Life as a targeted individual in the fallen U.S.A. …is not fun.  You feel powerless and disrespected.  You feel like Anne Frank.

I waited a decade to post this, having had to run from corrupt lawmen.  It never felt safe to post it before, and I always had so much else going on; there just wasn’t any time.

This is about what was done to me in 2011, and everything before; the police corruption that kept my life experiences back then soured, meddled with, and often fully derailed.  I was harassed by police in several places, no matter how well I obeyed all their laws, showing respect to them, answering all their questions.  I had to be shown in this way, I suppose, (through experiencing their increasing corruption and abuse of power) just how flawed and shameful their whole system and thinking are –and were– from the start.

It all started with the weekly calls to the local police during middle school; my alleged mother defaulted to contacting them for any and every reason, making up wild stories based on nothing, and then having them show up at my door, ready to beat or jail me, before they realized I was a good kid, heavily abused, afraid of them, and just trying to go somewhere quiet so I could do my homework and be with my friends.  No matter how many times she called them, ‘crying wolf’ until they were sick of it and her, they had to keep coming, as that was how their organization worked.  I think I saw them more than anyone else I knew, save, perhaps, for my teachers at school.

“Are you mad at the world?” one of the darkest-vibed motherfuckers of their ranks had once condescendingly said to me, not caring at all about my side of the story, having pre-concluded, before ever even arriving to meet me, that I was bad, all because of my age.  I was clearly no threat, and my frustration was more than justified, yet he still took the time to intimidate and talk down to me, downplaying my situation to the highest degree.  I will always remember what a cunt that had revealed him to be, yet how proudly he behaved that way, and how crisp his black Nazi uniform was; all his kind cared about were looks… and ruining moods.  They never once did their jobs correctly, existing instead… only in perfect compliance with their intentionally-loopholed law/s.  They showed up to fill quotas, and to ‘show face’, and that was all.

Calling the police for nothing is a crime, and it should be; it wastes their time, and pulls them away from real matters that deserve and need their attention.  Calling them almost every week for my entire childhood should have been punishable with prison-time and a felony-conviction.  It wasn’t, though, and that leads me to believe they didn’t mind; they were happy to be misused by a loser fabricating the most damning of delusions and lies.

Then there was high school; following me, waiting for me at places, harassing my friends and their families, lying to and about me, pressuring me to sign unconstitutional and non-binding documents, screaming in my ears, threatening to spy on me, threatening me with life in prison for crimes I didn’t commit, and for things which are both 1) not crimes, and 2) sacred?  That is what the cops I met during high school did.  They didn’t care what they were advertised as, or what the Constitution and state laws allowed of them; all they cared about was threatening, scaring, and scamming people, as psychotically as a berserker or enraged ape rampaging through the jungle.

Senior-high; the overkill that one night at the back door of my school building was insane.  Picture more than a dozen cop cars and suburbans showing up.  They even had bomb-sniffing dogs and detectives.  I was thrown in a cage, an overgrown redneck in another black Nazi uniform getting homosexually close to my face to interrogate me.  My crime?  I’d walked in an unlocked and open door, to a lit room, on my own campus, to the classroom I’d spent years helping manage, and I’d walked back out that same door, then to my car, not having picked any locks, or broken anything, or harmed anyone.  I’d literally walked into school, with no intention of doing anything wrong, and walked back out.  One of the fools they employ as police officers had seen me, drawn his gun on me, and called for backup.  I was in a jail cell within the hour, and kept there overnight.  I was handcuffed to a chain with half a dozen other prisoners they’d taken (likely all for victimless crimes –or not even having committed crimes at all), all of us put in orange jumpsuits and given the worst and tiniest TV dinner possible.  I was a child.

MPs (that’s Military Police) crossing the line in the military came not long after; I’d enlisted after a year of college and officer training, and found that cops in the service were just as corrupt, retarded, and merciless as anywhere else.  Have you ever gotten pulled over and cited for having one of your hands in one of your pockets?  How about for making a phone call?  I could give you a hundred more examples of victimless ‘crimes’ those asshole MPs stayed on patrol for, harassing people about who had once been proud patriots, happy to volunteer and serve.  Everyone I know… got out; none of us reenlisted after this crap.

Tailgating me when I was on my way to work at the gym, another corrupt cop in a black Nazi uniform made his presence known.  I was going the speed limit, staying in my line, making my way to another shitty low-paying job.  I didn’t have any money to spare; I could barely afford the gas to get to work.  I was charged for the crime that the officer had committed; driving recklessly, and extorted at gunpoint for hundreds of dollars –which was an entire paycheck for me at this time.

A dark hand reached down in my window in Lima, Peru; two cops there had helped me find my way back to my hotel, none of their streets having been marked with street signs I could have used to find my own way, like in a civilized part of the world, and the senior-ranking one of them was now demanding payment for his ‘services’.  He shook his hand, communicating to me that I had to give him some money so he wouldn’t throw me in Peruvian jail.  My crime?  I was White, and trying to find my way home.  This was after he tried to give me a ticket, claiming that I was ‘swerving’.  Thank the gods I had the sense and courage to refuse to sign.

MPs losing control of their emotions also happened on that aircraft carrier I later found myself on, even though I was alerting them to a crime that had almost cost several of them their careers.  They lost their minds again at the shipyard I had to return to, even though some of them had asked me to go there to submit more evidence.  There really was –and is– no winning with these guys.

The reprisal in Point Loma was one of their worst offenses and examples of total corruption; one showed up at my door, pressuring me to let him in without a warrant, all based on hearsay that I had weapons.  Never mind the fact that I have a good record, and volunteered to serve my country, got honorably discharged from the service, and never broke the law, and that a creature far beneath me in every way had claimed without provocation or evidence that I had the means to defend myself.  Yeah, never mind any of that.  Big-man cop-fag had his latest excuse to spend taxpayer dollars to drive a big SUV across town to go show how shiny his Nazi uniform was, a sadistic gleam in his soul-black eyes, ready to rip my place apart the moment (if ever) I let him in.  Again, I politely explained that was not going to happen, and closed the door, wondering if he would just kick it in, further abusing his power, just like all the rest of his kind before.

Another cop used his squad-car’s loud-speaker when I was trying to drive my damaged vehicle home on the only highway route possible.  My Jeep was wobbling again, since none of the mechanics I’d taken it to had, no matter how much money I’d managed to give them, fixed the damn thing.  It was my only vehicle, and I had a long way to go.  I had to get back home.  It was late.  I was tired.  I was driving as safely as possible, as fast as I could in that wobbly old thing, all the way over on the shoulder of the highway, not in anyone’s way.  The cop still felt it necessary to yell at me to get off the road.  And go where exactly?  You want me to drive over the concrete dividers and through someone’s house?  Fuck off, pig.  Go get in a car crash, you heartless, brainless, piece of shit.  Jesus christ (lowercase “c” on purpose).

Surrounding me when I was out for evening walks was their next move; more overkill and gang-stalking, the typical and sure signs of the insecure losers doing their best to be legalized bullies and thieves.  At night, after doing all my homework, I would go for walks on the sidewalk outside my house.  When a cop spotted me, he called for FOUR OTHER POLICE VEHICLES.  He held me there at gunpoint until all of them arrived.  They formed a circle around me on the sidewalk, all with their flashlights on me, all with their other hands on their guns.  I gave them my ID, wondering what the hell was going on, and unable to stop the panic attack rising up in my chest, remembering all the times I’d been surrounded and mistreated by their kind before.  Their excuse (and lie)?  They claimed someone had been throwing rocks nearby… and that somehow gave them the right to stop me from going on a walk, on a lit street, near my house, in normal clothes, with no rocks in my hand, and no witnesses coming forward to identify me as the rock-thrower they had just made up.  I never went on walks in that town again.

Extorting me for ‘speeding’ to work in Utah that one night happened not long after.  I’d relocated to Utah, had a hell of a shitty experience trying to help another veteran there, and had resorted to another minimum-wage job, this time in a smelly factory, to survive while figuring out my next move.  As with the gym job (and most jobs I’ve had), it barely paid me enough to afford to keep going there, and I was sleeping on the floor in a rented room –not even a rented apartment.  The cop acted like he was doing me a favor by “only” charging me $150, making a point to tell me he was going to say on the ticket I was going 5 MPH slower than what he’d clocked me at.  I was going about 45-50 MPH… on an empty street… with full visibility… in a zone I explained I saw a 50-MPH speed-limit sign for.  He didn’t care.  I got fined –and slapped with one more fake-charge on my once-perfect record.  Thanks, shit-head.  Enjoy that karma tidal wave coming your way.  I can’t wait to hear about it.  …I went hungry that week, thanks to him.

Getting so angry at me in the London airport, the Customs & Immigration fool there (in yet another black Nazi uniform, of course) was shaking and turning red at me –all because he wanted to know all the private details of my innocent trip, none of which concerned him.  He was a control-freak and THEN some.  He didn’t just want to see my passport; he wanted to see documentation of exactly which hotels I’d booked, what my whole itinerary was, and on and on; personal and private contact details that he had no right to ask for.  What a creepy sicko.  I eventually found all those things buried in one of my pieces of luggage, and he accepted them, but it held up a line of HUNDREDS of other people for a LONG TIME, and I had to repack my ENTIRE BAG because of it.  Thanks, freak.  Hurry up and die.  Fucking bridge-troll.

And then, as you all might guess, would come the next global lockdown, illegal fines, violations of all sacred and guaranteed human rights, etc. …but humanity had it coming; 1) they never stood up against this, 2) this is karmic payback for how they treated the other animals and foreigners, and 3) justice was never done, to repay me for all the offenses and crimes committed against me, so those wrongs and hardships were instead amplified and shared with everyone indiscriminately.  I was left on my own throughout all that police corruption and brutality, so now everyone else will be, too.  In the words of one of their kind who left me in a distant town with my vehicle which had broken down, “Have fun with that.”

Police corruption has only gotten worse and more obvious over the years.  It has worsened (during) my whole life.  It isn’t going to get any better until the people unify to put an end to it.  Police have harassed me almost every time I’ve been around them, and left me nervous and avoiding even the sight of them every time elseWhen will their tyrannical reign end?

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