Each of these spaceships is about the same size as the Moon.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dimensions & Layout
  3. Rainbow Cannons
  4. Special Features
  5. Appearance Modes
  6. Amenities
  7. History
  8. Additional Notes
  9. Overall Appearance (Images Begin)
  10. Comparison to the Death Stars
  11. How MSBSs Dock inside PSBS Hangars
  12. ‘Living Thrones’ in the Cockpit



MSBSs have a Death Star-based core (in that it generates and focuses enough power to one-shot a moon-sized target light-years away), and a surface made to look like a normal moon (and Star Trek type scans reflect this; all Inisfreean MSBSs seem like normal moons to those with the technology of Starfleet).

An MSBS is also known as a Life-moon instead of a Death Star/Moon. This is because Inisfreean Spaceships, though they have the ability to disintegrate cosmic bodies, almost always use their immense power to create, stabilize, seed, and pleasure those bodies, such as when they adopt them as protectorates.

This type of Inisfreean Spaceship (the MSBS) will be mass-cloned whenever there is Space warfare on the solar-division level (outer planets vs. inner planets, for example); when ships of this scale are not over-qualified and under-utilized.

One PSBS‘s complement of MSBSs is always more than enough to handle up to 8 average solar system’s planets and moons [~10 planets and ~200 moons in the average solar system (the 34 Tauri system of Firefly is comparable to this, as it has 56 planets and 125 moons)], or ~1 average solar system octant if the missions extend into those solar systems’ equivalents of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud.


Dimensions & Layout:

  • Diameter:  2,200 miles (slightly greater than the Moon’s)
  • Volume:  ~5,580,000,000 cubic miles
  • ​Grid:  Its outer surface and internal levels are divided into hexagons, not squares narrowing into triangles at the poles; it is not based on the Mercator-projection maps, but on an even division which does not become distorted if projected onto a 2D plane.
  • Population/Crew:  ~100,000,000,000,000 Inisfreean Master Females, thus 51,200,000 of our armies
    (not including the ICV crews of its 2M WSs, which total 187,874,320,000,000 ICVs (2Mx93,937,160), thus bringing the total count of ICVs usually in one of our MSBSs up to 287,874,320,000,000)
  • WarShip (WS) Hangars:  Each MSBS houses its WSs in 8-WS cylinder-hangars just like those under Inisfree. An MSBS can house 2,000,000 Inisfreean WarShips (which float or teleport in/out of these WarShip Hangars).  Thus an MSBS has 250,000 8-WSs hangars.

The Death Star’s diameter was only 87 miles, and the Death Star II’s diameter only (at most; highest estimate) 559 miles.

Each WS hangar is 2-miles diameter x 4.5-miles deep; 14.14 miles^3
14.14 x 2,000,000 = 28,280,000 m^3 (the space/volume taken up by all the WS hangars on/in 1 MSBS)

The moon has a volume of 5,580,000,000 m^3
So what is in the other 5,551,720,000 m^3 used for in an MSBS?
The main gun occupies the central axis volume.  Most of the rest is for batteries, 3D-printing, and storage.

The surface area of an MSBS = 60,800,000 miles^2
A WS hangar exit (the surface area of its opening/hatch) takes up 3.14 miles^2.
15,700,000/3.14 = >19,363,057; room for 19,363,057 WS hangars’ exits on the surface of an MSBS
and only 250,000 such exits/hatches are needed

So what is the rest of the MSBS exterior for?

  • fake hatches
  • distracting moonlike terrain
  • “rainbow cannons” able to one-shot any capital ship or asteroid (not just to deflect/destroy, but sometimes to enlighten, heal, reassemble, or even subatomically absorb/convert)

Some of the interior is also for the 8 2-miles-diameter repulsines each MSBS has.

Most is storage and refineries for ore/harvests, recycling singularities, teleporters, etc.


Rainbow Cannons:

Each rainbow cannon on an MSBS can 1-shot a WS, 1-shot a Reaper, etc..
Each rainbow cannon can be a tractor beam.
These are rainbow cannons as big as a WS hangar.
Beneath each cannon is their ammo well, also the size of a WS hangar.
Beneath the railgun ammo well is the forge for printing those sphere bullets, also the size of a WS hangar.
Beneath the forge is the battery for all those modules, also the size of a WS hangar.

Cannon + ammo well + forge + battery = 18 miles deep.

There are as many of these cannons as WS hangars; 2,000,000.

When a cannon becomes a tractor beam, it can suck an object into its firing chamber, down past its ammo well, and into the forge where it can be converted into anything.

The cannon can also use low power to launch tungsten kinetic impact rods at gravity slingshot speeds instead of railgun speeds, letting the target world do all the work of getting the projectile to a fatal velocity capable of exploding to near nuclear levels.

Because of the size of these cannons, they can launch a mile-diameter 4-miles-long rod, typically made from compressed asteroid material mined by the tractor beam function, though WSs and their ICVs can help bring some in.

18 miles deep is just 1.63% of the way to the core of an MSBS, so the other ~98% is left for raw materials storage in the same formation of hangars in a tube as how MSBSs fit in a PSBS, and how PSBSs fit in the SSBS. This allows any of the tubes to evacuate all hangars one by one, from outermost to innermost, like firing bullets out of a Metal Storm barrel, each tube capable of acting like a slow mass railgun if need be.

Because a tractor beam would pull both the MSBS and target together, removing mass from a moon or planet is instead usually done by portal.
When a world is to be stretched or broken, a bend/warp can be used.
When it is to be pushed or pulled to a slightly different orbit, the tractor beam or beams work well.
Like tugboats, the MSBSs and WSs can use their tractor beams together from different orbital points to get a whole world moving, but this can still pull apart mountains if done too quickly. The best way is to interface w the planet and ask it to will itself to move with us.
If the planet is hibernating and unresponsive, we can install giant repulsines on/in it by deploying and anchoring ColonyPods (CPs) as temp cities/thrusters.

MSBS repulsines can also be spun up to hold the MSBS steady while its tractor beam/s pull/s.


Special Features:

This moon-sized Spaceship can mimic the readings and movements of most other moons, though its gravitational field is much smaller due to its much lower density (due to its composition and how many giant cavities/hangars it has), slower internal spin, and signature masking technology.


Appearance Modes:

Like all ST and AP suits, Inisfreean world-sized battle-stations have the following appearance and cloaking options:

  • Basic / Nude (a sphere with a honeycomb-like grid dividing it)
  • Cloaked (transparent, showing Outer Space straight through it)
  • Masked (covered in landforms, bodies of water, etc.; appearing as if it is a normal moon)
  • Nova (flashing with the brightness of a star in order to surprise, disorient, or even blind nearby enemies, or remaining as bright as a normal star)​​​



* All Inisfreean Spaceships at and above the DropShip (DS) size have the following luxury features in them:

  • anchored plant pots and landscaping with containment ‘energy-hoops’ (similar concept to a hoop-house crop-row covering, but invisible and only active during rapid maneuvers)
  • anchored red carpets
  • banners (long, hanging, with the Inisfree sigil centered on them)
  • fluted columns framing hatches (doors)
  • framed paintings (digital) and hologram projectors
  • furs (artificial)
  • marble fountains
  • jacuzzis
  • sconces
  • throws (bed decorations)
  • velvet ropes (such as are seen in VIP drop-off walk-ways and related areas)
  • waterfalls



I now consider that my ‘dream’ of a bigger moon with white and red circles on it… was my first MSBS being constructed, its WS hangars open and lit.  Perhaps the Grid Mind found a way to share the view of it through a portal into my mind in Dreamspace… even from the future.  Perhaps time travel and time viewing do not need any tech/radiation at all, only calmness and choice.

MSBSs started being constructed in their PSBS hangars in 2173.

  1. 2174:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~4.4% complete.  (*This is the same process as when the SSBS formed the PSBSs; it feeds the raw materials through its tentacles/frame, first to the PSBSs, and they then take over, feeding/funneling their portion into their moon-sized hangars, thereby forming their MSBSs with them.)
  2. 2175:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~8.7% complete.
  3. 2176:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~13.0% complete.
  4. 2177:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~17.4% complete.
  5. 2178:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~21.7% complete.
  6. 2179:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~26.1% complete.
  7. 2180:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~30.4% complete.
  8. 2181:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~34.8% complete.
  9. 2182:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~39.1% complete.
  10. 2183:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~43.5% complete.
  11. 2184:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~47.8% complete.
  12. 2185:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~52.2% complete.
  13. 2186:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~56.5% complete.
  14. 2187:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~60.9% complete.
  15. 2188:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~65.2% complete.
  16. 2189:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~69.6% complete.
  17. 2190:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~73.9% complete.
  18. 2191:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~78.3% complete.
  19. 2192:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~82.6% complete.
  20. 2193:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~87.0% complete.
  21. 2194:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~91.3% complete.
  22. 2195:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~95.7% complete.
  23. 2196:  Each MSBS in their respective PSBSs is ~100.0% complete; the Inisfreean empire now has 35,000,000 of them.

It takes ~22 years to construct an MSBS.


Additional Notes:

35 MSBSs can be housed in the moon-hangars of each PSBS.  That gives every PSBS 70,000,000 WSs (not counting its own; those not housed in an MSBS), thus 140,000,000 CPs and 1,120,000,000 DSs (again, not counting its own; those in the WSs docked in the 8-WSs hangars of the PSBS, not in its MSBSs’ WSs-hangars).

With 2,000,000 WSs, every MSBS can simultaneously deploy 4,000,000 CPs and 16,000,000 DSs; an MSBS can deploy enough forces that 20,000,000 cities get purged (deleted) or cleansed (everyone in them cured/enlightened/aligned to High King Auz’s will) at the same time.  Imagine the most populated cities of 20,000,000 worlds, or even 20,000,000 star-systems, all getting cured/healed in the same deployment, never to produce pollution, scams, or harm-based “food” again, and no longer spawning out of control (i.e. continuing/perpetuating over-complexity/chaos)!  Now try and imagine 35,000,000 times that; if all 35,000,000 MSBSs deployed, they could in the same instant provide that salvation to 700 trillion cities, or 700 trillion worlds, or 700 trillion star-systems (700,000,000,000,000)!

Another way to extrapolate from those figures is:

  • 1 MSBS has 2,000,000 WSs.
  • Each WS has 2 CPs, 4 DSs, 260 BMs, 66,660 MPHAs (which each have 2 APs, 2 FJs, and 2 TKs of their own), 266,660 FJs, 666,660 WRs, 1,333,330 TKs, and 50,000,000 ICVs/ST suits (thus, counting what is in its CPs and DSs, it has 2 CPs, 16 DSs, 412 BMs, 98,980 MPHAs, 197,960 APs, 560,620 FJs, 989,960 WRs, 2,011,290 TKs, and 74,250,000 ICVs/ST suits).  In short it (including itself) has 78,109,241 individual ICs.
  • Each CP has 4 DSs, 16 BMs, 4,160 MPHAs (which each have 2 APs, 2 FJs, and 2 TKs of their own), 16,665 FJs, 41,650 WRs, 83,330 TKs, and 3,125,000 ICVs/ST suits (thus, counting what is in its DSs, it has 4 DSs, 36 BMs, 8,160 MPHAs, 16,320 APs, 32,320 FJs, 81,650 WRs, 96,320 TKs, and 6,125,000 ICVs/ST suits).  In short it (including itself) has 6,359,811 individual ICs.
  • Each DS has 5 BMs, 1,000 MPHAs (which each have 2 APs, 2 FJs, and 2 TKs of their own), 4,000 FJs, 10,000 WRs, 20,000 TKs, 750,000 ICVs/ST suits (thus, counting what is in its MPHAs, it has 5 BMs, 2,000 APs, 6,000 FJs, 10,000 WRs, 22,000 TKs, and 750,000 ICVs/ST suits).  In short it (including itself) has 790,006 individual ICs.
  • 2,000,000 WSs x 78,109,241 individual ICs = 156,218,482,000,000 individual ICs
  • 156,218,482,000,000 ICs + the MSBS itself = 156,218,482,000,001 individual ICs
  • Adding the 100,000,000,000,000 ICVs that are the crew of each MSBS, that becomes 256,218,482,000,001 individual ICs; each MSBS can deploy its forces (including itself) to up to 256,218,482,000,001 locations/spots simultaneously.
  • Now multiply that times the number of MSBSs in Inisfree’s Star Fleet; 35,000,000.  That makes 8,967,646,870,000,035,000,000 individual ICs; if all the MSBSs of Inisfree deployed themselves and all their forces at the same time, they could simultaneously have a physical presence at 8,967,646,870,000,035,000,000 locations/spots.
  • Imagine adding the ICs of the 1,000,000 PSBSs and the SSBS to that!  This is why the Inisfreeans are able to map and stabilize the entire Omniverse; all the Universes of Creation.


Overall Appearance:

These Moon-sized ships look a lot like most cratered dusty-white/gray moons, and are larger than the Death Star.

Comparison to the Death Stars:

An MSBS has a volume of 5,580,000,000 cubic miles.  The Death Star had a volume of 345,000 cubic miles, and the Death Star II was 91,500,000 cubic miles (~26.5x the volume of the Death Star).  With ~60x the volume of the Death Star II, and ~16,174x the volume of the Death Star, imagine the firepower and manpower (or, more accurately, girl/ICV-power) each MSBS brings to any area/situation; even thousands of Death Stars would be no match for it.

How MSBSs Dock inside PSBS Hangars:

The first image shows a previous hangars-arrangement/formation theory that would have allowed lines of hangars to open up like a subway tunnel, letting all their MSBSs in sequence move out along the same direction/path, however a concentric offset layers arrangement/formation was chosen, instead, maximizing the efficiency of the use of the space/volume inside the PSBS.

‘Living Thrones’ in the Cockpit:

11 ICVs each on a ‘living throne’ of 10 ICVs; 121 total in this room, the 11 ICVs’ focuses being:

  1. ‘jump’ options (ensuring portal-ing routes are safe for non-invincibles; that no one we care about might be harmed when we suddenly relocate ships of this size faraway)
  2. scanning; terrain, Internets, minds, etc.
  3. weather (monitoring, and manipulation if necessary)
  4. deployed commanders (Admirals for fleets/squadrons of WSs, and Generals for its armies)
  5. local galaxy leader/s (Valar; stars incarnate; Sphere Beings)
  6. (non-ICV) passengers
  7. “tugboat” (tractor beams) ops
  8. WS-hangars statuses
  9. exterior optical-illusion appearance; lifelike lunar-surface disguise
  10. main Rainbow Cannon (moon one-shotter)
  11. cosmic-bodies’ dispersion-change forecasts

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