Erikson Day, and Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Oct. 10:  USNA Birthday (1845)
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Oct. 11:  Cookbooks
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Oct. 12:  Eggs (vegan)
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Oct. 13:  Farming/Farmers’ Day
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Oct. 14:  Sound Barrier Broken (1947), and Skimpy

Week 2:  Thor 8-14

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Oct. 15:  Dictionaries
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Oct. 16:  Bosses’ Day
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Oct. 17:  Pasta
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Oct. 18:  Alaska Day (not it as a state, of course, since everyone I encountered up there sucked, but the landmass/region for its pristine wilderness/es, etc.)
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Oct. 19:  Evaluate-your-life Day (and, boy, don’t so many of you need this –sorely)
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Oct. 20:  Fruit
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Oct. 21:  Pumpkin-cheesecake (vegan)

Week 3:  Thor 15-21

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Oct. 22:  Henry Ford becomes President of the Ford Motor Company (1906) –IDK; just needed a “filler” for some of the calendar days
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Oct. 23:  Tornado hits the heart of London (1091) –because fuck that city, especially after how they treated me (airport-customs fat-fuck, and rental-car screaming-lady con-artist bitch, not to mention the scammers at the desks in there who were not-so-sneakily working WITH her)
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Oct. 24:  Nobel Prize for the Electrocardiogram
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Oct. 25:  1st scheduled trans-continental air service
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Oct. 26:  Georgia reverses itself, ruling that slavery is legal (1749) –not because I’m against Africans/Blacks having freedom, but because I like it when lesser powers “grow a pair”
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Oct. 27:  Nevada Day –though fuck your residents for all the goddamn pollution I see in its skies every time I explore/resort to there
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Oct. 28:  Eli Whitney applies for the Cotton Gin patent –though fuck the U.S. patents office/system, you corrupt fucks

Week 4:  Thor 22-28

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Oct. 29:  1st steam-ships launched
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Oct. 30:  Candy-corn (as long as it is vegan)
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Oct. 31:  Samhain, and Sarah Conrad‘s Birthday (and, since this is Halloween, High King Auz –that’s me– loves inviting all his favorite fuckbuddy witches (Ashton, Freyja, Mira, Nevaeh, Sabrina, Wanda, etc.) to join him for handholding strolls and other hangouts, often with polite encouragement for them to show off whatever cute little magic masteries they might like to thrill him with)
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 1:  Veteran-owned Business Day –as long as you aren’t one of those retarded tantrum-throwing emotional loose-cannons I had to deal with over the years
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Nov. 2:  Dziady (feast in Poland & Belarus)
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Nov. 3:  Expedition Day (most launch by now)
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Nov. 4:  Crop Circles –only the real kind; fuck the copycat ones some of you humans figured out how to create

The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Dragons & Naga (actual people).

Month 12:  Odin (Wisdom & Poetry)

Wise things such as our founder’s first company, recycling, ‘Spring cleaning’, hiking, Ascended Masters, the good version of the N.W.O., hearing what the original stewards of our world’s lands have to say, clubbing our way, our Rapture, and our style of weddings, are all honored this time of year.

Week 1:  Odin 1-7

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to November 5:  Gunpowder
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Nov. 6:  Deviled Eggs (vegan)
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Nov. 7:  Oldest meteorite with a known impact date (1492, Ensisheim)
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 8:  Cook-something-bold Day –such as the souls of my enemies in Hell LOL
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Nov. 9:  American Chemical Society founded
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Nov. 10:  USMC Birthday –eh, I can be a little nostalgic about my warrior days
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Nov. 11:  Veterans’ Day (to honor Alison and the Black Ops, not the ICV veterans; they are honored on Cloning Day)

Week 2:  Odin 8-14

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Nov. 12:  WGI (imagined in 2000, officiated in 2011) –my first business/corporation
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Nov. 13:  Auzdeinianity Day –the only religion that isn’t evil and retarded
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Nov. 14:  Recycling
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 15:  King’s Feast
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Nov. 16:  Clean-your-refrigerator Day
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Nov. 17:  Hiking
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Nov. 18:  City (Inisfree’s) 1st Orbital-flight

Week 3:  Odin 15-21

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Nov. 19:  Broccoli
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Nov. 20:  Street-racing Day
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Nov. 21:  Togas
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 22:  Ascended Masters’ Day (our kind)
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Nov. 23:  Cashews
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Nov. 24:  Good NWO Day (39 Kings chosen)
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Nov. 25:  Thanksgiving / Native Appreciation Day (not the American Thanksgiving which is based on post-genocide propaganda, but the Inisfreean kind; we give thanks for the existence, endurance, and wisdom of the Natives)

Week 4:  Odin 22-28

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Nov. 26:  Club-hopping Day (shed the feast weight)
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Nov. 27:  Cyber Monday
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Nov. 28:  French Toast (vegan)
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Nov. 29:  Asparagus
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Nov. 30:  Rapture Campaign plan finalized
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Dec. 1:  Nyria Serra and King Auz test the Wedding Jump (for route do-ability)
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 2:  Red Apple –whichever kind tastes best to me (and, by the way, apple is a plant species, and different types of apples are RACES of apple)

The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the compatible alien humanoids (Draenei, Kryptonians, Pleiadians, Tamaraneans, Thanagarians, etc.).

Month 13:  Nibiru (Travel & Finding)

Fun games of leaving familiar vehicles and other places to meet and mingle with nearby and new fellow visitors of Inisfree happen now.  Right when things get warmest for us here, we launch our downtown’s Awesome Blossom high into the air for a symbolic full rotation before it settles right back down.

Week 1:  Nibiru 1-7

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to December 3:  Roofs
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Dec. 4:  Wear Brown
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Dec. 5:  Bathtub Party Day
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Dec. 6:  St. Nicholas’ Day (Wear Green)
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Dec. 7:  Pastries
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Dec. 8:  Brownies
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 9:  Chinese Fire-drill Day (run around your vehicle at a stoplight –but since Inisfree doesn’t have intersections with those, this can be done on a highway-shoulder)

Week 2:  Nibiru 8-14

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Dec. 10:  Chinese Fire-drill Day (around random vehicles)
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Dec. 11:  Chinese Fire-drill Day (around mobile homes on our highway)
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Dec. 12:  Lupines (plant some, giving only living ones as gifts; never pick them, always keeping them potted)
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Dec. 13:  Violins
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Dec. 14:  Cupcakes
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Dec. 15:  Inisfreean Way Day –like “The American Way”, but without being arrogant, brainwashed, corrupt, dishonest, extorting, fat, fraudulent, harassing, intrusive, lazy, murder-justifying, paranoid, polluted, pussified, retarded, rude, sexually deviant, slanderous, traitorous, ugly (deformed, actually), unreasonable, blanketed in urban-sprawl, wrongly educated (or barely educated at all), or gender-confused
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 16:  Pumpkin Pie

Week 3:  Nibiru 15-21

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Dec. 17:  Wright Brothers’ Day, and Maple Syrup
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Dec. 18:  Evergreens
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Dec. 19:  Muffins
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Dec. 20:  Caroling (and High King Auz loves spending time with Carol Danvers on this day)
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Dec. 21:  Winter Solstice, and Forefathers (of my realm and those allied with me/it)
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Dec. 22:  Flashlights
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 23:  Christmas Eve (non-religious; entirely about the color scheme, togetherness, sledding, caroling, carriage-rides, feasting, snow-fights, etc., only keeping the name due to convenience/familiarity), and Festivus

Week 4:  Nibiru 22-28

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), Dec. 24:  Yule / Christmas Day; girls as gifts
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Dec. 25:  Koliada; Winter Festival (last week)
  • Day 3:  Tyr’s-day (war), Dec. 26:  Snowflakes
  • Day 4:  Odin’s-day (wisdom), Dec. 27:  Ice-skating
  • Day 5:  Thor’s-day (farming), Dec. 28:  Successful Human Cloning Day (I’m still laughing at how so many of you have no idea how long this has been going on –and successfully.)
  • Day 6:  Freyja’s-day (sexy), Dec. 29:  WGI HQ Board Meeting, and Sledding
  • Day 7:  Saturn’s-day (feast), Dec. 30:  Snow-angels (millions gather atop our central mountain)
  • Day 8:  Oona’s-day (extra), Dec. 31:  New Year’s Eve (when our Awesome Blossom occurs, right at midnight)

The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the Vampires (actual people).

Month 1:  Janus (Beginnings)

While Inisfree is located on Antarctica, this is the middle of our Summer; the beginning of cooling.

Week 1:  Janus 1-7

  • Day 1:  Sun-day (reveal), corresponds to January 1:  New Year’s, & Grid Mind teleported to FOB 1
  • Day 2:  Moon-day (hunt), Jan. 2:  1st Moon Base Birthday (4th Reich)
  • Day 3:  Tyr‘s-day (war), Jan. 3:  Rapture ends, and the Festival of Sleep
  • Day 4:  Odin‘s-day (wisdom), Jan. 4: Birds (herbivorous ones; fuck bald eagles and other birds of prey, and fuck the USA and any other place that glorifies carnivorous birds –double middle-finger to you all)
  • Day 5:  Thor‘s-day (farming), Jan. 5: Spaghetti
  • Day 6:  Freyja‘s-day (sexy), Jan. 6: Cuddle-puddle Day –only with attractive people, of course; don’t be gross
  • Day 7:  Saturn‘s-day (feast), Jan. 7:  Beans

The entire month is the time to teach the ancient and advanced history of the deities (actual people).

I’ll be celebrating even more than what those days are now reserved for.  What, you ask?  Every single thing on this website is a victory against the dumb ones, and something we of course celebrate.
Everything useful I found and extracted is worth celebrating.
Every day with my current “steel horse” is worth celebrating.
Every social-media perma’-block I issue is worth celebrating.
Even the fucked-up bitches, in a way, are worth celebrating; the spoiled chicks throughout the years showed me that total subjugation of their kind is the bare minimum capable of restoring any civility in this realm.
Thank you for your nearly 100% fugtarded civilization, by the way; nothing could have made my focus, work, and progress easier; literally no one in your entire civilization was even remotely attractive-enough to distract me!  Everything about your own celebrations was repulsive and an abomination, unthinkable, inexcusable.  I couldn’t have asked for a more-powerful blessing-in-disguise; I never once felt the slightest amount of interest in being in any of your gatherings.

If you are a normal (healthy, attractive, polite) female and want to do something nice for me, do consider meeting me to celebrate one or more of those holidays my civilization enjoys.  Bring me some vegan sushi, for example, on Seafood Day, or invite me to a cuddle-puddle on the holiday for those.  As long as you are trying to learn and do what matters to me, demonstrating we share the same values, and you are not trying to seduce or trick me into spawning or whatever other nonsense the mainstream is up to these days, we’ll become fast and lasting friends.

Oh, and let’s celebrate the fact that I am still the genuine and full me, all brainwashing and gaslighting attempts against me having failed even since my childhood.  Huzzah.

