Inisfree is the #1 city in all the worlds for sustainability, so as you might suspect we do not make much more than we need and can use here, our focus being much more on reaching the kind of balance, equilibrium, harmony, and satisfaction that works for us and vibes well here.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Tangible Products
  3. Imports
  4. Exports
  5. Note
  6. 2023 August Update:  Pimping
  7. Export Examples:  Babes, Custom Vehicles, Designs, Our First Magazine (Images Album)



In the beginning years, we offered no products or services at all; we were a research outpost in Antarctica just trying to survive and stabilize, becoming self-sufficient/sustaining as soon as we could, thereby reducing the cost/s of what it took to get and stay working out here.

Several years after we stabilized, our factories began to produce more comforts than necessities, such as healthy treats for our first grocery store, and nicer bedding, etc..

Today, we are still a sustainability and harmony-with-nature breakaway-civilization committed to living and creating sustainably, never harming our environment or planet, and only making what is also harm-free, then offering our goods to those who will make use of them responsibility.  We are not, and never will be, profits- or expansion/growth-based.  Having achieved balance and harmony out here where we are on Antarctica, we continue to only offer what we produce and know/discuss to those who make the effort to accept our invitations to visit or live where we are, keeping complexity as low as possible, as well as any supply chains and shipping routes/lanes.

One of the greatest ways to prevent destabilization is to wisely limit the flow of some data and creations, ensuring they stay in responsible hands which are mature/ready enough for them.


Tangible Products:

While we have a variety of factories and produce an even greater variety of consumables, devices, and vehicles, rarely ever do any of them get to leave our realm; they are intended only for the pure of heart who enjoy hanging out with us in our home.



  • Building Blueprints (to improve upon)
  • Digital Books & Films
  • Exemplary Guests
  • Kajirae Candidates
  • Music (only the perfectly compatible pieces)
  • Recipes
  • Reconnaissance Data

We do not rely on any imports or trade; we make everything we need right here in our realm.  The few things we import from time to time are always based on what we want/fancy, such as music that resonates perfectly with us and fits the various themed areas we have built here.



  • Deep Space Data
  • Kajirae
  • Ruin Removal (such as via IC CP landings) —*only human-civilization remains/debris; we do not remove the remains of pre-/non-human civilizations which were left in ruins by the arrival of humans.
  • Shipping-container Farm Designs (for 3D-printers and manual builds)
  • Supercomputer Computations
  • Sustainability Consulting
  • Sustainable Community Designs
  • Terraforming Proposals (the vehicles/ships are not exports, but deployed at times)
  • Upgrades for Existing Communities
  • Wisdom
  • World Cleanup Proposals (the vehicles/ships are not exports, but deployed at times)

As you can see from that list, the only things we let out of our city, as far as exports go, are almost always based on consulting; we share data and discuss ideas/designs with our allies, sometimes letting them select a favorite vehicle and/or girl we educated here in Inisfree as a thank-you.



Most Inisfreean products are restricted for use only by its own citizens and approved guests during their visits.

We only let a few products leave our city;

  • custom vehicles our allies request, always made so that their circuits, programs, and all other components look to be made with Outlander tech’ levels, if ever checked (meaning they may be subject to corrosion, wear & tear, etc. once outside our ‘sphere of influence/effect’, though we never engineer any ‘planned obsolescence’ into any of them, as we are not a profits-based society/economy)
  • kajirae those same allies may request (typically sent out on an airship or spaceship with the allied individual who requested her/them)
  • MKM issues printed on a vegan paper alternative (typically sent out on one of our private-use cargo/transport-trucks through our Highway Pyramid mass-transit portal, through which they always return for a complete screening –and decontamination, if need be)
  • extremely rare:  occasional pseudo-ICV; a life-like robot which is as beautiful as one of our regular/actual/full Inisfreean girls, just not with the ability to summon one of our S.T. suits or reveal any of our inner/military/secret workings/campaigns (granted to our most compatible, allied, and supportive family members when a king/queendom of their own beyond ours will enjoy and benefit from such a person/addition) –so this pseudo-ICV is invincibly beautiful but will behave as a kajira, not as one of our deployable forces/operatives


Our container farms, clothing, aircraft, spacecraft, and movies are just for us; they are only available for use here in our city.

We do allow our invincible ICVs to do consulting for our allies, discussing designs in meetings with them here or outside our realm.

All our ICVs, citizens, residents, guests, and kajirae are monitored and protected, ensuring no one ever dares try to pressure or trick them into revealing private information about our community.

Ruins we remove are the structures of failed civilizations, such as those of humans; rude fools based on chaos, whose structures always failed, anyway, become safety hazards and eyesores. We do not remove the ruins of the ancients who left them there that way on purpose, many only appearing to be ruins in the default-negative/condescending eyes of the humans. Sometimes we remove ruins by reforming them into their original arrangements, such as when we determine how to condense an asteroid belt or ring system back into an unpetrified Angel / cosmic body.

99% of our products and services are only available in Inisfree to people proven fully compatible with us; with Auz. The remaining 1% are only available to those same people who sometimes need or request them beyond our city. None will ever be available to those who are not compatible with us.

A popular service we offer is using our pre-screening system to determine compatibility between business/romantic partners; we can do such a comprehensive holistic assessment for anyone allied with us and interested –and it will always be free of charge.


2023 August Update:  Pimping

For all not approved to enter the Inisfreean realm, these are the rates for playing with any ICV; the cost of an ICV coming out to play with you.  Also listed are our rates for having a non-ICV fuckbuddy travel to you in the Outlands.

High King Auz has the following rates for anyone wishing to use his females while in the Outlands:

  1. animatronic (a copy of one used in the Underway) = $125/hour
  2. kajira = $250/hour
  3. fuckbuddy = $500/hour
  4. wife = $1,000/hour
  5. daughter = $10,000/hour


  • All rates are hourly, and even going an extra minute will result in an additional hour-charge.
  • He is not as specific as Nyria in 34 Tauri; he does not charge based on the type of activity (sex act), only the time.
  • Fuckbuddies, wives, and daughters must be told which sex acts are desired, and then it is their choice whether to consent, but kajirae have no choice, ICVs will do just about anything, and animatronics are obviously just moving sex-dolls.
  • Payment must be half in advance, half upon completion, and there are no refunds unless the female has to cancel.
  • The female/fuckee keeps none of that; it all goes to the High King –which is how normal females, such as all his kajirae and wives, prefer it, it then up to him if they have behaved well enough to deserve gifts, treats, and an allowance from him.
  • For reference, Nyria’s rates for sexual acts range from $220 to give a hand-job to a rich person for 1 hour… up to $2,000 an hour to fuck an out-of-shape guy in a rich or densely-populated city.
  • Nonhumans do not get charged; only humans must pay Auz before fucking any of his females.
  • Booking one of his females just to lure them into cop/fed traps is a war crime punishable by the wiping out of all involved Outlander cops’/feds’ bloodlines and hometowns by any means the High King desires –even up to and including nukes or demonic torture. All the slain shall be burned in Hell for eternity, as well.
  • Non-invincible Vehicles and Toys:  On rare occasions, Inisfree will allow a non-military ICV-like sex-doll to be given as a gift to an allied person to enjoy outside our realm, and/or a custom automobile to be driven (delivered) outside our realm via the Highway Pyramid portal (such as once loaded into one of our cargo trucks).
  • ICVs are usually busy and not available, even for an hourly rate.
  • NONE of these females are available for longer than ~1 hour in the Outlands.
  • ANY of these females will have an invisible guard-force escorting/monitoring/protecting her the entire time she is doing this type of work/play.


Export Examples:  Babes, Custom Vehicles, Designs, Our First Magazine

Video Player
“08 Forest Green” Total Annihilation Soundtrack Jeremy Soule
Audio Player