While Inara Serra is Auz‘s go-to girl for all Registered Companion matters in the 34 Tauri solar-system, Jenna Kardashian here is his go-to girl for all intel’ matters there.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Details
  3. 2520s Update
  4. Her Darker Likenesses (Images Begin)
  5. Her Jenna Features
  6. Outfits/Fashion
  7. How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch
  8. Proto-manifestation
  9. 2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates
  10. 2024 April/+



  • 5’5″
  • 125 lbs.
  • blonde
  • brown eyes
  • perky C-cups
  • athletic yet smooth, perfect feminine figure; curvy in all the right places/ways
  • 36-24-36 measurements / ratio
  • appears to be a fusion of Hispanic and Italian; exotic combination/features/physique
  • well-educated
  • seasoned in the Intelligence community



Jenna looks a lot like what her name suggests; her physique and facial features are a blend between those of Jenna Jameson and Kim Kardashian.  As a very fit and attractive woman, she has found an easy time climbing the corporate ladder through the intelligence community.  Now one of the top agents of and on planet Londinium in the 34 Tauri multiple-star solar-system, she is working closely with Auz, no pun intended.

Imagine a short, curvy, blonde, half-Hispanic, half-Italian, super-model of a young woman with far better proportions than both of her namesakes, and you’ve got the right idea.  Jenna is a sight to behold.  Even dressed-down in over-sized sweat-pants and sweat-shirts, you can still tell she is a knockout ten on her very worst days.

Whatever Auz needs to know about the core worlds of 34 Tauri, he knows he can count on Jenna to get for him the best information the entire intelligence community has.  Given her boss’s secret understanding of Auz’s true nature and intent, no compartmentalized status or required security clearance ever matters.  Jenna used her gifts to make sure this understanding happened.

Once a year, she travels to Inisfree via one of its civilian aerospaceport terminal gate portals.  This is her annual ‘time off’; she spends a week or two enjoying the great city with its king.  He usually accompanies her home through that same gate to Londinium, re-warming her nice house on that world until she is ready to get back to work.

In the beginning, she found Auz’s magnetic presence hypnotizing, so she backed off and did her best to keep cool, not wanting to jeopardize her job, security clearance, or status as an honorable citizen on her world.  Still, she was soon seduced, and gave over to him completely, finding the more she learned, the more he let her, and the more she loved, realizing they thought very much the same.  As his effect spread through to everyone she worked with, she found it easier and easier to use her looks and wiles to get her way, but kept doing this for good.

Now, more than a decade after meeting him, she works as a double-agent, her original side not knowing, and Auz knowing full and well.  Jenna is more of an intelligence operative and counter-analyst for the Inisfreean empire than she is for Londinium these days.  She helps the Inisfreeans keep ultra-clandestine tabs on all human affairs and ramp-ups across 34 Tauri, and her heart’s new alignment and allegiance means she always will.

2023 September add:  She is the sexiest female Intelligence agent in all of 34 Tauri, detected by my tech’ even before she finished high school, and before I with TNH and Persephone had arrived, and I made sure to work out with the UAP‘s Brass the details of using her for all my liaising with them; this is why she always had her own chain of command’s approval -and orders- to meet me often and talk with me during sex about whatever her superiors wanted me to help with. This also helped UAP Brass not have to fly to TNH to meet me for a few minutes before my weekday Persephone missions launched, and of course helped them not be seen with me, the BLOPS “mystery man” who had no identity in The Cortex. “J.K.” makes sure I get to enjoy everything I want in 34 Tauri while not accidentally/unknowingly messing up any important projects the UAP wants maintained. I submit all my mission plans to her weeks in advance so she can check with her people if it all looks good. This makes her the only non-Inisfreean who knows what I am going to do before even my Pilot Barbie knows, this a priceless asset to the UAP, as they understand I will only work/interact with flawless females wherever I go. She lets me know how many people at each upcoming mission site/area her government is fine with me abducting/disappearing; that is what her BLOPS superiors and I refer to as “their human allotment to my cause”. Sound unlikely/unrealistic to you? Your own government has had such arrangements with Greys and other people for generations.


2520s Update:

She has started enjoying Nyria, Inara, and others, half for Auz’s viewing pleasure, and half for her own.

This (2520) is her 2nd year visiting Inisfree.

Sometime this century, she will marry High King Auz.


Her Darker Likenesses:

Her Jenna Features:

Outfits / Fashion:

How She and All Hotties Prefer I (Auz) Cum on Her Tongue, Especially While Others Watch:


In 2018 and 2023 at The Waypoint, the tan blonde DSL shorty who walked in from the pale-blue SUV/suburban is exactly how she should look, except she should have bigger tits, no makeup or nail-extensions, etc..

The flawless-tan shorty yellow-sundress midriff-tubetop at Cowboy Coffee both those years also could be a manifestation/proto of her, if not of Sarah.

She shall have the height, skin tone, and face of that hottie getting in the minivan taxi with the fat blonde buzzcut guy outside the Vegas dispensary during my triathlon training.


2023 July Update:  Sexy Mask She Likes Wearing for Our Fuck-dates:

2024 April/+:

minus the ear-rings

She was genetically engineered; she is a designer-baby specifically made to be a natural at Intel/sexpionage.