Sensory Perception:

*Senses are different for each race based on the area/region/zone/biome/environment they are in at any given time, but here are the basics of sensory-progression in this MMORPG:

  1. level 0-9: _you can accurately sense a variety of things out to ~50′ in most directions (excepting all underground features), and have a ‘6th sense’ (ESP/hunch/instincts, etc.) out beyond that range (such as for aircraft before your eyes can see them or your ears hear them, or people observing you from afar, etc.)
  2. level 10s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~100′ in most directions (excepting all underground features)
  3. 20s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~200′ in most directions (excepting all underground features)
  4. 30s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~300′ in most directions (excepting all underground features)
  5. 40s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~400′ in most directions (excepting all underground features)
  6. 50s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~500′ (such as from the ground-floor to the rooftop, or vice versa, of a 50-story building) in most directions (excepting all underground features)
  7. 60s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~1/8mile in most directions (excepting nearly all underground features)
  8. 70s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~1/4mile in most directions (excepting most underground features)
  9. 80s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~1/2mile in most directions (excepting some underground features)
  10. 90s: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to ~1mile in any direction (including most underground features)
  11. 100-109: _you can accurately sense just about everything in an entire zone of this MMORPG; ~4 square/cubed miles
  12. 110: _you can accurately sense just about everything out to any distance you focus on


What Each Race Naturally Senses:

  • Angels:  5 basic senses + telepathy, deity detection, and holy device/artifact proximity
  • Asari:  5 basic senses + telekinetic/biotic abilities
  • Aspara:  5 basic senses + knowing how any body of water is flowing; where its currents/undertows are, plus which dance moves people within visual range will enjoy most
  • Demi-deities:  5 basic senses + telepathy, deity detection, and cosmic distances/ranges
  • Demons:  5 basic senses + telepathy, deity detection, what a target’s fears/dislikes are, and when ‘bad’ things are about to happen (similar to how humans are really good at noticing the smells of their favorite foods)
  • Draenei:  5 basic senses + where crystals are, how crystals work, how to navigate through dimensional rifts, etc.
  • Drow:  5 basic senses + Cave Vision (clear sight in total darkness, based partially on bioelectric currents / auras)
  • Eldar:  5 basic senses + flawless spatial skills (even across cosmic distances), psychic transmissions, potential/future psychic/telepathic events, etc.
  • Elementals:  5 basic senses + structural integrity in buildings and caves, whether weather forecasts are correct, where fires are, where electrical currents are in walls, hydrodynamics (what water currents are doing on the surface and below), etc.
  • Elves:  5 basic senses + where trees are, what all plants were meant for, how healthy any plant is, etc.
  • Fairies:  5 basic senses + where flowers and other small flora are, how healthy those things are / what they need, when it is the best time to cause dew and other tiny things/events, etc.
  • Humans:  5 basic senses + occasional/rare moments of a single form of ESP, often triggered by the onset of puberty or other very emotional/stressful times, exposure to magical devices, powerful energy vortexes, and ancient sites with lots of relevant history, etc.
  • Inisfreeans:  5 basic senses + all other forms of sensing/detection, including lidar, motion, radar, sonar, etc.; you name it, the Inisfreeans have it (even olfactory beyond the level of bears and wolves, and telescopic (and microscopic) vision beyond that of eagles –further enhanced because of their ability to open portals so easily)
    2023 November update:  ICVs can see how much of a body is aroused, and to what degree. In some quests or interactions, for example, a handshake or caress or grope can partially arouse part of an NPC, but the arousal fades by the time something else is aroused, and the player must figure out that only a threesome with a ‘smart’-vine or BTB is barely enough to achieve stable full-body arousal enough to satisfy the NPC so that it rewards quest completion, some experience points, and the next part of the quest.
    2024 January:  color-coding outlines of all beings in their sensory-ranges
  • Kryptonians:  5 basic senses + X-ray, and sharper senses when recently exposed to direct sunlight
  • Mer-people:  5 basic senses + ocean currents, underwater pockets of temperature differences, how marine/sea-life is moving/feeling, etc.
  • Mutants:  5 basic senses + (varies)
  • Naga:  5 basic senses + heat, vibration/seismic-activity, & fear (olfactory focused on pheromones released when prey/enemies are scared of something)
  • Nymphs:  5 basic senses + hormones and pheromone emissions; how horny others are, no matter how well they might think they are hiding it, plus whatever is a given person/target’s turn-ons (not just their erogenous zones, though Nymphs can literally see and feel/sense those, too, and very precisely)
  • Pleiadians:  5 basic senses + where negative/incompatible and positive/compatible mind-energy fields are, as well as how they are about to change/shift/expand, etc.
  • Vampires:  5 basic senses + sharper senses after drinking blood, and sometimes 1 or 2 forms of ESP, such as telepathy, sensing where shadows they can move through are, etc.
  • Vanir:  5 basic senses + what all the magical powers and potentials are of anyone they think about (not just people in visual range), plus their tendencies (not just current thoughts, but whether they are ‘chaotic good’ vs ‘true good’, etc.)
  • Werewolves:  5 basic senses + surgically-precise scent trails, sharper hearing, and night vision (not eyesight in total darkness, but great sight even in moonless starlight)


Your level, explained above, determines to what distance from yourself you can, in this game, use these sense organs you were born with.  A new vampire, for example, will only have sharper senses out to a few dozen meters, while older vampires will eventually be able to use their superhuman senses out to distances of many miles or farther.  Once your character has reached their full potential (at ‘level cap’; level ~110), he/she will be able to use all their senses out across regions, worlds, and even sometimes all of Creation (Space and time).

