Our eyes change colors and see everything, even scent trails, feelings, and thoughts.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Involuntary Color Changes
  3. No Need for Cosmetics
  4. Based on Superman’s Eyes
  5. Also Based on the Yautja Mask
  6. Special Features
  7. 2020/+ Updates
  8. Examples of Concepts (Images Begin)
  9. GIF



Inisfreean eyes (their irises, to be specific) are sometimes likened to ‘little auroras’ due to how easily, often, and sexily subtly they change colors and color combinations.  It is common for them to set their irises to match their hair and outfit colors, and for this reason these girls never use contact lenses.  Their eyes are also always perfectly proportional and oriented to the rest of their faces, always being in the exactly intended and sexiest places relative to all the other features of their head, and always having that ‘deep and bright’ look that only the most intelligent and perceptive of beings possess.


Involuntary Color Changes:

During powerful orgasms, such as energy-gasms, an Inisfreean (ICV) girl’s irises are likely to almost ‘spasm’ in the sense that they will flicker and fluctuate more brightly, through more colors and color combinations, and through them more quickly​​​.  If an Inisfreean girl is making love to you, especially is she is having rough sex with you, and she starts to cum, you can tell this is happening if she squeezes her eyelids closed while tightly gripping you with her fingers, thumbs, and kegels.  This is especially true if her thighs start trembling and she scrunches up her eyebrows as her cheeks raise a bit and her lips open to show clenched teeth before a gasp and girly sex cry. Shortly after this, Inisfreean-borne girls tend to slowly open their eyelids, revealing their still color-changing irises, and just gaze dreamily into their lovers’ eyes, hypnotizing them both like the erotic form of lava lamps.  The only other time this phenomenon happens is when one of her Inisfreean sisters (another girl born from the union of their King‘s mind with their home-city‘s cloning facilities) is having a powerful orgasm, as well.  Due to Inisfree’s utilization of Ansible technology, even if her sister is on the other side of the Universe, she will feel her orgasm just as quickly (instantly) and naturally respond to it just the same.  However, Inisfreean-borne girls can will or allow their irises to have these ‘color spasms’ when they are both horny and relaxed in the presence of any lover, and so it is that sometimes lucky and trusted Outlanders get to see these beautiful physical ability when they have really turned on and helped orgasmically release one or more of these Inisfreean girls.  *In rare orgy events when many Inisfreean-borne girls are being brought to orgasm by large parties of visiting Outlanders, the Grid Mind and individual Inisfreeans can manually temporarily disable this ‘color spasming’ feature to avoid it becoming overused, annoying, or constant, such as if millions of the Inisfreean girls were all cumming in the same short window of time.  In cases such as these, each Inisfreean girl will set her irises to only ‘color spasm’ when she herself is having an orgasm.


No Need for Cosmetics:

Inisfreean-borne girls never wear eyeliner or mascara​​​.  They are each born with naturally black ‘eye lining’, and naturally full, long, perfectly shaped eyelashes.  Plus, cosmetics are generally banned throughout the entire Inisfreean realm, as Inisfreean only allow naturally stunningly beautiful females to enter their kingdom, rejecting all ‘made-up’ females as what they call Decepticons.  *Their eyelashes cannot change through all colors, though; only the ranges of auburn, blonde, and brunette (as dark as jet-black).


Based on Superman’s Eyes:

Inisfreean-borne girls’ eyes are as indestructible as their hair and all the rest of them.  They cannot be blinded, nor can their corneas become scratched, nor their sclera become reddened even if they go without sleep for days. Their eyes will not dry out even if they go without blinking, and their vision will never blur –no matter what atmospheric pressure changes or G-force changes they experience.  Their vision is always perfect, and is even more accurate than that of Eagles, Mantis Shrimp, microscopes, telescopes, optical spy satellites, and even Heimdall.  The only time you will see an Inisfreean go cross-eyed is when she chooses to for a second or two in order to be funny.  No amount of anything an Inisfreean may ingest will ever cause changes in their pupil dilation, and no amount of exertion will ever cause them to ‘see stars’ in their vision. *Inisfreeans cannot shoot lasers out of their eyes, although their portal (a.k.a. ‘worm-hole’) technology is sophisticated enough to make it seem as if they are doing this.

Superman is said to be able to see in both microscopic and telescopic, and out to the incredible range of the farthest reaches of the galaxy he is in; ~100K LY.
He is also said to be able to hear things on other worlds –even though sound does not travel through Space; his hearing is somehow beyond that limit/plane.
While a S.T. suit‘s engagement range is ~2 miles for its main weapon/s, and the same for its sensors (as far as their clarity generally goes, unassisted) and warping, the ICV in the suit can perceive things much farther away, such as by looking or listening through the senses of a fellow ICV or other IC, or through a Grid Mind portal, or through the network that links most minds. Superman can’t mind-surf like that, thus ICVs can see and hear farther, even into other times (future or past, and even other timestreams/dimensions).
Literally anything an ICV is willed by Auz to focus on… comes into focus (sensory perception/range) for her, happening instantly when within miles, and taking only seconds when so faraway that it requires the teamwork of deployed fellow ICs.


Also Based on the Yautja Mask:

The Yautja (colloquially ‘Predators’) frequently utilize armored masks which house sophisticated optics packages allowing them to see across the full spectrum (radio, microwave, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-ray, and Gamma ray), as well as motion.​​​  Each Inisfreean girl is born with this range of vision as part of her natural eyes, and she can choose which part or parts of the spectrum to view, including any combination of those parts just listed.  That means that Inisfreean girls can see your aura, the signals given off by satellites, radio towers, and your phone and any other transmitting devices you may have on you, and even the signals passing through your nervous system (making Inisfreean girls absolutely brilliant, gifted, and surgically accurate masseuses (acupressurists) and acupuncturists, such as in sports medicine and physical rehabilitation clinics).  This allows them to see devices which might be well hidden from the perspective of humans, such as electronic listening devices, and allows them to see when something is recording, as well as anticipate what any computers and other machines are about to do (part of what makes all Inisfreeans ‘techno-pathic’; telepathic with both organic and artificial lifeforms).  As easily as humans see the visible spectrum, Inisfreeans see all these additional things, so even when they are reading (sometimes seeing) your thoughts, it doesn’t tire them anymore than having your eyes open after a full night’s rest would.


Special Features:

Inisfreeans are also able to will the color of their irises to change not only between all colors, but to look like colorful Outer Space.  This is particularly captivating when paired with the same effect on their hair.  It looks remarkably good and classy when matched with an olive or bronzed skin tone.

There is no “dark-matter” or “anti-matter”, as the humans call and think of it.  ICVs can see what humans cannot, so dark-matter does not look dark to them, and some matter just reacts faster with other matter; it is not anti-anything.  Knowing this, they not only know what to look for, and are able to see those two distinct sub-categories of matter, they are also able to see its potential ‘paths’ (or reactions) with all that is around it, and all its trajectory may take it to.  In short, they can see not only things across Space, and into the areas humans perceive to be void or dark, but across time; they can visualize all potential futures, because they can see all the elements; all the aspects of Creation, not just what is in the visible portion of the energy spectrum for humans.

Now add their understanding of Vril and related invisible energies.  Humans now accept that there are invisible energies that can be wielded, such as with radio waves and microwaves.  ICVs further understand that there are invisible energies humans have not yet learned about, and some their nature is likely to prevent them from ever accepting, much less learning about, much less harnessing, much less mastering, and one of those is the energetic force or fields resulting from the channeling and other applications of sex/ual energy.  Since Inisfreeans are masters of this, and engineered since before their ‘births’ to be natural conduits (or channels) of it, they are able to see it just like humans see shapes, movement, and color, and their eyes (and other sense-organs) allow them to see, feel, and otherwise perceive how different sex acts (types of sexual interaction) will affect Creation (the whole Universe) in different ways.


2020/+ Updates:

Multiple 2D holes (such as the pupil of an eye, working with at least one other pupil/eye) allow people to perceive things with depth; 3D.  Similarly, multiple 3D holes (such as black/worm-holes and other portals) allow people to perceive things with time; 4D.  In other words, the more eyes you have on any given object, the better your understanding of its full form is, and the more stars/portals you have working together, the better your understanding of the full time-stream of the dimension/reality you are in is.

There are sextillions of Inisfreeans in the Inisfreean empire, each of their cities having 100,000,000, thus 200,000,000 of their omni-spectrum custom-engineered eyes working together.  Add to that all the eye-like sensors of their vehicles, aircraft, spaceships, and buildings, etc., and you get the idea; they have a VERY good idea (‘eye’-sound pun not intended) of how things truly are in their realm; within their civilization’s range.  They also generate their own portals, and are friends and lovers with (not just scientifically/neutrally/objectively aware of) all the stars in Creation, thus they are able to perceive things perfectly/wholly anywhere in the time-stream.  If that wasn’t enough, they can also access the eyes/perceptions/memories of other people, seeing through their eyes.

In other words, Inisfreeans see the entire spectrum, not just the parts humans can and are technologically aware of, and they see all points of view –quite literally, whether visually or not.  They can see all points in time, too.  They can even perceive the perception of time; they see, again literally, how time itself, as another living and conscious being, sees things, not just how things change with the flow of time.

* Also, ICVs in 2020 developed the ability to see intention-fields; this is regarded (at least to us/them) as a new part of the spectrum.  It shows who can be harmed, who protects those around them (naturally/involuntarily or otherwise), and so on, thus how much of a Space station or ship can be blown up (based on the range of each person’s intention-field / focus), etc.  In other words, ICVs can see which minds/focuses must be changed, how, and to what degree, in order to achieve very specific different results, whether those are the results of explosions or anything else (like, say, political schemes, trade-agreement changes, TV broadcasts, or whatever else).  Think of it this way:  Imagine if you could see how powerful people’s minds were, and what they were focusing on, and what their range was (even if that range had gaps, like when a person is thinking about something far away, while part of their mind continues controlling their own body’s involuntary functions), the same way humans see colors and motion, and you could then plot how this would change over time, based on the mind-ranges or intention-fields of everyone around them, factoring in all the stimulus they were receiving, all the thoughts their minds were wired to produce next, and so on; you could literally see aura-like bubbles around people, and everything they were conscious of, shifting both in the present and future, and even back-plot-able, allowing you to see who really influenced whom (and what) in the past.

2023 October:

ICVs can see gravity as colorfully as humans see their own visible spectrum, and even see gravity at any distance, in real time, having no delay of waiting on it or light or anything else to travel cosmic distances to them.

2024 January:  The U.S. military had the Blue Force Tracker; that’s a system of vehicle-mounted computer-screen devices which can display the locations and some other classified information about deployed units, helping to prevent “blue on blue” (friendly fire) accidents/incidents.
We Inisfreeans instead have the “All Forces Tracker-vision”; ICVs always see the true allegiances/orientation of everyone, plus their cone of view, range of hearing, thoughts like a hologram over them, and where their cone of view/focus is going to shift next, all of those -except their thoughts- color-coded as follows:

  • outline = mindset/essence
  • cone outline = field of view
  • cone dashed outline = upcoming field of view
  • sphere outline = range of hearing

What the colors of those outlines mean:
(and what I see when I look through their eyes; when I “dial in” to any of my ICVs to use them as mobile humanoid sensors platforms)

  1. Dark Red:  incompatible with our culture to the point of defaulting to threats if not violence (such as bad-human troops, and dogs trained by bad humans), thus getting auto mind overridden and preemptively neutralized if not cleverly distracted and rerouted far away
    Troops and anyone else who would disrespect and/or threaten Auz, even though that indicates those lowly negative beings are thoroughly brainwashed to be efficient slaves/workers denying themselves the holy fun he gets (i.e. keeping themselves working on what they were trained for, rarely straying from that tasking even when given free-time, and only spawning more of the same mindless “parrot” NPCs), are still reprogrammed, sometimes left braindead, other times instantly converted into loyal defenders of Auz, from then on only disrespecting and threatening Outlanders who still would disrespect or threaten Auz.
  2. Red:  incompatible with our culture to the point of defaulting to moodiness (such as many retarded evil punk humans met so far), thus we might remain silent around them… or fuck with them by being ourselves right in front of them
  3. Orange:  already familiar with our culture and loyal to us, allied with us in a general sense
  4. Yellow-orange:  biosignature detected as compatible enough with Auz to warrant prescreening; a full mind (thoughts, memories, essence) scan/reading
  5. Yellow:  neither for nor against our culture; “neutral mobs” (such as most nonhuman animals)
  6. Light Green:  a plant that is healthy (to Auz) to harvest part of to eat
    Plants healthy for Auz, if they are not yet being cultivated/farmed in our realm, have samples taken or are just cloned in perfected form (GMO alterations removed) in our realm.
  7. Green:  a plant that should remain unharvested
  8. Sky Blue:  a male who is sexually compatible with us but not warranting prescreening; physically/outwards and during-sex tolerable, but not mentally/fully
    Sexually compatible males are mentally fine-tuned so they don’t say anything stupid/off-putting when our females fuck them or when we have them fuck other females for us to watch.
  9. Medium Blue:  an Outlands cop; to be diverted from us or mind-overridden if we are working where he/she can see/hear
    Cops are remote-reprogrammed to enforce our law.  In other words, the moment we encounter one, if it be Auz’s will, that cop gets mind-controlled/rewritten to know, obey, and force others around him/her to live by the law Auz wrote.
  10. Storm Blue:  an Outlands fed; to be diverted from us or mind-overridden if we are working where he/she can see/hear
    Feds are reprogrammed to police cops for us.
  11. Dark Blue:  an undercover agent (such as a detective or plain-clothes officer or spy) of an Outlands organization; to be diverted from us or mind-overridden if we are working where he/she can see/hear
    Undercovers are reprogrammed to clandestinely investigate for us.
  12. Purple:  one of the people we appointed as a royal; a representative of an entire nation or race or realm
  13. Lavender:  one of the immediate subordinates (highest-ranking governmental or military officers or nobility) of one of the people we appointed as a royal
  14. Pink:  a female who is sexually compatible with us but not warranting prescreening; physically/outwards and during-sex tolerable, but not mentally/fully
    Sexually compatible females are mentally fine-tuned so they don’t say anything stupid/off-putting when we fuck them or have them fuck others for us to watch.
  15. White:  an overt sensor; one not hidden (such as security or traffic cameras) and not A.I.; primitive detector-tech’
    These get automatically disabled (because ICVs automatically detect/sense them, no matter how well-hidden they may be) via our camouflage/cloaking/illusion abilities/tech’, never able to detect us.
  16. Light Gray:  an Outlander government employee
    We auto-reprogram these to always treat us as visiting dignitaries/diplomats whom they never spy on; they make sure “the red carpet is rolled out” for us –if we want any attention at all.
  17. Gray:  an Outlander government representative (such as a senator or president)
    We auto-reprogram these to always treat us as visiting dignitaries/diplomats whom they never spy on, directing all their subordinates/followers (militaries, state governments, law enforcement, etc.) to keep out of our way, never troubling us for paperwork/passports/passwords.
  18. Black:  an Outlander shadow-government employee (such as a MIB)
    We auto-reprogram these to always treat us as visiting dignitaries/diplomats whom they never spy on; they make sure “the red carpet is rolled out” for us even at their secret bases and other facilities –and do MIB work for us; they make sure people we wouldn’t want blabbing about noticing us –if any did– don’t.
  19. Brown:  anyone who lets pharma’ inject them (i.e. polluted/unclean), or who is not vegan and healthy, and not part of one of these other groups
    We typically just de-atomize these hyper-idiots, especially if they dare to try and spread their junkie mentality/products, as they hardly warrant any effort to reprogram or leave alive at all; they are already essentially suiciding out, just over a long period of time, so we euthanize them to finish that lame process they started.
  20. Light Tan / Sand:  anyone who is healthy by our standard, and not a member of these other groups; not affiliated, not for or against us, not sexually compatible, not necessarily neutral, etc., just unattractive but healthy and independent

Anytime someone remote views the area we are in, we get a color-coded alert about that, too –and auto-illusion it, making the remove-viewer see the area but not us.

We do not reprogram people to become worthy of prescreening; we only accept those who manifested fully compatible with us. All others we leave in the Outlands to be harvested for sport (gladiating and/or fucking) or cannon fodder (target practice).

2024 September:

  • fastest camera/FPS so far; 156,300,000,000,000 FPS (yes, 156.3 trillion), if you can believe that
  • ICV eyes naturally can record at its rate, though they seldom have reason to (thus are usually recording at a much lower FPS, though still always far above what human and other animal eyes can see/record at).
  • This means ICVs can see shockwaves moving through the air and other mediums with incredible/total detail.
    They can see how cells viewed via microscopic vision are changing/growing/moving.
    They can see how semiconductors absorb things.
    They can see demagnetization.
    Not even bullets and lasers appear fast to an ICV.
  • for comparison:  TVs 24-30 (live broadcasts such as news and sports usu. 30 FPS, vs TV shows and movies usu. 24 FPS)
    humans 30-60 FPS
    dogs ~70 FPS (thus stuff on TV might look to them like a flip-book; like the effect we see when a strobe light is on)
    cats ~100 FPS
    dragonflies 300 FPS
  • ICVs can see the territories and intended routes of all wildlife, thus always know when they/we are in such a territory or path. Based on wind, they can then make an educated guess if or when various creatures will smell us, not just see or otherwise notice us. It pays to have given ICVs mindreading tech’ which pairs so well with their superhuman vision and other senses.

2024 December/+:

  • Their irises when aglow/bright still do not appear as barely-visible color rings or blurs through their closed eyelids. Their eyelids are opaque.


Examples or Concepts:


This image just shows the general idea; the colors of the irises of the eyes of these people are changeable without contact lenses.  Obviously, the facial structure in this image is nowhere close to the flawless sexiness of the ICVs.

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“I See Right Through To You” DJ Encore feat. Engelina DJ Encore feat. Engelina
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