Each time I go explore somewhere, it starts off rough, and I am rarely there more than briefly.  Things don’t go anywhere near as well as I would have liked, but I learn a lot, find it easy to remember all those lessons by, and am far better able to return, having learned so much and become so strengthened.  The same is proving true of the Pacific.

The first time I reached its shores was during my entry into the military, and the training was brutal.  Almost never did I have a chance to sit and really enjoy it, and its edges were surrounded by pollution-belching cities overflowing with the most repulsive degenerates any civilized world could ever imagine.  I then flew over it to make my way into the first part of Asia I was meant to see, and back over the Pacific Ocean without really even seeing it out the windows of the plane.

What happened when I went to it the second time?  I flew to Hawaii on my own, no less!  It was a night-and-day difference compared to the experiences of before, and I was free, all on my own, to set my own pace and schedule, doing whatever I want.  I got to fly over one of its most beautiful and storied islands –in a helicopter with no doors on.  There were no bonding conversations with the people I met while there, but at least there were no bad ones, like those that happened on nearly all other expeditions before; a dramatic improvement!  Having skirted and passed the Pacific entirely during all outings in Phase 1, I was now penetrating deep into its heart and most sacred islands at the onset of Phase 2.

Phase 3 has already started to form… if not itself begin; more and more good and perfect things have occurred and lined up for me and my team.  Goddess-level beauties have been showing up, orbiting me, waiting for and on me, and promising to return, some even sitting beside me and helping me with Inisfree, my life’s work.  Having already dared to fly through the skies to set foot on their remote paradises thousands of miles from the mainlands, establishing initial contact, and letting them feel my vibes, I know that the upcoming trips and passes will be much longer, deeper, and thorough, with those paradises and sacred sites not only being learned of and briefly reached, but lived and worked in for months and, eventually, much longer.  They and those paradises will become permanently beautifully linked with me and my own.

The first time I went to Canada, it sucked, the company sucked, and I was only there for a day, perhaps just a matter of hours, really.  The second time?  I spent nearly two months exploring it all on my own, no one interfering or hurrying me along, the vehicle much better than the one from the previous trip to this country, and I even discovered some incredible things out in the wild.  I went from pressure and speed… to almost no pressure at all, and a thousand times more schedule flexibility –with almost the total freedom to stay.  When I go back, I’ll meet the people there who I’ve been dreaming of, and will get to stay every time they invite me there.  You’ll see.

This will become true of Hawaii and the rest of the realms spread out across the Pacific; when I return to them, both their finest and I will have fully adjusted to each other, and will reunite like even I can hardly believe.  Instead of going briefly, or not at all, I’ll get invited to stay for very long periods of time, surely living in the same magical homes as those from this great realm who I, too, have been dreaming so often of and fondly about.  Bora Bora, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Tahiti will be part of this much longer and more thorough return, along with all their great representatives whom I have selected, and the possibilities for ruins investigations in Australia, Easter Island, New Zealand, and maybe even R’lyeh.  I can hardly wait, and I’ll let you know.

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