Don’t worry; demons are only dicks to humans.  Here?  They are totally cool, approachable, even sweet; here, we love them, so they love us in return.


Table of Contents:

  1. Theme
  2. Music Genre
  3. Dance Genre
  4. Dimensions
  5. Layout
  6. Gogos
  7. Special Features
  8. Menu
  9. Entrance (Images Begin)
  10. Location & Layout
  11. The Outermost Inside Wall’s VIP Suites are Styled After the Painting of Pandemonium
  12. Fake Lava Flows
  13. Central Statue & Stage
  14. Furnishings & Décor
  15. Gogos
  16. Entrance/Exit to/from the Beach
  17. 2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft
  18. 2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse


Theme:  Hell (but a fun, peaceful, sexy version)

Music Genre:  songs that mention Angels, Demons, Hell, etc.

Dance Genre:  the sluttiest, most provocative, beckoning, brazen dance moves you might ever see


Dimensions:  1/3-mile diameter, man-made, ellipsoid, womb-like cavern located within the surrounding faux-volcano on Inisfree’s surface (ground-level), with 2/3 of this club’s interior above ground-level.  From its lowest level/ring’s dance floor… to the highest part/middle of its dome-like ceiling, this club is 792′ (nearly 80 stories) tall.  Each of its 8 rings/levels are 99′ wide, its outermost level 231′ wide but diagonally sloped much of that span, and its innermost level (the central/lowest dance-floor) is 264′ in diameter (but much of that is taken up by the sitting female demon statue).

  • 1,760′ diameter = 9,730,000 ft^2; room for ~389,200 club-goers, not including the floorspace above

Smaller versions of our city’s Ceiling Mansions are the overhead VIP booths/suites of this club, and a spiraling hallway connects up to them from where the beach-access entry/exit-tunnel opens up on the inside of the outermost wall of this mega-club.

  • 40′ diameter = comparable dimensions to our Hanging Mansions, just not designed for habitation/residency; no living-room or crop-room, for example; just places to sit or lie down (canopy beds) to watch the club-activity below
  • 3 levels with 2 flat/normal floors, just like in our Ceiling Mansions
  • ~10,052 ft^2 of floor-space; ~5,026′ for/on each of the 2 flat/normal floors
  • 205/+ (based on the zoomed-in green-pixels in the top-down design) x 10,052 = >2,060,660 ft^2 of floor-space
  • as luxurious as Ceiling Mansions; more “over the top” than the normal-house “look and feel” of the Hanging Mansions
  • 2,060,660 + 9,730,000 = 11,790,660 ft^2 total for this club (not including the lowest of the 3 floors in each of the 40′-diameter Ceiling Mansions in this club), thus room for ~471,626 club-goers at a time
  • 471,626/100 = at least 4,716 toilets (and these are in our standard 15-stalls toilets-rooms, thus 315 such rooms in this club, all of them built into the mini cliff-like walls separating the club-floor concentric terraces (though normal in-home bathroom-like toilet-rooms are up in each of the 40′-diameter Ceiling Mansions here, too)


Layout:  Based on the ‘nine circles of Hell’ description of Dante’s Inferno, and upon Pandemonium; the palace-fortress capitol of Hell, this is by far the largest night-and-dance club in all of Inisfree. Club Dante is a single, giant, cavernous room with a diameter of one third of a mile.  Onyx obelisks, black leather furniture, booths lit by red indirect light fixtures, chandeliers of bones, fire-places (for each booth) filled with color-changing crystals, VIP booths with fake-lava moats, and BDSM sex dungeon ‘torture’ (teasing and edging) devices (such as the X, the rack, and the pillory), and lava-falls (instead of waterfalls) are some of the many signature design elements you will notice here, not to mention the horny gasp and moan echoes that this massive cave, like a volcano’s belly, acoustically plays with and resonates in the most womb-like and hypnotic of ways.

This is the only place in Inisfree, outside of the Quarantine Facility and the Subterranean Prison, where you will find live-POWs; the ‘zombie’ Outlanders captured during the Rapture Raids (considered to be zombies due to how vestigial much of their minds tend to be these days; not actual, gross, dead zombies).  Girls from the Outlands are whipped and made to serve guests here for entertainment value, as well as for their own re-education.  If they behave (and enjoy it), they get to live –and stay.

Dante’s Divine Comedy (including Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso) was a laughable juvenile propaganda attempt at frightening the superstitious peasants of his time by plagiarizing other belief systems in an overly complex way, attempting to persuade the people back then that good things were bad, bad were good, an imaginary friend was in control of everything, and no one had any say in the matter, nor should anyone ever try to.  That being said, all things can be fixed, turned around for good, and made useful.  The following quotes from the passages of Diving Comedy show which elements we extracted and refined in order to make them pleasing features of our own facility here.  Dante (our club version) was inspired by Inferno’s proposed layout of Hell; nine concentric dance & VIP levels, each with décor based on that area from the story, except that we, of course, made them all fun and sexy;

  1. First Circle (Limbo): “Dante’s First Circle of Hell is resided by virtuous non-Christians and unbaptized pagans who are punished with eternity in an inferior form of Heaven. They live in a castle with seven gates which symbolize the seven virtues. Here, Dante sees many prominent people from classical antiquity such as Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Hippocrates and Julius Caesar.”
    This uppermost inner-perimeter floor-ring of our Dante club has mossy castle walls with ivy, tapestries and banners hanging at even intervals amidst sconces, and medieval furniture with finest carvings and cushions, every seat and booth more of a throne than a chair or couch.
    Outside this vast encircling castle wall are Dante’s ‘borderlands’, but they are full of a pleasant slightly-fragrant mist, and their sighs are only the sexiest and most enticing, relaxing, and restful ones, made by both hidden speakers… and Inisfreean girls (who are ever ready to guide you deeper in –in both senses of the term; into themselves, and into this great club they have built by the design of their storied leader).
    Including the outermost, seven concentric castle walls (each a foot shorter than the one before) exist on this level, and each has hundreds of classic iron gate-style archways; pass through any sequence of six of them, and you will then be able to see (over the knee-high 7th wall) the next, and slightly lower, level of this, our Dante club.  (Heights of the seven walls of this level:  1st is hands-up jump high; ~9’, 2nd is elbows-up jump high ~8’, 3rd is hands-up high; ~7’, 4th is head-top jump high; ~6’, 5th is face high; ~5’, 6th is chest-high; ~4’, 7th is waist-high; ~3’.)
  2. Second Circle (Lust): “In the Second Circle of Hell, Dante and his companion Virgil find people who were overcome by lust. They are punished by being blown violently back and forth by strong winds, preventing them to find peace and rest. Strong winds symbolize the restlessness of a person who is led by desire for fleshly pleasures. Again, Dante sees many notable people from history and mythology including Cleopatra, Tristan, Helen of Troy, and others who were adulterous during their lifetime.”
    Obviously, all of that is crap; lust is one of the finest and purest motivators, and leads to fitness, proper reproduction, and the great medicine that is symmetrical beauty.
    In this second highest level of our club, we have created a natural breezeway which is light and just right, with gold-framed paintings of all our 1,000 form-sakes (each of which has a shrine-mansion dedicated to her 1/3 the way around the other side of our city’s central mountain), and hundreds of luxurious canopy beds and canopy love-seats available for full use, with even some canopy chair-and-a-halfs.
  3. Third Circle (Gluttony): “When reaching the Third Circle of Hell, Dante and Virgil find souls of gluttons who are overlooked by a worm-monster Cerberus. Sinners in this circle of Hell are punished by being forced to lie in a vile slush that is produced by never ending icy rain. The vile slush symbolizes personal degradation of one who overindulges in food, drink, and other worldly pleasures, while the inability to see others lying nearby represents the gluttons’ selfishness and coldness. Here, Dante speaks to a character called Ciacco who also tells him that the Guelphs (a fraction supporting the Pope) will defeat and expel the Ghibellines (a fraction supporting the Emperor to which Dante adhered) from Florence which happened in 1302, before the poem was written (after 1308).”
    More garbage gibberish, just like the rest of Dante’s works.
    Here in our club, we instead have beautifully crafted feasting tables, adorned with candles in hurricane lamps, and fancy elven placemats, each plate and saucer being of china and electrum.
    Instead of platters, we serve our food nyotaimori; atop the naked teen bodies of our perfect Inisfreean girls and kajirae who graduated from our educational system, making them forever the perfect hostesses and eye-candy.
  4. Fourth Circle (Greed): “In the Fourth Circle of Hell, Dante and Virgil see the souls of people who are punished for greed. They are divided into two groups – those who hoarded possessions and those who lavishly spent it – jousting. They use great weights as a weapon, pushing it with their chests which symbolizes their selfish drive for fortune during lifetime. The two groups that are guarded by a character called Pluto (probably the ancient Greek ruler of the underworld) are so occupied with their activity that the two poets don’t try to speak to them. Here, Dante says to see many clergymen including cardinals and popes.”
    On this latest ring-shaped level of the club, chests and bowls filled with jewels and gemstones decorate the walls, tables, and pedestals.
    Even those pedestals are crafted from giant gemstones.
    Banners and tapestries hung high on the walls have tiny diamonds and other gemstones woven into them, giving them a snow-like glitter-and-sparkle effect whenever one walks by.
  5. Fifth Circle (Anger): “The Fifth Circle of Hell is where the wrathful and sullen are punished for their sins. Transported on a boat by Phlegyas, Dante and Virgil see the wrathful fighting each other on the surface of the river Styx and the sullen gurgling beneath the surface of the water. Again, the punishment reflects the type of the sin committed during lifetime. While passing through, the poets are approached by Filippo Argenti, a prominent Florentine politician who confiscated Dante’s property after his expulsion from Florence.”
    Mosaics and murals of Conan, Genghis Khan, and other greats who expertly utilized the energy tool sometimes called ‘the gift of rage’, are what dominate the outer wall of this ring-shaped level.
    Anger is clearly recognized as the powerful technique it is, for it allows one to push through otherwise overwhelming odds, and to petrify with fear the mindless enemies who would otherwise always behave inappropriately.
  6. Sixth Circle (Heresy): “When reaching the Sixth Circle of Hell, Dante and Virgil see heretics who are condemned to eternity in flaming tombs. Here, Dante talks with a couple of Florentines – Farinata degli Uberti and Cavalcante de’ Cavalcanti – but he also sees other notable historical figures including the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and Pope Anastasius II. The latter, however, is according to some modern scholars condemned by Dante as heretic by a mistake. Instead, as some scholars argue, the poet probably meant the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius I.”
    Instead of more of Dante’s meaningless psychotic torture-porn, we have on this level of our club tomb-sized group-jacuzzis, each with sexy mood-lighting built in.
    The only fires are the stone-slab open-topped ‘fire features’ one finds in the yards and interiors of the finest mansions; these versions of fireplaces are the out-of-reach borders that cast additional sexy light & shadow all around the hundreds of free-use ‘jacuzzi tombs’.
    All of the water in these jacuzzis, by the way, is at the perfect warm temperature, not lukewarm, nor too hot.
  7. Seventh Circle (Violence): “The Seventh Circle of Hell is divided into three rings. The Outer Ring houses murderers and others who were violent to other people and property. Here, Dante sees Alexander the Great (disputed), Dionysius I of Syracuse, Guy de Montfort and many other notable historical and mythological figures such as the Centaurus, sank into a river of boiling blood and fire. In the Middle Ring, the poet sees suicides who have been turned into trees and bushes which are fed upon by harpies. But he also sees here profligates, chased and torn to pieces by dogs. In the Inner Ring are blasphemers and sodomites, residing in a desert of burning sand and burning rain falling from the sky.”
    Hundreds of thousands of fragrant aphrodisiac plants are arranged along the middle third of this level of our club, much like a landscaped highway median; everything ranging from flowers and shrubs to tall bushes and fully-grown trees is here.
    Vines and ivy are expertly trained around trellises lining the outer wall, as well, and they too are fragrant aphrodisiacs.  Stand within a few feet of any of these plants, and you’ll enjoy their arousing effects.
    Sandalwood is one of the most common.
    Between the landscaped median and outer wall is a ‘lazy river’ of warm water and thousands more jacuzzi nozzles for your basking pleasure.
    Between the median and the inner edge of this ring-level of our club is a smooth white sandy beach warmed/heated to perfection.
  8. Eighth Circle (Fraud): “The Eight Circle of Hell is resided by the fraudulent. Dante and Virgil reach it on the back of Geryon, a flying monster with different natures, just like the fraudulent. This circle of Hell is divided into 10 Bolgias or stony ditches with bridges between them. In Bolgia 1, Dante sees panderers and seducers. In Bolgia 2 he finds flatterers. After crossing the bridge to Bolgia 3, he and Virgil see those who are guilty of simony. After crossing another bridge between the ditches to Bolgia 4, they find sorcerers and false prophets. In Bolgia 5 are housed corrupt politicians, in Bolgia 6 are hypocrites and in the remaining 4 ditches, Dante finds hypocrites (Bolgia 7), thieves (Bolgia 7), evil counselors and advisers (Bolgia 8), divisive individuals (Bolgia 9) and various falsifiers such as alchemists, perjurers and counterfeits (Bolgia 10).”
    Obviously alchemists and sorcerers are not fraudulent; only pretend alchemists and pretend magicians are.
    This ring-level of our club has an arrangement of cushioned ‘floor bowls’; these luxurious pits are more like pod-beds than ditches, and come complete with many fine pillows and even a few thin blankets for cozy fun.
  9. Ninth Circle (Treachery): “The last Ninth Circle of Hell is divided into 4 Rounds according to the seriousness of the sin though all residents are frozen in an icy lake. Those who committed more severe sin are deeper within the ice. Each of the 4 Rounds is named after an individual who personifies the sin. Thus Round 1 is named Caina after Cain who killed his brother Abel, Round 2 is named Antenora after Anthenor of Troy who was Priam’s counselor during the Trojan War, Round 3 is named Ptolomaea after Ptolemy (son of Abubus), while Round 4 is named Judecca after Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus with a kiss.”
    The innermost and lowest level of our club is a vast circular dance floor with both an icy and mirrored effect; gemstone statues of life-size nude female supermodel dancers are beneath the dancing surface, placed there as permanent demonstrations of the sexiest poses, reminding all viewers of the best dance moves to help with their routines and interactions above.
    Because the surface of this dance floor is also slightly reflective, dancers on its surface are also able to see translucent dim images of themselves superimposed on the views of the statues below, further helping them to accurately reproduce their poses and moves.
    Red, blue, and ‘black’ (U.V.; deepest purple) lights down below, amidst the feet of some of the statues below the dance surface, pulse like silent E.T. heartbeats to the rhythm of the music.


Gogos:  Gogos here are similar to those of house-music parties in that they wear cellophane-based dresses to match their hair colors; a sheen version of the diaphanous silk slave girls wear. Some have costumes which make them look like the sexiest form of demons, though not dominatrices. Some also wear ​holographic fire around translucent, fiber-optic sheen outfits.  Many dances start much like Shakira’s, but with a fire-elemental spin applied to the belly-dance as they sexily ease their bodies down into and back up out of the fake-fire bowls.


Special Features:  Pretty much the entire club, and the fact that you can have sex with actual demons (angels) here at all times of day, night, and year.  No Ouija board required.

This club/chamber is so big that the sound from its speakers, even though they are all in perfect sync’ with each other, sometimes has an offset/overlap and echo effect –which is actually kinda cool/fitting for this place, as demons are angels known to be able to cause humans to hear 2 or 3 voices at the same time.


Menu:  (Vegan) BBQ, Fried, & Spicy (you pick how spicy)  *All 51 clubs in Inisfree serve the same drinks; water, smart-water, flavored water, fruit juices, and teas.



Location & Layout:

The Outermost Inside Wall’s VIP Suites are Styled After the Painting of Pandemonium:

Fake Lava Flows:

Central Statue & Stage:

Furnishings & Décor:


Also:  Meru; probably the best demon hentai/porn series/art ever

Entrance/Exit to/from the Beach:

2022 Update:  Scale-model in Minecraft

2023 Update:  Model in Creativerse


Video Player

Also see:

“Volcano Sound Effect” Volcano Sound Effect
Audio Player


  • “I’m Your Boogieman” by White Zombie