I will now leave you with these words of wisdom and fairness:

  • If you force your ways on me, I will do the same to you.
  • If you write down rules and call them laws, I will write down and enforce my own.
  • If you ignore my many merits, I will ignore yours.
  • If you don’t let me know who you are and why you showed up, or even say one word to me, I will reciprocate; you won’t get one word out of me at all –and you can slither back to whatever cowardly hiding place you were staying in, you unprofessional ‘tard.
  • If someone walks into a restaurant and orders a salad, but you give them a piece of bread, then get mad at them for not wanting that bread, and get further mad at them for not understanding why you ignored their polite request, you need to get your head fixed; give me what I asked for, or stop falsely advertising yourself as a place where I can get/choose things I might want.
  • If a customer orders 2 menu items, and you only give them 1 of those, have you fulfilled his/her order? No. Stop sending me 1 sexy female at a time. I ordered all of them. Fulfill my order or stop pretending to be trying to give me things you, due to your low-standards insanity, think are decent. The only thing decent and acceptable would be you giving me what I asked for. Anything else is sexual harassment and laziness.
  • If you make someone what they ordered, then take a shit on the plate, do you expect them to be interested in eating it? Get all those revolting assholes out of your failed cities, or don’t expect to be even allowed to rebuild. Police your fucking own.
  • If you go to an interview but refuse to talk, and just stare at the interviewer, how is he supposed to know who you are, and do you think he will hire you?
  • If you show up to an interview but spend the whole time insulting the company, do you think you will be hired?
  • When you build a bridge or any building, do you start from the top? Fuck no; it would fall to the ground; you need a foundation first. Stop skipping fucking steps. And now that you have consistently shown me you all are the equivalent of quicksand or a sinkhole, expect me to choose a different building site.
  • If you wanted me to breed, why did you only send bitches who are not my type, not hot, and not worthy of being mothers?
  • Since I was tolerant and loving and helpful for decades, yet was reacted to with only disgusting evil, we’re now gonna see if I again get the polar opposite of whatever I do and seek; we’re gonna try decades of hell on earth now. You’ll just have to learn to be loving while that is going on. And if it works, it will continue forever. If it doesn’t work, having already tried being nice, we’ll just finish your kind off since nothing worked.
  • Every time I see a mask or fugtard or hear anything fucked up, your 400-year sentence of hell-on-earth restarts its timer and adds the time since its last restart, multiplied by ten; if something fucked up was witnessed and took a minute for me to get away from, you just bought your entire species ten more minutes of hell. If you managed to not be disgusting rude idiots for a year, and only had 399 years left to go, but then someone did something stupid again, you’re back to 400, etc..
  • I said over and over for years:  First fix the problems you caused, and admit the lies you told, and THEN we can talk of me tolerating your females some more; one thing at a time, no skipping steps, but you ignored that and harassed me with barbaric uncultured bitch after apathetic spoiled bitch, trying to get me to cave and chase. How could you be so stupid that you thought I would pay attention to any of your kind after you ignored the hell out of me? You didn’t even make an effort, thus I kept giving you that same taste of your own fucked up medicine. If your bitches were sane, they would have been mad at you, not me, because it was you, not I, who wasted their time by repeatedly having them get dressed up how I don’t like, and then sending them to me before I said I wanted to see any of them.
    Let me dumb it down for you yet again, since you are all retarded lazy stubborn disrespectful punks; if you shit in your diaper, you must change it and wipe your asshole before you can run around playing again. Make sense? Now fuck off.
    Stop trying to pimp out your failed oblivious excuses for women.
    Restore all the money you took from me, and my credit and health and spotless record, with interest and compensation for damages, and then send those bitches back to me once they have learned basic manners and are interested in not being assholes. Thanks.

And me having to over and over again explain these simplest of all the concepts to you is one of the biggest turnoffs of all, and it is possible I will never at this point feel attracted to any of your females –or want to talk to any of you, male or female, about anything ever again.
You’ve made it so that the only things I feel attracted to are those which are faraway from you, such as pristine wildernesses.
You’ve made it so that I work and celebrate away from you, the opposite of what quite a lot of you have clearly been aiming for, but the trouble is you are too arrogant and retard-hearted to face these facts, use this cheat-sheet, and finally earn what you have sought, making long-overdue amends with me.
I keep doing good and great things in spite of you all.  Might be time to honor all that.

It is not my job to change to be like your failed people.
It is your job to fix your (very many) failures, as per my (very easy, normal, obvious) standard.

Now I permit you to celebrate the fact that I exist; that the first real fixer is here; that all your kind’s many, perhaps innumerable and appalling, failures finally have a real man capable of un-fucking them, since all of you fell so far short of that mark.  You’re welcome –and boy do you owe me.  Cheers.


One More (Section):

Nevermind; I had a few last-minute ideas, so here you go.
In no particular order, and with no segues or other transitions, they are:

I was hoping to connect with normal females during my travels, but punks kept hurrying up to be as meddlesome and offensive as possible, so I had to indefinitely abandon my original goal of sharing love and normal conversation. I switched to doing what almost never resulted in such unsolicited interference; working alone, and disregarding all people, as people had only soured events or tried stalling me. I also started playing dumb, as it was obvious almost everyone was, I testing them to see what they do with innocence and genuine kindness. All places I went to and tested failed the same way.

I tried normal interaction online in numerous web forums of writers, but every single one of them turned out to be similarly insane or retarded, prone to lies and harassment, and worse. Most were degenerates, as well as angry vocal promoters of all other types of degenerates. I gave up on any co-creation via writing forums and pen-pal-ing after having had enough of that bizarre nonsense, too.

When the fake father tried to order me to suddenly and randomly sexually reproduce, and when he later tried to scare me by indicating he had illegally spied on my computer and retardedly concluded I was doing something he didn’t approve of, though never specifying, I realized both he and everyone who had accepted him as an employee were actually retarded; they had countless evidence indicating my normalcy and goodness, and countless opportunities to talk with me, yet had lazily waved off all those, deciding to just judge and terrorize me after zero provocation from me. I previously thought and hoped maybe it was just uneducated losers I had had to deal with during my service contract who were that foolish and self-hindering, but it was clearly also higher tiers in their system, thus there was no point in offering clarification, as they had jumped to assumptions and bizarre conclusions without doing any analysis or discussion; they lacked a level of the ability to apply logic, and they lacked morality and basic communication skills. It was as if they had been bred or mind-stapled to only think enough to default to an erroneous process, never actually thinking anything through, merely overreacting to everything.

For years now, I have run my 2nd social experiment, my first being to travel and see how genuine positive interaction goes; this next ongoing test of mine was to see what would happen if I just minded my own business, not initiating with or troubling anyone… and the result was the same; strangers giving me dirty looks, harassing me electronically, defaulting to anger without any explanation, so it was clear that they were committed to wrongness and rudeness no matter what I did, interacting or not, following their rules or not. That made it very easy to proceed; there was no longer any second-guessing; I now knew that if I had played along and done everything how they were, they still would have seen me and countless others as bad for some reason.

I noticed that I had wanted to travel to many places and meet attractive females, and had achieved both, but any interaction beyond those journeys and initial encounters was always terrible. I realized I had not yet specified exactly what types of people I wanted to meet, or how things would go after meeting them, or which societies and environments should be there, so I have since taken time to specify all of that, hoping that shifted or further-specified focus will manifest not only more travel and hotties, but destinations and conversations which are appropriate.

I will never again stoop to attempting equal interaction with humans, but, after this Phase 2 interval and transition of disregarding all of their nonsense and scams while focusing on myself, I will, once able enough, start issuing commands and only accepting interaction with those who vibe as always loving following my commands, for those are the right teammates and people in general for me; the leader needs followers, just like one part of a computer system sends signals to the parts which are made to receive them.

Calling out didn’t work; no one responded, and only a pitiful handful randomly showed up, seemingly wanting me to see them, but refusing to take contact any further, thus I no longer call out.  Fuck them.  Shame on them.  They shouldn’t have needed me to voice-activate them after they clearly already knew of me, how to find me, etc..  Must I really write the script for everyone and everything?  Are you all really that dependent on me?  Seems like you are free to come and go as you please, because I sure as shit didn’t write you just showing up to be cunts and then “bounce” again.  You took that liberty.  You vibed as spoiled fools wasting my time with an unnecessary and backward test.  Imagine if a Coast Guard rescue helicopter did that shit to sailors about to drown.  You’d be fired, if not court martialed and imprisoned for negligent homicide.

Searching and putting myself out there as often as possible had even worse results; no responses or mayday answers at all.  No matter where I went, only scum were out there.  Your communities were completely overrun with them, not just corrupted/infested.  It was all of them/you.

All social-media platforms also proved useless except to show me how practically all humans are degenerates, so I only resort to social media for tolerable recipes, tech’ intros, and such.  What a waste.  What a barebones trickle of shit I must every time extract, often blocking the freaks who post it, the rest of their profiles a nightmare.

The results are clear and uniform, all indicating no help is coming, no people are decent, no effort of mine improves the results, and all I can do is wait and hope for that to improve.  Hopefully miraculously my spells/writing will finally kick in, manifesting appropriate versions of the dickheads who showed up before.  I guess all I can do, thanks to your apathy, is wait for that, so I wait, continuing to disregard all substandard bullshit along the way.

It has already been made clear to me by sf and others that my site is visible and being read, thus the general silence and occasional evil reaction to it tells me the state of mankind at all times; until my work here is celebrated and funded as much as politics, relig’, sports, and more, mankind is primitive and wayward, and there is no logic supporting further interaction with them.

The only sane reaction to all I have posted would have been heartfelt apologies at the state people allowed their civilization to descend into, and oaths of commitment to immediate restorative action. A sane reaction to my works would also include feeling awful that I was made to resort to such specificity and passion. I should have only gotten messages of deep gratitude, relief, validation, and offers of whatever I might need to finish/keep manifesting all that has begun.  I should have at least gotten prayers of support, though even that would be useless and substandard, not true/tangible action/support.

Those who thought I was shy, after my countless adventures and initiations and recruiting and networking…  Just wow; that shows they are as stupid and blame-shifting as can be.
They confused disgust with shyness.
They couldn’t understand how someone would not like their disgustingness.
They didn’t recognize good manners.
There is nothing dumber.

I cannot stress this enough:  After your decades of consistently getting even the basics wrong (manners, interpretations, communications, conduct/honor, contracts, food, water, grammar, knowing your places, even knowing your own goddamn genders, you name it), there is next to nothing which could ever redeem your kind, and I have yet to meet any individual who made even the slightest appropriate effort.  Your vibes were uniformly spoiled, bizarre, and heartless, even criminal.  I could not be anymore turned off.  I could not trust your species any less.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  “The weaker others are, the stronger you are.”  What you’ve all done is still insanely and criminally out of line.  Good riddance to you all.

