This woman knows one of the ways to bypass death.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Spec’s
  3. Namesake
  4. Images
  5. 2020 Update
  6. 2022 Update
  7. She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum



After the Rapture, the woman code-named Lazarus was one who met and began working with Auz, the founder of Inisfree.  She has since further teamed up with Dr. Diana Violet Fairchild, healer Amelia Voght, and others who work together in Inisfree where their R+D will remain uninterrupted.  Her whereabouts beyond that distant city remain classified and largely unknown.



  • 5’5″
  • 115 lbs.
  • feminine face and figure; slender-fit
  • redhead, kept long; halfway down her back, though often styled in a ponytail starting/fastened at the “crown” of her hair-pattern (top back center of her head)
  • Caucasian, barely tanned
  • blue-eyed
  • perky C-cup breasts
  • usually wears something fitted and fashionable, ranging in price from mid-level to expensive, and of either a black or white color-scheme / theme
  • speaks in a slightly unusual and otherworldly accent/way



Lazarus Pits are composed of a unique unknown chemical blend that bubbles up somewhere within the Earth‘s crust to the surface at key points, typically at the junction of ley-lines. The substance possesses the ability to rejuvenate the sick and injured, and even resurrect the dead.

As you might imagine, all known Lazarus pits are guarded as much as underground cities such as Telos and Shambhalla.  Even the Intelligence agencies know little about them, much less their exact coordinates.  Most attribute them to rumor, myth, and fantasy… or “pipe-dreams”.

While you can find some basic (and inaccurate) information about ley-lines here, the truth is that they are not mere imaginary linear connections between historic sites and/or landmarks; they are the energy-meridians of the planet, just like a human body has nervous-system pathways.  People of previous Ages knew more about these naturally-occurring and stable energy-pathways, and they built specific types of cities and temples precisely upon them.  Sometimes major earthquakes, and the gradual tectonic-drift of the continents, causes the ley-lines to lose power, change if ever so slightly, or function in unexpected ways.


2020 Update:

“Lazarus” is now working with teams of the Inisfreeans who deploy via their MPHAs to sites where some of the redheaded giants of the previous Age were entombed/imprisoned; she is helping to revive them in stable ways (that do not result in the giants’ panic or rampages).  With her expertise, they were able to determine/deduce that the content of Earth’s “Lazarus pits” must have matched the atmospheres, or at least the oceans, of the Age when the humanoid giants were the dominant race on the planet; that particular mixture/fluid was able to revive, if not fully heal/restore/resurrect the giants they kept finding.  It is also a near-match (almost identical) to the bluish-pink fluid reported in that one sarcophagus found in Russia –which had preserved the body and original beauty of an ancient pre-Russia princess for untold generations.

Green-colored semi-luminous and warm/warmed (like water from a hot spring) seems to work on a similar principle to the fabled “green ray of creation”, while bluish-pink “Lazarus fluid” seems only to preserve, restoring things only while they remain submerged in it.  What do the other fluid-forms of the colors do?  This team of hers and the Inisfreeans is about to find out.

She’s going to be starting a casual (“love triangle” / “poly”) relationship with Tauriel and Eleanor.  (Though Tauriel will not be in Inisfree for a number of more years, they’ll still be making contact with each other more and more until then.)  This has helped her use Vril to unlock more of her Lazarus-related wisdom and abilities.  The rest will come…

She realizes she is an incarnation of the collective of Lazarus pits, thus a modern humanoid version of an Energy Elemental.

This union (of her with Tauriel and Eleanor); of ancient, middle-Aged, and recent women, who are of similar hair-colors, helps their antennae –a.k.a. hair– share their connections (and telepathically-received messages), thus perceive more of the time-stream portions of their dimension/reality as a better-connected whole/path/plan.  In other words, the more they fuck together, all of the same form/kind, the clearer their understanding of actual (not human-taught) history (at least from what they witnessed and detected (with their long hair)) becomes.  Every time they have a threesome together, their combined vision/memory/awareness of all their sections of the time-stream gets that much better-understood, each one automatically completing the other two’s understanding of her portion and their own.

Humans mis-taught this as the holy trinity of “mother, maiden, and crone”, or “father, son, and holy ghost”,
but the real holy trinity was always three eternally-youthful (self-stabilized) females from three widely-separated eras (or one from each of the three main dimensions which once were one).  (And, on that note, the Norns don’t just weave the lives of humans together, and don’t just represent the youthful/virgins, the motherly/adults, and the elderly/dying; they are literally the Past incarnate, the Present incarnate, and the Future incarnate, all as eternal (and eternally youthful) beautiful women.)

This is why humans banned love and sex between people of different age groups/ranges; they didn’t want this natural Vril superpower, that only and always comes from such age-gap spanning/crossing relationships/unions, to ever occur.  Those who were noticed/”caught” starting/considering such a union were demonized, outcast, and kept artificially impoverished, all in an attempt to parasitically take away their spirit/drive/motivation, and to limit their chances of interaction with other worthy/ready/mature compatible people, any/all of whom would trigger the same Vril-based unlocking of their power/s / potential / synergy.  Thankfully millions, if not billions, of good people ignored the human invaders’ attempt/evil, doing it (pun not intended) anyway, and thereby those good compatible people kept the balance, health, hope, and flow (cum-pun not intended) of all the destined and intended information.

When “Lazarus II” was on her own, she was able to restore herself in one of the Lazarus pits, which helped her eventually have an instinct about where another one was.  Her life was challenging, but she was always eventually able to restore herself from what it did to her.  She always got “called” and “drawn” back to a/nother Lazarus pit.

With the Inisfreeans, she was introduced to Tauriel, who was then able to share minds/memories with her during holistic interaction (a loving threesome facilitated, hosted, and stabilized by Auz).  After that, Tauriel was able to sense where more Lazarus pits were/are which could (and will) help her people, starting with the redheaded Elves.  Tauriel also became instinctively/intuitively aware of how to apply samples from the Lazarus pits into Elven healing potions and other remedies (as well as true and full cures).  Elves, it turns out, do not experience aging, or even the decay of their bodies after “death”; they instead lose their spirit/energy, forever after appearing to hibernate, though without breath or a heartbeat.  The Lazarus fluid restores them to original life and mood.

(In the Undying Lands; Aman and elsewhere; Agharta, etc., the Elves are not exposed to the things which age, wither, sicken, and sometimes kill the humans –or to humans, which tend to wear out and kill everything else.  Thus, they (the Elves in the Undying Lands) do not need Lazarus pits to stay youthful and in their primes.  They can venture out from those special lands, get exposed to things that start to weigh on / drain their spirits/life-forces, and then return (to their Undying Lands) to recover –though at least one legend tells of an Elf woman and wife who was unable to heal from what she’d dealt with when captured by Orcs out in the lands taken over by humans; the Undying Lands prevent dying, but don’t necessarily heal anything.)

Next, Auz introduced both Tauriel and “Lazarus II” to Eleanor, and they shared a loving threesome at first; those three redheaded women, followed by a foursome when they invited Auz to join in.  Together, they were able to cause Eleanor to realize how the Lazarus fluid could help even some of the Angels (such as those who’d been Shifted (by The Shift) around during the events of 2012 and 2013, some of them confusingly losing their magical wings); the Lazarus fluid restored those wings… and the brightness of their halos.

Now… “Lazarus II” can feel across the world where ALL the Lazarus pits are, and Tauriel knows how to work with her Elf “sisters” (and other plant-growers/healers, such as Yavanna) to grow things around, over, and down into (then up out from) the Lazarus pits, causing their special fluid to be up-taken into forming trees…
which will become mighty/tall in record-time, some of them also sure to continue growing… into (until they are) new World Trees.  While this will spread out the Lazarus fluid into miles-tall and miles-wide tree-bodies/forms, thereby blanketing entire towns and micro-biomes under its restorative and maintaining glow/aura/field, the Lazarus fluid will still be very isolated by this new arrangement/formation… at least until those trees grown from its pits… start to make more of it within themselves.  It may never be as widely-spread as that first “green ray of creation”, meaning all of the original nine realms may never be fully restored/preserved by it, but at least in this restored-trees way… it can eventually resurrect all who feel called/drawn to the holy/great trees, …as well as their lands… and ruins so long buried under their overgrowth, pole-shift rubble, and sands.

In the Beginning, “the green ray/light of creation” spread out and formed entire worlds, nourishing them for untold generations.  As things continued to form, some became thicker, denser, and compartmentalized; oceans and voids formed, then Space and planetary crusts.  This began to enclose portions/parts/regions of that green ray/light/energy/power, and we see those enclosures today as grass, moss, and leaves.

Vegans consume mostly this same Lazarus-pit-like source of supreme creation, maintenance/sustenance, and restoration/resurrection.  Thus they feel better, healthier, lighter (in both senses of the term), and live much longer.  These are not coincidences; all of this ties together well –perfectly, even.

For the longest time, the comics did not go into detail about the exact chemical composition of the fluid shared by all Lazarus pits.  Perhaps this was because humans using those pits did not understand how to isolate, test, or analyze it, …as it was not fully physical; it is more energy-based, thus semi-ethereal, making it difficult (if not impossible) for human instruments to describe and work with.  Now, however, we (at least we in Inisfree) know.

The more we Inisfreeans make love with “Lazarus II”, the more our sensors detect that Earth’s Lazarus pits are slowly but surely growing (increasing their dimensions and fluid stores/content/mass).  This may be the case on other worlds, as well.  Maybe all the Lazarus pits grow… when we get this special lady loved and wet.

Taking fluid from the Lazarus pits to the Elves who were indefinitely harmed by exposure to monstrosities such as Orcs (and some humans), we have proven able to finally heal them, facilitating their full (and permanent?) recoveries.  Tauriel has, in the 2100s, shown us where all of them (those indefinitely-wounded Elves) are.  They have been incredibly grateful, many weeping as they hugged us dearly in deepest thanks.

Bathing in Lazarus-pit fluid is not the only way to rejuvenate and restore the youth/life of oneself, but it is a very effective way… for the same reason eating and drinking things one’s ancestors had generations of time to adjust to… make for the smoothest digestion and normal-paced / basic healing.  When you do what people had thousands of years to get used to, or what the ancients / First Beings had done from the very start, no meditation or other complex/time-consuming techniques are needed.  Such is life.  Such is the way.

The green glow of the Lazarus pits’ fluid also happens to be identical to the substance found inside the Space Whale hibernating beneath Inisfree…

“Lazarus II” has agreed to go into that miles-deep creature aboard one of our MPHA’s, protected by a team of our Inisfreean girls aboard it, in order to determine if that Space Whale is one of the sources of the fluid in Antarctica‘s Lazarus pits (which are being discovered deep under its three ice-domes, perfectly preserved, and unused in thousands of years, if not longer).  This team will make love (cause/harness Vril/Chi) while wading/floating inside some of the bioluminescent green fluid of one of the pools inside the Space Whale.  There is a good chance this will benefit both them… and the creature, …as well as all the other Space Whales across Creation which share these special (Lazarus pit-like) pools.

More to come…


2022 Update:

She has arranged with High King Auz to have all the redheaded girls allied with him to meet up on a semi-regular basis in the most-powerful of the Lazarus pits she knows of.  They will get into the pit in a naked circle first, unifying to fully charge it up, then have him stand in the center, all their best energy focused on him, their unified vision, calmed down to crystalized perfection by his nature/presence, further deifying, unlocking, empowering, and completing him, amen.  As he marries more perfect/ed redheads like them, those sexy women will also join in this ongoing ritual they have sensed it is time to begin, all of them sensing it, too, eager to join in.


She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum:

especially when it is the cum of her husband; me (Auz)

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