I am happy to announce that the rebuilding of my online presence is complete; the previous website we bid farewell to a year ago has been fully replaced, this new one you are reading from today now fully structured and filled with all you will ever need to know about me, my team, and Inisfree.  This process took months at a time, on and off, for this whole past year, as well as some of the year before, and has proven worth it.  All told, this new site is more than twice as big as the last one, and far better organized, presented, and maintained.

The previous site didn’t have nearly as many ways to contact me.  You’ll find links to all my previous online presences here, as well as a variety of ways to chat and plan with me.  You can even navigate from here to my personal and professional Facebook pages if you like.

Inisfree was also an intentionally-hidden idea on the previous website; it was essentially buried within a series of obscure hyper-links which only a handful of people ever spotted and tried.  Now?  Inisfree is front-and-center; the entire city is available for you to learn about right from our home-page menu-bar tabs.

Nothing was for sale on my previous website, either, and the donations button wasn’t connected to an active income system.  As of this past New Year’s, all that has been resolved.  Donations are now being received through a variety of channels, and have already made another several expeditions and other projects possible.

The disclaimer used to be a few paragraphs smashed rather haphazardly into the first page at that other site.  Now, it has its own devoted webpage.  It also includes many sections, paragraphs, and sub-paragraphs, with links to external sites for further information.

More sub-timelines and character dossier webpages have been added, too.  The corporations featured in my series of novels has been consolidated and expanded upon on its webpage.  There is also a new wealth of information presented about the different fleets and other organizations present across Space.

Excerpts from some of my earlier novels used to have their own webpages, but all of the summaries, chapter titles, and cover art for the whole series was messily kept on the same page.  Here, each novel has its own devoted webpage, and how those books, and the series as a whole, relate to my work in the sustainability field, is much more clearly explained.  More will be made known regarding this in the years ahead.

This rebuilt website will continue to see new content added for many years ahead.  While it won’t expand anymore than its current structure, its size (in terms of storage space) and quality will indefinitely grow.  Many of its webpages will see return visits and revisions, as well.

At some time in the fairly-near future, another website may be set into motion; years ago, I had the vision for a special way of presenting the links to other webpages in a form other than the traditional and typical drop-down menu-bars, tabs, and in-text hyper-links.  This third and final website may be reserved for access and navigation only when within the actual construct of Inisfree, so if you do not hear about it any further, that may very well be why.

That’s all for now here.  Enjoy what you find on this streamlined new site of mine.  I’m sure it will open a few minds and eyes, raise a few eyebrows, and stir up your adventurous side.

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