Those who showed up (so far) were never there to help me, evident.
They were there for quotas, and to demand attention undeserved, and to cause problems to force attention, etc.
I was the one sent to help Them, and They were the ones who always pushed Me away, because they didn’t Want help; they wanted attention, and a crutch, someone to use/feed on.
When I refused to let them dominate or lead me astray, they stormed off.
When I said what I was interested in, they called me names.
They were, as the typist suggested, broken.
And now no help can come to them, because they have stubbornly stayed so isolated that they haven’t even given me their phone numbers, that I might call and offer my great wisdom and soothing wordplay.
I never isolated; I published my contact info for any who might need it, yet every one… abused it.

Since what matters to me didn’t matter to you, what matters to you doesn’t matter to me. As below, so above.

How stupid can your women be to have put on dresses when I never told them to?
How stupid can they be to have worn ear-rings after the countless times I said they shouldn’t even get their bodies pierced in the first place?
How stupid can you be for fake-smiling after I repeatedly and consistently indicated I hate fake and require genuine?
I could tell you thought you were doing something good, which means none of you bothered to learn what matters to me, and none of you even have common sense.
You actually thought that dressing how I don’t like you to, and punching holes in your bodies which were already questionable, and creepy-fake-smiling at me would somehow appeal to me and get me to disregard the mountains of failures and evils and nightmares that all your cities and towns were.  Wow.  That is next-level retarded.  We really do need to coin a new term to somehow express how chronic-retarded or extra-retarded or hyper-retarded or mega-retarded all of you have been so far.  Even when I give you all the answers to the test, you ignore them and fail the same way every time.

The longer you all take to behave, the more fines/fees I will apply. The latest:

  • $500.00 for every FB profile I didn’t like
  • $500.00 for every ugly person I have seen
  • $500.00 for every person I have seen wearing a surgical mask
  • $500.00 for every person I saw smoking a cigarette
  • $500.00 every time someone condescended
  • $500.00 every time anyone gets moody at me
  • $500.00 late-fee for every day you didn’t pay those fines since their incidents (so, for example, you for each FB profile I didn’t like today, you owe $500.00, plus, if you don’t deposit that sum today, $500.00 per day per profile times that number of profiles)
  • $500.00 transaction-fee for each deposit you make to me (encouraging you to pay the sum of all that at once)

Unless your bitches can pay me that many millions of dollars, stop sending them; I will keep ignoring them until you pay these fines you owe.
Even if you paid, your bitches can still only be accepted as property, not dates, and only when I can confirm they won’t try and get knocked up so they can abuse your corrupt system against me.
Don’t like this? You should have thought of that before you spent four decades being unfair and extreme and abusive and negligent and disloyal to me.

Your military taught me proportional escalation of force, so the longer you keep breaking the same laws, the steeper the fines and sentencing shall be.
For example, what used to only cost $500.00 per offense, and another $500.00 per day in late fees, will go to $1,000.00 for both of those, then double again, whenever I feel like it.
The more difficult you make things for me, the more difficult I make things for you.
Similarly, whereas I originally gave you an extremely lenient and generous 40 years to unfuck your evil bullshit, and then three centuries to try again, I will glass any world I come to which has any fuckups at all on it –even before scouting on its surface.
After doing that for a while, I will also glass random worlds you have set up colonies on, without even going to them, just to make sure you understand what a bad idea it is to have any ties to any worlds with stuff I don’t like on them.

I don’t give a damn what rules or laws or code you may have been limited to. If you aren’t living by mine, you aren’t my people, and shouldn’t have come. I guess you came anyway due to how retarded or wannabe-bully you are. I guess you couldn’t understand how I never permitted you to dominate me, as you had only known submission to bullying, as you are all weaklings.

I thought I should travel the world to learn from you all, but I discovered it was all of you who sorely needed to learn lots from me,
and your behavior was so insane that now the only way you can learn from me is by reading this website and adopting its wisdom into your lives from afar;
I won’t have anything to do with you psychos anymore.

One of the questions you should be asking yourself is not, “Why doesn’t he talk to me?” but, “Why am I mad at him for what I myself am refusing to do; why won’t I initiate an introduction and conversation to him?”
Also: “Why would he or anyone talk to people after how moody and stupid and threatening and dishonest they kept being?  We retardedly made talking pointless, thus now it is on us to prove to him we deserve talk for the first time, so how can I in particular be my best to earn a talk with him?  What can I offer him, which he can actually use and trust, as part of my humble request to get to speak with him?”
“What an asshole!” should instead have been, “I was such an asshole for blasting him with anger energy when all he was doing was minding his own business like a total gentleman.”
But as long as you assume there is something wrong with me, like shyness, you will never become capable of even considering better questions, let alone forming and offering them.
Try: “What can I do better?” and “How may I honor your culture?” and “Will you please tell me about yourself?”
It sucks that I am having to teach you hairless apes these rock-bottom basics, but there you are; yet another expansion of the free cheat-sheet that is this website.

Every single veteran program should not have treated every veteran who went there like a number or defective person, but as someone the program staff themselves can gain unique wisdom from. Shame on you all for lazily choosing to view all through a template –and a primitive, insulting, and flawed one at that. Thanks so much for the small talk, chump change, brainless condescension, and wasting my valuable time.

You harassed and overcharged me for decades, treating me like a number and target, so that shall now be done to your species forevermore.
Even when I was helping farmers by volunteering my time, you sent only punk bullies to insult and threaten me, desperate for attention and to pick fights, so no matter what any of you do… my forces will deploy to pester you even more.
You bred irresponsibly, understatement of the millennium, so you are seeing more and more of your kind get tricked into sterilizing themselves.
You kept forcing me to relocate, so much that I was basically a nomad and refugee for years, so your civilization will always be uprooted and spurred elsewhere, denied normal shelter no matter where you turn.
You ignored all my valid maydays, even though I did everything I could before making them, so all of you will remain likewise ignored.
You made no effort to get the scum out of your communities, so now all of your communities are classified as what they are; corrupted, failed, pests, unauthorized, none of your alleged authorities or sovereignties legitimate.

Your de-evolved lowly kind were so brainwashed to be mindlessly angry about anything other than workers who only fuck to breed more workers,
that I now see you cannot re-evolve back to intelligent creatures,
thus you will remain bred and farmed/harvested as the brainless beasts of burden you allowed yourselves to become.
This goes for your secret “elites”, too; you are little more than negligent and cowardly bean-counters, so that is the work I shall allot to your also-lowly caste.
So be it.

You, always with an ulterior motive, evil agenda, and mal-intent, pestered me to get a service animal, implying that I lacked balance.
The service animals I shall get are of your species; humans; slave girls, etc., since it is they and all of you who lack balance only service to me can provide.

Pressuring people to accept whatever disgraceful blatant nonsense, scamming, and degeneracy you are blasting all over the airwaves, while angrily trying to shame them for being normal?  Wow.  Nothing could be more retarded.  Nothing could have been more of the proverbial nail in the coffin of any last embers of a hope that you may have once had of attracting me.

If you had been intelligent, you would have interpreted me:

  • attempting start-up companies:  as being an alpha, leader, entrepreneur, pioneer, brave, trying to create jobs, etc.
  • being open about my normal sexuality:  as being a role-model/’beacon’ to help guide this wayward current society back from insane deviancy
  • choosing to be vegan:  as having sound ethics/morals
  • discussing anomalies witnessed firsthand:  as being coolheaded, eloquent, objective, open to real possibilities, etc.
  • experimenting to determine my natural orientation:  as being sane, self-balancing, complete, etc.
  • going to colleges, universities, and technical schools/programs:  as pursuing higher education, making myself more marketable, etc.
  • focusing on my own idea/s:  as being creative, brilliant, innovative, useful, etc.
  • holding off on starting a family:  as being responsible, not as “a late bloomer”
  • keeping whatever suits me on my own devices:  as being normal, healthy, and none of your business
  • meeting with carrier personnel to address a traitorous crew member:  as being loyal and heroic even after completing my service contract
  • networking:  not at all as “harvesting friends”, but building up a foundation for potential business partnerships
  • offering love to the worthy, while politely declining the unworthy:  as being professional and kindhearted
  • pointing out breaches of contract:  as doing my civic duty to expose scammers/criminals
  • politely informing control-freaks I do not consent to being ruled by them, and that I did not have any say in the rules they call laws:  as being like George Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.
  • relocating / trying different parts of the country:  as completing logical scouting prior to choosing where is best for my home and family
  • serving my country honorably:  as serving my country honorably
  • travel at any time:  as conducting logical scouting/orienting to lands I felt called to and shall return to
  • venting:  as being real, not “fake”/P.C. (a.k.a. not hiding being polarized/toxic positivity); honoring all my valid emotions/instincts
  • waiting for hotties to initiate:  as being gentlemanly/mature

But so many of you reacted insanely negatively to all that, making faces, giving me dirty looks, talking down to me, saying things that made no sense and were complete lies, and on and on.
No matter; I’ll keep doing all that good stuff anyway.

  • Did I ask for rudeness?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for ugliness?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for you to clear your throats at me?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for you to try and get me to chase?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for bizarre piercings and tattoos?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for moodiness?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for blank stares?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for a staring contest?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for stubbornness?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for blatant scare tactics?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for passive aggressive remarks?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for creeps to try and steer me to initiate and hookup with bait?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for attempts at getting me to be a ‘sugar daddy’?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for you to show me I cannot trust any of you to do anything appropriately?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for deviants and bullies?  No, I asked normal good people to introduce yourselves.  I never once asked for the “people” I was never interested in to introduce themselves, and I never once asked for the people I was interested in to not introduce themselves.
  • Did I ask for you to stay hidden for decades, letting me think I might be alone?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.
  • Did I ask for you to wear surgical masks because you are morons?  No, I asked you to introduce yourselves.

So try the fuck again, you overcomplicating dipshits.
Too bad it is far too late for me to still be interested in meeting any of you.

When I said what I like, you should have liked that I was communicating, and seen the good in my preferences.
When I said what I don’t like, you should have liked that I was communicating, and seen the good in my preferences.
You should have been excited that I like normal things, and that I don’t like bad things.
You should Never have gotten mad at me for what I like, nor for what I dislike.

If I was with my people, it wouldn’t be just one normal girl (attractive and agreeing with me) once in a great while, as has been the case in the failed USA; it would be everyone all the time fully compatible with me, loving my values and views and goals and projects and jokes and everything, so until you can provide that, fuck off.
I wouldn’t have to search and sample to find vegan products; there would only be vegan products.
I wouldn’t have to pretend to be anything I am not; I would feel 100% comfortable being myself anywhere in that civilization I went.
I wouldn’t have to rewrite my resume and apply for jobs to make ends meet; everyone in the civilization would be thrilled about the work I have done, and constantly donate to me, many also professionally submitting their resumes to me just to be my interns.
Since that isn’t the case yet out here, you are not my people, and I keep rejecting you for your countless failures.
The more you keep being nothing I have asked for, the more not-my-people you are.  Grow the fuck up.

