These timeless people got such a bad rap in the modern era, but Inisfree and SexCraft are fixing all that.  In this game, you will get to interact with them as friends, teachers, and more.  Some of them even maintain palatial cave estates right beneath the surface in one of the regions of our city.



Interaction with dragons in this game is an important aspect just as must as 1) sex education, 2) breaking cultural and linguistics barriers, and 3) Star Trek-style international relations and ventures are.  Here are the level-brackets during which you can interact with the dragons in Inisfree:

  1. 50s: see them in the zoo paddock reserved for their race (perhaps with a Jurassic Park-like cinematic upon your first sight of them and this area of theirs), sometimes (if you time your visits right) with Daenerys feeding, petting, teaching, and otherwise caring for them
  2. 90s: earn enough of their trust/friendship that they will let you wander down into their cave lairs in that paddock (a secret area otherwise VERY well protected; by THEM), down in which you might find rare-drop items in their treasure room piles
  3. 100s: earn their complete trust/friendship; enough that they will let you ride them

The dragons in this MMORPG are four-legged, flight-capable, intelligent, talking, practitioners of the most powerful magics, and members of families of their own color, each family calling one of the dragon-built for-dragon palaces beneath Inisfree’s zoo their idea of a luxury cave.

You can’t hurt or kill any of these dragons.  If you try to, Inisfreean police-girls will show up and issue you a verbal warning, then temporarily boot you (nude) outside the city’s walls to literally “cool off” and rethink your approach to interaction inside the Inisfreean realm.

If you try to hurt the YOUNG of these dragons who are guests in Inisfree, the Inisfreean police-girls will NOT show up to warn or boot you beyond the walls –because the dragon parents will incinerate and THEN stomp you to death.  And probably lastly chomp down your corpse in one bite and gulp action.  *This is the ONLY time in the game when you can get hurt and killed while inside Inisfree.  Even in the Halo maps, all kills are ‘notional’ (pretend/implied).  Since it is so unlikely that you will ever have this HAPPEN, however (because the dragon young and eggs are hidden in the deepest and most protected rooms of the dragon palaces, and those palaces are themselves in their entirety secrets which quests do not ever tell you about, and because the palaces are patrolled actively by NPC-ed members of the dragon families, and because it is obvious you stand no chance against characters in the game which have no Health Bar (indicating invincibility), who would ever notice their young or atTEMPT such a thing?  Some players will, though, of course, and when they are killed by the dragons, they are given the option to accept that this is the well-deserved end of their character (and make a new one on the same account, starting over from scratch), OR to reload the instance (dragon palace) at the moment BEFORE they swung their weapon/fist/spell at the dragons/dragon-young.