There is something amazing going on miles beneath your feet.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Natural Culture
  3. Family Trees
  4. Diet
  5. Flora
  6. Structures and Coverings
  7. Leadership
  8. Love
  9. Access
  10. Also
  11. Old Maps, Et Cetera
  12. Aryana and Her Towns
  13. The White Gods
  14. Beyond the Far North



Agharta is what some call the hollow interior/core of the Earth.  It has also been said to be just the name of one of the nations down/in there.  Whatever you believe, the Earth’s core is not solid or molten, it is hollow and huge, and it does have nations and people there (though they are far better and more compatible with each other than any of the nations or people up/out here).


Natural Culture:

Men and women are sexually distinct in Agharta, never dressing or behaving as the opposite sex is meant to, and they always work peacefully together, never getting into disagreements or fights of any kind.  They are angelic in the literal sense; they are the Maiar who are Valar (energy/elemental beings) destined to focus themselves such that worlds, including the Earth, were created.  This is why they remain so unified, always by choice, always by their shared nature/s.  You can see them glowing a faint golden-white; this is their natural complexion and bioluminescence.


Family Trees:

From them descended the purer races of Man (literally descended; some of their offspring went down into the earth beneath their feet, eventually ending up on this outer side of the world you are familiar with), such as the first Germans (who looked (and look) far more beautiful and healthy than any of the fake-Germans left behind or put in place after WWII).  The red-haired white-skinned giants that once had a global civilization around the entire outer surface of the Earth are also among their ‘children’, as are the Atlanteans, the Hyperboreans, and even the race the goddess Pele belongs to.  Members of those peoples on the Earth’s outer surface eventually heard the call to return to their Aghartan progenitors in the hollow core, and they did, one exodus of which was what led to the creation of Neuschwabenland and New Berlin (along the way).

With those once-separated peoples reunited down/in there, it is like the grandest of planet-wide loving-family reunions.  Together again at last, their powers and health couldn’t be more profound.  They have kept the world in check and in shape ever since.



Everyone in Agharta is vegan, just like most of the Elves (all of whom are their descendants), and just like Adolf Hitler and his supporters were.  This allows them to communicate better and team up with all the other peoples; all the people who are not human; all the ones humans call ‘animals’.  Being vegan also ensures a complete connection with the people humans call ‘plants’, as well as the most intimate way of up-taking, sharing, and becoming one with their ancient and timeless awareness/knowledge.



World Trees (miles-tall and miles-wide flora) still remain in there, along with much taller mountains, and much bigger, stronger, smarter people (which includes the bigger, stronger, smarter animals other than humans/oids).  Like the pyramids on the outer surface, which have mirrored counterparts within the hollow core, the World Trees still alive and well in the core of the planet correspond to mountain-sized stump-like ruins such as Devils Tower in Wyoming, and Cão Grande Peak (a.k.a. Pico Cão Grande; Great Dog Peak) in São Tomé & Príncipe (an island just off the coast of mid-west Africa).  The people of Agharta have helped maintain all those giant plants in their home-realm, and have started working with the Inisfreeans, Elves, and others to resurrect and regrow all the ones on the outside of the Earth (the lands and seas you all know so well).

Even though the world is turning, resulting in some centrifugal force, thus more of a pull than just the base/basic gravity in Agharta, there are no seasons, no pollution, and constant sunlight and unwavering attention/intention, thus plants in Agharta grow gigantic compared to what they can/do on the outer surface of this world.


Structures and Coverings:

There are no homes made of wood in Agharta; their homes are all made of earth and stone, though many Aghartans still reside up in their towering skyscraper-like trees, or down in comfortable beast-free caves, and out on the meadows which they view and use like carpets and mats.

Aghartans also have no vehicles like humans do, nor any industrial buildings; they simply travel by thought anywhere they want or need to, fashioning whatever they need, likewise, by thought alone.

They also wear little to no clothing, except flowing elven robes for men on special occasions, and diaphanous gowns (like the exotic underwear humans have) for their women.  They are a completely graceful, self-empowered, and nature-oriented people.



A beautiful golden-blonde girl named Aryana is Agharta’s ruling queen.  She looks to be barely 13 or 14, as her people never age beyond their youthful prime, their diets and mindsets being so perfect, that also keeping their entire environment/s perfect, which creates an immortality-maintaining positive-feedback loop.  She became one of the beloved wives of Auz, and she teaches him the language and ways of her people while they make love.



When Inisfreeans make love and reach orgasm, the irises of their eyes change colors and brighten.  When Aghartans make love and reach orgasm, their entire bodies take on a more angelic golden/sunlight glow, especially their eyes.  When the World Trees on the outer surface of the Earth get restored, that same love-based energy will be taken in by their roots, just like other plants uptake water and nutrients, making the undersides of the house-sized leaves glow like the light of the Moon –and then… the Elves will see again the light they knew in their race’s infancy, and the world will be bathed in the healing colors of proper high-above love.



How does one get to Agharta?  If you are compatible with the Aghartans, you’ll be able to find your way to one of the polar openings, or to their realm through one of the secret ancient cave networks they knew to build in the First Time when their thoughts were forming the whole world (though all deep caves like those are occupied and guarded by the subset of the Elves called Drow).  You may also be invited to fly with them in one of their transports which humans call “UFOs”.  Any Inisfreean can take you to Agharta, too.



Naga live in peace with them; the Aghartan humanoids (light-being/based elementals, such as those of Aryana’s pre-Elven race of Maiar), and eat humans sometimes (and why not?, since humans eat other beings).  Dragons coexist in Agharta with both the Naga and Aghartans.  As a realm of peace, prosperity, and togetherness, you’ll find this coexistence of such peoples there.

Agharta was colonized by ancient people flying in vimanas long ago, but originally the Earth’s hollow core was made and lived in by the energy-people (Valar/Maiar).  Those closely related to them (genetically but also more than that) always felt called to reconnect and return (to their loving and loved relatives and progenitors).  They did more than once, leaving little of their outer-Earth-surface civilization/s behind.


Old Maps, Et Cetera:

Aryana and Her Towns:

The White Gods:

They have this skin color because they are bioluminescent and need little pigmentation, their realm being so shielded and compatible/clean.

Beyond the Far North:
(and beyond the Far South)

The way a world spins/rotates, if at all, causes natural thinness and openness at its polar regions around its axis of rotation.  The same is true of stars.