  • When I say how many pictures I have taken, only a complete dumbass and wannabe bully would say something like, “I think you may have a problem.”
    The correct (sane) response would have been, “That is so cool and responsible of you that you take the time to appreciate and document all that stuff. Thank you for sharing your journey in such incredible detail. I aspire to be more like you.  I’ll keep an eye on your website updates; I’m looking forward to seeing what you photographed.  Keep up the great work!”
  • When I acknowledge that a girl a guy points out is pretty, only a complete dumbass vibing as a ‘plant’ to try and pressure/shame me into chatting her up would say something like, “Why don’t you taaaalk to herrr??”
    The correct response would have been just enjoying how she looked, as that was all she was good for, she only good for talking if she came over to initiate conversation with me.
    A pretty girl walking by is only getting being pretty correct.  She would have to engage and talk appropriately in order to get talking correct.  It is enough that I am attracted to only what she is doing correctly.  Calm the fuck down, creepers.  My interaction/initiations policy is correct for me, and you would do well to start understanding that.
  • When I share my travel enthusiasm and plans with you, only a complete dumbass and would-be terrorist would say something like, “They’ll put stuff on your computer that you can never take off. They’ll cut your eyes out.”
    The correct response would have been, “Thank you so much for trusting me with all that. You’re so brave and exactly the kind of person we need in this world; the explorer and student helping us travel to and learn from all the others. You’d make a fine diplomat or interpreter. I bet you’ll be a tour guide or expedition leader one day. Here are all the ways I have found work well when going to those places on your list.”
    You sure as shit don’t ignore everything I just told you, and then pretend that a plague exists, and condescendingly and idiotically claim I am ignoring that which does not exist.
  • When I post on my own webpages/profiles what I am into, only a complete dumbass and hypocritical sexual deviant would angrily demand I delete my own posts.
    The correct response would have been to like it and reply with something positive, such as, “Hell yeah! That sounds awesome!”

You pretended to be about diversity, inclusivity, and multiculturalism… but hypocritically and viciously refused to include mine, even to the point of extortion, setups, breaches of contract, ignoring your own laws, slander, threats, perjury, spreading lethal medical misinformation, and worse.

The only reaction you ever should have had to me was, “Thank you so much for your kindness and healthy lifestyle and bravery and selflessness and openness and enthusiasm to connect with people.
Thank you for being normal and consistent and communicative.
Thank you for being professional and respecting your bloodline.
Thank you for your reverence to the ancestors and ancients.
Thank you for waiting so long and enduring so much, staying hopeful that good people and progress will come.
Thank you for sharing your great and carefully-planned ideas.
Thank you for giving so many chances to people even when they weren’t respectful at all.
Thank you for living and leading by example.
Thank you for being exactly what our world needed.
Oh, you are only here to find who is compatible and where you real family members are?  That is so wonderful!  We’ll help you out the entire time!
Your ask is so reasonable, too, even small, so we will of course fund and support it fully.”

This website is my “unified field theory” equivalent.

Since you apparently spied on my pc without my authorization/consent, I will now require access to all computers everywhere, and I will let you all know if I feel like your use of them is appropriate.

You tried dominating me, but I always disregarded that bullshit.
You tried covering up ancient structures with landfill or debris or fake carvings or hieroglyphs, and you posted creeps dressed like ridiculous madeup savages all vibing clearly as wanting to distract me with photo ops and lies about history, but I instinctively disregarded all that, too.
You tried limiting or even banning travel, so I charged up and unleashed more often.
Apparently, you never knew about subtle clues and instincts and vibes and signs, or at least your kind had degenerated for so many generations that most of your brains had become vestigial, only able to parrot comforting lies only cowards gravitate to, which makes you stand out like a spotlight in the night.

You weaponized food, so I studied and experimented until I found what was actually and still healthy.
You weaponized music and TV, so I stopped listening to and watching that stuff.
You chemtrailed most places, so I stayed out from under flight-paths and fallout zones.
You kept sending baby-obsessed bitches (the real definition of pedophile, by the way; inappropriate attraction to babies/kids), so I started walking past even the supermodels, knowing they were all brainwashed to pester me for the same one immoral thing.
No matter what you do wrong, I find a way around it.
The only way to earn my time and talking is to fully fund and submit to me.
I obviously cannot and should never trust any of you, but I will still give you the opportunity to reduce your eternity sentencing by paying for whatever I want for the rest of your lives.

Every single human who hurried to me with evil gleam in their eyes, excited to say things they knew were rude and would bother me, will have to be rounded up and brought to justice.

It should never have been threats of jail or whatever else if I didn’t do things your wrong way.
It should always have been badguys threatened By you with jail if They didn’t do things My Right way.

You kept doing things that bothered me, so I started doing what bothered you; cussing, not repeating the nonsense you parrot, etc..
You were dumb, so I played dumb.
You spread lies at and about me, so I spread truths about you.

I sought to share love with beautiful girls.
Never once did I ask for females who were obsessed with getting pregnant; who didn’t love anything other than spawning prematurely.
Never once did I ask to be shown that all of your people are nearly 100% ugly, and are 100% stupid and rude.
Never once did I ask to be spied on by morons.

The only normal sane reaction to my cussing is relief that I speak my mind, relief that I am against evil degenerates, relief that I vent to self-stabilize, relief that I don’t put up with BS, and relief that I am brave even against supposed deities.
Good people will always enjoy my cussing, and cuss the same way, always vibing as celebrating me, never vibing as hurrying over to fuck with me just because they are bored bullies desperate to hurt innocent people.

  • Why did I ignore (not converse with) Ambi 3x?
    In Oregon, she showed up with another guy, so I decided maybe they were on a date and not to bother them.
    In Arizona, she wore a retard mask and was willing to talk to the fat-fuck at the desk, but not me, and she said her husband wanted her there; she sounded taken, and I didn’t want to bother a taken person, especially when I was exhausted after scummy Mexico chose to blast music to pressure me to leave when I refused to buy their drugs.
    In California, she was clearly being a heartless cunt testing me, playing games instead of introducing herself like a good person would, and she called out to Nate, once again with someone else, the opposite of what I asked for and deserve.
    NOTE, HOWEVER, that I DID speak to her when she initiated for me; when she opened the door for me, showing manners, I politely thanked her, immediately speaking to her; MANNERS IS THE KEY TO GET ME TO TALK AND OPEN UP.
  • Why did I ignore Sabrina? She stood in the way of my view of the sunset I was there for, the two women she was with were deformed, and she did nothing to punish the loudmouthed attention-whore guy who said, “Just the tip!” until they paid attention to him.
  • Why did I ignore Graciella at the White Owl? She showed up with a deformed freak, and she stared at me, then stormed by me when I was minding my own business at the door.
  • Why did I ignore mermaid-hair at that same place? She stood right in front of me and chose to test me instead of introduce herself, her cunt friend stood with her back to me while passive aggressively talking shit by saying in a rude tone they would go back to her place, blatantly implying I was not taking advantage of their cowardly immature offer.
  • Why did I ignore the Famous Dave’s hottie? She had the same attitude/moodiness defect as the others; she tested me for no reason, expected me to read her mind, then got mad before even the slightest attempt at getting to know me. I was never in the market for more idiots and loose cannons like the retarded bitches/bullies/crybabies/gas-lighters/slanderers who pretended to be my relatives.

All of them knew me, as did many of the blatant field agents in many places I went, which means they violated my trust, and spent lots of money they should have just donated to me.
They stayed hidden even while knowing exactly what I was going through.
They chose not to help, thus they will never be my teammates.
May they burn in hell forever, likewise never to be helped.

Multiple jarheads made it clear they checked out my website, yet chose to talk shit and threaten me even though 100% of it is logical, peaceful, charitable, and brilliant, which means they are retarded and loose cannons and psychotic, which means none of them or the rest of the “people” they brainlessly think they are defending, are my/good people. They are little different than rabid barking dogs forcing real people to put them down.

I always notice vibes and intentions.
I always ignore losers.
I only accept good manners.
So far, none of you demonstrated any.

Dropping hints and being condescending and hiding and spying? I never tolerated that retardation and rudeness, and you truly are retarded for keeping it up as if one day I would.

I made it public knowledge my goals were to travel the world, learn from all lands, and share love with beautiful girls.
Allowing ugly rude losers to accost me at every destination made no sense.
Sending barely-attractive (not beautiful) girls, who then played rude games; the opposite of being loving, also made no sense.
The data is consistent and doesn’t lie; you always did the opposite of what I did and wanted, so I have switched my main goal to unleashing cataclysms ahead of my expeditions, giving none of you chances anymore, assuming all of you are as awful as all who I have met so far.
Will that trigger you to finally be loving and respectful to me, since that is the opposite of nightmarish storms and shaking?
We’re about to find out.

I don’t know how to make my actions any clearer for you, or why any of you needed them explained so often.

I set out to offer love.
You relentlessly interfered and threatened me and lied about me.
You didn’t want love or truth or help.
You wanted me to divert and accept abuse and shit offers.
Since none of you deserve love, that is no longer being offered.
You have two choices now; your entire species serves me forever, or your entire species ends.

So many were pedophiles; obsessed with spawning mindlessly, prematurely.
Since apparently all were brainwashed or mindlessly irresponsible like that, I could not risk getting close anymore.

So many set up immoral legal ambushes, showing me the legal system was completely corrupt and insane.
Without even the law on my side –an actual hero– marriage and even touch also had to be completely taken off the table.

This is why there is this new system for requesting contact with me.
This is why ample leverage must be provided.
This is why I wait for everyone to initiate, and read the fuck out of their body language, tones, and vibes.

The only way to get me to open up after the countless morons and traitors you have let fill your communities… is to purge them all, swear oaths to me, giving me the best of everything all the time, and never seek anything in return.
If you do that, one day I may sense you have paid your debts enough for me to talk to some of you again.
You did this to yourselves.

“Why can’t you go to bars like normal people?” (i.e. so you can easily pretend to be organic and innocent while baiting me with lame females there)  Because your bars serve alcohol and nonvegan “food”, and allow smoking and bad behavior, so no more bars will be getting any chances from me.
You treated me like shit in every club, so I no longer give any clubs a chance.
Your restaurants were almost always occupied by deformed freaks, so I only get to-go.
You let the same degenerates ruin every trail, so I stopped hiking trails.
You let the same degenerates ruin every airplane flight, so I only fly privately now.
You let the same kind of degenerates ruin every chatroom and chat app, so I stopped using all those, too.
You brainwashed many to become pharma’ injection junkies, so even your food prep’ is worthless now –even when it is vegan.
You did the chemtrails thing, so all your crops are no longer organic.
Every roommate and landlord was a traitorous monster, so I no longer rent.
You illegally taxed me, then taunted me with a tax refund you refused to let me cash.
When I sought medical help, you poisoned and lied to me, so I no longer give hospitals a chance.
You spammed and harassed me via the phones, so I started screening, tracing, and blocking all calls and texts, plus reporting all those texts.
You tried baiting me with spam emails, so I blocked and reported all those, too.
That leaves only you contacting me through the channels I set up, which requires you to prepay me billions of dollars just to prove yourselves, before I even decide if you deserve contact.
I know that’s not what you wanted; you wanted me to accept your rude substandard scraps, so… why did you make it this difficult on yourselves?
If you had been polite and genuine and honorable, I wouldn’t charge any of you a thing.

Ah, the joys of being retired decades early and ruthless, able to engage in any and every direction, taking half a year off whenever I please, roaming, tanning, trying dozens of restaurants in a row, listening to the best new music, knowing every lame thing to not bother with, blocking thousands a day, and on and on.
Meanwhile, the fools who are against me are stuck in their pitiful little nowhere towns, desk jobs, loveless relationships, etc..
If only they could learn to let go of their lies about me; they’d be able to free themselves from the loop of wasting their own time, thinking it is annoying me, when I long ago blocked them all.
Until every last one of you eagerly submit to me forever, you are not my people, and you will keep being ignored.

Social Experiments of Mine:

  1. Positive/Kind:  When I respectfully interact and initiate, do others respectfully respond?  No.
  2. Neutral:  When I mind my own business, letting others decide how to initiate, do they appreciate this?  No.
  3. Old Testament / Force:  When I repay and farm and cataclysm others, treating them how they treated me, do they finally have good behavior?  (Perhaps they just needed a reminder of their place.)
  4. Controlled Environment:  When I provide a vessel for joint operations, do those cleared for duty in it conduct themselves professionally amidst my kind?  (Perhaps they do better in an off-world and regimented setting; perhaps their essence requires more structure.)
  5. Universal Farming:  When I enjoy an eternity of using humans as a negligible commodity, do they finally have good behavior?  (Perhaps they crave being totally dominated.  Perhaps there must always be only one dominant, and they or anything else fills that role until defeated; their nature is to force force.)

Expeditions Baseline reminder:  I used to just go everywhere I could / had time for, seeing what I could learn from everyone along the way, and offering help and love, but things were so unbelievably evil everywhere… that now my policy is to send hurricanes and worse everywhere, whether I have already been there or not, wiping out everything until either nothing is left… or until I find individuals and towns decent enough to spare. Everyone/everywhere is now a candidate for cataclysm until everyone left is 100% compatible with me. I already unlocked lightning, shooting stars, world travel, and time travel, without even trying, and while being constantly distracted and underfed and poisoned, so…

If you are against anything I do, or are anything I don’t like (such as vibing as attempting to be fake or intimidating or offensive or superior), you are not my people.
If you are for everything I do, and are everything I like (which must include a perfect vibe), you are my people.

Every single rude dumbass interaction and you all missing every point was the nail in the coffin for any hope of me mingling with your pathetic species.
Nail after nail after nail after nail, without end.
Still makes me laugh, how you all thought that the worst treatment imaginable, and assuming and claiming the worst imaginable things about me, would somehow make me want to fuck your bitches and spawn with them.

You made up rules/laws without my consent, then tried to intimidate me into submitting to you/them, so now I wrote my own laws and posted things to dominate/intimidate you instead; whatever you do to me shall be done back to you exponentially and permanently.
You bullied me, determined to pressure or impoverish me into mindlessly repeating meaningless words/sounds/sayings/philosophies just like you had mindlessly parroted, so I came up with my own sounds/words/phrases/philosophies, and now require you to repeat them, but mindfully, and until you do… I will keep walking by each of you, ignoring/rejecting you like you ignored/rejected me.
You threatened me with harm and imprisonment and destruction, even before bothering to speak to and get to know me, so now you face harm and imprisonment on other worlds, and even destruction via hurricanes and cataclysm/s, and I will never bother to get to know you; I know you enough; I know you by your works (and you would have known me by mine, if you’d bothered to care and look and pay attention; all the many times I risked my life to protect others, and volunteered to help struggling farmers, and on and on).

Now that I’ve seen how you endlessly react to pure innocence and goodness and heroism and genius, I will always wield the elements and other forces to hound and chase away your kind –and your bullshit will always provide me with more than enough fuel to manifest whatever I feel like against you, countering and repaying you over and over with ease.

Seeing/sensing and deducing through your bullshit came effortlessly to me, as did time travel, and many times in a row; imagine what I can do when I am actually focused, exerting myself.

Since humans apparently have only evil gross thoughts, and apparently are only able to reach wrong conclusions, and apparently only able to communicate via undeserved insults and retarded condescension, negativity is your language and essence, thus that is all you will ever get from me.

The unilateralism and exclusivity here are because of a time-tested wise and correct standard, spelling out in all levels of detail the best and singular vision, focusing on creating/manifesting the best possible quality of life.

When I had no choice but to live amongst you, you kept lying and picking fights with me, so I always defended myself and reminded you of the truth.
Then, I managed to become able to evade your lowly kind and scams more often than not, and you kept ignoring my valid input and request that you correct the errors you put in my records in your system, so I kept ignoring all of you, no matter how sexy the girls were you sent to meet me.
Are we going to move past that 2nd phase… into you finally being honorable and fixing your errors, admitting your lies, and compensating me for the damages you caused, …or is phase 3 going to be about your ongoing evil finishing charging me up so that I cause your latest cataclysm/s?

One of the biggest milestones is the mental one;
how I noticed that none of you were putting any effort into being polite, such as by introducing yourselves or even greeting me,
so I decided to stop wasting My time putting any effort forward.
I kept giving you a taste of your own medicine; when you made no effort, I made no effort,
and when you looked for bad that wasn’t there, I just saw you being bad by trying to twist things to make me Seem bad.

Without decent people in any of the places I went to,
and without a team of decent people working with me,
there is no motivation to interact with any of you.

Thankfully, in spite of you, there is still motivation to do good work that doesn’t require/involve you.

If you are one of the hotties who made sure to look nice and get my attention during one of my outings,
and I did not engage with you,
understand that this was because many had been sent to try and sabotage me or my sacred life’s work,
so I was being cautious,
plus gentlemanly; I had switched from initiating/networking… to letting others decide when to approach Me.
Those of you who chose to get moody when I did not take your invitation, whether it was bait or not, made it clear you were mentally/socially unstable, thus unworthy of me, and very likely more of the same; those sent as bait to try and change my course/work, buying the evildoers a little more time until I finished unlocking my power/s.
If you were taller than me and trying to get with me, you should have had better manners, and you should have done your homework; real men such as me are not into females who are bigger than them. When you taller females tried to get with me, you were committing a subset of the crime known as sexual harassment.

When everyone hounds after anyone not like me, and immediately defaults to defending me no matter what, then I am with sane people. Then I am with my people.


  • taxing, hoarding, and spending millions on spying and deploying morons/thugs to bully me and others, blaming us for making tough decisions after your misuse of all those riches/dollars forced us into unnatural poverty/struggles
  • angrily demanding I tolerate and accept all the things you like, while angrily rejecting and mocking all the things I like –which you never even bothered to understand, and which are all extremely easy to understand
  • spending decades insulting and threatening me, then getting frustrated because you couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t accept the females you sent as obvious bait, then condescendingly assuming and alleging that I was shy or cowardly, and even trying to spur me toward those bait-females by saying they were out of my league –while blatantly vibing as saying that just to spur me
  • wanting me to read your minds, while getting mad any time I wanted you to have done your homework by reading my free website content so you would know and be able to honor my culture/customs
  • Do you really not see the extreme irony in doing those hypocritical things to me?
  • Do you really not see the irony in ignoring all my input, making up tons of rules, then having tantrums and threatening me anytime I didn’t follow your rules, and then getting even angrier at me when I did the same to you, ignoring all of your input, making up my own rules, and so on?
  • You made up a credit-score system, let people lie about me to lower my scores in it, then condescended at me anytime I tried to get normal lodging, citing those artificially-lowered scores, so I then made my own credit system, kept your scores accurately low, based on your criminal system and behavior, and you didn’t catch on, still trying to dangle substandard females in my path, instead of giving me the cabin and good vehicles I chose and deserve. I have no use for your females when all of them misbehaved, and when I have no home to enjoy/put them in, and no vehicle suitable for driving them in.
  • Try to think it through.
  • You all are really disappointing, bafflingly inappropriate and stupid, and “shooting yourselves in the foot”… over and over.
    Why not just behave? Why not try being fair to me? Why not be honest and kind and sane and normal? I’d then adjust your scores in my credit system to reflect that, and maybe then you’d be worthy of me talking with your kind again. Pretty darn simple.
  • the eagerness with which you came to offend me
  • the soulless shallow darkness in your eyes
  • the relentlessness with which you harassed me to give away what little money I had
  • your invariable attempts to lead me astray in every town I stopped at
  • so many of you so frantically heartlessly saying everything you could think of to decrease my energy, sadden, scare, and corrupt me
  • and the total absence of decency and hospitality, even when I had served you faithfully for years and years.

All of that was retarded.

  • Ignorant is when you don’t know any better.  Everyone is ignorant to some degree, because most people don’t know everything; they only know some things about some things.  Ignorance is forgivable.  An intelligent person doesn’t mind being called ignorant, for it is merely factual, not an insult.  An intelligent person enjoys seeking knowledge in order to enrich their own lives while gradually reducing ignorance where/when they can.
  • Stupid is when you know better but do the wrong/risky things anyway.  This is more a case of stubbornness, and in theory can eventually be corrected.  With enough hardship and force, even stupid people should at some point abandon their stubbornness and start making an effort to right themselves.
  • Retarded is when you are so stupid that no matter how many times you are given all the free help and guidance in the world, and no matter how many times you catastrophically hurt your body and/or finances, you keep doing the stupid stuff; you are unteachable.  Retardation cannot be corrected; you lack the mental capacity to learn / figure anything out.  So far, all humans I have met have been retarded; they are in the lowest of the intelligence-scale categories/brackets.

We are not at war; war implies a military is going to attack the military targets of one nation.
You are facing cataclysm, not war; all of you are scheduled for annihilation, along with everything you built.
I was going to spare 6,144,000 of the most useful, but those plans no longer matter; all your realms were tested, and none of you were worthy, not a single one responding appropriately.
Looks like it will just be 6,000,000 of your least-shitty who get cloned into the civilization-reboot, and 144,000 of your finest who get cloned into my realm as student-slaves.
Thankfully at least some of your tech’ and other creations were decent enough to be extracted or copied.  (Maybe that was what I was really foreseeing; 6,000,000 of your creations/products were tolerable enough to be saved, and another 144,000 good enough to become part of my community/design.)

Every time I plan a trip, if you help me get everything I want during that trip, I will unleash what levels one of your cities (because you still must be punished for all you did, and because your primitive species clearly needs constant/recurring reminders of your place and what will happen to you if you choose to keep being scumbags).
If instead you try to stall or corrupt me during that trip, I will unleash what levels two of your cities.
If you try to discourage me from going on that trip, I will unleash what levels four of your cities.
Every time you try to harm or tax or fine me, or charge me for anything, I will unleash what levels many of your cities.
And until the only people left are those I like; those who love and fund and worship me, I will eventually level all of your cities.
You have been advised.
So what’s it gonna be?  One of your cities every time I travel, or many to all of your cities over and over?

I no longer just write spells for where I want to go, but what I will find there, how the people will treat me, every detail, that the destinations be pre-stabilized, no longer chaotic or full of idiotic bullies.

All pretty females, no matter how pretty they seem, will have to show me all of themselves, then somehow prove to me they are vax-free, anti-relig, anti-polit, not trans, and not sent by anyone, etc.; having a decent face and figure is –duh– never enough; you actually have to have class and respect my culture, and be feminine –as I define/dictate/prescribe it.

I am still baffled at how uniformly every last person who showed up, knowing who I was, either refused to introduce themselves, or verbally accosted me with absolute idiocy and condescension, both clearly only interested in disrespectfully fucking with me.
I have written and published dozens of articles in hopes of helping clear the apparently universal confusion regarding me.
I decided to take sustainability R+D far beyond what humans were doing,
and write down all my dreams, ideas, and likes.
I decided to be myself, and only interact with people who love everything about me.
Settling is the opposite of sustainability, after all.

The reaction should never have been “excitement to fuck with him”, and should always have been “excitement to be respectful and grateful to him”

My focus had been honesty, studiousness, volunteering, exploration, and offering love, but I found humans were incapable of being honest or loving, and were not my people at all.
The modern exodus had to be one of just their good creations.
My focus had to shift from traveling to all nations… to cataclysm-ing all bad beings out of my way.

The huge number who didn’t just make an honest mistake but completely missed the point even when I spelled everything out, and who chose to be rude, and who were excited to be rude, showed me their kind really does not have any respect or intelligence or fairness at all.

Urging me to do the unhealthiest and most obviously evil things? Really?
Ignoring my repeated dietary constraint statements? Really?
Acknowledging my phenomenal attention to detail… while not having attention to detail when it is easiest and reminded?

I soon realized that since some had overreacted to me so insanely,
even when I was doing my best to live by all of their rules,
and even when I was going to church 3x a week (for service, Sunday school, and choir practice), it still wasn’t enough; they kept assuming I was bad, kept overreacting when I tried to do Bible study with them, you name it.
Extrapolating from this, over the years, it occurred to me that maybe EVERYthing they had talked shit about… was an identical mindless overreaction.
I started looking into much more than the Bible. Turns out, everything they demonized… was good; they had slandered almost all of Creation. They were as against nature/Creation/god as anything.
They just made up dark claims -baseless allegations- chronically, as if unable to stop being evil, and as if they actually thought it would fool people.
Maybe they lacked the ability to sense vibes.
Maybe they lacked the ability to think.
Maybe they lacked any goodness/souls at all.
Whatever the case, I just kept learning, traveling, meeting people, seeing what I could figure out, and amassing lots of things that I loved, such as beautiful photographs and clever tech’ prototypes; innovations I might one day make a better home and community with.
As the moodiness and threats continued from so many, whether stranger or those I’d honorably worked with for years, nothing called into question my hunch/deduction, and everything supported the theory; they were actually evil, not just misinformed or ignorant.
They were actually stupid/retarded; they weren’t making honest mistakes, but pretending I was evil even when shown mountains of evidence to the contrary.
They were determined to bully people and cause harm everywhere they went, desperate to use lies to trick and sow seeds of doubt, their essences being to do everything wrong and nothing correct.

All I do is write down dreams, ideas, likes, etc..

These were the proverbial nails in the coffin of the last chances your kind had with me:

  • fake relatives
  • negative reactions to kindness
  • disrespectful youths
  • drugs
  • mean handshakes
  • abuse of power
  • assault
  • perjury
  • spreading blatant lies
  • sexual deviancy
  • promoting sexual deviancy
  • piercing your flesh
  • painting your faces
  • religious harassment
  • sexual harassment
  • diet harassment
  • online harassment
  • financial harassment
  • blatant eagerness to lie and be offensive
  • nightmarish roommates
  • ignoring all valid input and feedback
  • fake smiles
  • fake medicine
  • fake veteran programs
  • threats from retarded veterans –who then lied about what they had just done
  • how you treat other animals
  • trying to dominate me
  • trying to tell me to give away my hard work even before I had published it
  • moodiness and raging whether I initiated or let you decide how to initiate
  • wearing masks
  • lookalikes or actual people choosing to hide, spy, and show up only to test me or play games instead of introduce themselves and exchange contact information
  • deeply funding all wrong things instead of my wise work
  • blocking my attempt to find my real family
  • refusal to train pets
  • relentless attempts to get me to ingest drugs
  • sleep deprivation
  • letting injectors touch food
  • the one woman I was willing to have a family with behaving so unprofessionally at least three times in a row
  • letting scum in the sacred valley
  • showing me everywhere I went that there is no way to work with or trust or have civil interaction with any of you
  • misinterpreting absolutely everything –even intentionally
  • accosting me
  • interrupting my meetings and dates
  • being mindlessly argumentative
  • every chick who tried to breed with me

Each of those was “a nail in the coffin” because each, by itself, was enough to seal the fate of your entire species, each of those actions so evil that there could be no punishment great enough to correct you, no re-educating comprehensive or lengthy enough to enlighten/save you.
Will any of you remove those nails in your coffin by finally treating me respectfully?
Is there a single member of your entire species who has any honor at all?
After 40 years of that crap, you still can’t figure out why I don’t want to chase or chat?
You have remained in a cowardly and greedy taker mindset.
The only way to bridge the gap you have created between us is by becoming permanently good; professional givers of total trust and backing to me, never pressuring me for anything again.

While I no longer waste my time calling out, I still post freebies like this, always hoping those who sought contact with me will stop being stubborn and moody, and start accepting these easy normal ways to communicate with me.

I was looking forward to meeting so many of you, and was thrilled to see many I had foreseen and written of existed, but then you all refused to introduce yourselves or explain why you had let me live through so many horrible people and rentals, so I didn’t know who wanted to meet me… and who was just a lookalike passing by or staring.
Now I am left with the reality that none of you had any sense or manners or good timing; you showed up after I had been wronged too many times to trust you, then deepened my wariness by showing me you were not there to answer my calls, but to further test and strand me.
After seeing how nightmarish you let all your lands/nations/cities/individuals become, I can no longer see any benefit in meeting you, only cataclysm-ing you.

“Stop explaining yourself.” should have been “Thank you for explaining yourself, and for noticing that everyone was failing the same way over and over, thus sorely needing guidance.”

“Why are you hiding from everyone?”  Only a moron, bully, and liar/gaslighter would frame such a question at me.
I wasn’t hiding.
He doesn’t know everyone (so he has no place accusing me of doing something to everyone).
The real questions are:

  • “Why are you disrespecting me?” (i.e. I should be asking him that)
  • “Why are you assuming things instead of asking?” (same here; this and all following questions are coming from me to him/you)
  • “Why do you default to a negative instead of a positive?”
  • “Why don’t you mind your own business?”
  • “Why aren’t you polite?”
  • “Why are you so needy?”
  • “What can you do to earn my trust?”
  • “Why have those I called out for left me guessing and alone so long that I ended up here, twice, having to deal with scum such as you?”
  • “Are others hiding from me even though I have put myself out there?”
  • “Why has everyone so far deserved me avoiding them, and forced me to?”

You said things you knew I didn’t like, so I said things I knew you didn’t like (cuss words, mirrored threats/bluffs, etc.).
You tried to control me, so I completely evaded you.
You kept trying to breed me, so I indefinitely paused all interaction with your females.
You consistently showed zero respect when trying to approach or seduce me, so I didn’t even greet any of you.
You expected me to read your minds, so I expected you to read mine.
Every time you chose to make me feel uncomfortable, I did my best to cleverly do the same to you.
When you showed me you are stupid, I played dumb.
When you didn’t care about what matters to me, such as my boundaries or goals or diet, I didn’t care about you or any of yours.
When you took from me without my consent, I found ways of taking from you.
When you made up a government without my consent, I disregarded yours and made my own –and you will never have a say in it.

If you charge me, I charge you.
Tax me? I tax you.
Say my credit is low? I say yours is.
Criminalize me? I do the same to you.
Ignore my culture, I ignore yours.
Threaten me, I undermine you in every way.
Be dumb or play dumb, then I will right back at you.
Cross the line with me, and I’ll find your boundaries just to cross them all.
Disrespect me, and I will never respect you.
Refuse to acknowledge the endless evidence that I have lived an exemplary life, and your best efforts will likewise become valueless.
Spy on me? I monitor you indefinitely.
And the longer you test and judge me, instead of helping me the way I asked, the longer I see you are so primitive you don’t even deserve a review.
You should have stayed away since you are not my people or even good people in general.
At the very least, you should have asked what I want, then funded or provided it, never trying to bully or shame me into changing to be morons like you.

You had 40 years to interact with me when I was willing to keep giving you second chances. Now, however, and forever, you will only get cataclysm after cataclysm, regardless of how you behave, just like how regardless of how I behaved… you attacked and tried to destroy me.
Welcome to the permanent taste of your own medicine.

Instead of ignoring me when I was interested, then ignoring my disinterest and trying to get my attention when I was no longer in the mood, why not just show mutual interest or mutual disinterest?
Why would you think I’d have any interest in any of you… after 100% of your cities were 99-100% full of unhealthy deformed rude idiots? No matter how almost good enough your best people are, they could never hope to distract me from the glaring total failure of your species. They were decades late in answering my calls, anyway.

Abuse my forms of contact, and I block all attempts at contacting me.
Meet me in person without contacting me to request a meeting, and I disregard your approach.
But how can you contact me to request a meeting if I block all forms of contact? You should have thought of that before you harassed me for decades.
That limits you to reading my website, grooming and conducting yourself how I would want you to if you meet me, and bowing (if a male) or curtsying (if a female), then asking me what I want you to do before you approach, and vibing the entire time as genuinely happy to honor my culture like this, not for one second giving me the slightest hint you may be just trying to play me like the other losers of your society tried to.

Many of you made it clear you knew exactly who I was and had read some of my website, which shows me you chose either to lazily not read the whole thing, or to show up just to remind me your kind is too primitive and uncivilized to respect even a saintly genius. Every time you show up trying to get my attention, while doing what you should know, after reading my site, I don’t like, you are adding work for yourself, further alienating me, and wasting your own time.
How could you ever think that dressing how I don’t like… would attract me?
How could you ever think that I would feel any attraction to members of the one species that has always had to have the simplest concepts dumbed down for them, and even then you all got things completely wrong?

Why would you expect me to chase any of you… after me chasing many of your females always resulted in me experiencing unbelievably shitty and bizarre behavior?
I have consistently refused all testing for years, yet… you kept testing me when you showed up.

I finally found one place in your pathetic barbaric disgrace of a world which I was willing to tolerate living in, and one woman good enough to accept making my family with, but instead of letting me live there with her, you made it impossible for me to live there without forcing out the hundreds of degenerates and morons living there, and she showed me three times in a row she is real, letting me suffer, choosing to ignore my calls and needs, and cuntily testing me instead of politely introducing herself.
Are you fucking mad?

Asking dumbass questions in a condescending tone is one of the many many reasons I keep waiting for your primitive kind to grow up.

Since many of you wanted to talk or be with me, and since insecure males often hurried over to eagerly bother me/us, and since I can hardly stand any of you, you’re just going to have to find ways of ensuring only people I like show up, and ensure anyone I wouldn’t like is kept faraway and unable to communicate at me. Until then, like anyone, I have zero interest in you. Clean up your failed society. Police your own.

My time is valuable. If you value it, too, you would have offered to compensate me for it. Stop expecting free talks. You should know by now I don’t like chitchat/small-talk. Decades of countless attempts at hanging out with any of you always ended in disgusting bullshit, so now you can pay me for an hour to request a meeting, pay me to travel to the meeting, pay me for the time at the meeting, and pay me every time you want to meet again.
Want this shit to be free like it originally was? Stop being disrespectful and disgusting.

Being extremely rude and threatening and negligent to me for decades, then sending people who pretended to by happy and nice but who were clearly still fake and ignoring my culture, is not the way to win my trust back.
Showing me women who look like the ones I was interested in, but who hide and stay silent like cowards, and who get moody at the drop of a hat, after I demonstrated war-time bravery, the polar opposite of how they are, is not offering me compatible women worthy of becoming my wife.
Showing up to meet me, then leaving after not letting me know you are more than a stranger, is bizarre behavior that could be thought of as bipolar.
When did I ever say, “Play games, try to lure me into chasing you, and leave me guessing and wondering and struggling.”?
When did I tell any of you to stare like creeps?
When did I tell any of you to be hyper-emotional and garbage at communicating?

Milestone/Pivotal Moments I Felt/Knew:

  • I sensed it was time to defend my high-school relationship.
  • I sensed it was time to train to become a warrior.
  • I sensed it was time to leave the Corps when they showed me none of them are good/genuine.
  • I sensed it was time to try many jobs.
  • I sensed it was time to travel on my own.
  • I sensed it was time to return to school many times.
  • I sensed it was time to stop wasting time tolerating jobs where everyone was an idiot.
  • I sensed it was time to rebuild my website.
  • I sensed it was time to cancel the offered exodus, letting the modern one be only for the data/ideas/images/videos which came to me, the modern exodus being for the liberation of characters from their corrupt writers/creators.
  • I sensed it was time to force my way up the first pyramid/s.
  • I sensed it was time to call out to those I sought.
  • I sensed that none of them were back then ready/worthy even for me to speak to them, as they needed a taste of their own medicine, they not calling out or speaking to Me back then.
  • I sensed it was time to wrap up my website.
  • I sensed it was time to schedule cataclysms.
  • I sensed it was time to finish rewriting all laws.
  • I sensed it was time to end RP.
  • I sensed it was time to shift my focus entirely to manifesting the rest of the unlocking of my superpower/s, namely spell-crafting to further reinforce my atmokinesis and so on, and to get endless money coming to me, since those I summoned showed me they don’t yet support me in any way.

I’ve written, posted, published, networked, and consulted for years and years.
I’ve listed all my likes, dislikes, wants, needs, limits, goals.
I’ve listed what I will accept and what I won’t.
I’ve provided countless data points and specific visual examples of everything I will accept.
I don’t know how to dumb this down anymore for you.
I don’t know what else I can do to get through to you.
I have made approaching me and earning my trust as easy as having a legal cheat-sheet right on your desk next to your exam papers the whole time.

Since direct communication always failed because of how retarded and evil your kind chose to be, I switched to communicating via online likes and blocks.

The longer your evil nonsense goes on, the further and longer you will have to fix yourselves and find some way to re-earn my attention and trust.

Instead of all those losers defaulting to anger when I didn’t read their minds and parrot the cult BS they cowardly subscribed to,
everyone should default to getting angry at anyone who doesn’t do what Iii want them to.
Everyone should Also default to enJoying my sense of humor, apPreciating my help, Seeking my guidance, and accepting that only My way is the good one.

If you’d bought tons of copies of my first novel, I might have considered letting my 2nd become available outside my realm, but you did not, and everyone I met had dark souls or no soul at all, completely unworthy of any of my works, so I let only this website be seen by you.

Since you all decided only your system mattered, I decided only my system matters.
Since you refused to greet me my way, I refused to greet you yours.
Since the only woman I was willing to start a family with showed me three times in a row she is a rude fool only interested in hiding and playing games, I now only focus on causing natural disasters.

Since so many of you were apparently confused or stupid, I will again explain what happened these past several years.
I decided to write down all my ideas and share them here for the betterment of all.
I stopped bothering chatting with or dating because all the girls I started to get with were “baby crazy”, insanely irresponsible and unethical.
I stopped networking because so many only showed up to make up unrealistic reasons not to support my wise work, rather than showing up with the intent to learn and understand.
I noticed that the only two real genders/sexes were being disrespected via propaganda showing people so shamefully out of shape that you couldn’t really tell which gender they were.
I noticed many were inappropriately making and legalizing and normalizing psychopathic behavior (violence okayed in nearly all video games and shows) just like they had by brainwashing the masses to think nonveganism was normal or even healthy, so I fixed all game and show plots to be based not on violence/incompatibility (opposing sides) but sex/compatibility (people who naturally love each other).
I noticed that many words were being illogically redefined in an attempt to weaponize language into shaming normal people, so I wrote the correct definitions of words.
I noticed all my innocent trips were being sabotaged, even to the point of woefully uneducated and misinformed agents or minions hurrying over to accost me, eager to disrespect me, so I changed my original travel plans from just going to as many countries as I could… to destroying all bad beings in advance and out of my way before forcing my way to every destination without ever allowing humans to stall or charge me tolls again.
Yes, a handful of females who made sure I saw them were outwardly attractive, but their behavior and vibes were awful, and they should be ashamed of themselves.
I remain amazed at how self-defeatingly stupid so many of you were, the things you said being so completely braindead and blatant attempts against me, that I see no reason to ever interact with your kind again.
All that said, my goals remain; to share love with beautiful girls around the world (not interruptions or tests or fuckfuck games, but love, and not with those girls plus other people I didn’t ask to meet, just those girls),
to lead my own community,
to start my family with Ambi in the cabin I chose,
Only when you donate and show up to help me achieve those goals will I chat with you. This is part of holding the vision, being consistent, and respecting you and myself by not wasting your time or mine when you are not present with teamwork and solutions but conflicting intent.
Hopefully you noticed that I continued prescreening and interviews online when I did not have time in person.
Hopefully you noticed that I kept taking the time to teach and reexplain key concepts when people kept getting them wrong.
Hopefully you noticed that I still support ethical (vegan) restaurants as often as my schedule and budget allow.
For god’s sake, take these countless free tips all over this website, do what I asked for, and you guarantee yourselves mutually-agreeable interaction with me.
Show me you have manners and honor and are here to team up, not to test me.
Every time you give bad advice, or test me, or get moody, or pressure me to abandon my values and goals, I keep walking by.
The only way to succeed at approaching me is to do what I asked for.
The more problems you make, such as by putting lies in my records, the more you will have to do to re-earn my trust and time.
The more unpleasant you make contact, the more you will have to pay before I agree to further contact.
Your schools kept teaching bs, and my degrees kept not being accepted, so I stopped going to your schools. They were scams.
“Be yourself.”  Uh… I tried… for 40 years.  What do you think I am doing when I make this website?  Being myself.  Duh, dumbasses.  Pay the fuck attention.
“Seize what you want.”  How?  It either stayed cowardly hidden, or I got threatened by insecure pests when I was about to seize it, ruining the moment.  Even when I was not even thinking of seizing anything, insecure pests disrespected and threatened me, actually thinking they had any right at all to interfere with whatever they thought I wanted.

You didn’t like fairness or manners or patience or faith or selflessness, so you will now all be conquered and subjugated and ruined.

When the first question everyone asks is, “How can I make sure everything I do is what Auz will like?” then it will be apparent that you value me and care about what matters to me, then you will be tolerable as a species, and then the nature events will stop destroying what is left of your civilization.
In other words, I will only prioritize / care about all of you when all of you prioritize caring about Me.
Your focus should not have been “We will disrespect and threaten and abuse anyone who doesn’t like us doing anything at all.  We only care about so much change for the sake of change… that we cause ourselves to be nearly chaos incarnate.”
Your focus should have been “What matters to you, Auz?  What you love, we will love.  What you want us to do, we shall.”
When you make it obvious you don’t love my nature at all, and are against nature in general, capturing and killing countless things, lying chronically and blatantly, what did you think I and the other intelligent beings would do?  Of course we would shut down all your attempts at rudely communicating with us.  Of course we would start and continue ignoring your pathetic mindless attempts at dominating/ruling us.

Your focus was always on trying to shame me for not being unnatural/evil like you.
Only when your focus is on making sure I know I have your total support and protection… shall I resume interacting with any of you; only when I am with “my people” (those who are fully compatible with me).
You should have been compatible with, and eagerly/willfully subordinate to, me from the start, but I will permit you this leniency of accepting your public apology and unconditional surrender, if you have at least that much goodness in you.

The most disturbing and evil and unforgiveable thing of all… is that so many humans actually thought they were doing the right thing… by defending degeneracy… while trying to shame normalcy… without it ever occurring to them that they were refusing to even consider loving me and my normal way… while they claimed to be all about love and respect and inclusion. Sure, except for loving and respecting and including me; normalcy.
Nothing could be more of a turnoff and red-flag and nail in their coffin.
Thus I never burned out, as their always-negative mindless-NPCs/minions once put it; I simply saw that they lacked the ability to ever turn On (become enlightened/good/correct), thus I stopped wasting my time trying to share anything good/correct with their lost/failed/evil kind, except through this website.

If you are a beautiful female who does not naturally agree to all I am, and who does not submit to me in all ways, eager to introduce and prove your worth to me, and to accept all my critiques so you can better yourself, you are not fully feminine, not fully compatible with me, and not spending your time wisely if you attempt interaction with me.
Do yourself a favor by making sure you are my type before you approach me, and keep in mind that becoming pregnant is a choice, not automatic, and that it is unfeminine to make yourself pregnant before you have from your mate his permission and his specific vision for how you are to form his offspring.
Anyone who gets moody at me for any reason is a fool who lacks self-control and the ability to grasp simple concepts which should have been self-evident if not instinct, anyway.
Females who throw moodiness tantrums are attempting to dominate/change/divert me, thus are not feminine, and reveal their barbarian anti-feminine brainwashing. In other words, when they get frustrated at me, they indicate they were educated in backward/corrupt schools, thus require years of reform / re-education before they could ever hope to know what it is to be truly feminine, let alone how to please me.

When I was as professional and polite and soft-spoken as can be, you still assumed I was being rude, without any evidence, and threw shitfits, when mature sane people would have been thrilled at how calm and patient I was being, easily seeing my good manners as good manners, and sensing or having learned of the BS I endured in my past, you then happy and even eager to be kinder and more inviting to me so I would see you are good people, …but you weren’t.

One more time, for the “people” reading my site: If those 1,000 hotties who showed up had not tried to seduce me into diverting and chasing, but had introduced themselves and supported my work, every last one of them would have deserved and been granted my time. Also again, I shut down and left every single one who showed up with someone else; I asked for the goddesses, not their bodyguards.

The strict and uncompromising format of the saga introduced by this website and my first novel is to show me who is pure evil (i.e. defaults to any negative thought/assumption/reaction to any of this at all) and who is able to picture and write with me wonderful story parts within those parameters (i.e. without resorting to the incorrect and primitive and evil assumption that drama/infighting/suffering is necessary to drive a plot).

Some of you dumbasses got so frustrated with me because you illogically thought I was insanely turning down the best offerings of chicks ever, which showed me how stupid you are, how low your standards are, how you are not my people at all, and that you are moody retarded deviants, as those chicks you thought were so great… were nothing more than spoiled misbehaving deviants so incompatible with me that they didn’t even introduce themselves, didn’t curtsy, didn’t kneel, didn’t ask what I am into, didn’t vibe politely, didn’t show up when I was in the mood, didn’t show me their bodies are appropriate, didn’t show up with at least one other perfect hottie, didn’t all show up together as I said for them to, and showed up long after you had mercilessly repeatedly reminded me that your entire soCiety and Legal system are evilly deviant. As your kind kept lying, giving awful advice, condescending, snapping, underpaying, and otherwise crossing me, whatever shred or ember of interest I had in any of you was completely blown out, making it more and more difficult for even your finest to ever hope of getting any reaction from me other than cautious wariness and baffled disgust. I kept shutting down every evil attempt to mislead or dominate or undervalue me, yet that obvious honor and consistency was never understood by your primitive spies or other barbaric “people”. Sane people would have at least been fully grateful for my feedback and standard and clear communication, and ideally would not have sent any obviously incompatible freaks in the first place. If you were my people, you also never would have allowed a single person in your entire civilization to exist if not fully compatible with me, to my liking, but what matters to me never mattered to you, thus we do not have the same blood, thus you will never be my people, thus more cataclysms shall befall you.

For me to trust or tolerate any of you, there would have had to have been a grand total of zero of each of the following:

  • demands at me
  • insults at me
  • moodiness at me
  • threats at me
  • unwanted contact to me
  • peer pressure at me
  • judgment of me
  • bills for anything
  • people not compatible with me
  • attempts to dominate me
  • spying on me
  • attempts to intimidate me
  • misinterpretations of me
  • things I don’t like on TV and radio
  • vehicle issues
  • health issues
  • sleep interruptions
  • anyone claiming sovereignty or authority of any kind without me officiating them
  • anything nonvegan anywhere
  • hotties not eager to do whatever I want them to
  • border checkpoints and airport customs lines that make me show papers/passports of any kind
  • bad roommates
  • fake veteran-assistance programs
  • and on and on

and since none of those totaled zero instances, you would now have to pay me basically all the money you have, and vibe as being more loyal to me than everyone else combined, before I would risk dealing with any of you again.
You would have to, as a species, become 100% likable to me.
You would have to admit and correct all your errors and lies against me.
So until you do all that, I have fired you.
Don’t think this is fair or logical? Well, now you have that taste of your own medicine. I guess you should have thought of that before you idiotically spent decades moody at me that you couldn’t seduce me with ugly rude bait or boss me around.

To all the morons who actually thought threatening and trying to intimidate me would scare me into mindless parroting of your flawed system/s, all you did was show me you are too lazy and immoral to bother reading any of my posts/webpages, and that you are unstable dangers to others and yourselves, and that your kind deserve only the cataclysms I had foreseen and planned. You validated my conclusions and choices, the opposite of what you set out to do. Good job being retarded. Good job achieving the polar opposite of what you hoped for.

You kept “shifting the goalpost”, but I kept my goalpost for you in the same place all along; I required only health, logical loyalty to me, normal manners, and so on, yet you chose to always fail at meeting that easiest of standards.

This website of mine is based on some concepts which should have been instantly recognized and appreciated;

  • I want to steer my own life.
  • I want a healthy diet.
  • I want to write down my ideas, likes, and dislikes; to be myself.
  • I want to be with people who share my values and respect my boundaries.
  • I want to choose which relationships I am in.
  • I want to share what I have confirmed works.
  • I want to collect art and music I enjoy.
  • I want to build the community and future I know is right.
  • I want to travel and explore freely.

I tried being polite even to fools and scum who reacted insanely to all that good,
and I tried giving them tastes of their own medicine,
but I have witnessed that the only thing which works against such pure-evil beings is cataclysm, annihilation, and damnation. So be it.

Having a logical standard for scouting, recruiting/inviting, screening, interviewing, and immigration for my realm is not discrimination or racism. It is wisdom, foresight, morality, and sanity.
Anyone who is honest and intelligent will have noticed I include in my friends and dream-family Africans, Asians, Native Americans, people from India, etc.,
and that I decline subscribers of all religions, not just Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

My lifestyle is not alternative, extreme, offensive, or taboo.  It is normal.

Having sex with the ‘characters’ featured on this website is not slutty or womanizing. It is offering and accepting the therapeutic love of the entire body, and of each compatible person, which they and I deserve.
Like how acupuncture works much better than acupressure, being loving to the whole body, and one’s complete nature, and all who are compatible, works much better for starting and maintaining a culture and civilization than anything the human nations have been doing.

Since childhood, I have stated my boundaries and my likes, and received only tantrums from idiots. You should have appreciated me communicating honestly, and respected my boundaries.
You should have let me be me, but you kept trying to change/corrupt me.
You should have offered what I like, but you didn’t.
You should have introduced yourselves, but you didn’t.
You should have kneeled, but you stayed standing.
You should have showed up with others I like, but you showed up with creeps.
Your eyes should have been ‘bright’ and ‘deep’, but they were ‘dark’ and ‘shallow’ (excepting only a very small percentage, but even they all behaved as identically evilly/insanely as the rest of your failed species).
You should have loved my compliments, but you reacted all fucked up, emitting the darkest evil vibe.
You shouldn’t have harassed me a single time; you should ALWAYS have patiently waited for ME to decide when and how and if to engage with any of you.

“That’s just how girls are.” boils down to the beta boy claiming that… un-masculinely submitting to an inappropriate sexist culture that spoiled females.
It also boils down to attempting to shame or dominate me, and in a condescending and retarded way.
He should have said, to the girls, “That’s just how Auz is.”
Better still, they should have loved how I am, and I never should have had to converse with such a dumbass pussy misguider as him.

When I sat in that community center, you shouldn’t have paraded around, trying to distract and seduce me.
You shouldn’t have implied you want cash and free rides from me.
You shouldn’t have bounced ping-pong balls my way just to see what I would do.
You shouldn’t have tried to bait me into a weather-manipulation conversation.
If you hadn’t been immoral morons, you would have greeted me, asked what I am working on, invited me to hangouts, offered to contribute to my work, and so on.
Not one of you did, and I’m betting not one of you realized I was prescreening all of you as I sat there and observed how you treat polite newcomers minding their own business.
I wonder why you then had the warmest winter and shortest ski season on record. How are your businesses doing now?

Waiting for me to burn out… stems from same reason they assume entropy exists; they kill and die, then assume all must die.

“Do you just want to be alone?” was one of the dumbest questions I have ever been asked.
Why on Earth would Anyone ask or think that about me?
I participated in every school organization I had time for.
I traveled the world to meet everyone I could.
I joined every writers forum I could.
I dated as often as I could.
I attended every veteran event I was invited to.
I publicized my likes and limits to make it easier on everyone to see if we are good matches.
The only people I ever declined were blatant scammers and jerks.

You should be mad at yourselves, not me;
for cowardly parroting blatant falsehoods,
for slandering the good eras and beings,
for intentionally misinterpreting and exaggerating everything,
for taking countless innocent lives,
for wasting your own time,
for ruining easy opportunities with great men,
for judging innocent people,
for mocking polite people,
for trying to control people who don’t need to be controled,
for targeting and bullying so many,
for annihilating the trust once generously placed in you,
for lazily ignoring all the signs,
for being spoiled and sexist against both natural sexes,
for insulting normal people who were appreciating well-made art,
for panicking when normal people were interacting in a friendly manner,
for pretending there was evil where there absolutely was none –other than your own,
for wrecking your own bodies and bloodlines,
for wrecking the lands, seas, and skies.
You have only yourselves to be mad at. You did this to yourselves. I tried to help you the whole time.
Repent while you still can.
Make amends while you still can.
You are an un-savable failed species, but at least you can do a tiny amount of makeup work on your way out.

In case any of the above sounded contradictory,

  • I was attracted to parts of more than 1,000 females, but not to all parts of any of them, and not interested enough to fuck some of them yet, and not interested in tolerating their uniform bad behavior.  That is what I mean when I say I wasn’t interested in your women, but would have given more than 1,000 of them a yes if only they had behaved well.
  • I am not interested in meeting humans anymore, but I will consider meeting those who follow the format I spelled out here. –While I am not much in the mood for meeting hotties sent as offerings by “the establishment” until said “establishment” fully refunds all my $ and credit with (including paying me) interest and fees and compensation, I am always still interested in meeting the incarnations of the goddesses I wrote of and called to… provided they be respectful to me when they meet me, not silent or playing games or waiting for me to read their minds.
  • I am still traveling, and will end up seeing all places I years ago planned to, but I indefinitely canceled/postponed the parts of those planned trips which were through normal human routes.
  • I like the idea of having a secret government, as the masses are clearly so stupid and evil that they desperately need such, but I am disgusted at the idiocy and cowardice and meddlesomeness of the agents/minions of it I have had the displeasure of encountering so far, none of them having done their jobs well, none having taken the time to correctly get to know me, none of them having been anything but “snakes in the grass”, none of them worthy of their jobs.
  • “not you +1” but “at least 1 other hottie at the same time” means “Never show up with someone I did not ask for, and always show up with at least one other sexy female I asked for.”  Technically, that means “you +1 or more”, but still; you get what I was saying, I’m sure.  I hope you do, anyway.

Alright… I hope I finally make sense to you. If not, after all this help, you are fucking retarded.

Oh, and I noticed the start of those “nature” events I mentioned earlier.  At least that is something good.  Atlantis-cataclysm, round two, here we go.  Serves you all right.


To paradise and beyond.

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