The dance lessons in Inisfree’s school building are part of the core curriculum, and are in all of the following genres of dance.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Types/Styles
  3. Progression
  4. Dimensions & Layout
  5. Mix and Match
  6. Special Features
  7. Advisory
  8. Dance/r Images



Inisfree teaches many styles of dance starting as early as elementary school, and offers several classes through its high school (LHS; Liberty High School) to Outlanders visiting Inisfree.  

Once mastered, many specific dances are performed at LHS, as well as Inisfree’s Performing Arts Center, along with many of the dance clubs (there are now 51 of them) across our city/ies.  

Along with sex, swimming, and gymnastics, dance is seen by Inisfreeans to be one of the healthiest forms of exercise and ways of living and interacting.



​​Inisfreean dance classes, from as early as elementary school in the city’s lower hemisphere, include:

  1. Prep’
  2. Line- and Square-dancing
  3. Ballroom-dancing
  4. Ballet
  5. Tribal and Fancy-dancing
  6. Hula
  7. Belly-dancing
  8. Booty-dancing
  9. Dirty-dancing (which we just call Sexy Dancing; we don’t use negative terms here)
  10. Cheerleading (basically dirty-dancing with more than one person at the same time) and Rhythmic Gymnastics
  11. Disco-dancing
  12. Zoot/Swing-dancing
  13. Breakdancing
  14. Slave (kajira)
  15. Strip-tease Dancing
  16. Exotic/Pole-dancing
  17. Poi; Fire-spinning/dancing
  18. Sword-dancing (Drow Style/s)
  19. City-dancing and general Interpretive

We teach our students dancing in that order/sequence, as it lets them sample the easiest first, build a foundation for the intermediate, and feel fully confident in their own range of motions and natures by the time the advanced dance moves and choreography are taught.

Progression by Year:

  1. school-grade 1:  Prep’, then Line- and Square-dancing
  2. school-grade 2:  Ballroom-dancing; Medieval and colonial
  3. school-grade 3:  Ballet
  4. school-grade 4:  Tribal and Fancy-dancing, including Hula
  5. school-grade 5:  Belly-dancing, and Booty-dancing (hip-hop moves, getting crunk, etc.)
  6. school-grade 6:  Dirty-dancing
  7. school-grade 7:  Cheerleading, and Rhythmic Gymnastics
  8. school-grade 8:  Disco-dancing
  9. school-grade 9:  Zoot/Swing-dancing
  10. school-grade 10:  Breakdancing
  11. school-grade 11:  Slave (kajira)
  12. school-grade 12:  Strip-tease Dancing, and Exotic/Pole-dancing
  13. school-grade 13:  (not applicable; students spend this year outside the city on a “personal exodus”; application/survival training)
  14. school-grade 14:  Poi; Fire-spinning/dancing
  15. school-grade 15:  Sword-dancing (Drow Style/s)
  16. school-grade 16:  City-dancing


*All the songs played to dance to are sexy, often paired with sexy singer’s stationary dance moves.  This ensures the wildest moves; dancing like no one is watching, for the greatest motivators are the sexy ones, and it is easiest to lose control, let go, and be one’s self when they are present.


Dimensions & Layout:
(see the Statue of Liberty (LHS) cut-away / cross-section image)

Floors 26-30 are for fitness classes, which includes dancing.  Not all classrooms on those floors are for dance classes, though; we only reserve some of them that way.  Each of those floors has a diameter of ~666′; not subtracting space for AIOWs and hallways, that = ~348,000 sq.ft.; ~87,000 of those sq.ft. are available for dance classrooms (which would be a ~295′ x ~295′ room, if square –but ours, being in a radial/circular building/floor, are often ~wedge-shaped).  Our dance-classrooms in this building are ~30′ x ~30′; ~900 sq.ft. (so ~90 dance-classrooms in each of these 5 floors).

*“At capacity” (when Inisfree’s guests-and-residents population is at its projected max’ millennia ahead), when tens of thousands of students are attending classes in this building each school/weekday, there will be 20 available 30-minute dance-classes in each of our dance-classrooms every ~12-hour school-day, each classroom intended for ~36 students at a time; 5 floors x 90 classrooms x 20 classes per classroom per school-day x 36 students in each class = a capacity for as many as ~324,000 dance students in this one school-building (and we only anticipate ~60,000 per year, starting in 23000 A.D.).

Floors 46-50 are for study halls and study rooms, and any of those can be used to practice/rehearse dance moves or entire dances outside of our normal/actual dance classes –at least for individuals and small groups not needing much space to move around.  These floors have a diameter of ~540′; not subtracting space for AIOWs and hallways, that = ~229,000 sq.ft.; since most study-rooms are ~10′ x ~10′, there is room for a couple thousand of them on each of these floors (though the bigger library-like/esque study-halls in these floors result in there being fewer than 2,000 study-rooms).

For reference, these are our other fitness classes:

  1. Fitness & Holistic Wellness:  Phys. Ed. taken to the next level
  2. Martial Arts:  everything from Karate to Jeet Kune Do, Sayoc Kali, and even Dim Mak (a form of acupuncture)
  3. Physical Education:  basics taught indoors, then applied at our parkour playground outside on campus

Each of those gets ~1/4 of our fitness-floors’ available classroom space/square-footage.


Mix and Match:

All our guests and residents are welcome to pick and choose from any of those classes, learning the ones they are interested in, skipping all others, and starting at the level they feel comfortable with.


Special Features:

Inisfreean (ICV) body-parts are capable of performing any dance move without warming up or stretching, so you’ll see the ICVs who are the dance teachers here doing every move imaginable, including the most complex ones from break-dancing and other styles.  All ICVs have, standard in their programming, a flawless memory of all the best moves, sequences, and famous dances, and can demonstrate perfect recitals of entire music videos and dance-off contests.

Students of LHS don’t ask one another out to the dance or prom; they go to the school’s nightclub solo, and dance with everyone.  We are polyamorous, after all, and remain so because that lifestyle has proven vastly more successful, stable, healing, and enjoyable.  Thus, we do not promote monogamy via traditional proms, but healthy dynamic socializing via fluid mingling at our school and other events.



In keeping with our wisdom, culture, and law, males are only taught masculine dance moves, and females are only taught feminine dance moves.  This is to honor their natural forms, ranges of motion, and essence, as well as to preserve the sacred and immortalizing binary/polarity aspect that made and kept stable all of Creation.


Dance/r Images


Line and Square-dancing:



Tribal and Fancy-dancing:









Slave (Kajira):

Strip-tease Dancing:


Poi; Fire-spinning/dancing:

Sword-dancing (Drow Style/s):


Also see: