This is the Inisfreeans’ insider with the (restored) LAPD.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details
  3. 2020 Update
  4. 2023 Update
  5. Her (Images Begin)
  6. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  7. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates



  • Play-by:  Carlson Young
  • 5’2″
  • 98 lbs.
  • dark-roots blonde
  • dark eyebrows
  • brown eyes
  • Caucasian (white) complexion
  • B-cups, perky
  • perfect feminine figure; slender-fit (elven)
  • student turned LAPD forensics/researcher
  • unaccustomed to “rough around the edges” / tattooed guys



Auz encountered her one afternoon at a coffee shop in LA.  At first, she was put off by his jokes and tattoos, misinterpreting both, and nearly drove off angry at him.  It was only in those final seconds of their first encounter that she stopped, realized he was surprised she had taken offense, and pulled up alongside where he stood outside that shop to hear him out.

The two have since gotten to know each other better, and he’s begun helping her with cases every now and then.  Having never met good law enforcement before, this remains a little nerve-wracking for him, but the ‘slow burn’ is how lasting bonds are formed.

Will he ever tell her about Inisfree?  Probably not, but at least he has finally found a reason to trust at least one ‘pig’ (which is what he jokingly called her during their first coffee together, which is what set her off).


2020 Update:

Clara has risen through the ranks of her department of the LAPD, the Inisfreeans having helped her clandestinely a number of times.  They didn’t make it easy for her, but provided requested assistance where it was best given.  She did all the rest, performing the duties of her job admirably and exceptionally.

As LA continues to regrow (having been rebuilt in/after 2014), it promises to become an even bigger and more complex human-city than before.  One day, it is prophesied, it will even become a mega-city; a state-sized urban-area not unlike Greater Tokyo and other vast “concrete jungles”.  That means a lifetime of “job security” for Clara.

One day when Auz and she were working on another of her cases together at her apartment in one of rebuilt-L.A.’s nicer areas, the two saw “the spark” in each other’s eyes, and made a move at the very same time.  What had taken them so long?  It didn’t matter; they were on the couch… and then the floor… and then her bedroom in no time.

Auz treated her more like a lady and equal than even her professional coworkers and colleagues in forensics had.  He was always there for her, loyal and timely as ever.  In spite of his tattoos and generally anti-law philosophy, she was falling for him.

He held her close that night, and she stayed awake, her hands on his chest, thinking about so many things, and really starting to feel like he was the right kind of man for her.  When she finally fell asleep, she had some of the best sleep and dreams of her life.  Auz slept great, too.

In the morning, he gently hugged and kissed her forehead awake, and she remembered what had happened, starting to breathe deeply, contentedly with a big smile.  When he got up and made her her favorite breakfast, bringing it to her while she was still sitting up in her bed, that was it; she shook her head at him, stunned and in love.  “Come’er,” she grinned, ready to kiss and make love to him again, and she did.

She was always busy with her job, so she understood when he was busy with his.  They got together when they could, and were kind and patient via text-messages when they could not.  It would be another few years before she was told about where he kept going when they were apart, but now she was sure to eventually get the chance to see the great polar capital for herself.


2023 Update:

Finally having the time to catch a flight to see Inisfree for the first time, she was excited the whole way, holding Auz’s hand as they sat in the front/observation room of the MPHA.  Long story short, she had to opt for the quick ~two-hour flyover tour instead of the full one, but made sure to sexily pull him into one of the downtown police stations so he could enjoy her where she’d always fantasized about being taken by him back in LA.  The two have set a goal of fucking in every police station in his city (often with some of his Inisfreean police joining in) –and maybe even one day in the one she works in back in the States.



How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:

2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates: