This is the town-sized urban area of Inisfree which is a group of skyscrapers and other buildings arranged upon a giant bridge long and wide enough to comfortably house and support them all.


Table of Contents:

  1. Dimensions & Layout
  2. Capacity
  3. Special Features
  4. Novels Excerpt
  5. Location & Overall (Images Begin)
  6. Floor by Floor
  7. Exteriors
  8. Interiors
  9. Balconies and Window Views
  10. Courtyards and Pools
  11. GAH Slope at Both Ends
  12. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft


Dimensions & Layout:

Arch City is a construct whose bridge part spans half a mile by one quarter of a mile, rising to a point at its center more than 100 stories about local ground level.  Counting the height of the tallest buildings which are perched upon it, this construct reaches a total height of nearly half a mile, though most of the buildings that are built atop this giant bridge are only several stories tall. Running up over its center is a section of the G.A.H.; all 462 feet of its width, with hundreds more feet on either side (room for the foundations of the buildings built as the top part of Arch City).



Due to its vast footprint, towering height, hundreds of levels and buildings, and thousands of apartments and other suites, Arch City can easily house and cater to more than one million human-sized residents/guests.  This includes with parking-spaces for all their personal vehicles and aircraft (cars, small hover-planes, etc.).  Another million ICVs and another million servants (kajirae) can join them here.

Roughly 143 more people made this neighborhood/structure their home (or at least their 2nd/vacation home) every year from 2013 to 23000 A.D..

  1. 2013:  the first 143 guests or residents here
  2. 2022:  ~1,429 living in this neighborhood/structure this year
  3. ~23000 A.D. and beyond:  ~3,000,000 at capacity


Special Features:

Some of the skyscrapers of this construct of Inisfree now rotate (‘shape-shift’) like a number of their larger counterparts in nearby Sotu.

On the grounds near the base of Arch City are the two Caribbean Ponds.

Bungee jumping from the arch’s apex is available on both sides.


Novels Excerpt:

Arch City was the ‘suburb’ (or mini-town) built all over the top of the big arch nearby. Its property spanned half a mile by a quarter-mile, and the arch upon this land was 100 stories tall. One section of the Glowing Art Highway let drivers go up either side of the arch and right over its top, and from there they could exit to take any of its European-style streets between and to the buildings, homes, and shops up there. That, Auz smiled to Lucifera, was where she’d get to stay that night; she could pick from any building, floor, and suite of her choosing.


Location & Overall:

Floor by Floor:



Balconies and Window Views:

Courtyards and Pools:

GAH Slope at Both Ends:

This image gives an idea as to how much the highway curves up/down at either short-side of this neighborhood structure.

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

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“On A Good day” Sirens of the Sea OceanLab
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