Why is everything from ancient times always assumed to be, and labeled as, a temple or a tomb?  Even Stonehenge was assumed to be just a circle of big rocks to serve as a farming calendar based on the movement of the stars throughout the seasons, only occasionally being used as an open-air temple of sorts, with tombs supposedly nearby around it.  I find it very difficult to believe that megalithic wonders we still don’t know how to build, operate, or even enter in many cases, were all just piles of heavy things that really primitive people had slaves move and stack so they could hang out there and sacrifice things to their imaginary deity friends, and so they had a neat place to be put when they died.

Many of the blocks used to make these ancient structures we’ve found around the world are hundreds or even thousands of tons a piece, such as at Baalbek in Lebanon, or Gornaya Shoriya in Russia.  None of our biggest cranes, dump-trucks, or ships can even start to move them.  The hallways and doors of these places are big enough for small buildings to walk through; they clearly aren’t made on the scale of normal modern people who, on average, stand barely 5’9″, 7′ at most in the rarest of cases.  Complex math is represented in the designs of these places, too, and we still haven’t figured out, or even discovered, all of it; so much about each ancient site is still being puzzled over and theorized about.

Was the assumption that all those gigantic creations somehow got made by stone-wielding ape-like cavemen extreme condescension, or was it one of many attempts to prevent looters, trying to convince people that all that was there were just meaningless boulders and sand?  Were the reports of graves, mummies, and curses just to scare off the same?  Maybe both were among the reasons?  I think there was a little more going on behind the mental scenes, too.

All current evidence points to the likelihood that none of the ancient and megalithic sites, the pyramids and bunker-like ‘tombs’ included, had anything to do with temples, worship, or the dead at all; none of them were (at least originally) temples or tombs.  In the beginning, when they were first made and used, they had entirely more sophisticated purposes; they harvested and generated power, served as beacons and communications relays, amplified various things, stabilized others, and may have even terraformed regions… if not the whole world.  Some may have even been able to create water, not just make use of it.  We may never fully know what else; so much was covered up and lost, scrubbed from the textbooks and Internet, only the falsified ‘evidence’ of ‘temples’ and ‘tombs’ remaining.

Projects to make things look like temples and tombs have also occurred.  Some people really don’t like the fact that there are people other than them who know how to work technical wonders.  Some get really angry at even hearing theories about the world being older than several thousand years, let alone previously (or still) populated by civilizations not their own, not to mention intelligent people who don’t look or think like them.  Those kinds of insecure people, whenever they have the resources, have often tended to hurry out to interfere with individuals and ancient sites, derailing and demonizing them as much as possible, leaving only wreckage and rubble in their wakes, ending careers and stealing priceless artifacts –even skeletal remains and other bodies.  Concerted efforts by very skilled teams have been part of this odd, childish, and unfortunate trend; paid-off scientists, with demolitions crews and other specialists, have defaced, blown up, bulldozed, and completely flooded or buried many sites, never to be seen or studied again.  Greco-Roman temples, cathedrals, churches, mosques, and other more-recent places-of-worship have almost always been built right on top of much older and better-made sites the moment all of value in them was forcibly removed.  The local populations are then threatened, attacked, and wiped out if they don’t go there to worship in the new way, never again practicing or even mentioning that which was there before, their children never even suspecting such things took place or existed.  Why such violence and lying, though?

The violence and lying between the modern religions and other powers is suspect, too; I don’t believe they are really at war with each other, at least not at the top of their chains of command.  I don’t believe each wants to have the tallest church steeple or mosque minaret in every town they both have a presence in; I think that senseless competition between their lower ranks and congregations pales in comparison to the secret competition between them and the more ancient peoples and structures.  In other words, they are using the modern fighting between religions and denominations, and the ongoing efforts to have or surpass the tallest religious buildings in each contested town, to distract everyone from the fact that they are really just encouraging each other in a race to see who can literally destroy, bury, and build concealing things on top of all the much more interesting ancient sites.  That is the only real holy war, crusade, or jihad; the war against the ancients, their global network of constructs, and all their endless knowledge.

How many actual temples and tombs, if we removed them, or at least scanned through them in some way, would reveal much older, much bigger, much better-built, much more sophisticated structures?  All of them?  Is every single burial place on Earth, such as the cemeteries, shrines, and ‘holy ground’, …all just a literal physical cover-up?  Was all that negativity piled on top of the things that actually worked… in hopes of drowning out their brilliance and good… with all our bad?  Are we told to show the utmost respect for those sites full of the failures and bodies of the dead… only so we will never find out about the perfect things that lie right beneath them?  (One of the planned campaigns for the forces of Inisfree, I might add, happens to be to do precisely this; all modern human structures, including all the streets and highways, will be removed to, in part, see what lies beneath.  Maybe that will free up enough of the buried energy to reactivate and repair all of those ancient things.  We’ll see.)

The only true temples and tombs I have ever found evidence of are very recent ones, made no more than a few centuries ago, and often even more recently than that.  Everything else I’ve seen out there, during all my travels, and through the detailed reports of many other explorers and researchers, has led me to conclude that all else is more ancient than any current authorities admit, and was built during a time when there simply was no religion or death; there never was a reason to believe in gods, or deal with the bodies of aging or dying, …until our current age.  Before us, everyone was those gods and goddesses, and saw no reason to die; most hadn’t even thought of stuff like it, for why would they?  It never needed to occur.

We are brainwashed to see things through a certain filter or lens; we are told that everything old-looking is ancient, but not that ancient (only thousands of years at most, never millions like it is so reliably carbon-dated and otherwise-proven to be), and that it was always to worship, just like we do today, and that everyone eventually died and got stuffed in those things back then, just like everyone, we are told, dies and gets stuffed somewhere today.  Nothing different, nothing new; no different mindsets or customs or breakthroughs to know about, let alone to consider adopting.  This thinking and brainwashing keeps us from looking more closely and seriously into our species’ impressive past, cutting us off from pure genius… and the true heroism and lengthy list of accomplishments of our ancestors.  ‘Everything ancient is just a temple or a tomb.’  “Nothing to see here! (and this, just for fun)

But really… nothing from truly ancient times was made for worship or burial.  All the records, legends, and mythologies speak of civilizations full of people who all lived forever, rarely if ever aging unless they just wanted to, and creating amazing buildings, cities, and flying ships just because they were beautiful and could.  Everything and everyone was good back then, and did only good things.  People only died a handful of times, and usually just over a misunderstanding, the deaths still being temporary, as told in successive epics and other stories.

People –especially when in highly-educated positions of authority– classifying everything we find out there in the world as nothing more than a temple or a tomb, can be reasonably said to have a real psychosis.  They are mentally ill, or at least put under extreme legal, vocational, and social pressure to accept the mental illnesses of others.  And all the people that take what they say and report at face value, on blind faith, without doing any real research or site inspections of their own, have this psychosis, too.

noun: psychosis; plural noun: psychoses
  1. a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.

The reality is obvious for anyone who has traveled, like I have, out to many of these ancient sites; the people who made them were bigger, stronger, smarter, much better looking, and much longer-lived than us.  Their creations were more beautiful and precise than anything we know how to make, because that’s what they always focused on, so that’s what always occurred (instead of doubt, weakness, and chaos, like we are trained to default to today).  They weren’t wiped out by using up all their resources, or by nuclear war with each other, or anything else.  A lot of them simply transcended this plane, stepping out of time and Space as we know it (or assume of them).  Some went underground.  Some left the Earth.  They had the technical know-how, industry, assistance, and guts.  Their rock-cut complexes stretching across cliffs and cave networks were eroded to the point of collapsing in places not due to primitive construction methods, but by the passage of extreme amounts of time; millions and billions of years, not thousands like we are told.  Many were also dynamited or nuked –by us (our psychotic leaders and their corrupt teams, that is).  The only calamity that befell and erased these ancient peoples and their otherworldly civilizations was us; modern mankind surged upon them like a plague and tidal wave, intentionally destroying them, and in that process likely permanently offending and scaring off any of the still-living members of those races and communities which might before have happily shared all their cleverness and technology with us.

As for the remains of the bodies found at the ancient sites now said to be just temples or tombs, the ones bigger than our average bodies were removed (with countless reports and complaints of this still easy to find), and bodies the size of ours were mummified and put in their place; the authorities had to make these sites look like only our ‘primitive’ direct-ancestors made and used them, and only for purposes that we are used to living with and hearing about today.  Would any of those more advanced or larger ancients have woken up and worked against us if their bodies had not been found and destroyed or locked up?  Possibly.  Surely.  I’d like to hope so, anyway.  –But would it have been evil, or a severe threat, if they had?  I don’t think so; I think those long-lived ancients would have used their knowledge of gemstones and other things we hear so little about today… in order to help free us from the psychotic gangs masquerading as our rightful authorities.  I think they would have helped a great deal –as much as their ancient structures are precise and titanic.  Maybe they would have, upon reawakening, reactivated the pyramids and the rest of their structures, picking up and making quick and skillful use of the gemstone-laden artifacts we stole from their ancient structures and locked away in vaults and museums on the other sides of the world.  Did our leaders do that to stop that very outcome?

I continue to travel, explore, and study in hopes of finding out the rest of this story coming into clearer shape in the minds of those who are beyond the ‘temple or tomb’ psychosis.  I hope to find and restore friendly interaction with any of the people and communities responsible for the ancient creations.  I no longer look at anything as just a temple or tomb, even when modern people are still buried or honored with a statue there.  Memorials, monuments, you name it; I look beyond their striking facades and cover stories… until I find the truth beneath.

If you’d like to join me in any of this, my expeditions and other plans are posted throughout this website.  Two of my most recent site finds were in California and Canada, where I found more megalithic ruins that showed signs of severe intentional damage long after they’d been put together.  The next sites I travel to may be in Alaska and Antarctica, and I’ve found numerous reports that the ruins there are finally being studied as advanced cities, thankfully not complexes of temples or tombs.

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