We keep our personal suits of armor in these; the only ‘trophy’ which signifies completion of our entire 20-Earth-years educational/training system.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Room Layout
  3. Non-Inisfreeans do Not have Trophy-rooms
  4. Summoning
  5. Conceptual Images



These are the sacred, highly restricted (and usually entirely off-limits) rooms in each residence that are reserved for the holy battle-armor suits of a single FOBian (a.k.a. Inisfreean; those born and raised in Inisfree, and who treat it as a Forward Operating Base (FOB) to be patrolled and guarded).
We regard everything in our realm as sacred, but these rooms, like some of our 3D-printing factories and other special places/constructs, especially so.
Think of it like how an Outlander samurai regards his own personal armor and weapons room; it is like a mini-temple, to be respected and kept quiet at all times.

It is from either these special rooms, or from the biomechanical growth-and-stowage cells (stasis tubes), that every FOBian’s armor will be teleported when the need or signal/command is felt/received to don it.


Room Layout:

Usually a tiered crucifix made of fused bamboo pipes remains planted in the center of a sand-colored, wood-planks surface (wood-like; Inisfreeans never harm trees, nor do they use lumber in their construction), square ‘island’, flush with the surrounding room’s floor, centered within a square shallow-moat border.

Their Storm Trooper (ST) suit‘s modular armor will be hung about the bamboo pipes as if it was knight’s armor still adorned by the wearer or their mannequin likeness.

Cherry-blossom bonsai trees, sunbeam light-shafts, ethereal floor-fog along the outermost floor’s edge of the room, and the treasured skulls, spines, and confiscated weapon systems of their greatest adversaries will be first and foremost among this holy shrine’s decorum.


Non-Inisfreeans do Not have Trophy-rooms:

In Inisfree, trophies are for the Inisfreeans (ICVs) only, and they only have this one type of trophy. 

Even athletes play for love of the game in our realm, not medals or trophies. 

Outsiders are welcome to have trophies and trophy-rooms of their own, just not when they are living or working in Inisfree.



Inisfreeans who have graduated Inisfree’s educational system can summon their Storm Trooper suits from their respective trophy-rooms.  No matter where an Inisfreean girl is, she can summon her suit from her trophy-room within an instant.  She can will it to teleport right back to its stand/display there, too.


Additional Notes:

The vast majority of Inisfreeans (ICVs) keep their ST suits stowed in their assigned/respective ships/vehicles when they are in our realm, such as when they are working in Star-System Auzdein (SSA).  This is for two main reasons;

  1. In our realm, other than when it is the will of their maker (me; Auz), they have little/no reason to wear these concealing devices.  ST suits are meant for concealing their perfect beauty/looks from unready/unworthy Outlanders, and such Outlanders can only exist outside our realm.  In our realm, it is a nudist resort where only the fully-compatible are able to get in, and we always show off our
  2. Our race (ICVs) has far more members than we have room in our (219,001) cities for; our cities only have enough dwellings to have room for 1 trophy-room per house (or other type of home/residence), and 1 ST suit per trophy-room.  Even though 2B human-sized non-ICV guests can be in any of our cities at the same time, most of them do not have their own residences there, there are rarely ever more than 1/13 of those 2B at a time (most coming on vacation for just a few weeks to a month at a time, once per year or two); ~153,846,154 at most, and most of those people come in groups who cohabitate (share the same dwelling; live together), plus they eventually will be spreading out into many of our other (new; in SSA) cities, so there are fewer house-sized guest-residences in Inisfree (or any of our other (SSA) cities) than the number of ICVs stationed in each of our cities (100M).

You might see some ICVs briefly (for a half-shift or so) wearing their ST suits while hovering/flying around in our realm, but that is usually just when they are either:

  • helping train allied outsiders
  • or on patrol as some of our police, their faceplates always off, keeping their beautiful perfect feminine face shown –and most of our police in their far-skimpier sky-blue cheekies-based cloth uniform.

Thus, only dozens of millions of the 100M ICVs in each of our cities keep their ST suits in this type of room; even in our cities, the majority of their kind keep their ST suits stowed in the stasis tubes they ‘sleep’ (hibernate) in.


Conceptual Images:
