In our school, we sing only the most badass and arousing songs.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Class Length
  4. Progression
  5. Special Features
  6. Images



Inisfreean choir classes, from as early as elementary school in the city’s lower hemisphere, include ideal female vocal training, seductive vocalist dance moves, and languages as well as dialects and accents. We teach them to sing identically (perfect vocal signature matches) to famous singers such as Amy Lee of Evanescence, Denisse Guerrero of Belanova, Inna, and Shakira, oft’times via those singers’ songs, or covers of those songs, in their original languages.  Inisfreean girls can match any voice.  They also know how to perfect voices, no matter what the vocal irregularity may have been.

Non-Inisfreeans studying in any LHS Choir class can practice singing within their own range of notes and volumes, and have the option of singing in duets and groups with the Inisfreean girls.  Since Inisfreean girls are identical ‘clones’ of each other, their vocal abilities are at capacity when they are ‘born’ (3D-printed), meaning they never need to practice.  This means that every LHS Choir class can be entirely focused on the non-Inisfreean students’ development of their singing skills, with the Inisfreeans only joining in when it is desired as part of a song or performance.

All the songs taught and rehearsed here are sexy, often paired with sexy singer’s stationary dance moves.  Many more dance moves are taught in our LHS Dance classes.  The focus here, though, is just on the voice.

Males always sing masculine parts/songs, while females always sing feminine parts/songs.

Males are coached in:

  • tenor (not up into the falsetto range)
  • baritone
  • base
  • ultra-base

Females are coached in:

  • alto
  • soprano


Dimensions & Layout:
(use statue of liberty cut-away)

Our choir classes are often/usually in some of the study-halls of this building’s “cake-neck” section, just below the night-club.  These are floors 46-50.  There is room for hundreds of choir students there, comfortably; thousands if ‘packed in’ (standing).


Class Length:

30 minutes


Progression by School-year:

  1. identifying non-ICV vocal ranges; how low and how high can each student naturally sing
  2. hand-signs for music-notes
  3. reading sheet-music for choirs/singers
  4. class/group:  learning easier/est songs; short, fewer notes, shorter transitions/differences between adjacent notes, etc.
  5. class/group:  learning moderate/intermediate songs
  6. class/group:  learning more-challenging songs
  7. class/group:  learning the most-challenging songs
  8. individual student/s:  performing duets
  9. individual student/s:  performing solos
  10. adding instruments; band/orchestra
  11. adding choreography; dance-moves
  12. larger audiences
  13. Exodus (try singing to animals if encountered, and to self for motivation boosts)
  14. writing sheet-music for choirs/singers
  15. inventive / free-style / spontaneous
  16. in concert


Special Features:

Inisfreean vocal chords are capable of generating pitches high enough to shatter glass.  They have a very wide range of notes –even wider than their Maker‘s.  When speakers or amplifiers aren’t available, they also have an impressive volume they can call upon.



  • 432 Hz and 528 Hz EXPLAINED: The Most Powerful Frequencies in The Universe
    (pardon the retarded title; they have not been to the whole universe, so they have no clue if these frequencies have any power at all out there)
    (and:  minus the relig’tard attempted-corruption love-lie; respect for all the emotions is the way, not polarization to one just because it sounds good/nice to the incompetent/lazy/imbalanced)