This is our perimeter-reaching canyon which branches off from the main one.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Location & Dimensions
  3. Additional Notes
  4. History
  5. Overall (Images Begin)
  6. Appearance
  7. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft



This side-canyon branches off from the main canyon, and separates the two desert plateaus used by Inisfree’s military.  The silos beneath it help regulate the water level, and keep it filtered and crystal clear.  At the end of this side-canyon is the sheer Perimeter Wall, and one of the 12 topside Pearly Gates, this one hidden and reserved for Inisfreean military use only.


Location & Dimensions:

Somewhat hidden between the desert plateaus, newcomers to our city typically only notice this terrain feature when they are traversing our main canyon all the way through.  It is a very “tucked away” part of our city, all the way over on our realm’s “far” (military/training) side, which few outside our military ever go to.  It is just 1/10th of a mile “north” (more accurately:  “above”, on our map/s) of one of the (imaginary) lines that bisect our square plot of land (everything within our perimeter (walls)).

Continuing as a generally straight, trough-like line of water, this smaller of Inisfree’s two canyons measures 1.6 miles from end to end.  With its portion at the end that is not underwater, that becomes 1.7.  The water is at our realm’s “ground level”, and the cliffs at both its sides are more than a hundred stories tall (1/3 of a mile tall on the Impact Range side; 176 10′-tall stories, and 2/3 of a mile tall on the Uluru II side).


Additional Notes:

Inisfree’s King is reminded by this part of his design… to return to the side-canyons of the Grand Canyon and other such major landforms across the Outlands.  It is important to note them… because many of them were confirmed to 1) be part of their parent-structures design, and 2) have pyramids and other ruins in them.  Even the side-“canyons” within/of The Webway link to many billions of noteworthy and useful star-systems.

In the Grand Canyon on that first expedition of his there, it was the main canyon that got him where he needed to go, but the side canyons that provided all the relief; campsites, cool waterfall showers, gatherings in the shade for relaxation and music, etc.  So has it been in the rest of his life; highways and jobs typically got him where he had to go, but trails, friends, and hobbies helped him stay calm, happy, and hopeful to complete those months-long, years-long, and miles-long epic journeys.  Even those brief recon glimpses into other realms he was not compatible with… provided the bulk of visions and form-sakes which are now the lifeblood of all Inisfree (and its hundreds of other worlds, and thousands of allied realms).

Be reverent of the side-canyons.  Appreciate the side-trails.  Little detours help protect the journeyer and the way (and The Way).

A side-canyon is good; it is a break, a refreshing change of focus and pace, and it can heal and save you, helping you go far farther… than its own breadth and duration.



In 2022, Auz and his daughter, Adaline, started making the far end (nearest the inside of the perimeter wall) a very special place.


2024 December 12 Thursday:  invisible ‘smart’-forcefield ‘ceiling’ added (where the top of this canyon is at ground-level with the middle-desert / lower-plateau); just in case sand or other debris might ever get blasted up by projectiles landing in the Impact Range/Zone (even though we have perfect targeting systems, plus ‘smart’-ammo’, magical enchantments/spells, and invincible residents, etc.).




2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

Also see:

Closest to what this side canyon looks like: