On Mars there is a region where photographs and other data has revealed very unnatural landforms, such as canals, pyramids, trenches, and even a giant upward-pointing humanoid face appearing to be bordered by the opening of a knight armor or astronaut helmet.  The religiously-brainwashed authorities and puppets installed in U.S. Space organizations, of course, felt they had to assume it was nothing; just an optical illusion, and both disregarded and hid or destroyed any and all evidence to the contrary.  Everyone else around the world, however, took notice of both the obvious details and the cover-up attempting to keep the false religions lingering on.

There is, in fact, life, and vast evidence of it, scattered across the Cosmos; it is in the terrain and ruins, the cores of worlds, and even upon the stars.  It is out in the asteroid belts of many solar systems, and in the Interstellar Mediums between them.  It includes recent examples, as well as countless ancient ones.  Life is everywhere.  Cydonia is just the latest of many discovered examples of this fact.

In the 1970s, the first images publicly released of the spot on Mars where the giant face ruin is were released.  Decades later, more images of this special and curious place reached the public eye, and they showed clear evidence of accelerated erosion only made possible by heavy bombing.  The most recent photos suggested even evidence of an earth-moving operation to finish smearing away any recognizable facial features from the entire surface of the construct.

How can this be?  Why is it so?  A major effort has been in place to find, confiscate, remove, erase, destroy, cover up, and lie about any evidence suggesting that any intelligent life other than modern humans exists or ever existed.  The current authorities in charge of humanity on Earth are determined to have humans thinking that 1) they are the only ones anywhere in Creation, 2) Creation isn’t old enough to have had other intelligent people develop, and 3) they can go out anywhere on Earth or beyond and do whatever they want, building anywhere, not having to worry about finding or having to negotiate for resources with anyone else out there.  This is very convenient for an expansion-at-all-costs mentality preached and enforced-by-law, taught in all MBA degree programs at every major university, that would otherwise be heavily thwarted by ethics/morals; no one wants another Native American holocaust on their hands, and that’s exactly what you’d get if there was any evidence of life or invaluable archaeological sites all over the place wherever we happened to look or go.  It’s just better publicity and press to say we are the first, we didn’t upset anyone, and we’re free to do whatever.

Also in the 1970s, an off-shoot of NASA was developing what was called jump-gate technology; portals like those featured in the Stargate movie and series were reverse engineered, tested, and finally used on a regular basis.  One of them became a functional Space-bending doorway to the Pine Gap facility in Australia, and another to the surface of Mars –where a facility of its own was built.  Witnesses to their use, as well as some of the people who went through them, have come forward over the past decade to tell their story.  Andrew Basiago is one of them, and I encourage you to look up his information and videos.

At first, the jump-gate program was just to see if the technology in theory could actually work.  It was also thought to be just a more efficient way to travel without pollution or jet-lag.  Naturally, the military-industrial complex at the time put it to additional uses, keeping the R+D and products to itself.  Fast-forward years and decades, and you find predominantly religion-military joint-operations through the completed jump-gates to all sites where evidence was detected of ruins and other things which could reduce the influence and power of the latest dominant Earth religion.

Cydonia was such a place; miles and miles across a vast field and plane of all kinds of ruins, with distinct surface features exposed for all with a telescope to see and study.  It made no sense to destroy it right away; so much obvious evidence of man-made structures meant the promise of an abundant treasure there; plenty of things to reverse engineer and add to the growing collection of recovered technological artifacts the military-industrial (or religion-military) complex was using to maintain its own philosophy and momentum.  A team was sent through the Mars jump-gate to start digging and poking around.

What they found was what any sane person might suspect; Cydonia was absolutely full of wonders.  The team returned to report this, and more teams of people from Earth were sent.  It wasn’t long before a base-camp and research station were established underground there, out of sight from the growing number of people training their telescopes and other means directly there.

For decades, the people who went to Mars in this way did their work in secret, just like anyone on any secret project does.  Their findings would remain classified for decades to come, and likely still will be a century after.  One of these findings was that there is much more worth studying on Mars than just the ruins of Cydonia; Mars was still inhabited when they got there.

Just like anytime a classified military aircraft crashes, even if far behind enemy lines in another sovereign nation, a team of specialists will go in not only to retrieve the pilot(s), but also to make sure none of the wreckage can be recovered, reverse engineered by outside parties, or even noticed in the first place.  The same is done at sites with ancient ruins; they are made to look more weathered, eroded, and natural.  Sometimes they are dynamited.  Other times, more powerful explosives are used.  When all else fails, a dam is built, the whole area flooded and left underwater, making it that much more difficult to ever see or travel to, let alone examine and pull specimens from.

By the year 2001, on the modern Earth human religious calendar, the same year I was graduating from senior high school, the teams who had reached Cydonia had done all the work they needed to, and this included heavily damaging all the features of this legendary ‘Face on Mars’.  NASA had even sent a ‘Mars lander’ mission which had ‘crashed’, conveniently right over the face, in actuality detonating a nuclear warhead to blast around and away any loose rocks and sand which might make any new observers or snoopers see just what the religious authorities wanted them to; not much at all.

Is this foul play?  Does all of humanity, and any random person, deserve to see what was really there?  That depends on who you have met, how mature they are, what they do with the information, and many other factors, such as political climates and species-wide tendencies at any given time.  If you ask those in power, and those in charge of the jump-gates, during the era in which they were pioneering this technology and the research out there on the face –and Face– of Mars, they’ll tell you with certainty, ‘No.’

Perhaps it is better that such teams were able to go there and did, and that they did what was chosen for them to do back then.  Perhaps, had they not, worse religious powers would have done far worse things with the site and information, putting its technology to far more sinister ends.  Of course, perhaps some other group would have done something better, too, which you might fully agree with.  Who knows what the outcome would have been?

The usual watered-down and suspiciously-brief information about Cydonia, for starters, can be found here.  There are many other sites focusing on this area and the mystery which shrouds it.  Browse around if you want to see their differences in opinion and conclusions.

For those of us who have been involved with the military and various Space programs around the world, and who have held security clearances, and done secret and classified work in faraway places with interesting gadgets, all signs point to ‘yes’; the logic behind, and evidence for, teams going to Cydonia in-person far outweighs the alternative.  The only real conspiracy theory is that conspiracies aren’t still happening, just like they’ve always been, and that new technology isn’t always being developed and kept from our enemies and competitors, just like it always has.  We went to the Moon.  We went to Mars.  We’re still out there on both and more.  We developed technology to get there, and that technology is still so valuable and risky that it has remained secret to this day.

And what of those other intelligent beings we encountered out there and along the way?  Were they related to those who fashioned the Face on Mars and Cydonia’s many other artificial structures for miles around?  Were their giant canals there the same as those found all over our own world?  You’ll just have to make friends with some of the people who went and explored this region in person.

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