Ever seen skyscrapers floating and orbiting each other in the sky?


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. Additional Notes
  5. Novels Excerpt
  6. 2022 Update
  7. Overall Appearance
  8. Scale-model in Minecraft



The Civilian Desert of Inisfree is, among other things, known for its amazing oasis by the small mountain range which borders on three sides this region of the city’s property.  This is not the only oasis, though, for there are several more perched atop the skyscraper-sized, hovering, metallic-green cylinders (and those, more accurately, in the form of curved-rectangle skyscrapers) in the corner of this desert nearest where the G.A.H. passes toward and under the Mountain-on-Corinthians.  Inspired by the floating buildings and other works of art and technical wizardry in the movie Thor, these floating, oases-capped buildings very slowly move about their airborne orbit’s focal point, ‘bobbing’, as it were.  In order to reach them and camp out (such as with ‘glamping‘; glamorous camping; very luxurious and well furnished tents, etc.), one must simply check out one of the Inisfreean repulsine-assisted crafts, such as an Owl, and fly all the way up there –or ask an Inisfreean (ICV) to teleport you.


Dimensions & Layout:

The area of airspace which these hovering, slowly co-orbiting structures occupy over this desert region measures 462′ x 1,122′ across, and about 500′ from its lowest point in the sky to its highest. That’s close to the dimensions of any one of the sequenced chambers that make up each of the city’s topside gates; more than enough room to fit an aircraft carrier.  Most of the cylinders which float and orbit in this airspace are the size of tall buildings, almost skyscrapers.  A few are closer in form to curving panels, dozens of mansion-sized ones orbit along their outermost sides like little islands, and the central construct in this whole formation has an open-air stadium for its roof.


Special Features:

Inisfree is a city where the highest forms of love and lovemaking are daily practiced.  This includes polyamorously; between more than just pairs.  Orgies in the middle of cheering crowds packing every seat of the stadium atop the middle construct of this group of floating buildings are a regular occurrence here, and it is not uncommon for many thousands of Inisfreeans and their distinguished guests to be simultaneously participating, much like the sexual version of the game Musical Chairs. 

The portion of the energy spectrum caused by sexual attraction and interaction, known as Kundalini, Orgone, or Vril, is well-utilized up here; people who come here (pun not intended) are higher up in the Inisfreean airspace and atmosphere (in multiple senses of the term), right out in the open, with nothing else, save the floating buildings they are standing on.  In other words, this is one of the places in Inisfree with the fewest distractions, the fewest overlapping energies, and the greatest potential to send out the synergy of the loving energy of many in all directions, right from the open-air rooftops.  It may be that the Vril skillfully wielded atop these floating oases is part of what keeps them afloat.


Additional Notes:

* Glamping sites are now perched atop some of these cylinders, tucked away amidst their oasis greens.  Those who are not basking in the oases, or participating in the love-based events up here, can always be found enjoying smaller companies in these luxurious tents.  Kajirae and Inisfreeans servicing them abound.


Novels Excerpt:

Down from that narrow mountain range, Auz and Lucifera went, taking another of its elevators in a shaft colored to match the rest of the terrain. A mile back across that small desert, until the ‘rainbow’ dunes and highway were back in view, they proceeded to where there was a cluster of curved rectangular panel-like buildings silently floating and orbiting one another several stories up above the olive-green and lime-green sands.

“These are the floating oasis towers,” Auz told her; “they are like skyscrapers that hover, their tops crowned with diverse and edible gardens, much like the oasis we just passed through. They are also like closed ecosystems; each floating tower is one big hydroponics facility, circulating its own water supply, all of the plants helping to use and purify it.” An Inisfreean flew down, wearing their signature, matte-white, Iron Man-like suit, and offered to help them fly up to the tops so Lucifera could see for herself.


2022 Update:

These are the most mobile farms in/of Inisfree.  As such, they can be instantly flown to other locations anytime there is a need for moving the crops growing on/in them.  While shielding can be added over the Cropland plants, and while others are able to be grown underground in our city’s Silos Network, we have this third way of growing and protecting our food/harvests just in case.


Overall Appearance:

Scale-model in Minecraft: