He is the man who dreamed up, started, and shall forever manage Inisfree.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Additional Notes
  4. How to Be Polite to Him



I, Auzdein von Himmler, am the governing authority overseeing all of Inisfree; I am its chief and eternal leader, having founded it to be a place of unity, continuity, and total compatibility with myself (rather than a place of the kind of universally-upsetting chaos that democracies and other forms of fragmentation and compromise historically always cause).  My title in Inisfree is governor.  My home within that home is called The Governor’s Mansion (or estate).



noun: governor; plural noun: governors
  1. the elected executive head of a state of the US.
    • an official appointed to govern a town or region.
    • the representative of the British Crown in a colony or in a Commonwealth state that regards the monarch as head of state.
    the head of a public institution.
    “the governor of the Bank of England”
    the person in authority; one’s employer.
  4. a device automatically regulating the supply of fuel, steam, or water to a machine, ensuring uniform motion or limiting speed.


Additional Notes:

I was elected not in the human (corrupt) way, but by destiny and the chosen/worthy.  I am the executive head of a state, but not of the United States.  I govern a town and a region.  I am the head of an institution.  I am the person in authority in Inisfree and beyond.  For all these reasons, I am called its governor.


How to Be Polite to Him:

There are many ways to show me basic due respect.

  1. If you are a female I find to be attractive, offer to make love to me.
  2. If you are a male I find to be appropriate, offer to support Inisfree and/or my expeditions/adventures.
  3. Assist me/us in the re-greening and general healing/restoration of the Earth (and other worlds).
  4. Live in accordance with the rules of my home when you are visiting or living in my home, Inisfree.
  5. Invite me to your home only if you are comfortable with me being myself while I am visiting there.