This hospital has now combined the best of Western and Eastern healing techniques. Everything here is 100% free, and all our doctors (ICVs) and nurses (kajirae) are real healers, not incentivized by big pharma’ or anything else. They will always teach you the causes and cures (not just remedies) of absolutely anything and everything you are going through, helping you to become your own doctor –forever. Amen; so be it.
Table of Contents:
- Vocabulary
- One of a Kind in More Ways than One
- Dimensions & Layout
- Special Features
- Main Routes
- Wings/Wards Directory
- No Ambulances
- Healing Philosophy
- Luxurious Megalithic Features
- The King of Inisfree is One of the Doctors
- Additional Notes: Natural Calming Presence
- Additional Notes: Natural Cures, Not Unnatural and Harmful Remedies
- Novels Excerpt
- 2021: Living Chromotherapy
- 2021 Yoga
- Location & Overall (Images Begin)
- Exterior
- Revolving Door
- Interior
- Specialized Healing Rooms
- Concepts
- Staff
- Courtyard Concept
- Patients: Goddesses Recovering from The Shift
- 2022 Update: Scale-model in Minecraft
- 2023 Update: Spas
- 2023 Update 2: Patient Types
- How Females are Full-body Massaged in Inisfree
- 2024 July 6 Saturday/+
characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person — body, mind, spirit, and emotions — in the quest for optimal health and wellness. … In this way, if people have imbalances (physical, emotional, or spiritual) in their lives, it can negatively affect their overall health.
Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual’s overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being before recommending treatment (though in Inisfree, of course, we recognize that emotional and spiritual are part of mental, and that mental is part of physical)
One of a Kind in More Ways than One:
This is the only medical facility in the Inisfreean realm. Nearly all beings approved as guests to this realm find that the Inisfreean realm’s many special qualities, such as how it was built, and which energies pass through it and are generated by it, renders them superhuman if not nearly immortal. Thus, this hospital is typically only used to help those traumatized by various Outlands incidents more slowly stabilize and acclimate to the Inisfreean culture.
Dimensions & Layout:
Overall: Inisfree’s hospital measures one quarter of a mile across each of its four sides, giving it a floor-space per story of 1,742,400 square feet; that’s bigger than 58 of the largest mansions combined. It stands many stories tall, as well, giving it room to house thousands of suites, bringing its total rooms count well into the tens of thousands; an entire city could be housed here, each patient enjoying the space, privacy, and luxury of royalty. (432 rooms/suites per floor, and 47 floors = 20,304 suites of rooms, each like you’d stay in when at a nice hotel.)
Access Points: The main entrance is a revolving door that is 20′ in diameter (and 10′ tall), divided into two halves, thus keeping it easy for foot- and gurney-traffic to stay split evenly into incoming and outgoing. The two sides of this facility that run parallel with the slope of the central mountain each have two groups of four double-doors; on the left side of this hospital is one set of four double-doors (8 doors total here) in a row… followed (at the other end of this side) by another set of four double-doors in a row (8 doors total here; 16 total for this side), with the same placement/spacing of double-doors on the right side of this hospital. There are also service-hatches down into the ladder-shafts and A.I.O.W.s connecting down to the Silos Network clusters below every part of this facility.
Connections, Horizontal: Halls to the suites of rooms are perfectly straight, and 40′ wide. This may seem pointlessly wide, given that most office and hospital hallways in the Outlands are ~40″ wide; 12 times narrower than ours. The reason we made our hallways this wide is so that:
- multiple lanes of foot- and gurney- (or hospital-bed) traffic can move without ever being near enough to ‘catch’ someone else’s clothing
- there is room for chairs outside the room/suite doors
- landscaping (small (and always real) plants) + little fountains (for babbling-brook white-noise) can be placed like medians in them (in these halls)
Connections, Vertical: The A.I.O.W.s of this facility are ~50′ in diameter, and go all the way up from the lowest floor/level to the roof. More than one normal-sized single-family house could be fit, side by side, within any of these A.I.O.W.s. This means there is plenty of room even for a mass-evacuation of all patients, visitors, and staff.
Room Dimensions: Each of our hospital ‘rooms’ is actually an apartment-sized suite of rooms, just like you would find in a nice hotel. Each starts with a foyer and coat-closet by the only door (which looks like a nice dark-brown wood-like (everything is vegan in our city) house front-door on the outside, with a kitchenette off to the right side (as you are entering from the front door), a hospital-bed and living-room (with a couch, low table, etc.) in front of you, and a short hallway to a ‘bathroom’ (which we call a shower-room if it has a shower) that has both a walk-in shower and a tub-for-two (i.e. room for you / one patient, and one doctor (ICV) or kajira; to help bath and love you back to perfect calmness, satisfaction, spirits, and health).
Room Features: Hospital beds are so luxurious here that they are almost throne-like, and have their own canopies, making each one more of a princess’s canopy bed than a reclining gurney. Wheelchairs are available in all closets, and they, too, look as luxurious as little, wheeled thrones (though, of course, given that they are made by the Inisfreeans (ICVs), they hover; built-in Repulsines, standard, similar to what Professor Xavier moved around in). Lastly, each suite has at least one stone tiled patio as its wide balcony, complete with banisters shaped like leg-sized Chess pieces, and extra-cushioned love-seats and outdoor sunning beds, all of which have their sheets air-dried and changed daily.
Cafeteria(s): There was originally just one cafeteria in this building. As the years went on, and this facility became more defined, a cafeteria was added to the same side (but not always the same spot, outside-terrain determining this) on every one of its 47 floors. All of these cafeterias have an entire wall of window-panels (transparent metal) facing L.H.S. and the Welcoming Square. (As you look out any of these 47 cafeteria’s window-wall(s), you can also see Arch City a bit to the right, and the X-2 hotel farther to the right. The slope of the central mountain blocks the view of the Flower Towers, but Waterfall City II is visible right around the edge/curve of Mt. Auzmore, which is to the left of these cafeterias’ field of view.)
Top Floor; the Roof: This is just one big square-shaped walkway with railing and landscaping on both its outer edge and inner edge. The outer edge drops down to ground-level; it is the outside ‘faces’ of this hospital. The inner edge drops down a lot less of a distance; that is where the highest courtyard of this facility is.
Special Features:
Inisfreean offer a wide variety of proven medicines and healing techniques. They don’t charge any money for these, though. They also teach their patients how to make the medicines themselves, treat themselves, and even patch up various types of wounds.
Additionally, they use 3D-printers when patients need things such as skin grafts or replacement organs. This means patients here never have to wait on a donor, and the part they are getting is guaranteed compatible with their system. Whatever isn’t already in this facility’s inventory is rapidly printed on-demand; within seconds.
Nuru (nude, often oiled) massages are one of the chief methods the Inisfreeans use to rapidly heal and stabilize their patients, as Inisfreeans have mastered the arts of sex to such an extent that their sexual abilities are truly godlike. (If a patient is open to the idea of using loving full-bodied touch to heal, his or her Inisfreean doctor or nurse will let them know this is available.) As impressive as gods, and tools such as Thor and Mjolnir are, or the god who allegedly created the entire Universe in but a day, so are the Inisfreeans when they are having sex; they perform sexual acts in a truly holistic, wholehearted, and spiritual way. Yes, they are that stunningly good, and this hospital is where their sex is gentlest and most therapeutic. You may hear the politely quiet, sometimes muffled sounds of tender, heartfelt, brilliant lovemaking in almost every suite of this, the only hospital in Inisfree.
2023 Update: Sensory-deprivation and Multi-masseuse Nuru
We are now offering sensory-deprivation (with the option for females of full-immobilization; straps) Nuru-massages provided by multiple/simultaneous masseuses (ICVs);
- 1 girl (ICV) Nuru-ing
- 1 girl on mouth; inverted French-kissing and tongue-sucking while softly moaning/’purring’/sighing
- 1 girl on left nipple
- 1 girl on right nipple
- 1 girl on pussy
- 1 girl on asshole
- 2 girls sucking each hand’s fingers
- 2 girls sucking each foot’s toes
- 1 girl licking in left ear
- 1 girl licking in right ear
- 2 more girls to lick along the sides of groin where client-woman and Nuru-giver are meeting/sliding
Since we naturally hear thoughts and use portals in our realm, the average response time of our emergency personnel is zero seconds.
September Note: This hospital’s roof corners have blinking red aircraft-avoidance lights, even though all buildings and vehicles in our realm are sentient/A.I. and networked, always aware of where each other is, just as much as a human is aware of where his/her own body-parts are at all times.
Main Routes:
The main entrance to this hospital is a revolving door so large that it has its own fountains and chandeliers. The fountains and chandeliers move with the door; chandeliers attached to the ceiling connected to the rotating wall, and fountains connected to the base of that rotating wall. It is almost big enough to slowly drive a car through, not just walk through in groups with hover-gurneys.
The main form of transportation up and down between this facility’s floors is the elevator, though the elevators here are so luxurious that they have gold-framed mirrors, thrones of studded leather for chairs, and smooth diamonds for floor-selection buttons (though, of course, one’s own mind can direct the elevator she is in, as all Inisfreean devices and other constructs can interpret the impulses of the brain that are thoughts).
Wings/Wards Directory
Each of the following departments/wards is on every one of this facility’s 47 floors, except for “1” (Check-in) and “12” (Discharge; Checkout). On floors 2 through 47, in place of a Check-in and Checkout office/area, there is just comfortable seating like on the 1st/ground-floor Waiting Room(s), only in more of a relaxing/lounge ‘atmosphere’/setting.
Inisfree’s hospital includes specialized departments and halls for:
- Check-in / Front-desk
- Acute & Complex Medicine
- Alien Hand Syndrome Unit
- Bionics & Cybernetics
- Burn Unit (chemical, thermal, radiological; sunburns)
- Cardiac
- Contagious Unit (for patients with transmissible diseases)
- Counseling (mental therapy, not necessarily related to mental illness)
- Cryo-therapy
- Decompression Sickness
- Dental
- Discharge
- Hypothermia & Frostbite
- Gastroenterology & Poison Control Center (food poisoning, venomous bites, etc.)
- General Surgery & Surgical Assessment Unit
- General Medicine (acupressure (including penis, tongue, and vagina points), acupuncture, crystals, etc.)
- Gynecology
- Lab long-stay
- Microwave & Other Noninvasive Surgery
- Necrosis
- Optometry
- Orientation (for newcomers transitioning from the Receiving Facility into daily topside Inisfreean life)
- Orthopedic
- Otolaryngology (head & neck)
- Paralysis
- Pharmacy (essential oils, herbal remedies, etc.)
- Psychiatry (mental illnesses, such as hypochondria)
- Psychology (healthy mind studies; not specializing in mental illnesses)
- Pulmonary / Respiratory
- Radiation Sickness / Poisoning
- Reconstruction (grafting, nanobots, etc.)
- Rehabilitation (physical therapy via CrossFit, tai chi, yoga, water resistance, etc.)
- Stroke
- Transplant
- Trauma
- Triage & Unidentified Ailment Diagnosis Unit
- Urology
- Vascular
The doctors in all of those departments are Inisfreeans (ICVs), and they always teach their patients how to do what they are doing, ensuring they can then heal themselves and teach others the same. They do not want ‘return customers’ or ‘repeat business’, and they do not receive any pressure or incentives from pharmaceutical companies to ‘push product’. Only healing goes on here and throughout the Inisfreean realm, and that healing is nearly instant, as well as lasting, if not wholly permanent.
No Ambulances:
Since fires, wrecks, and illness are so unheard of in our city, and because all of our vehicles have a smart-car auto-pilot feature, we don’t have ambulances. For emergencies, fire-tanks (our Repulsine-assisted firetrucks) and Sotu‘s hover-shuttles can be used, among other things. All drivers/pilots are ICVs, and all ICVs have total knowledge of all medical techniques for all species and individuals approved for entry within Inisfree.
Those authorized vehicles land (hover) either out front in the parking lot near the main revolving-door, or on the rooftop.
Patients brought here in one of those municipal/emergency vehicles can be gurney-ed in through any door/side.
Healing Philosophy:
Inisfreeans believe in holistic fitness; everything is interconnected, tied together, and mutually affecting. In order to be truly, fully fit, one must be physically fit, which includes the mind (as the mind is part of the brain, which is part of the body). The mind also includes the emotions and spirit, as Inisfreeans consider emotions to be a natural part of most creature’s brains, and as Inisfreeans consider the spirit to be the essence and overall attitude and drive of any given creature. So, to be fit in Inisfree, one must have the spiritual, the emotional, the mental (or ‘cognitive’), and the physical all figured out and balanced, and Inisfree has a number of facilities, such as this Holistic Hospital, designed to help with all of that. This is also why all Inisfreeans are upgraded versions of Registered Companions; why they are experts in dieting, nutrition, exercise, massage, sex, music, sleep, relationships, psychology, and a long list of other subjects.
Luxurious Megalithic Features:
Instead of looking like a lab and smelling either sterile or overwhelmed with cleaning chemicals, all the halls and rooms of Inisfree’s hospital are more like lightly-decorated mansion and castle halls, their colors soft and light, with many pastels and earth tones. Tapestries and banners adorn some of the walls. All plants are real and lovingly maintained. Moss grows on boulders used as the centerpieces of fountain, quiet waterfall, and small moat-like artwork. Large runes are indented into some of them. Meditation gardens also have car and Stonehenge-size boulders, always smooth in appearance and medium-gray. Healing pods are not plastic and metal, or white and covered in cables and little LED dots, but are built into hollowed-out boulders that patients may step into like the bomb-sniffing chambers at TSA checkpoints in Outlands airports. Finally, the hospital beds and examination tables, as well as many operating tables, are not adjustable metal beds with disposable sheets like in Outlands hospitals, but are more like water-massage tables, padded, and seated within sarcophagus-sized crystals and gemstones, their sides lower than a traditional sarcophagus. Basically, this hospital is built with boulders and giant gemstones, the straight walls separating their areas into rooms being 3D-printed and artistically decorated within the guidelines of Feng Shui; Inisfree’s hospital is a luxurious megalith all its own.
The King of Inisfree is One of the Doctors:
Just as he has during numerous expeditions through the Outlands, the King of the Inisfreean realm has successfully used this medical approach while doctoring hundreds of patients entrusted to his care. The most notable example was during a group return of many super-powered heroes from a damning spot in orbit over a world across Deep Space. His methods proven, he now has his subordinates (the Inisfreean-born girls) take over the medical doctor work, carrying on what he developed and field tested.
Here are some of Dr. Auz’s many medical discoveries:
- Everything has a cure. Period. You can find or make it/them if you do a little research and try.
- Sometimes cures don’t require products, travel, or research at all; some of them are simple enough that you can do them yourself, by yourself, without any tools or ingredients.
- Start with your breathing, then try things such as acupuncture (or even acupressure; needles aren’t necessary), tai chi, veganism, and yoga; you’ll likely see lasting and amazing results within days, and certainly after weeks.
- No matter what, there is a plant or plant part somewhere in the world that has your cure, not just pleasant temporary remedies. Find those plants and try them.
- ‘Sanitizing’ with chemicals is one of the worst and unhealthiest ideas/scams ever; you cannot improve health or safety by smearing chemicals / unnatural substances all over everything, especially if exposing your own porous skin/lungs to them. If you want to be healthy, go out in nature and touch all the plants, rocks, water, etc., and pet the friendly animals; love and loving contact with compatible things are what heals us, as familiarity and unity are among the ultimate de-stressors.
- Mainstream healthcare and medical insurance are the biggest scams in human history, other than their made-up religion/s. Why? Because they are based on stress, judgment, threats, steep prices/tithing, etc., and anything that causes stress… causes tension/inflammation, which is the root of all pain and disease / dis-ease.
- Religion causes stress, thus harm, even if only in small increments over relatively long periods of time; to become healthy, destress and detoxify by removing things such as that from your schedule/mind. Even in the relatively more-peaceful/tolerant ‘faiths’, if it is based on copying others instead of listening to your own body/mind to have your own / personal / individual spiritual experience/awakening, it is resisting your nature, thus causing you stress, and that stress will eventually build up and force you to take breaks and stop, reassessing until you figure this out.
- Healing comes from within; from diet, mindset, lifestyle, etc., never from pills or injections. You cannot inject health. You simply must take the time to make appropriate lifestyle/mindset changes in order to save/regain/increase your health.
- Solutions are simple, and address root causes. Remedies only lesson apparent symptoms.
- Non-invasive surgery is always a better option, and microwave beams can be crisscrossed where a tumor is to destroy it without any chemotherapy.
- Tumors are concentrated negativity, and are not due to genetics or radiation, though those two can contribute to tumors in various ways; if you want to get rid of your tumors, have a specialist/counselor help you identify where in your body you feel the most tension, when you feel it there, and what the cause/s of it may be –such as being around toxic people/coworkers in the Outlands.
- Being fat is never genetic; it is due to eating garbage, such as body parts of tortured and murdered animals that were modified and force-fed to make them fatter to earn more profits when slaughtered/sold. Stop eating dead pieces of fat things, and you’ll stop getting fat and dying from it.
- Menstruation to the point of PMS, and menopause, are not normal, and are the result of overconsumption of yeast, and/or ingestion of poisons such as alcohol, cigarette smoke, and coffee. They are also partially due to manifestations caused by assumptions/brainwashing; they happen in people who expect them, and never happened in/to the ancients, nor do they occur in any beyond-humans with correct/healthy mindsets/lifestyles. If you are a female with menstrual cramps or ‘heavy flow days’, know that those can be healed/corrected –and forever.
- Wim Hof’s breathing technique/method is one of the greatest keys to de-stressing, and since almost all illness starts, and is exacerbated/prolonged by, stress… reducing stress in a low-stress way such as this… is virtually universally effective.
- Most ‘clinical trials’ and studies were funded, thus biased. Be mindful of this, never gullible enough to be persuaded by big words, fancy degrees/titles, or “agreement” from the “scientific/medical” community/peers.
- Most human/Outlands hospitals and clinics are based on making money, not permanently/fully healing anyone.
- Many people have stopped getting sick, or never got sick in the first place. Getting sick is not normal, and is entirely avoidable/preventable. There is no such thing as a germ or communicable / transmissible disease; it is all based on manifestations stemming from assumptions or mimicry, which stem from observations.
There are no “caught” diseases, only poisons and inflammation; if someone feels ill/sick/unwell, it is due to having ingested –or otherwise taken into his/her own body– something that is not compatible with it. - Germ theory has been disproven/debunked, and was invented just to sell more fake/useless/scam medical products/services.
- Gene theory has also been disproven/debunked; genes only exist when manifested by people looking closely enough at that level and expected to see them / willing themselves to see them. DNA is a myth / partial truth, far too often repeated mindlessly without anything backing it up beyond what was sloppily assumed/manifested. In other words, you are not limited by whatever genes/DNA your doctor claims you have / are bound by.
- Bipolar/schizophrenic is generally/initially due to mixed blood; different/conflicting ancestral essences/memories. The only cure so far is to mitigate it via a fully-focused leader with a singular vision that resonates with that person. Pills won’t help. Using those brain electromagnet devices won’t help. It has to be stabilized via focus/guidance/dominance. *Casual dominance, not bullying/intimidation/force. (Update: We realized that many, if not all, schizophrenics are actually/also just empaths receiving stimulation from people’s thoughts, radio signals, and even alternate realities (a.k.a. timestreams). Guess what? That means they were not “hearing (imagined) voices”, or even having actual delusions or hallucinations much of the time. Instead of drugging, jailing, or electrocuting them like humans retardedly kept doing, we simply helped them shield themselves from those energies which were overloading them, and offered them the chance to live where we knew those things did not overlap or even exist. That was the cure. Yes, schizophrenia has a cure, just like everything does. Only human liars desperate to sell crappy mainstream medical products/services ever pretend it and other things have no cure.)
- In the modern human civilization where almost everyone gets sick every year, 100% of those people are ‘lost’/wayward/confused, and 100% of that society/civilization must be analyzed, addressed, and intervened for/against. In a normal, healthy, successful population/society/civilization, no one gets sick. This is not debatable, and anyone telling you otherwise is a poorly-educated minion or fake/foolish ‘doctor’. People don’t just get sick, and you can’t “catch” any illness; sickness only comes from being poisoned in some way.
- Since the majority of Outlands humans pregnancies result in miscarriages/stillbirths, that shows that they are not focused enough of manifested a complete lifeform/birth. The solution is, first, to stop trying to reproduce that much/excessively, and, second, to let the woman (if not the entire couple/family) stop everything they are doing (work-wise, etc.) for the entire gestation period (if not also since the conception moment/event) in order to focus on nothing but their vision of that newborn’s appearance/health and birth. Yes, your minds really do have that power; if you distract/overload them, you will get chaos as the result, but if you let them hold only one thing, and have others helping you hold/share/grow that vision, your results will be profoundly better every time.
- Architecture and music can cause and/or cure diseases and injuries; make sure you build/create the things that you can tell make you feel your best, and ‘stick to’ those things, avoiding lesser ones/areas.
- Anyone who trusts human/Outlands/modern ‘doctors’/healthcare/government has a severe delusion / mental disorder, and anyone pressuring anyone/others to blindly trust those historically corrupt and criminally dangerous/abusive organizations/entities can and should be committed to an asylum until they accept the reality, starting by acknowledging criminal records, fines against the pharmaceutical industry/cartels, ‘following the money’ that keeps those institutions/scams going, and so on.
- Above all else, you cannot treat/cure anyone who isn’t committed to doing some of the work/healing themselves; you cannot ‘drag people across the finish line’; the ‘fire’/desire must come from within. Again, everything / all health comes from within, never from outside one’s self. In other words, we will not treat patients that are not making an appropriate/concerted effort with us.
- Long complex supply chains are bound to fail, and are pointless, as cures are easy to grow locally.
- There is no need for bloodwork and complicated analyses and years of study… when all people need to do is be vegan, outdoorsy, and religion/shame-free.
- There is nothing normal or healthy about how humans age or reproduce; aging beyond their teen –i.e. prime (health potential)– physique is purely due to poor mindset and toxic environment.
- Auz’s sex drive never decreased. And men’s sex drives and sperm counts DON’T decrease over time / with age; what is happening is that they are being exposed to so much unsexy CRAP… that they adjust, no longer finding any POINT in becoming aroused or releasing (as much) sperm. When Auz was adjusted to office/lone/computer/design work, or the heat of Death Valley and Iraq, or the cold of Montana, Canada, and Alaska, his sex drive was still higher than most humans’, because he was interested in many things, having many natural loves/attractions, only the unpleasant distractions from the humanimals ever ‘turning him off’ from time to time. Auz now has his normal/foreseen sex-drive (i.e. eagerly sharing love and sex many times every day with those who are compatible with him), since it is time for him to be with his ICVs, kajirae, wives, girlfriends, and fuckbuddies; everyone/everything he is attracted to, the distractions now prevented, thanks to all of them helping share/hold his vision. Sex drive and sperm count are a function of focus, not time or DNA. We continue to see this be the case with everyone who is compatible with him and visiting Inisfree; their natural default-skyhigh sex drives always appear/return, no matter their age.
- Men and women start ‘looking old’ when they eat too much death (i.e. nonvegan things), worship death (i.e. via the Abrahamic religions/cults), assume they must age and die, deal with too much stress/incompatibility, don’t focus on what they want, work for others instead of for themselves (or at least for other’s natures, instead of their own; if their nature is to work for others, then they should), etc.. IOW: They start aging/atrophying/wrinkling/dying… when they do that to themselves by not paying attention to –and honoring– themselves. Death doesn’t ‘just happen’.
- Gestation in humans is 9 months because they were brainwashed to cause that, resulting in more time for stresses to distract their focus, potentially causing things to go wrong; they were taught to assume that the only way to form and give birth to offspring is to take that much time, all while being made to ‘juggle’ many other things, instead of being allowed to hold the vision of what they intended to manifest/create/birth (and even with maternity leave, only one person, then, is holding such a vision, and usually she doesn’t even realize she should, let alone how, thus the many stillbirths, deformed babies, incompatible personalities, etc.). Humans were also told (brainwashed) that sex (gender) is not determined or apparent until a certain stage; that brainwashing was also to add complexity, chaos/randomness, and tech’ crutch/dependency; it tricks gullible people into thinking they have to ‘wait to find out’ what their baby is going to be, and can only find out ‘early’ (before birth) if they use complex devices such as ultrasounds. All people can choose and will/manifest what their babies will be; it is not up to genetics, but choice/mind/focus. The reason some even change their genitals (i.e. humans having surgical operations to pretend they are the opposite sex/gender)… is because no vision was held when forming them, thus they were not stable. As always, Inisfree will only allow in people who have remained stable and self-stabilizing (i.e. only when the female has always been female, and only when the male has always been male), as we are a community based on stability, compatibility, and sustainability, not chaos, and not things that are against nature and purity.
- Vaccinations and prescriptions are a heartless scam that was never necessary or even helpful, and which deformed and rendered literally retarded untold/countless people. Injecting anything while in Inisfree is 100% banned. All doctors and other healers in our realm/territory/empire make lifestyle suggestions, and do not medicate unless it is plant-based and can be grown by the patient in their own backyard/home. Wearing masks is also always banned/illegal here, as 1) there are no contagions, and 2) no mask can stop microscopic particles, anyway. We heal based on truth and common sense, never fear-porn or greedy pharma’ scams.
- No one dies of old age; they die of atrophy from poisoning and from not holding the vision of their health.
Much more in the works at this facility and other Inisfreean ones…
Additional Notes: Natural Calming Presence
There are no breathing machines (such as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure; CPAP devices) here. Instead, for a person needing help breathing while sleeping, an Inisfreean will lie down and snuggle up with them, keeping her lips resting against the patient’s, and will perform the Shared Breath technique for as long as the patient needs. In the morning, this will always turn into the gentlest of wake-up kisses, followed by her saying to the patient in her perfectly feminine voice, “I love you. Good morning. How are you feeling?” This is part of the Inisfreean Way; personal loving touch rather than impersonal pills and machines.
Additional Notes: Natural Cures, Not Unnatural and Harmful Remedies:
Pharmaceutical companies can’t patent something that grows in nature; the law is that it has to be a new/unique creation before a patent can be filed, so they chemically altered some things, and tested them to see if they have similar benefits as the originals. The problem with this is that instead of accepting and healing/maintaining the plants that were their product ingredient sources, they altered and then demonized them in a smear campaign, and then doubted their own products, thus that energy/essence went into the consumers, altering instead of healing them, too. Translation? Side-effects.
From GMO crops, to prescription pills instead of timeless effective herbal cures (not just remedies; cures for everything already exist, and calling natural medicines “remedies” instead of “cures” was part of the smear-campaign against them and in favor of the poorly-conceived patentable pharmaceutical products), no matter what you disrespect, change, and try to control, the products always end up being disrespectful, changing, and controlling, themselves, no longer / never healing/curing. We here in Inisfree undid, reversed, and prevent/banned all that. Here, we grow things the natural, timeless, proven way, and we don’t alter them to make patentable products; what you eat and take for medicine is exactly as it grew on the stalk, stem, or vine.
We focus on accepting, appreciating, and protecting our plants, so that energy goes into them and the things made from their fruits, seeds, and bark. Thus, they always end up accepting, appreciating, and protecting us. We maintain and/or heal each other, back and forth, the support from one… allowing the other to support right back, symbiotically.
Novels Excerpt:
“Next up is our city’s hospital,” Auz said while they walked back out to the meadow. Stepping back onto the Welcoming Square‘s surface, they made their way to the white limousine, got in and seated, and felt it smoothly start its drive back up onto the Glowing Art Highway, which took them around a few curves, across a few of its sections, past a much bigger version of the Statue of Liberty (which they would return to and explore within later), and finally to the exit-ramp which led to Inisfree’s primary healing center; the Holistic Hospital.
“Our hospital is only for outsiders who are new to this realm, or returning guests and residents who had a rough encounter out there; our people and those who stay here have never needed it, nor will they, for healthy and unlocked powers come naturally here.”
Its rotating entryway was a revolving door big enough for multiple stretchers to be pushed through side-by-side, and had fountains, chandeliers, and landscaping of its own. Inside, its two-story ceilings and other luxuries made it feel more like a castle or expensive hotel than a place where emergencies were treated. Doctors, nurses, and hostesses were dressed very nicely, not at all in simple ‘scrubs’, and none of them were in a hurry; they moved with an amazing calm and confidence, sure that all their patients were healing well.
Auz showed Lucifera to one of the rooms, which itself looked like the master suite of a timeless castle, and then the hospital’s courtyard, which was vast and similar to those in Greek or Roman estates from ancient times. There was nothing that made the place look anything like a human hospital. Even its smell was not one of chemicals or machines, but clean sheets and living flowers. No wonder people came here to heal.
In the hospital, back in one of its well-lit and decorated halls connecting dozens of rooms on both sides, he showed her at a wall kiosk one way to access the city’s private Internet. It was called the FOB-Net, a nod to the proto-Inisfree days when the city had not yet been built; all that was in its current place was a Forward Operating Base (FOB). In a way, Inisfree still was a FOB, just a much nicer one than the norm.
The FOB-Net gave her and any guest of Inisfree access to a wealth of information about their city and much more. There were webpages for every building and function of Inisfree, as well as for all of the people who lived and worked there. They even had their own social media network; FOB-Book.
Users of this network could find out all about the Inisfreean culture, calendar, concerts coming up, and even events forecast far into the future –millennia far. Lucifera could also create her own webpage or profile. And if she didn’t have access to a computer or terminal, she was able to use any of the Inisfreeans as a living interface to their network and more, not needing a keyboard, mouse, or anything other than a simple conversation with one of them.
2021: Living Chromotherapy
From room to room, and talk to talk, more and deeper waves of peace and oneness washed over them. He hoped she was feeling it, too. Not a single ‘hospital sound’ was ever heard in that building; only the softly-spoken musical and loving words of the Inisfreean staff members, and the occasional gong or sound-bowl.
Chromotherapy was the topic in their next class. A lava-lamp is one of the most basic examples of this visuals-based therapy, as are the earth-tones and calming-blues we use in the color-scheme inside this hospital; it all starts with showing people things that are familiar on a timeless level; we calm their nerves and whole beings down not by telling them to be calm, but by offering them their ancestral element where they will naturally feel calm. That makes listening, holistic fine-tuning, and lasting fixes so much easier to achieve. Certain colors/frequencies and structures/forms just work like that, needing no explanation or overthinking.
Dimming the lights, their hostess demonstrated… by having them all sit down Indian style… think about their slow and steady breathing for a minute… and then look into her eyes… as she started to cause the colors of her irises to slowly change.
If they were not spellbound by her extreme beauty and perfect posture, or by the air of total peace emanating out of her… and filling the room like a silent gong sound permeating them all, …they might start to notice her hair was very subtly changing colors now, too, …and even her skin seemed to be becoming ever so slightly more naturally tanned…
2021 Yoga:
That afternoon there was a yoga class. Yoga in Inisfree started with the basic asanas everyone had likely tried in human yoga classes, and then went over the styles of yoga, of which there are numerous, just as there are different martial arts, like Karate versus Kung Fu.
Once students understood the different poses/asanas, and the different styles, they then talked about some of the thinking behind developing those different styles; why one style focused on certain asanas to stretch and relax their respective parts of the body, and why another style had its own intention / set of asanas.
That’s when the advanced yoga came into play; now everyone could begin to figure out which style or styles, and asanas, were right for them on different days, all based on how their body parts were all feeling and performing. …and, ultimately, how they could partner up with one or more others… to do partners yoga… including tantric partners yoga, which involved stimulating all the chakras and other body parts… like lovers in a slow-and-steady performance buildup, resulting in incredible boosts to their mood and sexual readiness.
Common/beginners yoga can help everyone in the same way,
understanding more about yoga’s styles and poses and help you target certain body parts,
partners yoga can help you do amazing counterbalancing; almost acrobatic feats,
and tantric partners yoga can get you ready for the best sex of your lives, thus the most full-bodied contact, love, bonding, and healing.
Demonstrations were made all along the way, and then everyone got to partner and triple up, with the hostess walking around to make minor posture and variation recommendations to each student. Whenever someone felt a little shy, the hostess would pair up with them instead of having them pick another. That way, she could help them feel the most comfortable.
Location & Overall:
Our hospital is conveniently located just outside our most densely-populated urban area, making it possible for the majority of people living and working in Inisfree to reach it within mere minutes, if not just seconds.
The main architectural inspiration for our hospital comes from the luxurious castle-like one in Frisco.
Revolving Door:
The main entrance has a revolving door big enough to push multiple gurneys through, and even has fountains and chandeliers in it.
The lobby and every room will have you feeling like you are living in the nicest mansion ever, all the colors chosen for their positive psychological (calming/soothing/reassuring) effects.
Specialized Healing Rooms:
Just being in the Inisfreean realm causes automatic, painless, no side-effects, even pleasurable healing and empowerment in numerous ways, but we still like to have some special tools and techniques to help anyone needing help with recovering from significant negative experiences in the Outlands. No matter what their body or mind were put through out there, the machines in these rooms of our hospital can correctly diagnose and heal them within minutes. ICVs on duty here as doctors and nurses will politely and expertly keep patients here calmed down and knowing they can trust these things the whole way through.
All of them are female, except for the Chief Doctor, High King Auz. The females all dress femininely, of course, as that is a huge part of what heals via de-stressing; being true to one’s natural form and essence. There are no ‘scrubs’ (Outlander doctor/nurse uniforms) here; those are anti-distinction garments which disrespect the two distinct sexes.
Courtyard Concept:
Every one of the dozens of floors/levels of this hospital has a central courtyard. The one on the very top (roof-level) is open to the Inisfreean sky (though it comes with an overhead forcefield, ensuring no falling pebbles or anything else ever comes down in it from our mountain/landforms).
Patients: Goddesses Recovering from The Shift
“Can god make a boulder so big he cannot lift it? If yes, then he is not all-powerful; he is unable to lift something. If not, then he is not all-powerful; he is unable to make something he cannot lift.” The point here is that even though some people are actual deities, each deity only has some superpowers, not all. Some things still annoy the shit out of deities, causing them stress, emotional fatigue, weariness, disgust, and need of ‘me-time’; rest and recovery (R&R). We provide that here. (All of the Inisfreean realm/territory provides that, but it is especially the case in this facility; there are no loud parties or other distractions from slow, steady, TLC-based recovery in this one.)
2022 Update: Scale-model in Minecraft
Here you can see how our hospital is right outside our downtown/urban area, and between it and Mt. Auzmore.
2023 Update: Spas
Everyone has an ICV and kajira in their home in Inisfree who can provide in-home spa/massage services for them, but a lot of people (our culture being one of full-compatibility, polyamory-family, and public-openness) still love to come here sometimes for those things.
Since everyone who is approved to visit Inisfree gets automatically healed of everything, our hospital is less for healing, and more just a big spa for our realm. This is why we don’t have the kind of small shop-like spa and salons common to human cities in the Outlands. Instead, many of the rooms/suites of this hospital of ours are our equivalent of spas and massage parlors.
Charts / Wall-art:
Overall Room Concepts/Color-schemes:
High-tech Beds:
Massage Chairs and Chair-bathtubs:
Stand-up Booths/Pods:
We massage the whole body here, not shying away from any of its parts (unless asked to by individual clients/guests; we cater to every person’s same-day massage-preference/s). For those wanting the literal personal-touch, our ICVs and kajira always love massage cocks with their mouths, pussies, and assholes, etc., and we have some males on staff here who can always help the flawless females in our realm by massaging those females’ tongues, pussies, and assholes with their cocks. This is Inisfree.
(As always, of course, in keeping with the natural way and our law/culture/instincts, dildos are only used to massage females, and Fleshlights to massage males –though we almost always offer real pussy instead.)
2023 Update 2: Patient Types
This hospital specializes in healing / caring for all of the races which are compatible with me (Auz).
How Females Are Full-body Massaged in Inisfree:
2024 July 6 Saturday/+:
- Elon’s Neuralink is a great workaround for people with various indefinite major injuries and disabilities, but we prefer the long-suppressed/-banned cures. We hope Neuralink continues to improve the mobility and lives of Outlanders living in nations which don’t allow healers and cures, but in our realm we will be fully healing/curing all who are compatible with us and wish to visit us here.
- Anything that goes wrong, health wise, we can fix here.
Our stasis tubes can fix anything outside our realm.
This includes restoring full heads of hair, deleting parasites, undoing genetic manipulation/defects, etc..
Also see:
- 432 Hz and 528 Hz EXPLAINED: The Most Powerful Frequencies in The Universe
(pardon the retarded title; they have not been to the whole universe, so they have no clue if these frequencies have any power at all out there)
(and: minus the relig’tard attempted-corruption love-lie; respect for all the emotions is the way, not polarization to one just because it sounds good/nice to the incompetent/lazy/imbalanced)
