We co-host lethal sporting events out here in the rebuilt again-nation New Texas.


Table of Contents:

  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Features
  4. Who Competes Where
  5. How They Compete
  6. What Ensures They Compete
  7. Numbers of Competitors
  8. Armor and Weapons
  9. Dress Code
  10. Gambling and Trade
  11. Schedule
  12. Cleanup and Repairs
  13. Spectating
  14. Capacity and Parking
  15. Transportation
  16. Food and Drinks
  17. Toilets
  18. Showers
  19. Punishments
  20. Rewards
  21. History
  22. Repurposed Mega-stadium Views
  23. Schedule Concept
  24. Example Sights



If you think this is ‘dark’ or extreme, keep in mind the following:

  1. Texans already regarded gladiator-level American football as one of their religions, and never cared at all how many of their own kind it harmed and killed.
  2. Texans sent more cattle (millions each year) to their torturous deaths than every other state; Texans are by far the worst mass-murderers of any Americans.
  3. Countless more innocent defenseless animals (billions of them, if not trillions –counting the chicks/chickens) were also bred in captivity, tortured, raped, separated from their families, and mass-murdered by these people.
  4. Texan police and judges were nationally notorious for their extremism, heartlessness, and corruption, extorting and kidnapping untold thousands of their own.
  5. Texans completely destroyed their own environments; their air traffic, highway traffic, cow towns, and fracking operations annihilated their own land, and their offshore oil platforms and tankers annihilated the Gulf of Mexico, suffocating uncounted trillions of helpless beings across/throughout both.
  6. Texans made up the majority of the U.S. military, known around the world as one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations of all time, having gone to almost every other country on Earth, bombing, shooting, and kidnapping complete strangers none of them had ever even met –and they did that with total pride, never once questioning the insanity of it, as easily corrupted by brainwashing as can be, lazy and merciless to the bitter end.
  7. Rehabilitation only works on innocent people who made mistakes and genuinely want to get better; it cannot work on beings who are evil incarnate, evil through and through, incapable of even understanding anything good, much less attempting to live by it.
  8. There can be no retribution or forgiveness for such ruthless heartless soulless monsters as those who claimed this state as their own.
  9. No matter what happens at this stadium-turned-arena, it will never even come close to comparing to the carnage and horrors the Texans exacted/perpetrated on themselves and countless others all around the world, every single year, for generations.
  10. None of the gladiator matches here are to please the crowd; they are to punish the gladiators to death –while reminding the non-ICV witnesses to behave better in the future, lest they be forced to join them on the field.
  11. This stadium is like an embassy on New Texas soil; though Texas was completely erased and replaced by New Texas, New Texas having its first post-Rapture (after 2013) leader installed by the Inisfreeans, the property of this structure (including its parking lots and their surrounding landscaping) is not part of his kingdom (New Texas), so he has no authority to even be here without an invitation from High King Auz.



Formerly ‘The Arena of Doom’, this is what is left of the Texas A&M University’s Kyle Field stadium, a structure built to house nearly 103,000 spectators plus thousands of marching troops around the entire staff of two major sports teams; today it is where the few Texans allowed to survive the Rapture Campaign are forced to compete in modern gladiatorial tournaments, still to the death, but with an arsenal of American military weapons, as well as some newer and more devastating versions of them.



  • the blimp
  • the barrels
  • the multi-gunned tanks
  • weapon caches in unlocked crates throughout the facility; no one ever runs out of guns, ammo, or explosives
  • the spectators are locked in their seats and prevented from having any armor or other protection, and shrapnel definitely reaches them
  • a new perimeter (much more than the original stadium’s chain-link fence) has been installed, and is constantly monitored and patrolled, ensuring no one gets out, or even anywhere near it
  • an invisible forcefield over the stadium is its only dome, and prevents anything unauthorized from entering or exiting the playing area, including bullets and laser beams
  • males and ugly females are the competitors, and are allowed to wear simple military fatigues or similar garments, but no winners are necessary or hoped for, and these competitors are housed and imprisoned in the campus’s underground steam tunnels (since the steam-based heating system was obliterated in the Rapture Campaign)
  • Attractive females are housed and imprisoned in the surviving Corps of Cadets barracks around the Quadrangle; these are used as Girl Kennels and brothels now, and the only time these females get to leave is to help incoming competitors clean up the aftermath inside the arena/stadium.  (They are not allowed to be cheerleaders or even passing eye-candy, as it would be too dangerous for them around the nearly constant gunfire.)

Again, there are no cheerleaders; it would be too dangerous for any girls (or anyone) to be on the field during the fighting.


Who Competes Where:

Basically only ugly Texans and their neighbors (from nearby/adjacent states) get sent to compete here.

  1. Females who are attractive to High King Auz but who are mentally/personality-incompatible with him… are sent to his underground architectural-clone/copy of The Vatican to compete in gladiator tournaments.
  2. Females who are not quite attractive enough to him, and who were/are religious, are sent to The Vatican; the actual one in Rome, now repurposed for gladiator tournaments between captured religious human Outlanders.  Religious males are also sent here.
  3. Females who are not quite attractive enough to him, whether they were religious or not, if they are/were from Texas or anywhere adjacent to it, are sent here.  So are males from this part of the world.


How They Compete:

The rules for gameplay at this stadium are whatever High King Auz decides they should be, from game to game.  Typically, all who get sent here must fight as gladiators to the death, round by round, pairing by pairing, until only one is left after a few days (or sometimes even a week or so) of tournaments.  No one is allowed to survive except the winner; all who get wounded but not killed… get finished off –by the winner of that/each round/match (or that winner will be slain, too; for not playing according to the rules).

Unlike in Inisfree’s gladiators arena, there are rarely ever any death-by-rape-by-beasts events here, though there have been the occasional stampedes of freed/liberated cattle; to knock down and trample-to-death Outlanders who used to be the mass-murderers called cattle-ranchers.

A pair of gladiators get released onto the field from its opposite sides; from the end-zones.  They are free to maneuver however they please, provided they stay on the field.  If one or both of them know how to operate any of the vehicles left/staged on the field, such as a military tank, they might make a run for the nearest such vehicle and try to get it on and aimed, ready to fire, before the other either 1) runs to or shoots at them, or 2) gets in a vehicle of his own.  This results in a lot of suspense, cheering from the crowd, and moments which are more like a demolition derby than a gladiator tournament.


What Ensures They Compete:

Everyone sent here as a gladiator knows (is informed) that if he/she does not compete to the death, he/she will be tortured to death –and that’s after his/her loved ones are subjected to the same –if they aren’t brought here to compete to-the-death as well.

Those who refuse to compete are forced to watch such punishments of their loved ones.

Anyone who attempts suicide gets mind-overrided/mind-locked so that they are incapable of completing a suicide.


Numbers of Competitors:

~20 POWs (gladiators) are enough to warrant hosting one of these games (series of tournaments/matches).  Sometimes a hundred or more get sent here, though.  It all depends on who offended the Inisfreeans and/or their allies each year.


Armor and Weapons:

Gladiators can wear armor if they find it on the field and put it on before being slain.

Spectators can bring armor from their homes, but only they themselves are allowed to wear their own; they cannot give it to the gladiators.

Only the gladiators are allowed to have weapons in the stadium, and the only weapons they can use are those left/staged for them on the field –which they must hurry to; they must get a weapon or weapons before their opponent kills them with one of them.

Outside the stadium, spectators are allowed primitive defensive weapons, such as staffs/sticks and knives/swords.  For this reason, the spectators usually sit far apart from each other, taking different entrances/exits to their seats/sections, and are immediately given their weapon/s back by their travel-buddies waiting for them at those exact entrances/exits.  The Outlands are tough these days; Inisfree wiped out all human civilization not that many years ago, after all.


Dress Code:

Gladiators are not permitted clothing.

Spectators must be fully clothed if they are ugly (anything High King Auz would not find attractive).

Spectators who are male and in good shape must at least have opaque shorts on with no holes in them.

Spectators may choose their attire, within reason, if they are in good standing with High King Auz, however… attractive females are at risk of severe punishment or even death if they cover up their beauty, and are cautioned to remain nude even if a free-person.

Any female, free or otherwise, who is not collared and leashed, is regarded as “free for anyone to use”.  Females who are collared and leashed should only be used if a polite direct verbal request was made to their owner/Master, and permission and parameters given from that owner/Master.

A female attending a game/event at this stadium by herself should wear a slave-collar whether she is free or not; it indicates that she should still be asked before being used for anything sexual.

The only time a female with a collar on is free to be used sexually without being asked is if she has been told by her owner/Master to wear a coin-belt and roam around the stadium for the pleasure of other spectators or people in the parking lots; if you see a collared female walking around while wearing a belt with a small pouch or box attached for coins/pennies, you can approach her, put a coin/penny in the slot of that pouch/box, and begin using her until you are satisfied.  She must be left unharmed, and freed to return to her owner/Master anytime they want/summon her, such as when they are leaving the stadium/area.

