Millennia ago, the Universe and its many neighboring realms (yes, there are things beyond our known Universe, collectively called the Megaverse) began to separate, natural borders between them appearing and becoming more distinct.  Contact with, and knowledge of, those other realms was eventually lost, similarly to how it is when people spread out as families and tribes and then nations, colonizing other realms before becoming independent and further spreading out, themselves.  This trend continued for many eras as the galaxies, solar systems, worlds, and moons we still know of today spread out so much that our awareness and perception of them was lost; ‘as above, so below’.  Everything became distant and remote enough to be truly isolated, all but gone and forgotten.

gold·en age
/ˈɡōldən āj/
noun: golden age; plural noun: golden ages
  1. an idyllic, often imaginary past time of peace, prosperity, and happiness.
    • the period when a specified art, skill, or activity is at its peak.
      “the golden age of cinema”
mid 16th century: the Greek and Roman poets’ name for the first period of history, when the human race lived in an ideal state.

It is said by some ancient texts that there have been many Golden Ages, and that there is a greater year or cycle of things (a Yuga), in which the quality of life goes from perfect (in a Golden time-period) down through stages of being great (during a Silver one)… to just good (during a Bronze one)… to fair (during an Iron one)… to poor (during a Dark Age –with these worst periods lasting for the shortest amount of time, thankfully, though that can still mean centuries).  Some say this cycle loops indefinitely, while others say that it dips down into the bad, then slowly rises backward (back up) through the same stages.  Some also say there are exception-civilizations, or pocket-civilizations, which stay outside this loop by maintaining certain standards, and by distancing themselves from those unaware of what triggers each of those different ages.  Shambhala is the first that comes to mind.

Since the end of 2011, we have entered into a special time, and one which calendars such as those of the Mayans accurately predicted.  What makes these years beyond the shift of 2012 so noteworthy and special, though?  If you take a look at this video, you’ll start to understand; so much more good is possible and happening now.

The Megaverse has been re-linked, the prophesied awareness and reunions between long-lost fellows from all the realms abounding, and the Webway (a network of gravity rivers and other such systems connecting worlds and solar systems similarly to how a subway out-of-sight connects distant parts of a city or cities) rekindled to restore the Worlds Tree.  Evidence of this is everywhere, and many people will confirm for you their ongoing contact with the wonderful people from faraway, as well as the steady and increasing improvements in their lives and homelands.  We see it in the open, via means such as the Internet, making free and instant communications and trade between individuals and nations all around the world possible for billions of people.  We have seen it in many other ways, too.

And what is a Worlds Tree, by the way, you might ask.  Otherwise known as Yggdrasil, it was the visible, physical, living link that once connected the original distinct realms of Creation.  Its ‘shadow’ remains as the pathways across Space through which it is far less energy-demanding to travel.  As the healthy lifeforms and forests on our world and those beyond continue to spring back up and regrow, so too do all the parts which will once again make the Worlds Tree whole; they will, naturally, be following that path-of-least-resistance set of routes back out across the gaps to the other worlds they once held together.  More on this later.

There may have been different rates at which different parts of the world –and different worlds– went through and experienced their cycle of the ages; some may have had more ages than others, such as due to having shorter ones, for example.  Also, planets may have gone through more or fewer ages than their solar systems, galaxies, or the Universe as a whole did.  We aren’t quite sure yet, but here on Earth, at least, we can see indications of this in the repeating rises and falls of economies and individual moods; they all overlap, influence each other, and ultimately happen at different rates and times.

What makes this the final Golden Age, though?  It may not be for all places across Creation, but it certainly is shaping up to be for us and ours here on Earth; the good beings on this world have been regaining a ton of their knowledge and power, while those who misused them are not.  This possibility is our conclusion due to the advent of Inisfree; a growing collection of all things truly perfect, across a thousand industries and fields, has been envisioned, designed, and prepared for actual construction.  One of Inisfree’s main functions is to reconnect and re-bond with the best people from all realms, after all, and hundreds of them have already made their presences, and awareness of this work, known.  They have come with good vibes far better and more reassuring than those of all who came before them, combined.  And while everything else has come and gone, proving temporary along the way, this work toward a perfect city to kick off the longest-lasting Golden Age of all… has remained, gaining a momentum and gravity of its own.  It is a certain and final as can be for us, and that is just the way we want it –which also makes it final.

This won’t just be for certain people with good vibes on the Earth, though; Inisfree is designed to positively influence, impact, and assist far more.  That is another reason we are seeing this as the coming-in of the greatest Golden Age of them all.  Imagine a whole Megaverse with beauty, brilliance, and compatible togetherness restored, and a perfectly-balanced and built community in the most pristine spot on Earth serving as that long-awaited restoration’s nexus and stability source.  That is what Inisfree has shaped up to become.

What makes a Golden Age so idyllic?  Different people will give you different answers; different bodies and mindsets want and benefit from different things.  In order for it to be idyllic for everyone, everyone would have to be fully pleased, reaching their full potential, and so on.  When there are diametrically opposed individuals, civilizations, and forces present in any given environment or other creation, this can only be possible with a very special type of shared awareness, respect, and partial compartmentalization, and that is what we now see here across all of time and Space with the newly-stabilized separation of all the many added worlds and other realms.  In other words, things aren’t going to go back to the way they were in the very beginning, but that is part of what makes this Golden Age the best, final, and eternally-lasting one; all the ‘bugs’ in the grand system have at last been worked out, and so many minds are becoming conscious of this fact.

For us in Inisfree, the Inisfreean Way is what makes or breaks an age as ‘golden’ (and you can find more out about that on our Culture webpage).  In short, it means we finally get to live how we’ve always wanted, and without troubling anyone who prefers to be around those living a different way.  It means no more conflicts or wars for us and those we love, while others beyond our network and reach get to have those sorts of things if they still want.  This final Golden Age brings with it that special duality.

Another great thing about it is that it isn’t universal; it isn’t going to be the same everywhere anymore, so if you are one of the people who wants to keep doing things the way they were done before, you can.  In the first and later Golden Ages, everything was a paradise, and there was a certain oneness and uniformity that some branched away from.  It was difficult to find anything bad anywhere, and for some that can become a bore.  Want to experience the troubling times, on and off again, or forevermore?  Well, now you can, all the while with Inisfree remaining as one of the Shambhala-like cities you can turn to for rest, retreat, and restoration.

The Mayans were some of those who maintained the knowledge and records of such things; of the times between the changes of these long ages, what was sure to follow each, and what to look for to mark the intervals along the millennia-long way.  They knew their place in this greater scheme of things, as well as how to help every individual discover their nature and purpose, and that is part of why they lasted as long as they did, with far fewer technologies and comforts than we have today, and why they quieted down and all but disappeared as the better age their empire existed in transitioned into the very bumpy (though now passing) modern one we have all had to deal with.  In short, their calendar, and the temples which represented it, detailed how the original Golden Age lasted for the longest period of prehistoric times, and how each successive age fit into the tail-end section of the age that led to its creation.  Once we got to 2012, that entire timeline and process had ended, looping back over on itself, so to speak, creating not just the next cycle of this type of ages, but a permanent Golden Age to outshine them all.

Will this new time period be the final Golden Age for you?  I suppose only you can know that.  If it is, maybe your path will become aligned –and delightfully entwined like the healthy branches of the restoring Worlds Tree– with ours.  See you in Inisfree, then.  Namaste.

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