There is a lone building tucked up against the steep cliff-like wall encircling the summit of our main mountain.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Special Features
  4. 2021 Update
  5. Location & Overall (Images Begin)
  6. Exterior
  7. Interior
  8. 2022 Update:  Placeholder in Minecraft Scale-model




Also known as the ‘Tiger’s Nest monastery’, this classic Buddhist temple reconstruction (which we call an architectural clone) is built high on Inisfree’s tallest mountain, right into the side of our Avalanche Wall.  Paro Taktsang 2 here has all the features you would expect in such a remote meditation building, but also luxurious lodging, dining, and sight-seeing options.  All the Inisfreean girls staffing this facility wear the traditional orange robe of the Himalayan monks, except that theirs are slightly diaphanous, and never fully cover both breasts (or any of at least one leg).


Dimensions & Layout:

As an architectural copy of its namesake, this structure is three buildings in a cluster, with the largest of them in the middle, both laterally and in terms of altitude.  Its rooms are identical, though their interiors are arguably cleaner and tidier than their counterparts in the Outlands.  Ceilings and everything else are the same height as in the original monastery.

To enter, visitors go in the smallest (which is also the lowest) of the three buildings, where they are received (greeted) by the Inisfreean staff there.  Once received, they ascend several more stairs up into the middle (which is also the largest) of the three buildings –and in one room of this middle building is where vegan snacks and refreshments can be found.  Finally, a final ascent is available for visitors wishing to enjoy the scenic view from the highest, quietest, and most-remote of this structure’s three buildings, it being more like a spacious and better-painted ranger-tower for the forest-service than a part of a normal monastery.

  1. Entry Building:  lowest
  2. Main Building:  largest, and includes a cafeteria, meditation room, outdoor patio, etc.
  3. Observation Building:  highest

Hundreds of human-sized visitors can fit in this cluster of three buildings comfortably; ~20 in the receiving/lowest building, ~65 in the middle/main building, and ~15 in the uppermost/lookout building.

The cliffs above/behind and below this structure are too steep and smooth/flat to climb.

Meditation-caves mentioned on information found at the namesake site are not copied here into the local Inisfreean terrain; there are no indentions/cavities fashioned/carved into the Avalanche Wall which this monastery of ours is built against/alongside.


Special Features:

This monastery ‘clone’ hides the only secret/surface entrance to our city’s Stasis Archives facility.


2021 Update:

This year, High King Auz ‘christened’ this special place… with Cho Chang, Cindy Moon, Coleen Wing, Nico Minoru, and Wendy Temujin –first one on one, and then with all of them at the same time.  He will soon be further-‘christening’ it with all of his new concubines, girlfriends, and wives from Bhutan, China, Japan, Nepal, and Tibet.  This is Inisfree.

Once that was done (done-pun not intended), he then repeated that sequence/process in the other Asian/Oriental areas/buildings of Inisfree; the Asian / Blue-roof Mansion, the Ryokans, and club Ninja Princess.

After that, he had them gather all of their current and former lovers to take turns on them all; each of them did their own, and all of those other Asian girls’, lovers while he watched.  Auz is a proud and happy voyeur, after all.  It was time, and they all deeply (deeply-pun not intended) enjoyed this, thanking him for the great and god-level idea.


Location & Overall:



2022 Update:  Placeholder in Minecraft Scale-model

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“River of Light” Sakya Tashi Ling The Buddhist Monks
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