No attire-indicators (such as a colored hat or shirt, or an armband or other distinct textiles-based marking; e.g. red for one type of standing, blue for another) are required; spectators in any standing with the Inisfreeans can wear whatever they like, so long as it is within the regulations described above.  The ICVs can always see which spectator is in which standing, anyway, so it would be pointless to assign/require redundant clothing items or accessories as further indicators.


Gambling and Trade:

The equivalent of tailgate parties at this stadium in this new post-Shift Age/era is the exchange of food, drinks, and valuables (such as women/girls), often as part of betting on each gladiator match/pairing.

Spectators in less-than-good standing can bring such offerings in hopes of trading/betting them with those in good standing –which can result in their standing with the Inisfreeans, or at least with the allies of Inisfree, being improved.

Regardless of standing, all spectators are free and welcome to place bets on the fights, and to give each other healthy vegan food, healthy vegan drinks, and attractive females, whether as gifts or as payment for a lost bet.

Even daughters, girlfriends, and wives are sometimes betted and exchanged in good spirits here.  Those females are excited for this, having been raised since birth to view it as normal.  They also know that the Inisfreeans will likely be keeping an eye on them and protecting them from afar, even if their presence and operations are kept clandestine.



This annual event starts hours before the actual fighting; spectators arrive and are directed to where they can park their single or convoy of vehicles in the parking lots, and then they start unwinding, cleaning up, mingling, and cooking.

Before the first match, a marching band of naked slave-girls parades around the border of the field, playing popular tunes, and then announcements are made; the names of the gladiators, and who they will be fighting in the first round, are read by loudspeaker for the whole stadium and surrounding area to hear.  This band remains off the field, and under the protection of the stadium itself, during the fighting, coming back out only to play more music whenever a fight is not in progress.  (Most people prefer to hear only the gunfire, explosions, and screaming of the gladiators, anyway.)

To maximize the chance that everyone sent here will be able to compete the longest (i.e. without collapsing due to temperature or other conditions), tournaments/games are during the Spring or Autumn, and each tournament/match only lasts as long as it takes for one of the two paired-up gladiators to die, and following/successive tournaments/matches happen the moment they are cleared from the field (though sometimes fallen gladiators are left on the field to become formerly-living obstacles).

Whenever, each year, there are enough POWs meeting the qualifications/standard to be sent here, that coming Spring or Autumn… they are sent here en masse for one of these events/games to begin.

Matches/rounds start between sunup and midday, whenever the sunlight will not be directly in anyone’s eyes on the field.

Matches/rounds end whenever all gladiators paired against one another have competed, eventually eliminating all but one.

Each gladiator gets to rest for one match/round after the one he/she was just in.

No gladiator will have to compete in more than three matches per day.

If there are enough gladiators/pairings that the day’s events will take more than a few hours, a halftime show is likely to be provided.  Halftime shows last for ~20 minutes.  At this stadium, post-Shift, a halftime show is almost always naked slave-girls doing sexy dances while one or more of them sing a famous sexy song originally composed by a female Outlander.

When there are so many gladiators here that their matches would continue to/past sunset, those remaining matches are scheduled for the following day.

Usually it takes one hour for all the first pairings (10 pairings, for example, each taking ~5 minutes, and separated by ~1 minute for field-cleanup = 60 minutes) to result in half as many gladiators remaining alive, and, in total, a few hours, to as many as several hours, for all pairings, round by round throughout the day, to be completed, resulting in only one survivor at the very end.


Cleanup and Repairs:

Sometimes the slain are allowed to be taken from the field, and other times they are slated to be left there to decompose for the rest of the year; the time between these annual games.

Whenever too many skeletons/bones have piled up, an ICV will use one of her S.T. suit‘s beams to disintegrate some or all of those remains.

Damage done to the stadium, such as when a weapon like a tank’s main gun is fired, is sometimes left for “added character/flare”, and other times patched up by local workers/contractors/slaves.



Usually the only spectators here are the ICVs doubling as wardens for the gladiators, ensuring every Outlander sent to this facility competes to either victory or death.  A single ICV can easily/effortlessly keep telepathic control over many thousands of humans at a time, even during combat or sex, so only one ICV is ever needed to maintain order and security for this structure.  Inisfree prefers to station/deploy several ICVs here per event/game, though; every time there are tournaments here, there is something like one squad of ICVs,

  • one of them posted on guard/watch atop each corner of the stadium; 1 ICV per outward over-watch quadrant,
  • one of them posted on guard/watch just outside each ground-level corner of the stadium; 1 ICV per outer cordon/perimeter,
  • one in the middle of each of the four slopes of risers/seats; 1 ICV per inner cordon/perimeter,
  • and the rest cloaked and roaming around on foot-patrol (if they aren’t in one of the rooms where the gladiators (POWs) are housed).

Other spectators permitted include:

  • anyone who helped the Inisfreeans find/acquire/punish incompatible/rude Outlanders (and these good-standing spectators are shielded to ensure no shrapnel or other harmful things ever reach/harm them)
  • any allies of Inisfree who wish to view one of these tournaments/games (and these good-standing spectators are likewise shielded to ensure no shrapnel or other harmful things ever reach/harm them)
  • family, friends, and/or teammates of the gladiators (convicts/sentenced); incompatible Outlanders who deserve to be forced to watch/witness the fights/deaths of their loved ones (and these not-so-good-standing spectators are sometimes locked in their seats during each fight/match, completely exposed to any shrapnel or other flying objects which might strike them, able to leave only during the ~minute or two of cleanup between fights/matches)

Non-ICV spectators can camp out in the parking lot/s; they are not permitted anywhere near the rooms/buildings where the gladiators are housed/stored.

Good-standing spectators always get the highest seats/sections of the stadium, and separate/protected parking-lot spaces/areas.  They are also the only people here who are allowed to fuck the slave-girls (who otherwise are only tasked with hosing off match-victors; post-fight gladiators).

(ICVs can fuck the slave-girls, too, of course, but only desire to when High King Auz desires them to, so it rarely happens except when he is in attendance of an event and ordering such a pairing or orgy to unwind and get ready for bed after spectating.  Only good-standing spectators are allowed to spectate such sex or join it.)

Each spectator is responsible for his/her own security.  There are no law-enforcement officers (allowed) here.  ICVs do keep a much better watch on good-standing spectators, though, of course –and will intervene on their behalf –even to the point of killing anyone who tries to harm them (if the good-standing spectator is an ally of Inisfree/Auz).

No spectating is allowed outside the time-block/s slated for announcements and fights; spectators are allowed to enter this stadium and go to their seats just before the announcements begin, and keep using their seats until the last fight of the day has ended.  After that, all spectators must exit the stadium and return to their vehicles (or horses) in the parking lots outside.  The only exceptions are those personally approved/invited by High King Auz.


Capacity and Parking:

The field is still like any other football field; it is meant for up to 22 competitors at a time (2 teams of 11 each, though usually we only allow 2 gladiators on the field per match, the rest of that space taken up by staged weapons and vehicles such as tanks).

This stadium still seats ~110,000 human-sized people, with room for thousands more in the buildings attached to the stands; 110,000+ could be in attendance as spectators, with their entourages waiting as non-spectators right outside, + dozens to hundreds of gladiators.

  • 110,000 spectators seated across 4 sections/sides = ~27,500/side (if the sides were the same)
  • 27,500 can be arranged in a grid/formation of 166 seats x 166 rows/terraces (which would actually be 27,556 seats/spectators, but the actual number of seats in this stadium is not that, limited by various structure shapes and parts)

The parking lots around this stadium have spaces for thousands of personal vehicles; cars, trucks, motor-coaches, etc..  You will often see convoys forming “wagon circles” to control some of the groups of those parking spaces.  People who live within a few dozen miles instead bring their horses, groups of horses kept fenced in by movable chain-link fence-stands anyone can shift around (within reason) as desired.



Gladiators are transported here via MPHA or WR from holding facilities known only to ICVs.  These Inisfreean craft (ICs) remain cloaked and off-limits to anyone other than the ICVs.  Attempting to approach or enter an IC without specific authorization from its commander-ICV can result in being mind-controlled –if not de-atomized on the spot.

Spectators can transport themselves here however they please, provided it does not pollute; they are allowed to travel to/from here on foot, or by vehicle (or horse) or airplane, but if it emits exhaust/pollution of any kind… the nearest ICV/IC will likely shoot it down.  If they survive being shot down, they are free to continue walking to/from the stadium.  No assistance will be provided by ICVs to anyone shot down for polluting.


Food and Drinks:

Gladiators are fed gruel and watered only when ICVs can detect/sense they are becoming weak, requiring sustenance.

Everyone else must bring their own food and drinks –and only vegan ones are allowed.  Since none of the rooms of this structure are used for the preparation, ordering, or serving of food or drinks anymore, those rooms are available as alcoves for spectators to fuck slave-girls or other females-for-use (such as hot-wives, swingers, etc.).

Bringing non-vegan food or drinks here can result in death on sight –if it doesn’t get the offender sent straight to the field to become a gladiator him/herself.



Gladiators must relieve themselves in short holes/troughs dug outside their housing/resting room/s.  They are not allowed to use an actual toilet/bathroom.

Spectators can go anywhere outside the stadium, so long as it doesn’t end up splashing or spreading downhill onto any part of the stadium.

Since both those conditions mean that the rooms formerly intended as bathrooms (toilets rooms, more accurately) in this building are no longer allowed to be used that way, those rooms are now instead, like the rooms formerly/originally used for the preparation, ordering, and serving of food and drinks, left available only as places for spectators to fuck slave-girls or other females-for-use.



Gladiators are hosed off by slave-girls at a distance.  Gladiators are not allowed to clean themselves or take normal showers –even if staying overnight.

Spectators can clean themselves up outside the stadium by any means they brought with them.



Anyone ugly who offends Auz or anyone allied with him might get sent here –if they live that long.

Gladiators who do not win a match/round get killed on the field by their opponent.  If their opponent only wounded them before collapsing from a blow or fatigue, an ICV will finish off whomever fell first or worst.

Gladiators who behave in any way Auz would not appreciate… might be gunned down before they can even compete, though they are usually just humiliated and forced to compete anyway.

Their relatives, friends, and former coworkers/teammates who are made to come here to watch them fight and die… are subject to the same; if they behave in any way Auz does not like (such as if they begin bickering or fighting amongst themselves in the stands), they might be gunned down where they sit in the stands –if they aren’t marched down to the field to compete against the rest of the gladiators.

Anyone not approved to spectate/come here gets gunned down on sight –and everyone where they came from might be gunned down the moment Inisfreean forces arrive out there to investigate (and retaliate).

Weeping aloud is not punished; we allow it, as it maintains the desired/prescribed ‘atmosphere’.



Surviving a match/round results in a period of rest for ~several minutes.  Surviving to the end of the day either results in rest/sleep overnight (if there are more matches/rounds that have to be scheduled the following day) or release from this stadium back into the wild; freed to resume life in the Outlands.

The sole survivor of each of these games (once all tournaments/matches are complete) gets to go free, at least to an extent; he/she will be monitored remotely/clandestinely by ICVs/ICs for the rest of his/her life.  As long as he/she behaves after being released from this stadium, he/she will be allowed to live in the Outlands.  In short, the reward for winning here… is the chance to live an appropriate life.

A single negative word about this experience, though, or about any Inisfreean, may revoke this reward; the freed person might be rounded up and sent right back –to compete all over again, the next time gladiator tournaments are hosted here.

Since everyone now understands that doing anything nice for anyone in bad standing with the Inisfreeans can mean an instant and indefinite/eternal death-sentence for their entire bloodline, if not also their entire civilization and species, the single gladiator who survives each of these annual games is not like the overpaid, praised, and well-fucked sports champions or other famous athletes of the pre-Shift era.  Whichever gladiator survives to the end each year is just shown quiet respect by all, no one barring his/her path as he/she exits this stadium/property, free to go about his/her life in the Outlands at that point.  Naturally, many girls and women want to be fucked and impregnated by such a brave victor and successful underdog, when the survivor is a male, and plenty of boys and men likewise are interested in fucking and impregnating such a victor when she is a female, and no one stops them from requesting that interaction with them, but it is usually something done only with hopeful eyes once in the parking lot or entirely off the grounds –and with nervousness, as most still don’t fully understand what will set the Inisfreeans off on one of their global purges/rampages again.

It is not uncommon for the victors here to be recruited as cage-fighters, mercenaries, or repopulation facilitators (during-sex sperm-donors) in the Outlands; their luck, if not also their skill/s, are always useful and well-paid, and, even though they did one or more things which pissed off Auz or his ICVs or allies, they are understandably still regarded as prime breeding-stock, at least for more “blunt instruments” such as guards, manual laborers, and shock troops.



From 2014 to 2312, this stadium has hosted an annual to-the-death gladiator-POWs game/event; it was destined to host 298 to-the-death gladiator games; ~3 centuries of mortal combat here, always forced on the worst offenders of the region.  More than 6,000 gladiators were killed here during that time; during those annual events (compared to the ~400,000 who were killed in Rome in ancient times, averaged out to ~400/year; humans/Outlanders forced far more people –including innocents– to fight each other to the death –and just for their amusement, not even as a punishment for any crime).

In 2313, when most of what was left of rebuilt/repopulated humankind was finally booted off the planet once and for all, this stadium was completely destroyed by a controlled tidal-wave.

It will not be rebuilt.


Repurposed Mega-stadium Views:

Schedule Concept:

Example Sights:

Video Player
Fear Factory Securitron (Police State 2000) - for Paintball Wedge y Nitro Warfare Area maybe
Audio Player