Valora is a kajira in body, heart, and soul; she is exactly the kind of little lady every Master hopes for.


Table of Contents:

  1. Spec’s
  2. Etymology
  3. Details
  4. Valora & Auz
  5. Somewhat-distant Future
  6. Images
  7. She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum
  8. How She Loves Sitting Missionary for Me



  • Birth Name:  Valora Eldric
  • Birthday:  1st of August
  • Planet of Birth:  Earth
  • Place(s) of Upbringing:  Texas
  • Height / Weight:  162 cm (5.3′; 5’3.7″), 54 kg (119 lbs.)
  • Hair / Eyes:  Valora has bright red hair and dark brown eyes.
  • Ethnicity:  “grey” (mixed/open)
  • Complexion:  fair
  • Markings / Piercings:  freckles
  • Scars / Prosthetics:  scar on her cheek
  • Garb / Attire:  depends (varies based on job/client/commands)
  • Affiliation:  to whomever she likes at the moment
  • Nationality:  American
  • Astrological Signs:  Leo and Cancer in her moon sign
  • Stamina:  above average
  • Physique:  she is quite petite
  • BFI: 15%
  • Occupation:  She works as volunteer for companies that need different jobs done.
  • Employer:  “different” (multiple/numerous)
  • Employer Location:  “different” (varies/changes)
  • Aliases:  Val
  • Call Signs / Code Names:  Firefly / Fox



Valora = brave/courageous female

Eldric = an old, wise ruler

It is interesting that a kajira has this name.  Perhaps she took this name from her Master.  Then again, she just as well might have inherited it from a great bloodline –which would explain her great femininity, especially during the Age when modern humanimals had demonized pure femininity and pure masculinity so harshly; she withstood it all, and with grace and ease, showing up with perfect timing for the High King regardless.



  • born:  ~2003
  • ~9 years old when the Inisfreeans appeared, wiping out human civilization and all its pollution along with it
  • preteen during the reconstruction of the first 39 Outlands cities after that global cleanup event
  • teenager when she ended up meeting the man who had masterminded it all; Auz

Valora grew up in the same state Auz had; Texas.  His looks and other aspects had made it impossible for him to stay there, but hers had made it easier.  She was soon taking on jobs aligned with her whole being, even making a name for herself in some of its cities.

With her height, orientation, and stunningly-colored hair, a biological connection to the legendary redheaded giants of olde is sure.  Girls with her looks always maintain the pre-humans purity that can come from only such a bloodline and source.  Will Valora reveal to him she already knows?  –and/or become aware of much more about this, once she meets him?

more TBA…


Valora & Auz:

He would have never in all his years guessed someone so civilized and attractive could come out of the state which had given him such rude and relentless hell.  This was Phase 2 becoming Phase 3, though, so it was starting to make sense to the man.  With how compatible and wonderful she had been from the start, even before being met by him, he could only imagine and smile at what more from there might/must also be in store.

It will likely be by one of his Voyages of Acquisition (a flight out through/over the Outlands in one of his cloaked airships, with the mission to find and extract/liberate more of the finest/perfect females still showing up out there) that these two get to first meet.  Will his kind just detect her, or will she, in some moment of longing or desperation, cry out for someone like them and him, they then answering promptly? –like the new-race equivalent of a Quick Reaction Force.  So much energy (interest, positive/healthy sexual tension, etc.) has built up since she was ‘soft-disclosed’ to him, prepping him for the fact that she, undoubtedly, is real and now available/raised for him; their upcoming contact and union/uniting vibes so powerful, bright, and certain…

In the future, she will be one of the redheads who joins him for his all-redheads-plus-him events.  He’ll also be introducing her to other redheaded submissive girls of his, such as Ariel, Clary, and his sister, Katara –all three of whom have used their interactions in that ‘area’ to further their command of not only magic, but its most powerful subset, sex-magic (i.e. full-bodied –as opposed to just mind-and-mouth-or-wand).  Valora has an interesting many years ahead in store.

She’ll also be introduced to his First Girl (top-performing and favorite kajira), Sarah Conrad, of course.  Sarah, having the nature/essence that she does, will adore Valora, both taking her under her proverbial wing… and looking to her as a ‘sister’ and equal for guidance and wisdom only Valora can provide.  These two will likely be seeing each other a lot in Inisfree’s Kajirae and Kajirae-candidates Training Program facility, as well as, of course, Inisfree’s academy/university entirely based on teaching the best sex imaginable.

(*All of those girls will also naturally take just as instantly, strongly, and completely/wholeheartedly a liking to her, just as he already has; such is the way and nature of Inisfree and all who are now united with it.  Only lowly insecure Outlander humanimals ever feel or default to anything negative, such as jealousy in response to wonderful beauties like Valora.  She has nothing to worry about now.)

He has also foreseen her meeting his favorite Scottish redhead, Taja.

2023 August:  She carefully mounted me (Auz) and got seated on my lap, my cock expanding up into her wet tight pussy.  “I am going to attempt to make up for my failed civilization,” she humbly said to me, interlacing her fingers with my own, starting to rock and grind skillfully on me.  “Please cum inside me, Master. I want you to cum inside my pussy.  I want to feel it.”  She corrected herself, “This girl wants her Master to cum inside her, if it pleases him.”
I already was pleased.
We began.


Somewhat-distant Future:

The area of land once known as Texas will be wiped clean during the upcoming (in 2313 A.D.) surgical/selective pole-shift shortly after the last of the modern humanimals/Outlanders are forced by the dragon squadrons down into The Abyss (or, as humans polar-opposite put it, “up/out into Space”).  Only cleansed landscapes and waterways will remain after that, forever patrolled by those same dragons.  High King Auz has started receiving/getting/having visionary glimpses of this time; of more details about who shall inherit that vast place once overrun and locked down by one of the false nations; the fallen United States.

Valora, submissive and kajira though she is at heart, may become an emissary from Inisfree these few centuries ahead; by then, she will have had ample interaction and bonding with him and the other Inisfreean people, thus she’ll be in the perfect mindset to start teaching whomever is allowed to survive and rebuild across (what was previously called) Texas… just how to live… so that the Inisfreeans will never again have to return to wipe that whole slate clean a 3rd time (the first being during their Rapture campaign).  Maybe she will become one of the only post-Texan messengers allowed to help serve as a living bridge between the two so-distant (in so many ways) realms.  Maybe she will even become one of the princesses of this final Golden Age (as the only royalty allowed on any world in Creation at this point are flawless females naturally wholeheartedly submissive and loyal to Auz).

Time will tell…

(Valora will be hundreds of years old at that point, and immortalized by exposure to Auz and Inisfree, forever in her teen-looking prime, plus with the incredible power of decades of formal schooling in his educational system; she will be a force to be reckoned with, even if her only superpower is being goddess-level feminine.)


She Loves Being Forced to Ride a Sybian While Also Being Forced to Guzzle Cum:

especially when it is the cum of her husband; me (Auz)

How She Loves Sitting Missionary for Me: